Вручение 1985 г.

Премия в номинации "Роман" не присуждалась.

Страна: США Дата проведения: 1985 г.


Гордон Диксон 0.0
Как и Христос, перед Своим публичным появлением, или Будда, до того, как наступило Прозрение, Хэл Мейнс, которому отрылось правда о будущем человечества, должен противостоять искушающим страстям. Сатанинский оппонет Хала, Блейс Аренс, царственный, титанический злодей. В центре их конфликта — «Энциклопедия», огромная космическая-станция на орбите Земли, которая содержит все знание человеческого рода. Кто контролирует Энциклопедию — тот управляет человечеством...
Ли Корри 0.0
Lee Correy was the pen name used by the late G. Harry Stine for his works of fiction. He was a long time proponent of Space Exploration and more importantly Exploitation.

Manna is a story set in a future where the world is split into military/economic factions, competition for energy and resources, and the struggle for people to remain free. It is a world where Stine's vision of an industrial revolution in space is well under way: routine commercial and military space flight, solar power satellites, orbital factories, bases on the moon - and orbiting laser cannon.

The story begins with ex-US Aerospace Force pilot Sandy Baldwin traveling to a job interview in a small country in Africa of which he knows little. He's been cashiered - when targeted by a Russian military spacecraft, he was the one who survived - but only because he exceeded his authority by defending himself. Now unemployable in the US, he arrives worrying about his job prospects but does really well in the interview by managing to break up an assassination attempt against the people he's come to see.

From there Baldwin begins a personal journey of discovery, finding out that the world is not what he thought it was. As his new employers begin to use his space and military skills, he finds they also need him as a leader in a war he's stumbled into. The human race is on the verge of changing the rules of the game completely. His new employers and soon adopted countrymen have begun to realize an economy based on the near limitless resources available in space; the entrenched powers that be who are still treating the world as a finite pie that can only be sliced up so many ways are determined to reign them in.

Mankind is on the verge of a new age - but the old one is loath to give up its grip. The story of Baldwin finding his own place in this new world and doing his best to make it happen is good, engrossing entertainment. The larger picture of what the world could be is engrossing in its own right. Although this book was written several decades ago, recent events make it even more timely
Вернор Виндж 3.6
Бывает и так, что война будет благом для цивилизации. Особенно — если это война с властью, мешающей прогрессу. Очень сильная вещь, неоднозначные герои, совершающие непростые поступки. В этой книге мы впервые встречаемся с Деллой Лу.
L. Neil Smith 0.0
Corporal Whitey O’Thraight may need to choose between his own survival or that of his home planet

Whitey O’Thraight, the Ship’s Armorer on the first interstellar vessel launched by his home planet Vespucci, finds himself stranded on a strange planet with just one other survivor.

Captured by the local Baron, they are freed by a group of monks who are much more than they initially appear to be. Their new benefactors and friends have something special in mind for the two survivors, but going along with these plans might mean the destruction of Vespucci as they knew it.

Another breath-taking adventure by the author of the award winning Pallas and The Probability Broach
Фрэнсис Пол Вилсон 3.8
Однажды к Джеку, специалисту по необычным расследованиям, обратился однорукий индиец с просьбой разыскать старинное стальное ожерелье с камнями, украденное у его бабушки. Поиски начинаются, но вместе с ними начинают происходить странные вещи и, что еще хуже, необъяснимо исчезают люди...

Зал славы

Эрик Фрэнк Рассел 0.0
Открыв сверхсветовой скачок, перемещение в пространстве с огромной скоростью, человечество получило возможность отправиться к далеким галактикам. Началась невиданная миграция, переселение и освоение планет — так называемый, «большой взрыв». Различные диссиденты, нарушители спокойствия, группы меньшинств, да и простые смертные могли облюбовать себе планетку по интересам без постороннего вмешательства. Роман описывает то, что ожидает нас спустя четыреста лет, когда бравые и компетентные представители Земли, планеты матери, решили совершить инспекционный тур по четырем колониям -колонии преступников, планете сторонников чрезмерно здорового образа жизни, и ещё двух веселеньких планет. © ozor
Poul Anderson 0.0
Humankind has explored the galaxy: Nicholas van Rijn had bought it. A starwide empire was difficult to run, but the old man was wily and the resources of the Solar Spice & Liquors Company were vast. But sometimes even a conquered world can get just a little out of hand.

In his Magnificent Future History of Mankind's second great age Poul Anderson has conjured up a universe too immense for even the human race to despoil. Across this grand expanse of space roams the Polesotechnic League, a band of merchant princes from every inhabited planet, in search of adventure and riches beyond the wildest dreams of our earthbound time!