Грег Ф. Гифьюн

Greg F. Gifune

  • 17 книг
  • 3 подписчика
  • 405 читателей
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1 17

Грег Ф. Гифьюн – лучшие книги

  • Сезон крови Грег Ф. Гифьюн
    ISBN: 978-5-17-115875-0
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: АСТ
    Язык: Русский

    Когда-то в детстве Алан, Рик, Дональд и Бернард бы ли неразлучными друзьями. Теперь им уже под сорок, жизнь каждого не слишком-то удалась, их пути разошлись, и вместе старых приятелей сводит страшное известие: Бернард, самый одинокий и безобидный человек в их компании, совершил самоубийство. Алан, Рик и Дональд находят предсмертное послание, в котором Бернард признается, что на самом деле был серийным убийцей. Даже когда полиция находит в городе закопанные изуродованные трупы, они не могут поверить в то, что узнали, но вскоре изза кошмаров и жутких видений наяву осознают, что Бернард, может, и умер, но не исчез, и за ним стоит нечто…

  • Дикари. Дети хаоса Грег Ф. Гифьюн
    ISBN: 978-5-17-145452-4
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: АСТ
    Язык: Русский
    «Дикари». Все началось как обыкновенный отдых нескольких друзей на яхте в Тихом океане. Но когда корабль тонет во время шторма, оставшихся в живых заносит на маленький и судя по всему необитаемый остров, который находится в милях от их первоначального курса. Путешественники пытаются обустроиться в своем новом пристанище, ожидая спасения. Но попавшийся им остров — далеко не тот рай, которым он показался изначально. Это место подлинного ужаса и смерти, давно похороненных и забытых тайн. И здесь есть что-то живое. Существо, которое хранит секреты этой позабытой всеми земли, настоящий хищник, который не остановится ни перед чем, лишь бы защитить ее мрачное наследие.

    «Дети хаоса». Под проливным дождем три подростка – Фил, Джейми и Мартин – встречают загадочного человека, покрытого страшными шрамами, который изменит их жизни и сами их души. Эта встреча закончится очень плохо, и вскоре парни поймут, что возможно перед ними был не человек, а нечто большее. И даже спустя тридцать лет память о том вечере терзает их по-прежнему. Фил стал средней руки писателем, развелся и страдает от пристрастия к алкоголю. Джейми – священник, лишенный сана, с темными секретами и страстями. А Мартин сошел с ума, возомнил себя богом, надолго исчез и снова объявился в Мексике, став главой зловещей и кровавой секты. Когда умирающая мать Мартина просит вернуть ее блудного сына домой, Фил отправляется в путь, еще не зная, что эта поездка обернется настоящим путешествием в сердце тьмы, а его бывший друг далеко не так безумен, как все вокруг говорят.
  • Heretics Greg F. Gifune
    ISBN: 978-1929653188
    Год издания: 2001
    Издательство: Delirium Books
    Язык: Английский
  • Deep Night Greg F. Gifune
    ISBN: 192965376X
    Год издания: 2006
    Издательство: Delirium Books
    Язык: Английский

    For Seth Roman, his younger brother Raymond and their friends, it was supposed to be a few days of relaxation and fun, a getaway from their dull corporate jobs and troubled lives, a week of card playing and drinking at a cabin in the remote woods of northern Maine. But when a young woman staggers into their camp with her clothes covered in blood, their lives are changed forever. The woman brings with her something ancient and deadly, evil and inhuman, and something secretly familiar to Raymond, a man plagued by inexplicable night terrors as a child, the horrors of which still torment him as an adult. As an unexpected snowstorm moves in, the…

  • Apartment Seven Greg F. Gifune
    Издательство: Delirium Books
    Язык: Английский

    It's Christmastime in the city, but all is not merry. Something is happening in Apartment Seven. Something evil. Charlie Cerrone thought he had it all—a loving marriage, a good job, a nice home and financial security—until the night his wife betrayed him and his entire world came crashing down. Angry and confused, Charlie wanders the streets of Boston after dark, dazed and searching for answers, trying to figure out why his wife has apparently taken up with another man and why she's been frequenting a strangely ominous and otherwise abandoned building late at night in one of the worst neighborhoods in the city. Throughout the cold…

  • Savages Greg F. Gifune
    ISBN: 9781944044282
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Sinister Grin Press
    Язык: Английский

    It began as a vacation to the Cook Islands. But when seven friends are lost in the South Pacific after their boat goes down in a storm, they must survive at sea for several days in a small raft. Blown miles off course from their original position, and deep into open waters, they eventually encounter a small uncharted island. Grateful to be alive, they begin their quest for survival, hopeful they’ll be rescued sooner than later. But the island is not the paradise it appears to be. Instead, it is a place of horror, death, torture and evil, of terrible secrets thought long buried and forgotten. And they are not alone. Something…

