Вручение 1997 г.

Страна: Великобритания Дата проведения: 1997 г.

Золотой Кинжал

Ian Rankin 3.0
Bible John killed three women, and took three souvenirs. Johnny Bible killed to steal his namesake's glory. Oilman Allan Mitchelson died for his principles. And convict Lenny Spaven died just to prove a point. "Bible John" terrorized Glasgow in the sixties and seventies, murdering three women he met in a local ballroom--and he was never caught. Now a copycat is at work. Nicknamed "Bible Johnny" by the media, he is a new menace with violent ambitions.

The Bible Johnny case would be perfect for Inspector John Rebus, but after a run-in with a crooked senior officer, he's been shunted aside to one of Edinburgh's toughest suburbs, where he investigates the murder of an off-duty oilman. His investigation takes him north to the oil rigs of Aberdeen, where he meets the Bible Johnny media circus head-on. Suddenly caught in the glare of the television cameras and in the middle of more than one investigation, Rebus must proceed wiht caution: One mistake could mean an unpleasant and not particularly speedy death, or, worse still, losing his job.

Written with Ian Rankin's signature wit, style and intricacy, Black and Blue is a novel of uncommon and unforgettable intrigue.
Stephen Dobbys 4.0
Suspicion, built on fear, old rumors, and old angers, grows out of control as three girls from the same small town mysteriously vanish. 40,000 first printing. Tour."
Sarah Dunant 0.0
Elizabeth is a modern woman. Smart. Independent. As sexual as she wants to be–with whomever she wants to be. But a breakup with her academic boyfriend has hit her harder than she cares to admit. And while her latest gig, translating a glitzy
Frank Lean 0.0
Billy Fox has disposed of fourteen women and gruesome evidence provi-des an open and shut caes. But when David Cunane is employed to help research Billy's 'true life' story he soon reckons that nothing is what it seems. Somebody is trying to beat Billy's total. Is it a new killer? Or have the police - headed by Chief Inspector Sinclair - got the wrong man? A brilliant, topical, totally original crime thriller which keeps you guessing to the bitter end.
James Sallis 0.0
A sniper appears in 1960s New Orleans, a sun-baked city of Black Panthers and other separatists. Five people have been fatally shot. When the sixth victim is killed, Lew Griffin is standing beside her. He's black and she's white, and though they are virtual strangers, it is left to Griffin to avenge her death, or at least to try and make some sense of it. His unlikely allies include a crusading black journalist, a longtime supplier of mercenary arms and troops, and bail bondsman Frankie DeNoux. Yet it is the character of Lew Griffin that takes center stage, as in each of Sallis's highly praised books. He is by now, well on the way to becoming what he will be; violent, kind, contradictory, alcoholic. Both naïve and wise, he is a man cursed by unspeakable demons. Nonetheless, he is seemingly encircled by redemptive angels, awaiting an opening.

Серебряный Кинжал

Джанет Иванович 4.3
Если любому другому агенту достаются интересные и выгодные задания, то Стефани Плам, как той Золушке из сказки, всегда что-нибудь такое, от чего одна только нервотрепка, тоска и головная боль. Вот и на этот раз ей поручено отыскать очень злостного преступника - старенького дядюшку Мо, хозяина кондитерской лавки и всеобщего любимца, оштрафованного за превышение скорости и не явившегося на суд. Правда, занимаясь поисками продавца сладостей, Стефани то и дело натыкается на трупы наркоторговцев и уворачивается от пуль таинственных людей в масках, идущих по ее следу...

Кинжал Джона Кризи - Новая кровь

Paul Johnston 0.0
"Gorky Park" meets "Brave New World" in this award-winning debut novel of a serial killer lost in a supposedly perfect society overtaken by the Enlightenment.
Jon Stock 0.0
A bomb in London's Oxford Street kills Dutchie's girlfriend. He vows revenge when he discovers that the perpetrators work in the City as foreign exchange dealers. Fortunately he is co-opted into MI5 and they prepare him for the task.
Чарльз Тодд 3.9
Июнь 1919 года. Инспектор Иен Ратлидж, получивший контузию в Первой мировой войне, вернулся в Скотленд-Ярд. Он пока еще не чувствует в себе достаточных сил, так необходимых для тяжелого расследования, которое на него возложили. Но служба есть служба. Он отправляется в небольшой городок Аппер-Стритем, где жестоко убит герой войны полковник Харрис. Найти убийцу - не только дело чести для Ратлиджа. Это еще и важное политическое задание, потому что за расследованием с пристрастием следят в Букингемском дворце.

Золотой Кинжал за нехудожественное произведение

Пол Бриттон 5.0
The autobiography of Paul Britton, one of the foremost offender profilers in the world. What he searches for at the scene of a crime are not fingerprints, fibres or blood stains, he looks for the "mind trace" left behind by those responsible, the psycholgical characteristics that can help the police to identify and understand the nature of the perpetrator. Over the past dozen years, Britton has assisted the police in over 100 cases involving murder, rape, arson, extortion and kidnapping. Among them were he murder of Jamie Bulger on a lonely railway line in Liverpool, the abduction of baby Abbie Humphries, the brutal slaying of Rachel Nickell on Wimbledon Common and the notorious "House of Horror" in Gloucester. He has helped to solve some of Britain's mot baffling cases, and has also advised the FBI and the Russian Ministry of the Interior.