Вручение 2011 г.

Премия вручалась за 2010 год.

Страна: США Дата проведения: 2011 г.

Лучший детективный роман

Пенни Луиза 4.3
Роман "Хороните своих мертвецов" продолжает серию расследований блистательного старшего инспектора Армана Гамаша — нового персонажа, созданного пером Луизы Пенни, единственного в мире пятикратного лауреата премии Агаты Кристи.
Пока древние каменные стены Старого Квебека трещат от зимних морозов, старший инспектор Арман Гамаш расследует самое странное дело в своей успешной карьере. В здании добропорядочного Литературно-исторического общества найдено тело. Человек был жестоко убит в тот момент, когда производил раскопки в подвале. Его смерть явно связана с одной из величайших тайн в истории Квебека, корни которой уходят в далекое прошлое. И только разгадав эту тайну, Гамаш может найти убийцу...
Тана Френч 4.0
Простой паренек из рабочего квартала Фэйтфул-плейс Фрэнк Мэки и его возлюбленная Рози Дейли решают вместе бежать из дома. Но Рози не приходит к месту встречи в назначенный час. Проходят годы, Фрэнк делает отличную карьеру в полиции, но все эти годы его продолжает мучить вопрос: почему тогда, в юности, любимая девушка его предала? Страшная правда открывается неожиданно. И с этого дня судьба обрушивает на Фрэнка удары один за другим. Чудовищные события закручиваются в немыслимый узел, затягивая в него родных, друзей и даже обожаемую дочь Фрэнка. И в какой-то момент он становится перед выбором: что для него важнее - долг полицейского или долг мужчины?
Деон Мейер 3.7
В Кейптауне исчезла американская студентка. Опасаясь международных осложнений, высшие полицейские чины поручают расследование талантливому детективу Бенни Грисселу. У Гриссела лишь тринадцать часов, чтобы размотать клубок улик и версий, спасти девушку и раскрыть заговор, который угрожает всей стране.
James Lee Burke 0.0
James Lee Burke's eagerly awaited new novel finds Detective Dave Robicheaux back in New Iberia, Louisiana, and embroiled in the most harrowing and dangerous case of his career.

Seven young women in neighboring Jefferson Davis Parish have been brutally murdered. While the crimes have all the telltale signs of a serial killer, the death of Bernadette Latiolais, a high school honor student, doesn't fit: she is not the kind of hapless and marginalized victim psychopaths usually prey upon.

Robicheaux and his best friend, Clete Purcel, confront Herman Stanga, a notorious pimp and crack dealer whom both men despise. When Stanga turns up dead shortly after a fierce beating by Purcel, in front of numerous witnesses, the case takes a nasty turn, and Clete's career and life are hanging by threads over the abyss.

Adding to Robicheaux's troubles is the matter of his daughter, Alafair, who is on leave from Stanford Law to put the finishing touches on her novel. Her literary pursuit has led her into the arms of Kermit Abelard, celebrated novelist and scion of a once prominent Louisiana family whose fortunes are slowly sinking into the corruption of Louisiana's subculture. Abelard's association with bestselling ex-convict author Robert Weingart, a man who uses and discards people like Kleenex, causes Robicheaux to fear that Alafair might be destroyed by the man she loves. As his daughter seems to drift away from him, he wonders if he has become a victim of his own paranoia.

But as usual, Robicheaux's instincts are proven correct and he finds himself dealing with a level of evil that is greater than any enemy he has confronted in the past.

Set against the backdrop of an Edenic paradise threatened by pernicious forces, James Lee Burke's "The Glass Rainbow "is already being hailed as perhaps the best novel in the Robicheaux series.
Тимоти Халлинан 0.0
For American travel writer Poke Rafferty, life finally seems to hold some semblance of stability. He and his longtime love, Rose, have gone through with their much-deferred marriage ceremony, their adopted daughter, Miaow, a former street child, has become a loving—if sometimes difficult—part of the family, and the three of them live in relative comfort thanks to Rose's housekeeping business and Rafferty's writing.