  • House of Rain Greg F. Gifune
    ISBN: 978-1940544281
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: DarkFuse
    Язык: Английский
  • Dreams The Ragman Greg F. Gifune
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: DarkFuse
    Язык: Английский

    As a young boy Derrick listened to his grandfather’s spooky tales of “The Ragman,” an old junk dealer and boogieman of sorts to the children in the neighborhood who he claimed had followed him throughout his entire life and stalked him from the depths of his own worst nightmares. But as an alcoholic ravaged with senility, his grandfather’s stories were dismissed as delusions. When years later, murder comes to Derrick’s small hometown, he and his best friend Caleb—both teenage outcasts—discover that the killer is a hobo dressed in rags who rides the rails in and out of town when committing his crimes. They dub him “The Ragman” unaware of…

  • Children of Chaos Greg F. Gifune
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: DarkFuse
    Язык: Английский

    In a torrential downpour, Phil, Jamie and Martin—three teenage boys—encounter a strange and enigmatic man covered in horrible scars who will change their lives, their destinies and the very fate of their souls forever. When their encounter mistakenly leads to murder, they realize this eerie stranger may not have been a man at all, but something much more… Thirty years later the boys—now men—lead tormented lives filled with horrifying memories of the scarred man and what they did all those years ago in the rain. Phil is a struggling writer, divorced, with a daughter and a mounting drinking problem. Jamie is a defrocked priest with…

  • Sorcerer Greg F. Gifune
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: DarkFuse
    Язык: Английский

    Times are tough. Jeff McGrath has recently lost his job, and he and his wife Eden are having trouble making ends meet. Saddled with a mountain of growing bills, the prospect of being evicted from their apartment and an enigmatic homeless man who lives on the steps of their building and seems inexplicably drawn to the young couple, things look exceedingly bleak. But when one afternoon Jeff meets a beautiful businesswoman who wants to recruit him for a high-paying job at an internationally-renowned company owned by the wildly successful CEO Foster Hope, he thinks his luck may be changing. But what initially seems like the break of a lifetime…

  • Judas Goat Грег Ф. Гифьюн
    ISBN: 9781946025883
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Macabre Ink
    Язык: Английский
    Who is the Judas Goat?

    It had been twenty years since Lenny Cates had seen or heard from his old college flame Sheena. Theirs had been a brief and tumultuous relationship that ended badly, so when Lenny is notified that Sheena has died in a freak accident and has left her entire estate to him, he feels compelled to investigate the last days leading to her untimely death. As Lenny arrives in town to settle her affairs, he begins to dig deeper into Sheena’s life and learns her final days were cast in shadows of loneliness, depression and experiments in black magic. Soon, Lenny will discover that Sheena’s death has awakened something insatiably demonic and old as mankind, something lying in wait and growing stronger in a quiet little town where the horrors of the past never truly die, pain is eternal, and nothing is as it seems.

    Look closer…sometimes evil hides in plain sight.
  • Rain Dancers Greg F. Gifune
    ISBN: 9781937771324
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: DarkFuse
    Язык: Английский
    When Will and Betty Colby return to Betty's hometown to settle her late father's affairs and prepare his house for sale, they assume they'll be faced with some cleaning, basic repairs and making runs to the local dump. Will also hopes it will afford Betty a chance to reflect on the difficult relationship she had with her father. But something more is happening in this quiet little town, in this dark old house at the end of this seemingly deserted dirt road.

    In the middle of a rainstorm, a man calling himself Bob Laurent appears in the night on their doorstep, claiming to be an old family friend. He seems harmless enough, only Betty has no memory of him. Yet he knows everything about her, her father and their lives. He even knows intimate details about Will and his life. While the storm rages on, a cauldron of tension, suspicion and fear builds between the couple and the stranger, dragging Will and Betty to the very brink of madness.

    A vile and unrelenting evil has returned to claim what was taken from it long ago, and all the demons of the past, present and probable future have come home to roost. Before the storm clears and the sun rises, Will and Betty Colby will come to know the horrifying truth.

    People live and die...but the evil they do is eternal
  • Kingdom of Shadows Грег Ф. Гифьюн
    ISBN: 9781934546451
    Год издания: 2009
    A band of desperate criminals...a seemingly deserted farmhouse guarded by the rotting remnants of scarecrows, the echoes of torture and depravity and the whispers of unholy nightmares...a dark night concealing terrible secrets, misery and long-suppressed horrors...

    One faraway, nearly forgotten night, this night, stands between the forsaken and deliverance, but they are not alone in the darkness. Something demonic dwells within...something luring them toward a separate kingdom...a kingdom of night...a kingdom of evil...

    A Kingdom Of Shadows...

    Fear the night.