Вручение 14 июля 2018 г.

В номинации Легенда триллера лауреат - Pat Gussin & Bob Gussin (за частную издательскую деятельность).

Страна: США Место проведения: город Нью-Йорк, Grand Hyatt Дата проведения: 14 июля 2018 г.

Лучший оригинальный роман в электронном формате

Sean Black 0.0
Over the years, former military bodyguard Ryan Lock has made more than his fair share of enemies. It was only a matter of time before one of them came looking for payback...

A serial rapist brutally murdered inside California's highest-security prison for women. A frantic gun battle in the middle of downtown Los Angeles. A beautiful, young defense attorney violently abducted from her office.

A series of apparently random events that are anything but.

Someone is hell bent on revenge, and their target's name is Ryan Lock.
Джин Филлипс 3.2
Джоан и ее четырехлетний сын с удовольствием провели в зоопарке целый день. И им не хочется уходить, но осталось всего несколько минут до закрытия, а потому мама с сыном спешат к выходу. Однако по дороге к воротам зоопарка Джоан слышит странные звуки, напоминающие выстрелы, а потом видит на земле лежащих в неестественных позах людей. И она понимает: они с сыном оказались в ловушке, словно дикие звери. В панике Джоан подхватывает сына на руки и бежит вглубь зоопарка, желая найти безопасное укрытие. Любой ценой она должна защитить ребенка. На что она готова пойти ради этого?
Джефф Ганхус 0.0
When helicopters and armored vehicles filled with soldiers in hazmat suits quarantine the small mountain town of Resurrection, Colorado, Sheriff Rick Johnson feels like the Jihadi wars have followed him home. But while the town follows martial law out of fear of a virus released into the air, Rick isn't buying the official version of events. As he investigates, the cover story unravels and he discovers the military's presence and the salvation they offer isn't what it seems.
Алан МакДермотт 0.0
When MI5 learns that a horrifying new weapon is in enemy hands, agent Andrew Harvey is called in to track it down before it reaches British soil.

The clock is ticking. Andrew and his girlfriend, Sarah, also a secret service operative, have only one lead: a beautiful refugee, desperate not to lose her son. But is she desperate enough to betray everything she believes in? And will she do it in time to help them prevent a terrifying attack?

As Andrew and Sarah race to unravel a convoluted web of subterfuge and exploitation, they discover there is more at stake than even they knew. And somewhere, at the heart of it, lurks a faceless enemy, who is prepared to use everything—and everyone—at his disposal.
Кэролайн Митчелл 4.2
Десять лет назад Ребекка чудом спаслась от маньяка и тирана Соломона, который угрозами удерживал девушку возле себя. Потом мужчину осудили за убийство. По программе защиты свидетелей Ребекка переехала в Уэльс, где вышла замуж и стала матерью. Казалось бы, кошмары и страхи навсегда остались в прошлом. Но спустя годы Соломон освобождается из тюрьмы и находит Ребекку. Он ставит девушке жуткий ультиматум: Бекки должна выбирать для Соломона жертв или он убьет ее близких. Чтобы спасти свою семью, девушка принимает это условие. Хватит ли у Ребекки сил вновь вырваться из-под власти убийцы или она так и останется молчаливой свидетельницей его преступлений?
Kevin Wignall 0.0
His perfect life hangs on a knife edge—and the balance is about to slip.

Max Emerson launders money for some of the most dangerous people in the world. To protect the perfect life he’s built, he keeps on the right side of the law, but sometimes staying clean isn’t enough…

When his parents die in what seems to be a tragic accident, Max needs answers. But as he starts investigating, he discovers something about his parents that makes him question everything he thought he knew. And when the FBI starts digging into his crooked clients, Max’s whole world seems to be on the brink of collapse.

As Max returns to his estranged family, long-buried secrets threaten to destroy everything he has built and Max has to decide who he can trust. After all, he’s not the only one who will go to any lengths to cover his tracks…

Лучший роман для молодежи

Gregg Hurwitz 0.0
In one terrifying night, the peaceful community of Creek’s Cause turns into a war zone. No one under the age of eighteen is safe. Chance Rain and his older brother, Patrick, have already fended off multiple attacks from infected adults by the time they arrive at the school where other young survivors are hiding. Most of the kids they know have been dragged away by once-trusted adults who are now ferocious, inhuman beings. The parasite that transformed them takes hold after people turn eighteen—and Patrick’s birthday is only a few weeks away.