Then a nightmare figure from Rose's time as a Patpong dancer barges into their world, shattering the peace they've worked so hard to obtain. His appearance threatens everything they cherish: their love, their home . . . their very lives. As a foreigner who's seen some of the worst Bangkok has to offer and survived confrontations with Thailand's most powerful and dangerous elements, Rafferty feels equal to most of the challenges Bangkok can throw at him. But now his only hope is to discover the whole truth of Rose's past—a journey down the dark and twisting road that turned a shy, awkward village teenager into the queen of Asia's most lurid red-light street: Patpong Road. And just when Rafferty thought life was looking good, reality comes crashing in as he learns that the secrets from Rose's former life are almost impossible to accept—and even harder to survive.

The Queen of Patpong is a terrifying, heart-breaking, electrifying story of peril, love, and, ultimately, redemption in modern-day Thailand—and the most ambitious, affecting novel yet from thriller master Timothy Hallinan.
Nancy Pickard 4.3
One beautiful summer afternoon, from her bedroom window on the second floor, Jody Linder is unnerved to see her three uncles parking their pickups in front of her parents’ house—or what she calls her parents’ house, even though Jay and Laurie Jo Linder have been gone almost all of Jody’s life. “What is this fearsome thing I see?” the young high school English teacher whispers, mimicking Shakespeare. Polished boots, pressed jeans, fresh white shirts, Stetsons—her uncles’ suspiciously clean visiting clothes are a disturbing sign.The three bring shocking news: The man convicted of murdering Jody’s father is being released from prison and returning to the small town of Rose, Kansas. It has been twenty-six years since that stormy night when, as baby Jody lay asleep in her crib, her father was shot and killed and her mother disappeared, presumed dead. Neither the protective embrace of Jody’s uncles nor the safe haven of her grandparents’ ranch could erase the pain caused by Billy Crosby on that catastrophic night.Now Billy Crosby has been granted a new trial, thanks in large part to the efforts of his son, Collin, a lawyer who has spent most of his life trying to prove his father’s innocence. As Jody lives only a few doors down from the Crosbys, she knows that sooner or later she’ll come face-to-face with the man who she believes destroyed her family. What she doesn’t expect are the heated exchanges with Collin. Having grown up practically side by side in this very small town, Jody and Collin have had a long history of carefully avoiding each other’s eyes. Now Jody discovers that underneath their antagonism is a shared sense of loss that no one else could possibly understand. As she revisits old wounds, startling revelations compel her to uncover the dangerous truth about her family’s tragic past.Engrossing, lyrical, and suspenseful, The Scent of Rain and Lightning captures the essence of small-town America—its heartfelt intimacy and its darkest secrets—where through struggle and hardship people still dare to hope for a better future. For Jody Linder, maybe even love

Лучший дебютный детектив

Bruce DeSilva 0.0
2011 Edgar Award Finalist for Best First Novel

Liam Mulligan is as old school as a newspaper man gets. His beat is Providence, Rhode Island, and he knows every street and alley. He knows the priests and prostitutes, the cops and street thugs. He knows the mobsters and politicians―who are pretty much one and the same.

Someone is systematically burning down the neighborhood Mulligan grew up in, people he knows and loves are perishing in the flames, and the public is on the verge of panic. With the whole city of Providence on his back, Mulligan must weed through a wildly colorful array of characters to find the truth.
Paul Doiron 3.8
Game warden Mike Bowditch returns home one evening to find a cryptic message on his answering machine from his father, Jack, who he hasn't heard from in two years. The next morning Mike gets a call from the police: a beloved local cop has been killed and his father is their prime suspect.

