Ребекка Росс

Rebecca Ross

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Новинки Ребекки Росс

  • Rivali divini Ребекка Росс
    ISBN: 9786069740880
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Leda Edge
    Язык: Румынский
    Când doi tineri jurnaliști rivali descoperă dragostea prin intermediul unei conexiuni magice, aceștia trebuie să înfrunte infernul într-un război iscat între zei, astfel încât să-și hotărască pentru totdeauna soarta.

    După secole de adormire, zeii se războiesc din nou. Tânăra Iris Winnow, în vârstă de 18 ani, nu vrea însă decât să își țină familia laolaltă. Mama ei a căzut pradă dependențelor, iar fratele, care a fost trimis pe front, a dispărut. Singura ei șansă este să câștige promovarea de la Gazeta de Oath, unde lucrează ca ziaristă.

    Pentru a mai uita de griji, Iris îi scrie lungi epistole fratelui ei, pe care le strecoară pe sub ușa șifonierului, de unde dispar… direct în mâinile lui Roman Kitt, fermecătorul și deopotrivă nepăsătorul ei rival de la ziar. Când acesta din urmă îi răspunde la scrisori sub protecția anonimatului, între cei doi se naște o legătură care o va însoți pe Iris până în prima linie a frontului, unde ajunge hotărâtă să-și salveze fratele, omenirea, dar și dragostea.

    Rivali divini este un roman fantasy plin de speranță, dar și de suferință, despre puterea de neegalat a dragostei.
  • Divine Rivals Ребекка Росс
    ISBN: 9780008588151
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: FairyLoot, Magpie Books
    Язык: Английский
    When two young rival journalists find love through a magical connection, they must face the depths of hell, in a war among gods, to seal their fate forever.

    After centuries of sleep, the gods are warring again. But eighteen-year-old Iris Winnow just wants to hold her family together. Her mother is suffering from addiction and her brother is missing from the front lines. Her best bet is to win the columnist promotion at the Oath Gazette.

    To combat her worries, Iris writes letters to her brother and slips them beneath her wardrobe door, where they vanish—into the hands of Roman Kitt, her cold and handsome rival at the paper. When he anonymously writes Iris back, the two of them forge a connection that will follow Iris all the way to the front lines of battle: for her brother, the fate of mankind, and love.

    Shadow and Bone meets Lore in Rebecca Ross's Divine Rivals, an epic enemies-to-lovers fantasy novel filled with hope and heartbreak, and the unparalleled power of love.
  • Ruthless Vows Ребекка Росс
    ISBN: 9781250857453
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Wednesday Books

    Two weeks have passed since Iris Winnow returned home bruised and heartbroken from the front, but the war is far from over. Roman is missing, and the city of Oath continues to dwell in a state of disbelief and ignorance. When Iris and Attie are given another chance to report on Dacre’s movements, they both take the opportunity and head westward once more despite the danger, knowing it’s only a matter of time before the conflict reaches a city that’s unprepared and fracturing beneath the chancellor’s reign. Since waking below in Dacre’s realm, Roman cannot remember his past. But given the reassurance that his memories will return in time,…

  • Divine Rivals Ребекка Росс
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Macmillan Audio
    Язык: Английский
    When two young rival journalists find love through a magical connection, their fate depends on their facing the depths of hell … together.

    After centuries of sleep, the gods are warring again …

    All eighteen-year-old Iris Winnow wants to do is hold her family together. With a brother on the frontline forced
    to fight on behalf of the Gods now missing from the frontline and a mother drowning her sorrows, Iris’s best bet is winning the columnist promotion at the Oath Gazette.

    But when Iris’s letters to her brother fall into the wrong hands – that of the handsome but cold Roman Kitt, her rival at the paper – an unlikely magical connection forms.

    Expelled into the middle of a mystical war, magical typewriters in tow, can their bond withstand the fight for the fate of mankind and, most importantly, love?

    An epic enemies-to-lovers fantasy novel filled with hope and heartbreak, and the unparalleled power of love.
  • Divine Rivals Ребекка Росс
    ISBN: 9781250903891
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Wednesday Books
    Язык: Английский
    When two young rival journalists find love through a magical connection, they must face the depths of hell, in a war among gods, to seal their fate forever.

    After centuries of sleep, the gods are warring again. But eighteen-year-old Iris Winnow just wants to hold her family together. Her mother is suffering from addiction and her brother is missing from the front lines. Her best bet is to win the columnist promotion at the Oath Gazette.