Determined to save Patrick’s life and the lives of the remaining kids, the brothers embark on a mission to uncover the truth about the parasites—and what they find is horrifying.

Battling an enemy not of this earth, Chance and Patrick become humanity’s only hope for salvation.
Грегг Олсен 0.0
The second novel in Gregg Olsen's riveting and edgy Young Adult Vengeance series brings back Rylee Cassidey and thrusts her into a search that could change her life . . . or end it.

Rylee tracks a serial killer in Portland, Oregon doing what she does best — lying, reinventing, and plotting vengeance for the victims of the brutal killer that has college students at Portland State University terrified. At the same time, she grapples with a betrayal so shocking that it sends her reeling, testing her as she’s never been tested before. Is there anyone she can trust?
Шерил Скарборо 0.0
Erin Blake has one of those names. A name that, like Natalee Holloway or Elizabeth Smart, is inextricably linked to a grisly crime. As a toddler, Erin survived for three days alongside the corpse of her murdered mother, and the case—which remains unsolved—fascinated a nation. Her father's identity unknown, Erin was taken in by her mother's best friend and has become a relatively normal teen in spite of the looming questions about her past.

Fourteen years later, Erin is once again at the center of a brutal homicide when she finds the body of her biology teacher. When questioned by the police, Erin tells almost the whole truth, but never voices her suspicions that her mother's killer has struck again in order to protect the casework she's secretly doing on her own.

Inspired by her uncle, an FBI agent, Erin has ramped up her forensic hobby into a full-blown cold-case investigation. This new murder makes her certain she's close to the truth, but when all the evidence starts to point the authorities straight to Erin, she turns to her longtime crush (and fellow suspect) Journey Michaels to help her crack the case before it's too late.
Райса Уолкер 0.0
It’s never wise to talk to strangers…and that goes double when they’re dead. Unfortunately, seventeen-year-old Anna Morgan has no choice. Resting on a park bench, touching the turnstile at the Metro station—she never knows where she’ll encounter a ghost. These mental hitchhikers are the reason Anna has been tossed from one foster home and psychiatric institution to the next for most of her life.

When a chance touch leads her to pick up the insistent spirit of a girl who was brutally murdered, Anna is pulled headlong into a deadly conspiracy that extends to the highest levels of government. Facing the forces behind her new hitcher’s death will challenge the barriers, both good and bad, that Anna has erected over the years and shed light on her power’s origins. And when the covert organization seeking to recruit her crosses the line by kidnapping her friend, it will discover just how far Anna is willing to go to bring it down.
Дайана Родригес Уоллак 0.0
Some secrets are best kept hidden…

Anastasia Phoenix has always been the odd girl out, whether moving from city to international city with her scientist parents or being the black belt who speaks four languages.

And most definitely as the orphan whose sister is missing, presumed dead.

She’s the only one who believes Keira is still alive, and when new evidence surfaces, Anastasia sets out to follow the trail—and lands in the middle of a massive conspiracy. Now she isn’t sure who she can trust. At her side is Marcus, the bad boy with a sexy accent who’s as secretive as she is. He may have followed her to Rome to help, but something about him seems too good to be true.

Nothing is as it appears, and when everything she’s ever known is revealed to be a lie, Anastasia has to believe in one impossibility.

She will find her sister.

Лучший роман в твердом переплете

Райли Сейгер 3.7
Десять лет назад Куинси Карпентер поехала отдыхать в "Сосновый коттедж" с пятью однокурсниками, а вернулась одна. Ее друзья погибли под ножом жестокого маньяка. Журналисты тут же окрестили ее Последней Девушкой и записали третьей к двум выжившим в похожих бойнях: Лайзе и Саманте. Вот только, в отличие от них, Куинси не помнит, что произошло в том коттедже. Ее мозг будто бы спрятал от нее воспоминания обо всех кровавых ужасах. Куинси изо всех сил старается стать обычным человеком, и ей это почти удается. Она живет с внимательным и заботливым бойфрендом, ведет популярный кондитерский блог и благодаря лекарствам почти не вспоминает о давней трагедии.