Coming to terms with his haunted past and desperate for answers, Mike and a retired warden pilot journey deep into the Maine wilderness to clear his father's name and find out why Jack is on the run. But the only way for Mike to save his father is to find the real killer before the killer finds him.
Сасскер Хилл 0.0
Jockey Nikki Latrelle gets the chance of a lifetime - to ride the favorite in a stakes race - only to have her dream destroyed when a mysterious intruder kills her mount the night before the race. Evil is at work at Maryland's Laurel Park race track, and when Nikki stumbles over the body of a gunshot victim, she quickly becomes the prime suspect in a murder case. Framed and facing a possible murder rap, Nikki is ruled-off the track. Even deprived of job and income, she cannot abandon a mistreated, ill-tempered racehorse doomed to the slaughter house. Nikki and the filly wind up at a seedy stable with a motley group of felons, drunks, and drug-addicts. With unexpected help from a fashion-conscious wholesale meat-seller, a recovering addict, and an ancient groom, Nicky follows a crooked trail of insurance scam and betting fraud. But with the odds against her, can she clear her name - and put the real criminals behind bars?
Саймон Лелич 3.8
Как часто вас одолевает ярость? А ненависть? А желание убить? Как часто мы думаем про себя, что "готовы убить того-то и того-то"? И что будет, если такое желание прорвет оболочку цивилизованности и вырвется наружу? Чья вина тяжелее? Убийцы или того, кто подтолкнул его?..
Душным летним днем преподаватель истории Сэмюэл Зайковски приходит на общее школьное собрание и открывает огонь. Убив трех школьников и коллегу, он стреляет в себя. Что это было? Приступ маниакального безумия? Расчетливый и продуманный поступок? Как вообще тихий, незаметный учитель истории мог совершить такое? Для полиции дело предельно ясно: еще один школьный инцидент с участием психопата. И только инспектор Люсия Мэй сомневается, ее беспокоит вопрос: что же все-таки стоит за этим страшным событием? Погружаясь в предысторию трагедии, разговаривая с учениками, учителями, родителями, она убеждается, что дело совсем не простое.
Блестящий ироничный роман о природе зла, об изнанке сытого благополучия, о ненависти, что живет в самых неожиданных местах.

Памяти Сью Федер за лучший исторический роман

Келли Стэнли 0.0
February, 1940. In San Francisco's Chinatown, fireworks explode as the city celebrates Chinese New Year with a Rice Bowl Party, a three-day-and-night carnival designed to raise money and support for China war relief. Miranda Corbie is a thirty-three-year-old private investigator who stumbles upon the fatally shot body of Eddie Takahashi. The Chamber of Commerce wants it covered up. The cops acquiesce. All Miranda wants is justice-whatever it costs.

From Chinatown tenements, to a tattered tailor's shop in Little Osaka, to a high-class bordello draped in Southern Gothic, she shakes down the city-her city-seeking the truth.
Чарлз Тодд 3.7
Англия, Ланкашир, июнь 1920 года. В доме с красной дверью лежит тело женщины, которую избили до смерти. Ходит слух, что два года назад она покрасила эту дверь перед встречей мужа, возвращающегося с фронта. Тем временем в Лондоне человек, страдающий таинственной болезнью, сначала исчезает, потом так же внезапно появляется. Он не может объяснить своего выздоровления. Родственники, якобы разыскивающие его, дают противоречивые показания. Инспектор Иен Ратлидж, вовлеченный в оба дела и упирающийся в стену молчания, должен разгадать обе тайны, прежде чем отдать под суд безжалостного убийцу.
Барбара Хамильтон 0.0
Read Barbara Hamilton's blogs and other content on the Penguin Community.

"Abigail Adams could become my favorite historical sleuth." (Sharon Kay Penman)

Abigail Adams, wife of attorney John Adams-who is deeply involved with the Sons of Liberty-is shocked when one of the Sons is accused of murder. Did the crime arise from the romantic competition for the daughter of a prominent Royalist-or was it politically motivated? Abigail and John believe the accused is innocent, though the evidence against him is strong.

While John works to clear his client's name, Abigail begins her own investigation, and soon learns several unpleasant facts about the dead man, things that greatly increase the number of possible suspects. But as she pursues the truth, the killer pursues her- threatening not only Abigail but her vulnerable family.
Дэвид Митчелл 4.3
В новом переводе — великолепный роман современного классика Дэвида Митчелла, дважды финалиста Букеровской премии, автора таких интеллектуальных бестселлеров, как «Сон №9», «Облачный атлас» (недавно экранизированный Томом Тыквером и братьями Вачовски), «Голодный дом» и другие.