    To combat her worries, Iris writes letters to her brother and slips them beneath her wardrobe door, where they vanish—into the hands of Roman Kitt, her cold and handsome rival at the paper. When he anonymously writes Iris back, the two of them forge a connection that will follow Iris all the way to the front lines of battle: for her brother, the fate of mankind, and love.

    Shadow and Bone meets Lore in Rebecca Ross's Divine Rivals, an epic enemies-to-lovers fantasy novel filled with hope and heartbreak, and the unparalleled power of love.
  • Divine Rivals Ребекка Росс
    ISBN: 9780008588151
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: HarperCollins
    Язык: Английский

    When two young rival journalists find love through a magical connection, their fate depends on their facing the depths of hell … together. After centuries of sleep, the gods are warring again … All eighteen-year-old Iris Winnow wants to do is hold her family together. With a brother on the frontline forced to fight on behalf of the Gods now missing from the frontline and a mother drowning her sorrows, Iris’s best bet is winning the columnist promotion at the Oath Gazette. But when Iris’s letters to her brother fall into the wrong hands – that of the handsome but cold Roman Kitt, her rival at the paper – an unlikely magical…

  • A River Enchanted Ребекка Росс
    ISBN: 9780008514686
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Harper Voyager
    A sparkling debut fantasy with Celtic tones set on the magical isle of Cadence where two childhood enemies must team up to discover why girls are going missing from their clan.
    Enchantments run deep on the magical Isle of Cadence.
    The capricious spirits that live there find mirth in the lives of the humans who call the land home, but that mischief turns to malevolence as girls begin to go missing.
    Adaira, heiress of the east, knows the spirits only answer to a bard’s music, enticing them to return the missing girls. But there’s only one bard capable of drawing the spirits forth by song: her childhood enemy, Jack Tamerlaine.
    He hasn’t stepped foot on Cadence in ten long years, content to study music at the Mainland university. But as Jack and Adaira reluctantly work together it becomes apparent the trouble with the spirits is far more sinister than first thought and an older, darker secret lurks beneath the surface, threatening to undo them all.
  • A River Enchanted Ребекка Росс
    ISBN: 9780063055988
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Harper Voyager
    Jack Tamerlaine hasn’t stepped foot on Cadence in ten long years, content to study music at the mainland university. But when young girls start disappearing from the isle, Jack is summoned home to help find them. Enchantments run deep on Cadence: gossip is carried by the wind, plaid shawls can be as strong as armor, and the smallest cut of a knife can instill fathomless fear. The capricious spirits that rule the isle by fire, water, earth, and wind find mirth in the lives of the humans who call the land home. Adaira, heiress of the east and Jack’s childhood enemy, knows the spirits only answer to a bard’s music, and she hopes Jack can draw them forth by song, enticing them to return the missing girls.

    As Jack and Adaira reluctantly work together, they find they make better allies than rivals as their partnership turns into something more. But with each passing song, it becomes apparent the trouble with the spirits is far more sinister than they first expected, and an older, darker secret about Cadence lurks beneath the surface, threatening to undo them all.
  • Сёстры меча и песни Ребекка Росс
    ISBN: 978-5-04-161681-6
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Freedom
    Язык: Русский

    Королевство Корисандра зародилось несколько столетий назад. Боги и богини спустились на землю, чтобы жить среди смертных. Их магия просочилась в кровь людей, и появились дети, унаследовавшие дар богов. Позже боги покинули царство смертных, но каждый после себя оставил магический артефакт. Так началась эра охотников за реликвиями. К заходу солнца Эвадна ждала свою сестру Хальцион, которую не видела восемь лет, с тех пор как та ушла служить в королевскую армию. Но девушка появляется на пороге Эвадны на день раньше и сообщает, что ее обвиняют в преступлении и приговаривают к заключению. Хальцион не удается скрыться и избежать наказания,…

  • Dreams Lie Beneath Ребекка Росс
    ISBN: 9780063015920
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Quill Tree Books
    Язык: Английский
    A curse plagues the realm of Azenor—during each new moon, magic flows from the nearby mountain and brings nightmares to life. Only magicians, who serve as territory wardens, stand between people and their worst dreams.