Но вот Лайзу находят дома, в ванне, с перерезанными венами, а Саманта врывается в жизнь Куинси с явным намерением переворошить ее страшное прошлое и заставить вспомнить все. Какие цели она преследует? Постепенно Куинси понимает, что только вспомнив прошлое, она сможет разобраться с настоящим. Но не окажется ли цена слишком велика?
Dan Chaon 0.0
“We are always telling a story to ourselves, about ourselves.” This is one of the little mantras Dustin Tillman likes to share with his patients, and it’s meant to be reassuring. But what if that story is a lie?

A psychologist in suburban Cleveland, Dustin is drifting through his forties when he hears the news: His adopted brother, Rusty, is being released from prison. Thirty years ago, Rusty received a life sentence for the massacre of Dustin’s parents, aunt, and uncle. The trial came to epitomize the 1980s hysteria over Satanic cults; despite the lack of physical evidence, the jury believed the outlandish accusations Dustin and his cousin made against Rusty. Now, after DNA analysis has overturned the conviction, Dustin braces for a reckoning.

Meanwhile, one of Dustin’s patients has been plying him with stories of the drowning deaths of a string of drunk college boys. At first Dustin dismisses his patient's suggestions that a serial killer is at work as paranoid thinking, but as the two embark on an amateur investigation, Dustin starts to believe that there’s more to the deaths than coincidence. Soon he becomes obsessed, crossing all professional boundaries—and putting his own family in harm’s way.
Denise Mina 2.7
A standalone psychological thriller from the acclaimed author of the Alex Morrow novels that exposes the dark hearts of the guilty...and the innocent.

William Watt's wife, daughter, and sister-in-law are dead, slaughtered in their own home in a brutal crime that scandalized Glasgow. Despite an ironclad alibi, police zero in on Watt as the primary suspect, but he maintains his innocence. Distraught and desperate to clear his name, Watt puts out a bounty for information that will lead him to the real killer.

Peter Manuel claims he knows the truth that will set Watt free and has information that only the killer would know. It won't come cheap. Manuel is an infamous career criminal, a degenerate liar who can't be trusted and will say, or do, anything to make a buck.

But Manuel has something that Watt wants, which makes him the perfect target for Manuel's consummate con. Watt agrees to sit down with Manuel and before they know it, one drink has turned into an epic, forgotten night of carousing across the city's bars and clubs that exposes the thin line between a good yarn and the truth.

The next time the unlikely pair meets is across the witness stand in court--where Manuel is on trial for the murder of Watt's family. Manuel calls Watt to the stand to testify about the long, shady night they shared together. And the shocking testimony that Manuel coaxes out of Watt threatens to expose the dark hearts of the guilty...and the innocent.

Based on true events, THE LONG DROP is an explosive, unsettling novel about guilt, innocence and the power of a good story to hide the difference.
B. A. Paris 4.0
If you can’t trust yourself, who can you trust?

Cass is having a hard time since the night she saw the car in the woods, on the winding rural road, in the middle of a downpour, with the woman sitting inside―the woman who was killed. She’s been trying to put the crime out of her mind; what could she have done, really? It’s a dangerous road to be on in the middle of a storm. Her husband would be furious if he knew she’d broken her promise not to take that shortcut home. And she probably would only have been hurt herself if she’d stopped.

But since then, she’s been forgetting every little thing: where she left the car, if she took her pills, the alarm code, why she ordered a pram when she doesn’t have a baby.

The only thing she can’t forget is that woman, the woman she might have saved, and the terrible nagging guilt.

Or the silent calls she’s receiving, or the feeling that someone’s watching her…

Лучшая книга в мягкой обложке

Кристин Белл 0.0
Christine Bell’s haunting and suspenseful novel draws readers into the world of a grieving widow stalked by a stranger bent on stealing away everything she has left—even her past.

After weathering the first gut-wrenching year since her husband’s death, Lily Declan is trying to move past her grief and find a place of healing for herself and her two young sons.