Дэдзима — крошечный островок под боком у огромной феодальной Японии, голландская торговая фактория. Япония — крошечная островная страна под боком у целого огромного мира, от которого она отгородилась на несколько веков и который желает урвать от нее лакомый кусочек, и голландская фактория — единственное окно в этот мир. На Дэдзиму — обиталище хитроумных купцов, коварных переводчиков и дорогих куртизанок — прибывает молодой клерк Якоб де Зут. За пять лет он должен заработать состояние достаточное, чтобы просить руки оставшейся в Роттердаме возлюбленной — однако на Дэдзиме его вниманием завладевают молодая японская акушерка Орито и зловещий настоятель далекого горного монастыря Эномото-сэнсэй…
Кеннет Вишния 0.0
“Whatever you are currently reading, I promise you it is not nearly as intelligent, witty, compelling, or entertaining as The Fifth Servant….Wishnia makes history come alive.”
— David Liss, author of The Devil's Company

A brilliantly imagined, beautifully written combination of scrupulously researched historical novel and riveting suspense thriller, Kenneth Wishnia’s The Fifth Servant carries readers back to 16th century Prague in the shadow of the Papal Inquisition—and introduces a uniquely unforgettable protagonist, a young Talmudic scholar who has three days to solve a heinous murder before official reprisals decimate the city’s Jewish community. A richly atmospheric tale of religion, mystery, and intrigue, The Fifth Servant recreates life in the era when Emperor Rudolph II occupied the throne—a time of uncertainty and fear viewed through the eyes of an intrepid rabbinical student on a quest for truth and justice.

Лучшая документальная книга

Агата Кристи, John Curran 3.7
When Agatha Christie died in 1976, aged 85, she had become the world's most popular author. Publishing at least one book every year since the 1920s, each one a bestseller, it was even claimed that Agatha must have a photographic memory. Was this true? Or did she resort to more mundane methods of planning her ingenious crimes?
Unearthed among Agatha Christie's affairs at the family home of Greenway were her private notebooks, 73 volumes in Agatha's almost unreadable handwriting. When archivist John Curran began deciphering the notebooks, the extent of this treasure trove became apparent...
This book lifts the lid on Agatha Christie's biggest secret -how her pencilled notes, lists and drafts led to her many successful books, plays and stories. Different plots, alternative endings, deleted scenes - John Curran's investigation reveals a wealth of unpublished material, including two complete Hercule Poirot short stories never before published, "The Incident of the Dog's Ball" and the unseen thirteenth "Labour of Hercules!"
Дебора Блюм 5.0
Deborah Blum, writing with the high style and skill for suspense that is characteristic of the very best mystery fiction, shares the untold story of how poison rocked Jazz Age New York City. In The Poisoner's Handbook Blum draws from highly original research to track the fascinating, perilous days when a pair of forensic scientists began their trailblazing chemical detective work, fighting to end an era when untraceable poisons offered an easy path to the perfect crime.

Drama unfolds case by case as the heroes of The Poisoner's Handbook—chief medical examiner Charles Norris and toxicologist Alexander Gettler—investigate a family mysteriously stricken bald, Barnum and Bailey's Famous Blue Man, factory workers with crumbling bones, a diner serving poisoned pies, and many others. Each case presents a deadly new puzzle and Norris and Gettler work with a creativity that rivals that of the most imaginative murderer, creating revolutionary experiments to tease out even the wiliest compounds from human tissue. Yet in the tricky game of toxins, even science can't always be trusted, as proven when one of Gettler's experiments erroneously sets free a suburban housewife later nicknamed "America's Lucretia Borgia" to continue her nefarious work.

