Вручение 2021 г.

Страна: США Дата проведения: 2021 г.

Лучшая художественная книга

Амор Тоулз 4.3
18-летнего Эммета Уотсона сопровождает домой в Небраску начальник исправительной колонии для несовершеннолетних, где Эммет провел последние 15 месяцев. Он и его брат Билли остались сиротами, а семейная ферма конфискована банком. Эммет решается поехать в Калифорнию, чтобы начать там новую жизнь, но когда начальник тюрьмы уезжает, парень обнаруживает в багажнике друзей с рабочей фермы, что тайно приехали вместе с ним. У них есть другой захватывающий план по поводу будущего братьев Уотсонов, и, чтобы его воплотить, нужно отправиться на другой конец страны – в Нью-Йорк.

Лучшая документальная книга

Уолтер Айзексон 4.4
When Jennifer Doudna was in sixth grade, she came home one day to find that her dad had left a paperback titled The Double Helix on her bed. She put it aside, thinking it was one of those detective tales she loved. When she read it on a rainy Saturday, she discovered she was right, in a way. As she sped through the pages, she became enthralled by the intense drama behind the competition to discover the code of life. Even though her high school counselor told her girls didn’t become scientists, she decided she would. Driven by a passion to understand how nature works and to turn discoveries into inventions, she would help to make what the book’s author, James Watson, told her was the most important biological advance since his co-discovery of the structure of DNA. She and her collaborators turned​a curiosity ​of nature into an invention that will transform the human race: an easy-to-use tool that can edit DNA. Known as CRISPR, it opened a brave new world of medical miracles and moral questions. The development of CRISPR and the race to create vaccines for coronavirus will hasten our transition to the next great innovation revolution. The past half-century has been a digital age, based on the microchip, computer, and internet. Now we are entering a life-science revolution. Children who study digital coding will be joined by those who study genetic code. Should we use our new evolution-hacking powers to make us less susceptible to viruses? What a wonderful boon that would be! And what about preventing depression? Hmmm…Should we allow parents, if they can afford it, to enhance the height or muscles or IQ of their kids? After helping to discover CRISPR, Doudna became a leader in wrestling with these moral issues and, with her collaborator Emmanuelle Charpentier, won the Nobel Prize in 2020. Her story is a thrilling detective tale that involves the most profound wonders of nature, from the origins of life to the future of our species.

Лучшая книга для молодежи

Энджелайн Булли 3.8
Триллер о девушке-подростке, которая пытается пресечь криминальный сговор и коррупцию в своей родной общине. Потрясающая атмосфера культуры племени оджибве, столкновение традиций и выбор, который придется сделать главной героине.

Юная Даунис Фонтейн влюбляется в Джейми, звезду хоккея, но чувствует, что он что-то скрывает. Все выясняется, когда Даунис становится свидетелем шокирующего убийства и ФБР втягивает ее в свое расследование. Но поиск истины заводит ее в лабиринт страшных тайн и бередит старые раны. Когда число смертей растет, а разочарование Даунис достигает предела, она должна понять, что значит быть сильной и как далеко она пойдет ради правды, даже если это разрушит ее мир.

Лучший дебют

Emily Spurr 0.0
A bursting, heartfelt, debut following fifty-five days in the life of ten-year-old Rae, who must look after herself and her dog when her mother disappears.

For as long as Rae can remember, it’s been her and Mum, and their dog, Splinter; a small, deliberately unremarkable, family. They have their walks, their cooking routines, their home. Sometimes Mum disappears for a while to clear her head but Rae is okay with this, because Mum always comes back.

So, when Rae wakes to Splinter’s nose in her face, the back door open, and no Mum, she does as she’s always done and carries on. She takes care of the house, goes to school, walks Splinter, and minds her own business—all the while pushing down the truth she isn’t ready to face.

That is, until her grumpy, lonely neighbor Lettie—with her own secrets and sadness—falls one night and needs Rae’s help. As the two begin to rely on each other, Rae’s anxiety intensifies as she wonders what will happen to her when her mother’s absence is finally noticed and her fragile world bursts open.

A Million Things transforms a gut-wrenching story of abandonment and what it’s like to grow up in a house that doesn’t feel safe into an astonishing portrait of resilience, mental health, and the families we make and how they make us in return.