But when a strange sympathy letter arrives, the quiet life Lily has rebuilt from her sorrow comes under stealthy, sinister attack. On her wedding anniversary, an intimate bridal gift is delivered to her door. Then, a bizarre home invasion shatters her sense of security, and a mysterious Facebook memorial appears. Like a hungry ghost, someone seeks to claim her love and loss as their own, to erase Lily from her own life and possess her beloved forever, in an embrace of macabre devotion.

As more threats follow, Lily’s home and family are no longer her safe haven, and it’s become difficult to tell friend from foe. But after everything she’s already lost, she won’t give up her memories—or her family—without a fight.
Rachel Caine 4.0
Gina Royal is the definition of average—a shy Midwestern housewife with a happy marriage and two adorable children. But when a car accident reveals her husband’s secret life as a serial killer, she must remake herself as Gwen Proctor—the ultimate warrior mom.

With her ex now in prison, Gwen has finally found refuge in a new home on remote Stillhouse Lake. Though still the target of stalkers and Internet trolls who think she had something to do with her husband’s crimes, Gwen dares to think her kids can finally grow up in peace.

But just when she’s starting to feel at ease in her new identity, a body turns up in the lake—and threatening letters start arriving from an all-too-familiar address. Gwen Proctor must keep friends close and enemies at bay to avoid being exposed—or watch her kids fall victim to a killer who takes pleasure in tormenting her. One thing is certain: she’s learned how to fight evil. And she’ll never stop.
Лейтон Грин 0.0
*Finalist for 2018 International Thriller Writers Award*

A modern day Dr. Frankenstein, probing the secrets of life and death.

A secret society spawned by the greatest evil the world has ever known.

Two men racing against the clock to stop the spread of a horrific virus.

On three different continents, a mysterious illness has baffled scientists and incited worldwide panic. When a tattoo steeped in Aryan mysticism is found on one of the victims, a South African boy who walked into his township a month after his own funeral, Interpol turns to Professor Viktor Radek and Dominic Grey for help.

After racing from Atlanta to Rekyjavik to Cape Town, Grey and Viktor come to believe the deadly virus is connected to a resurgence of a legendary arm of the Nazi party. A global organization whose leader might be a notorious brain surgeon rumored to have performed illicit tests during Apartheid, and who might be continuing his experiments from a sun-drenched manor in the Western Cape.

As the victims of the virus mount and the chance for a cure fades, the world's only hope to prevent a catastrophe beyond imagining rests in the hands of a broken warrior and a relentless professor, facing the darkest of forces.
Adrian McKinty 4.0
Belfast 1988: A man is found dead, killed with a bolt from a crossbow in front of his house. This is no hunting accident. But uncovering who is responsible for the murder will take Detective Sean Duffy down his most dangerous road yet, a road that leads to a lonely clearing on a high bog where three masked gunmen will force Duffy to dig his own grave.
Hunted by forces unknown, threatened by Internal Affairs, and with his relationship on the rocks, Duffy will need all his wits to get out of this investigation in one piece
Lori Rader-Day 0.0
Anna Winger can know people better than they know themselves with only a glance—at their handwriting. Hired out by companies wanting to land trustworthy employees and by the lovelorn hoping to find happiness, Anna likes to keep the real-life mess of other people at arm’s length and on paper. But when she is called to use her expertise on a note left behind at a murder scene in the small town she and her son have recently moved to, the crime gets under Anna’s skin and rips open her narrow life for all to see. To save her son—and herself—once and for all, Anna will face her every fear, her every mistake, and the past she thought she'd rewritten.

Лучший дебютный роман

К. Дж. Хоу 0.0
Kidnap negotiator Thea Paris has spent her entire life with survivor's guilt, following an unspeakable childhood tragedy. At eight years old, she watched, frozen in fear, as her twelve-year-old brother, Nikos, was abducted from their home in Kanzi, Africa. Although he was recovered nine months later, he was never the same after that; worse, Thea discovers that she was supposed to have been the target.

This defining experience drives Thea to become one of the top operatives in the field of kidnap-and-ransom consultancy. Nicknamed "Liberata" because she once secured the release of a captive from the Sicilian mob without her client paying a cent, she travels the globe trying to bring hostages home--mostly through negotiation, but occasionally through more forceful means. She is very good at her job.

