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Even as the Imperium faces the renegade Legions of the Warmaster, the ruling Council of Terra is becoming paralysed from within by increasingly petty bureaucracy. Fabricator General Kane has seen his fellow Mechanicum adepts dismissed again and again by the High Lords – with his traitorous predecessor Kelbor-Hal still at large on the Red Planet, the political status of the tech-priesthood remains ambiguous. New alliances must be forged from the old, if Mars and Terra are to survive the final battle.
Цикл: Warhammer 40,000. Ересь Хоруса, книга №18.7

Форма: рассказ

Оригинальное название: The Binary Succession

Дата написания: 2017

Первая публикация: 2017

Язык: Английский

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