Вручение 1999 г.

Страна: Великобритания Дата проведения: 1999 г.

Золотой Кинжал

Роберт Уилсон 3.4
На морском берегу в окрестностях Лиссабона обнаружено тело юной девушки. Расследуя ее гибель, инспектор Зе Коэлью обнаруживает, что убитая старшеклассница вела отнюдь не добродетельный образ жизни. Однако выясняется, что ни подозрительные дружки, ни окрестные наркоманы не имеют отношения к смерти Катарины Оливейры. Корни преступления уходят в далекое прошлое, каким-то загадочным образом с ним связано семейство Абрантеш, в эпоху диктатора Салазара обогатившееся на торговле с немцами. Но когда преступник оказывается за решеткой, а все средства массовой информации дружно превозносят Зе Коэлью, инспектор приходит к выводу, что настоящий убийца — совсем другой человек…
Англичанин Роберт Уилсон — автор уже десяти триллеров, которые сделали его фантастически популярным как в Европе, так и в Америке. За роман “Смерть в Лиссабоне” Уилсон удостоен премии Британской ассоциации авторов-детективщиков “Золотой кинжал” (1999), его “Севильский слепец” вошел в шорт-лист той же премии (2003). “Смерть в Лиссабоне” награждена еще и немецкой премией за лучший зарубежный детектив (2003), а “Немые и проклятые” — американской премией “Сыщик” интернет-журнала Mistery Ink за лучший европейский криминальный роман (2006).
Майкл Коннелли 4.2
Дело об убийстве знаменитого адвоката прямо перед началом сенсационного судебного процесса может стоить детективу Гарри Босху карьеры - или жизни! Слишком уж запутаны следы, тянущиеся от жертвы к преступнику... Расследование заводит Босха то в лабиринты Интернета, то в роскошные особняки Лос-Анджелеса, то в темные переулки, где царит жестокость и насилие…
Один неверный шаг детектива — и тлеющие угли ненависти и подозрений вспыхнут чудовищным пожаром!
Как не допустить этого?!
Val McDermid 4.5
Winter 1963: two children have disappeared in Manchester; the murderous careers of Myra Hindley and Ian Brady have begun. On a freezing day in December, another child goes missing: 13-year-old Alison Carter vanishes from the isolated Derbyshire hamlet of Scardale. For the young George Bennett it is the beginning of his most difficult and harrowing case: a murder with no body, an investigation with more dead ends and closed faces than he'd have found in the inner city; an outcome that reverberates down the years. Decades later he tells his story to journalist Catherine Heathcote, but just when her book is poised for publication, Bennett tries to pull the plug. He has new information that he will not divulge, and that threatens the very foundation of his existence. Catherine is forced to reinvestigate the past, with results that turn the world upside down. A taut psychological thriller that explores, exposes and explodes the border between reality and illusion in a multilayered narrative that turns expectations on their head and reminds us that what we know is what we do not know...
Denise Danks 0.0
Computer journalist Georgina Powers is investigating a phone phreaking scam in the East End of London when her contact and toy boy, Abdul, is found dead at the bottom of a skip. And when the police arrive, Georgina is in the frame. Not only do the police want to nail her, but a Bengali protection gang want to know what happened to Abdul. Georgina calls on an old friend, East End villain and ex-boxer Tony Levi, to help out and finds herself in the midst of a gang war in cyberspace and a turf war in real life.
Ian Rankin 3.2
When an author is successful as Rankin has been with his tough and idiomatic Scottish thrillers, a problem sets in after several books: how to keep the formula fresh.
Rankin has delivered a powerful series of books featuring his beleaguered Detective Inspector John Rebus, and while never less than gripping, a certain tiredness seemed to be setting in. Thankfully, Dead Souls is a resounding return to form, with a plot as enjoyably labyrinthine as any Rankin enthusiast could wish for, and pithy dialogue that fairly leaps off the page. Stalking the streets of Edinburgh on the trail of a poisoner, Rebus hits upon a freed pedophile and his subsequent outing of the man leaves him with very mixed feelings. But another problem develops for Rebus: a convicted murderer has him in his sights for some lethal games. And the tabloid press lionizing of Rebus won't help him in this situation.

Серебряный Кинжал

Adrian Mathews 0.0
Vienna, Winter 2026. A place filled with post-millennial excess: pollution, nco-Nazis, designer drugs, holographic TV, and ultra-intelligent environments. When a commodities broker named Leo Detmers winds up dead -- the victim of a seemingly random traffic accident -- his pregnant widow, Petra, turns to a tabloid columnist named Sharkey to look into what she believes was a calculated murder. But just who was Leo Detmers and who would want him dead? Beginning with a graffiti message on the wall of Leo's apartment, Sharkey peels back the layers of Leo's life and death, each revealing a larger, more chilling design. As he attempts to link puzzling coincidences and perilous secrets, Sharkey soon realizes he's in over his head, party to a conspiracy with roots in Vienna's dark past that could change the world forever.

