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22 ноября 2021 г., 10:03

Carlo: Getting back to women who are drawn to serial killers and mass murderers, what are your feelings about that? Why do you think that happens?
Ramirez: Women ... when I was on the street, I was a loner. I stayed to myself. I really had no contact with people. It’s only been since I’ve been in prison that I have really developed relationships with people, and mostly women, though I now see that they have feelings, they have emotions ... I mean, I always did but I suppose I locked it out most of the time. I didn’t think about other people’s feelings and needs.
Carlo: These women that you’re making reference to, do you think they were drawn to you because of your notoriety?
Ramirez: Oh, they’re drawn to me for all sorts of reasons.
Carlo: Such as what, Richard?
Ramirez: To get something out of me, to question me. Maybe they’re intrigued by murder or murderers ... some are religious, some are sympathetic—you know, they have sympathy for me. Some come just so they can tell their friends they came and talked to me. They’ve come to me from different walks of life, these women.