Вручение 2002 г.

Страна: Великобритания Дата проведения: 2002 г.

Художественный роман

Энн Пэтчетт 3.7
Приглашенные на светский прием гости с нетерпением ждали появления всемирной знаменитости - певицы Косc. Ее чарующий голос заворожил всех. Но прекрасный вечер был неожиданно прерван - в зал ворвались вооруженные террористы. С этого момента для всех участников драматических событий началась другая жизнь, а весь мир сузился до размеров одного зала...
Сара Уотерс 3.9
Сара Уотерс — современный классик, «автор настолько блестящий, что читатели готовы верить каждому ее слову» (Daily Mail) — трижды попадала в шорт-лист Букеровской премии, в том числе и с романом, предлагающимся вашему вниманию. «Тонкая работа» — это «викторианская мелодрама высшего класса, мастерски играющая на чувствах современного читателя» (The Lady); это «захватывающая история любви и обмана» (Cosmopolitan). Итак, познакомьтесь со Сью Триндер: сирота, выросшая среди воров и мошенников, она не знает, что судьба странными узами соединила ее жизнь с юной наследницей богатого, закрытого от посторонних имения. Но однажды порог дома переступает неотразимый Джентльмен…

В 2016 году на Каннском кинофестивале состоялась премьера фильма «Служанка», основанного на «Тонкой работе» и номинированного на «Золотую пальмовую ветвь». Роман Уотерс был творчески переосмыслен культовым корейским режиссером Пак Хчан Ук, который прославился «трилогией о мести» («Сочувствие господину Месть», «Олдбой», «Сочувствие госпоже Месть»).
Хлоя Хупер 0.0
Kate Byrne is having an affair with the father of her most gifted pupil, Lucien. Unnervingly, her lover's wife has just published Murder at Black Swan Point, a true crime novel about the brutal slaying of a young adulteress. Suspecting the adult account of Black Swan Point's murder to be wrong, Kate imagines her own version of the novel, for children, narrated by Australian animals. But has her obsession with the crime aligned her fate with that of the murdered adulteress?

Compelled by the lives of her nine-year-old students, Kate is a misfit among their parents. And though, in scenes of escalating eroticism, Lucien's father brings her to life sexually, he does nothing to penetrate her obsession with the past. Kate is fixated on the crime of passion that occurred years earlier, less and less aware of her own reputation in the present.
Helen Dunmore 4.0
Leningrad, September 1941. German tanks surround the city, imprisoning those who live there. The besieged people of Leningrad face shells, starvation, and the Russian winter. Interweaving two love affairs in two generations, THE SIEGE draws us deep into the Levin's family struggle to stay alive during this terrible winter. It is a story about war and the wounds it inflicts on people's lives. It is also a lyrical and deeply moving celebration of love, life and survival.
Anna Burns 0.0
This is a book about feelings, family, sex, and Ireland—but don't tell Amelia that. She's the one growing up in the mad family, in the mad society, who doesn't want to know what's going on. But things are going on: eight-year-olds collecting very peculiar treasure; babies who might be, or might not be, bombs; schoolgirls bringing guns into schoolyards; and, of course, lots of food and bad, bad sex.

If Amelia is to live she needs to change. Can she, though, in a place where people don't know how to look after themselves, and so wouldn't know how to look after one another?
Мэгги Джи 0.0
Alfred White, a London park-keeper, rules his home with a mixture of ferocity and tenderness that has estranged his three children. But family ties are strong, and when Alfred collapses on duty one day, they rush to be with him. His daughter's partner, Elroy, a black social-worker, is brought face to face with Alfred's younger son Dirk, who hates and fears all black people. The scene is set for violence, and Alfred's wife May is forced to choose between justice and kinship. This ground-breaking novel tackles the taboo subject of racial hatred, as it looks for the roots of violence within one British family.
Стиви Дэвис 0.0
In pre-war Germany, two boys grow up together inseparable. However, as adulthood approaches and Nazism continues its inexorable march, Dahl and Quantz can no longer reconcile their childhood friendship as one becomes an SS officer and the other a pawn in the intelligence unit. Thirteen years later, their children meet: a woman and a man exposed to the sins of their fathers.
Lesley Glaister 0.0
Since walking out on her life at sixteen, Lamb has lived alone in the gaps between other people's lives. Secretly inhabiting the cellar of an elderly man for whom she cleans, she keeps herself to herself, her life a precarious balancing act until she meets Doggo, a young criminal on the run.
Джоанн Харрис 4.2
От матери в наследство Фрамбуаза получила альбом с кулинарными рецептами — негусто, если учесть, что ее брату Кассису досталась ферма, а старшей сестре Рен-Клод — винный погреб со всем содержимым. Но весь фокус в том, что на полях альбома, рядом с рецептами разных блюд и травяных снадобий, мать записывала свои мысли и признания относительно некоторых событий ее жизни — словом, вела своеобразный дневник. И в этом дневнике Фрамбуаза пытается найти ответы на мрачные загадки прошлого.
Joyce Carol Oates 0.0
In Salthill-on-Hudson, a half-hour train ride from Manhattan, everyone is rich, beautiful, and -- though they look much younger -- middle-aged. But when Adam Berendt, a charismatic, mysterious sculptor, dies suddenly in a brash act of heroism, shock waves rock the town. But who was Adam Berendt? Was he in fact a hero, or someone more flawed and human?
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