Кинжал Джона Кризи - Новая кровь

Дэн Фесперман 0.0
Investigator Petric makes his living from the dead. Lately business has been slow, what with the siege around Sarajevo. Condoned killing has displaced the crime of passion; his services with the civil police as a homicide investigator have been less in demand. Unluckily one premeditated death does land on the detective's desk. It is no abused lover or a distant sniper's victim but a government official - the chief of the interior ministry's police - shot dead at close range.In a thriller that recalls the first excitement of Martin Cruz Smith's Moscow and the Vienna of Graham Greene's The Third Man, author Dan Fesperman brilliantly renders the fragmented society and underworld of Sarajevo at war - the freelancing gangsters, guilty bystanders, drop-in correspondents, the bureaucrats frightened for their jobs and very lives - and he weaves through this torn cityscape one man's desperate, deadly pursuit of the wrong people in the worst places.
Charlotte Grimshaw 0.0
Young, bright law student Stella lives high above Auckland harbour in uneasy luxury with Stuart, a lawyer with a past, who seems to specialize in violent death. Their relationship enters a new phase when they take on the case of Carlos Lehmann, a half-Maori incomer to a remote bush territory who is driven to murder, and who Stella finds both frightening and fascinating.
Seamus Smyth 0.0
Gerd Quinn is witty and erudite - and capable of wiping out a family without the police seeing anything but 'accident' victims ... Forget the hero who has to kill the bad guy and win the girl. Quinn is the bad guy and he thinks the girl should have to win him. When his wife tries to divorce him and get custody of his kids, and he arranges for the law to get custody of her instead, he things she's being unreasonable...

Quinn is a dark and gascinating thriller - starring this modern-day Moriarty and his plans to wipe out an entire family without a hint of foul-play. Seen through his eyes, it is both chilling and darkly funny.

Кинжал Дебютанта

Caroline Carver 0.0
Winner of the CWA Debut Dagger, CJ Carver's debut thriller is a dark and gripping story set in a town with a pitch-dark legacy of blood.

Journalist India Kane's trip to the Australian outback takes a horrifying turn when she arrives in the town of Cooinda to find that her best friend Lauren is missing.

Seemingly no one knows what has happened to her, but it's not long before India finds herself arrested for a double murder that she didn't commit, caught up in the dark past of a small town hiding a devastating truth - one that could destroy a family, a friendship, and a nation.

Set in the unforgiving landscape of the Australian outback, Blood Junction won the CWA's Debut Dagger and is CJ Carver's powerful and compulsive thriller about a woman on the run from a brutal killer, as well as from her own past.

Исторический кинжал

Lindsey Davis 0.0
Lumbered with working alongside reptilian Chief Spy, Anacrites, Falco has the perfect plan to make money: he will assist Vespasian in the Emperor’s "Great Census" of AD 73. His potential fee could finally allow him to join the middle ranks and be worthy of long-suffering Helena Justina. Unexpectedly confronted with the murder of a man-eating lion, Falco uncovers a bitter rivalry between the gladiators’ trainers. With one star gladiator dead, Falco is forced to investigate and the trail leads from Rome to the blood-soaked arena in North Africa.
Чарлз Тодд 4.1
В состоятельной и уважаемой корнуолльской семье Тревельян произошла трагедия: Николас и Оливия, единоутробные брат и сестра, покончили с собой, а вскоре в результате несчастного случая погибает их брат Стивен. Дальняя родственница Тревельянов не верит в то, что Николас ушел из жизни добровольно, и обратилась в Скотленд-Ярд с просьбой о тщательном расследовании. Дело поручено инспектору Иену Ратлиджу. Инспектор узнает, что Оливия под мужским псевдонимом писала стихи, которыми он зачитывался на фронте, и что на протяжении многих лет ее близкие умирают при странных обстоятельствах. Ратлидж догадывается, что в стихах Оливии зашифрована семейная тайна, и во что бы то ни стало решает до нее докопаться...
Ian Morson 0.0
It is 1268. Oxford is forced to play host to the Tartars, a tribe from the East whose deeds have wreaked havoc in France and Germany. This time they claim their mission is a peaceful one -- they merely wish to gain audience with the king. But are they to be trusted?When the Tartar ambassador is found dead, it looks like cold-blooded murder. Falconer is on the case once more, but even when he thinks he's solved the case, he still has to trick the murderer into giving himself away

Золотой Кинжал за нехудожественное произведение

Брайан Кэткарт 0.0
Eighteen-year-old Stephen Lawrence, the son of Jamaican immigrants, was murdered on the night of 22 April 1993 whilst standing at a bus-stop, by a gang of white youths. Cathcart wrote a long piece about the murder and all its ramifications for Granta magazine (59), and this is the basis for his book: an account of the crime, the investigation and the criminal culture of South-East London that gave rise to the murderers.
Martin Booth 0.0
With unflinching candor, Martin Booth -- Booker Prize nominee and author of the critically acclaimed Opium: A History -- here unfolds the full story of the Chinese Triads, which, according to UN sources, now pose the greatest potential criminal threat the world has ever known. From San Francisco to Amsterdam to Bangkok to Johannesburg, everywhere, everyday, the Triads are turning crimes like extortion, gambling, international prostitution, illegal immigrant smuggling, money laundering, fraud, corruption, arms, and narcotics into vast profits. This comprehensive history of the Triads traces their evolution over more than two thousand years from obscure parochial Chinese brotherhoods to an international criminal organization. It examines the archaic quasi-religious rituals that have for centuries bound the members of this now global fraternity. It recounts the exploits of patriots and outlaws. It explores the Triads' instigation of the Tong Wars in America, their collaboration with the Allies against the Japanese in Malaya, their collusion with the CIA in Vietnam. It chronicles their escalation of the heroin trade to Europe and the United States. It shocks, and it compels.

Бриллиантовый Кинжал Картье

Маргарет Йорк
Маргарет Йорк / Margaret Yorke
4 книги
2 в избранном