Twenty years after her brother's abduction, Thea's worst nightmare is revisited when her father, oil magnate Christos Paris, is taken on his sixtieth birthday. He disappears from his yacht while it is moored at Santorini, the ship's whole crew slaughtered mercilessly.

Thea immediately calls in her team at Quantum Security International, premier K&R specialists. Following protocol, they break down Christos' life, looking for leads, but the list of enemies and business competitors is endless. Not surprisingly, Christos Paris has imprinted his designer shoe on innumerable backs during his journey to the top of the oil business. And he was abducted only a few days before the biggest deal of his career.

From there, the case only gets stranger. Unlike most abductions, there are no ransom demands, no political appeals, no prisoner release requests. Instead, the kidnapper sends foreboding quotes in Latin by text from burner phones. What does the kidnapper want? And most importantly for Thea, will she be able to prevent a second kidnapping from destroying her family for good?
Уолт Грагг 0.0
WWIII explodes in this electrifying debut military thriller in the tradition of Red Storm Rising and The Third World War.

"Delta-Two, I've got tanks through the wire! They're everywhere!"

World War III explodes in seconds when a resurgent Russian Empire launches a deadly armored thrust into the heart of Germany. With a powerful blizzard providing cover, Russian tanks thunder down the autobahns while undercover Spetsnaz teams strike at vulnerable command points.

Standing against them are the woefully undermanned American forces. What they lack in numbers they make up for in superior weapons and training. But before the sun rises they are on the run across a smoking battlefield crowded with corpses.

Any slim hope for victory rests with one unlikely hero. Army Staff Sergeant George O'Neill, a communications specialist, may be able to reestablish links that have been severed by hostile forces, but that will take time. While he works, it's up to hundreds of individual American soldiers to hold back the enemy flood.

There's one thing that's certain. The thin line between victory and defeat is also the
red line between life and death
Дэниел Коул 3.7
Лондон взбудоражен жестоким преступлением – в одной из квартир в центре города обнаружена страшная «кукла», сшитая из частей человеческих тел. Журналисты уже окрестили садиста Тряпичной куклой. Но на этом он не останавливается и дразнит полицию, обнародовав список своих будущих жертв и точные даты их смерти. Поймать психопата берется Вильям «Волк» Лейтон-Коукс, детектив со скандальной биографией. Сможет ли он предотвратить гибель несчастных из списка Тряпичной куклы, когда весь мир следит за каждым его шагом? И почему сам детектив находится в этом списке?
Стеф Бродрибб 0.0
Lori Anderson is as tough as they come, managing to keep her career as a fearless Florida bounty hunter separate from her role as single mother to nine-year-old Dakota, who suffers from leukaemia. But when the hospital bills start to rack up, she has no choice but to take her daughter along on a job that will make her a fast buck. And that’s when things start to go wrong. The fugitive she’s assigned to haul back to court is none other than JT, Lori’s former mentor – the man who taught her everything she knows … the man who also knows the secrets of her murky past.

Not only is JT fighting a child exploitation racket operating out of one of Florida’s biggest theme parks, Winter Wonderland, a place where ‘bad things never happen’, but he’s also mixed up with the powerful Miami Mob. With two fearsome foes on their tails, just three days to get JT back to Florida, and her daughter to protect, Lori has her work cut out for her. When they’re ambushed at a gas station, the stakes go from high to stratospheric, and things become personal.

Breathtakingly fast-paced, both hard-boiled and heart-breaking, Deep Down Dead is a simply stunning debut from one of the most exciting new voices in crime fiction."
Sheena Kamal 0.0
It's late. The phone rings.

The man on the other end says his daughter is missing.

Your daughter.

The baby you gave away over fifteen years ago.

What do you do?

Nora Watts isn't sure that she wants to get involved. Troubled, messed up, and with more than enough problems of her own, Nora doesn't want to revisit the past. But then she sees the photograph. A girl, a teenager, with her eyes. How can she turn her back on her?

But going in search of her daughter brings Nora into contact with a past that she would rather forget, a past that she has worked hard to put behind her, but which is always there, waiting for her . . .

In Eyes Like Mine, Sheena Kamal has created a kick-ass protagonist who will give Lisbeth Salander a run for her money. Intuitive, not always likeable, and deeply flawed, Nora Watts is a new heroine for our time.
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