
Моя оценка

In London's MI5 headquarters a scandal is brewing that could disgrace the entire intelligence community. The Downing Street superforecaster — a specialist who advises the Prime Minister's office on…
Серия: The slough house novels

ISBN: 978-1-64129-337-2

Год издания: 2022

Язык: Английский


"The newest Slough House spy novel by Mick Herron, has at last arrived ... We can dispense with the plot fairly swiftly, because plot isn't — at least for me — the book's chief attraction ... What spurs me to keep reading each new installment is Herron's absurdist voice, which could devolve into cheap cynicism but never does. That's why the Slough House denizens, from Jackson Lamb to Roddy Ho to newcomer Ashley Kahn, maintain pathos in the face of parody."

Номинант: 2023 г.Премия Барри (Лучший триллер)

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