Вручение 2003 г.

Страна: США Дата проведения: 2003 г.

Премия им. Уильяма Кроуфорда

Александр Ирвин 2.9
Согласно ацтекским мифам, когда кончается один календарный цикл и начинается другой, наступает время перемен - и к власти могут прийти новые боги...
Мистика? Но так не считает миллионер Райли Стин, к которому случайно попали тайные документы некоего Аарона Бэра, твердо верившего, что если в Священный день ацтекского календаря провести таинственный "ритуал вызова" и принести в жертву над мумией маленькую девочку, рожденную в должное время и в должном месте, - можно вызвать рвущегося к власти над миром жестокого бога Тлалока.
Стин, одержимый жаждой могущества, уже почти подготовил ритуал.
Однако ему противостоит отец похищенной девочки Арчи Прескотт, чернокожий проводник по Мамонтовым пещерам Стивен Бишоп и загадочное тайное общество "Искатели пути"...
Сара Синглтон 0.0
A young mother abandons her family to walk for a night with the fairies, and while she is gone, her environmentalist husband is seduced by a sinister creature from the Otherworld. In the heart of the city, goth boy Jo meets an eldritch elderly lady who tells his fortune and sends him out on a quest.
Naomi Kritzer 0.0
From a gifted new voice in fantasy fiction comes the thrilling saga of a war-ravaged land and the remarkable young woman destined to restore it...

Fires of the Faithful

For sixteen-year-old Eliana, life at her conservatory of music is a pleasant interlude between youth and adulthood, with the hope of a prestigious Imperial Court appointment at the end. But beyond the conservatory walls is a land blighted by war and inexplicable famine and dominated by a fearsome religious order known as the Fedeli, who are systematically stamping out all traces of the land's old beliefs. Soon not even the conservatory walls can hold out reality. When one classmate is brutally killed by the Fedeli for clinging to the forbidden ways and another is kidnapped by the Circle--the mysterious and powerful mages who rule the land--Eliana can take no more. Especially not after she learns one of the Circle's most closely guarded secrets.

Now, determined to escape the Circle's power, burning with rage at the Fedeli, and drawn herself to the beliefs of the Old Way, Eliana embarks on a treacherous journey to spread the truth. And what she finds shakes her to her core: a past destroyed, a future in doubt, and a desperate people in need of a leader--no matter how young or inexperienced....
Scott Nicholson 0.0

"The Red Church is a damn scary story well told." --Christopher Ransom, author of the international bestseller, The Birthing House. SYNOPSIS: For 13-year-old Ronnie Day, life is full of problems: Mom and Dad have separated, his brother Tim is a constant pest, Melanie Ward either loves him or hates him, and Jesus Christ won't stay in his heart. Plus he has to walk past the red church every day, where the Bell Monster hides with its wings and claws and livers for eyes. But the biggest problem is that Archer McFall is the new preacher at the church, and Mom wants Ronnie to attend midnight services with her. Sheriff Frank Littlefield hates the red church for a different reason. His little brother died in a freak accident at the church twenty years ago, and now Frank is starting to see his brother's ghost. And the ghost keeps demanding, "Free me." People are dying in Whispering Pines, and the murders coincide with McFall's return. The Days, the Littlefields, and the McFalls are descendants of the original families that settled the rural Appalachian community. Those old families share a secret of betrayal and guilt, and McFall wants his congregation to prove its faith. Because he believes he is the Second Son of God, and that the cleansing of sin must be done in blood. "Sacrifice is the currency of God," McFall preaches, and unless Frank and Ronnie stop him, everybody pays.
Чарльз Дикинсон 0.0
Euclid Heights, Illinois, is a town of many shortcuts, between houses, through orchards, and across fields. Josh Winkler, a local artist and longtime resident, knows these irregular pathways well, but he is flabbergasted when a hasty dash down a familiar walk deposits him fifteen minutes in the past. At first, Josh is more intrigued than alarmed by this accidental time travel. Then a disoriented young woman appears, claiming to be from 1908....

As his life, his family, his town, and even history itself begin to unravel, Josh gradually realizes that his only salvation may lie in a shortcut in time.

Charles Dickinson has written a moving and unforgettable book about the way the past can affect the present, as well as, sometimes, the other way around.
Джеймс Хитли 0.0
James A. Hetley's critically acclaimed debut novel is the story of a modern-day woman discovering her lineage to the sorcerers who once inhabited Camelot--and her odyssey through the Summer Country to inherit her birthright.
Майкл Шейбон 3.5
Маленьким существам, населяющим волшебную страну Саммерленд, угрожает опасность. Они выбирают Этана Фельда своим вождем, и вместе с решительной Дженнифер мальчик вступает в борьбу со злыми, сильными врагами.