Вручение 1995 г.

В номинации Иллюстратор премию получил James Ransome (за книгу The Creation).

Страна: США Дата проведения: 1995 г.


Патриция Маккиссак, Фредрик Маккиссак 0.0
Rich in historical detail and filled with luminous illustrations, this poignant book movingly describes the holiday celebrations of both slaves and slave owners on a pre-Civil War plantation.

The year is 1859, and it's Christmastime on a Virginia Plantation. The slaves are cleaning and setting up the Big House--where their masters live--for the festivities. The Big House is filled with warmth, colorful decorations, and yummy food...but there is talk of war and a sense that times may be changing. In the quarters--where the slaves live--conditions are poor, dirty, and cold, but the slaves are filled with hope for better times ahead, and they sing songs of freedom.
Moving deftly between two worlds, this beautifully illustrated book is a historical tale as well as a holiday treat.
Jacqueline Woodson 0.0
Marie, the only black girl in the eighth grade willing to befriend her white classmate Lena, discovers that Lena's father is doing horrible things to her in private.
Джойс Хансен 0.0
"Modeled after an actual slave narrative, this moving first-person tale follows 12-year-old Kofi from his kidnapping in West Africa to his cruel enslavement in Massachusetts and his subsequent freedom and career as a sailor . . . "The well-crafted and compelling survival story juxtaposes two cultures and gives a unique account of slavery".--Horn Book.


Джеймс Рэнсом
Джеймс Рэнсом / James E. Ransome
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Премия Джона Стептоу для нового таланта

Шэрон Дрейпер 0.0
After a car accident kills Robert, Andy's best friend and teammate on the Hazelwood High Tigers, Andy doesn't know if he can go on. He's consumed with guilt for driving the night of the accident after a long evening of drinking and partying. With perceptiveness and compassion, Sharon M. Draper portrays an African-American teenager who feels driven to consider suicide in the wake of a devastating tragedy.