Вручение июнь 2000 г.

Страна: Ирландия Место проведения: город Дублин Дата проведения: июнь 2000 г.

Международная Дублинская премия IMPAC

Nicola Barker 4.0
As winner of the highly prestigious IMPAC International Dublin Literary Award, Wide Open beat out books by such masters as Toni Morrison, Philip Roth, and Michael Cunningham. It is truly extraordinary work of fiction, taking readers into a small English seaside town, and into the minds and hearts of its remarkable inhabitants -- a man named Ronny, weed killer by trade, who has some strange things in common with a man he finds dangling from a bridge; Nathan, the son of a pedophile, who toils in the Underground's Lost Property department, endlessly logging missing items; Sara, purveyor of her family boar farm, and Lily, her teenage daughter, tragically born with unformed organs and blood that refuses to clot. Starkly original and at turns hilarious, sad, and hopeful, Wide Open brilliantly displays Nicola Barker's delightfully singular literary talent.
Филип Рот 4.0
Натан Цукерман, герой нескольких романов Филипа Рота, приезжает к своему девяностолетнему учителю и вспоминает свою юность, пришедшуюся как раз на времена «охоты на ведьм» в Америке. Как и в прочих романах Филипа Рота, в центре повествования оказывается сексуальная неудовлетворенность героя и всепроникающий антисемитизм в его самой экстремальной форме — ненависти к собственному народу.
Майкл Каннингем 4.0
Главная героиня романа - вдохновительница и мистический "соавтор" Каннингема, знаменитая английская писательница Вирджиния Вулф. Наряду с ней, пишущей свой прославленный роман "Миссис Дэллоуэй" в 20-х годах XX века, в "Часах" рассказывается о миссис Браун, читающей эту книгу в середине века, и миссис Дэллоуэй, живущей в конце XX века в Нью-Йорке, чья судьба так схожа с судьбой Клариссы из книги Вулф. Англия 20-х и Америка 90-х. Патриархальный Ричмонд, послевоенный Лос-Анджелес и сверхсовременный Нью-Йорк. Как устроено время? Как рождаются книги? Обо всем этом - "Часы".
Jackie Kay 0.0
"Supremely humane.... Kay leaves us with a broad landscape of sweet tolerance and familial love". The New York Times Book Review

In her starkly beautiful and wholly unexpected tale, Jackie Kay delves into the most intimate workings of the human heart and mind and offers a triumphant tale of loving deception and lasting devotion.

The death of legendary jazz trumpeter Joss Moody exposes an extraordinary secret, one that enrages his adopted son, Colman, leading him to collude with a tabloid journalist. Besieged by the press, his widow Millie flees to a remote Scottish village, where she seeks solace in memories of their marriage. The reminiscences of those who knew Joss Moody render a moving portrait of a shared life founded on an intricate lie, one that preserved a rare, unconditional love.
Colum McCann 3.9
At the turn of the century, Nathan Walker comes to New York City to take the most dangerous job in the country. A sandhog, he burrows beneath the East River, digging the tunnel that will carry trains from Brooklyn to Manhattan. In the bowels of the riverbed, the sandhogs--black, white, Irish, Italian--dig together, the darkness erasing all differences. Above ground, though, the men keep their distance until a spectacular accident welds a bond between Walker and his fellow sandhogs that will both bless and curse three generations.
Элис Макдермот 0.0
Alice McDermott tells the story of Billy Lynch within the complex matrix of a tightly knit Irish American community, in a voice that is resonant and full of deep feeling. Charming Billy is a masterpiece about the unbreakable bonds of memory and desire.

Charming Billy is the winner of the 1998 National Book Award for Fiction.
Toni Morrison 5.0
The theme of this novel is the anatomy of an internecine war, cultural, religious and racial. It is waged between a community of nuns and the strays and misfits who arrive at their convent for safe haven, and those who dwell in the surrounding black township in Oklahoma.