From the vantage of Norris and Gettler's laboratory in the infamous Bellevue Hospital it becomes clear that killers aren't the only toxic threat to New Yorkers. Modern life has created a kind of poison playground, and danger lurks around every corner. Automobiles choke the city streets with carbon monoxide; potent compounds, such as morphine, can be found on store shelves in products ranging from pesticides to cosmetics. Prohibition incites a chemist's war between bootleggers and government chemists while in Gotham's crowded speakeasies each round of cocktails becomes a game of Russian roulette. Norris and Gettler triumph over seemingly unbeatable odds to become the pioneers of forensic chemistry and the gatekeepers of justice during a remarkably deadly time. A beguiling concoction that is equal parts true crime, twentieth-century history, and science thriller, The Poisoner's Handbook is a page-turning account of a forgotten New York.
Максим Якубовски 0.0
Whether it be the London of Sherlock Holmes or the Ystad of the Swedish Wallander, Dashiell Hammett's San Francisco or Donna Leon's Venice, the settings chosen by crime fiction authors have helped those writers to bring their fictional investigators to life and to infuse their writing with a sense of danger and mystery.Following the Detectives follows the trail of over 20 of crime fiction's greatest investigators, discovering the cities and countries in which they live and work.Edited by one of the leading voices in crime fiction, Maxim Jakubowski, each entry is written by a crime writer, journalist or critic with a particular expertise in that detective and the fictional crimes that have taken place in each city's dark streets and hidden places.The book includes beautifully designed maps with all the major locations that have featured in a book or series of books - buildings, streets, bars, restaurants and locations of crimes and discoveries - allowing the reader to follow Inspector Morse's footsteps through the college squares of Oxford or while away hours in a smoky Parisian café frequented by Inspector Maigret, for example.Aimed at the avid detective fan, the armchair tourist and the literary tourist alike, Following the Detectives is the perfect way for crime fiction fans to truly discover the settings of their favourite detective novels.
Юньте Хуан 0.0
“An ingenious and absorbing book…It will permanently change the way we tell this troubled yet gripping story.” —Jonathan Spence

Hailed as “irrepressibly spirited and entertaining” (Pico Iyer, Time) and “a fascinating cultural survey” (Paul Devlin, Daily Beast), this provocative first biography of Charlie Chan presents American history in a way that it has never been told before. Yunte Huang ingeniously traces Charlie Chan from his real beginnings as a bullwhip-wielding detective in territorial Hawaii to his reinvention as a literary sleuth and Hollywood film icon. Huang finally resurrects the “honorable detective” from the graveyard of detested postmodern symbols and reclaims him as the embodiment of America’s rich cultural diversity. The result is one of the most critically acclaimed books of the year and a “deeply personal . . . voyage into racial stereotyping and the humanizing force of story telling” (Donna Seaman, Los Angeles Times).

Shortlisted for the 2010 National Book Critics Circle Award in Biography and the 2011 Edgar Award for Best Critical/Biographical Book.
Хэнк Вагнер , David Morrell 0.0
The most riveting reads in history meet today's biggest thriller writers in Thrillers: 100 Must-Reads.

Edited by David Morrell and Hank Wagner, Thrillers: 100 Must-Reads examines 100 seminal works of suspense through essays contributed by such esteemed modern thriller writers as: David Baldacci, Steve Berry, Sandra Brown, Lee Child, Jeffery Deaver, Tess Gerritsen, Heather Graham, John Lescroart, Gayle Lynds, Katherine Neville, Michael Palmer, James Rollins, R. L. Stine, and many more.

Thrillers: 100 Must-Reads features 100 works—from Beowulf to The Bourne Identity, Dracula to Deliverance, Heart of Darkness to The Hunt for Red October—deemed must-reads by the International Thriller Writers organization.

Much more than an anthology, Thrillers: 100 Must-Reads goes deep inside the most notable thrillers published over the centuries. Through lively, spirited, and thoughtful essays that examine each work's significance, impact, and influence, Thrillers: 100 Must-Reads provides both historical and personal perspective on those spellbinding works that have kept readers on the edge of their seats for centuries.