    Clementine Madigan is ready to take over as the warden of her small town, but when two magicians challenge her, she is unwittingly drawn into a century-old conflict. She seeks revenge, but as she secretly gets closer to Phelan, one of the handsome young magicians, secrets begin to rise. Clementine must unite with her rival to fight the realm’s curse, which seems to be haunting her every turn.
  • Sisters of Sword and Song Rebecca Ross
    ISBN: 9780062471413
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: HarperTeen
    Язык: Английский

    From the author of The Queen’s Rising comes a thrilling YA stand-alone fantasy about the unbreakable bond between sisters. Perfect for fans of Ember in the Ashes, Sky in the Deep, and Court of Fives. After eight long years, Evadne will finally be reunited with her older sister, Halcyon, who has been proudly serving in the queen’s army. But when Halcyon appears earlier than expected, Eva knows something has gone terribly wrong. Halcyon is on the run, hunted by her commander and charged with murder. Though Halcyon’s life is spared during her trial, the punishment is heavy. And when Eva volunteers to serve part of Halcyon’s sentence,…

  • Сопротивление королевы Ребекка Росс
    ISBN: 978-5-17-121166-0
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: АСТ, Mainstream
    Язык: Русский

    Я — Бриенна, госпожа Науки и приемная дочь некогда опального лорда Дэвина Мак-Квина. Мы пережили революцию, но моя борьба еще не окончена: я должна защищать королеву от врагов, среди которых могут оказаться даже самые близкие. Мне не место в этой семье. Принимать важные решения становится труднее, когда рядом он — Эодан Морган, или Картье Эварист, нынешний лорд Дома Морганов и мой наставник. Знаю, сейчас не время для проявления чувств: сторонники старого режима пытаются найти слабость в силах повстанцев и готовят сопротивление. Но что делает человека более уязвимым, чем любовь?

  • The Queen's Resistance Ребекка Росс
    ISBN: 9780008246013
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: HarperCollins
    In this sequel to The Queen's Rising, Brienna has chosen passion over blood, but can she put her country before her heart?
    Finally, Brienna is a mistress of knowledge and is settling into her role as the daughter of Davin MacQuinn, a disgraced lord who returned to Maevana to reclaim his house. Though she's just survived a revolution, one that will finally return a queen to the throne, she faces another difficult challenge. She must prove herself trustworthy to the MacQuinns. But as Queen Isolde Kavanagh's closest confidant, she'll have to balance serving her father's house as well as her country. And then there's Cartier Evariste, a wholly separate factor in her new life.
    Now known as Aodhan Morgane, Cartier is adjusting to the stark contrast between his pre-rebellion life in Valenia as a master of knowledge and his current one as the lord of a fallen house. During his castle's restoration, he discovers a ten-year-old boy named Tomas, whose past and parentage are a complete mystery. So when Cartier's former pupil Brienna is as fond of Tomas as he is, he lets his mind wander - what if he doesn't have to raise him or his house alone?
    As the Lannon trial rapidly approaches, Brienna and Cartier must put their feelings aside to concentrate on forging alliances, executing justice, and ensuring that no one interferes with the queen's coronation. But resistance is rumbling among the old regime's supporters, who are desperate to find a weakness in the rebels' forces. And nothing makes a person more vulnerable than deep-seated love.
  • Восстание королевы Ребекка Росс
    ISBN: 978-5-17-114680-1
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: АСТ
    Язык: Русский

    Живопись. Музыка. Драматургия. Интрига. Наука. Я должна была выбрать одну из пяти страстей, к которой у меня есть способности, и на протяжении семи лет изучать ее, чтобы стать госпожой страсти и обрести покровителя. Для этого и поступают в Дом Магналии - статусное учебное заведение для богатых и талантливых девочек. Я не могу похвастаться ни богатством, ни талантами - и все же я оказалась в Доме Магналии и провела здесь семь лет. Все, о чем я мечтала, — завершить свое обучение и быть избранной покровителем. Но я и подумать не могла, что им станет опальный лорд, готовящий заговор против короны. Теперь, на пороге войны, мне предстоит выбрать,…

  • The Queen's Resistance Ребекка Росс
    ISBN: 9780062471383
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: HarperTeen
    Язык: Английский
    The highly anticipated sequel to The Queen’s Rising!

    Finally, Brienna is a mistress of knowledge and is settling into her role as the daughter of Davin MacQuinn, a disgraced lord who returned to Maevana to reclaim his house. Though she’d just survived a revolution, one that will finally return a queen to the throne, she faces another difficult challenge. She must prove herself trustworthy to the MacQuinns. But as Queen Isolde Kavanagh’s closest confidant, she’ll have to balance serving her father’s house as well as her country. And then there’s Cartier, a wholly separate but desirable factor in her new life.

    Aodhan Morgane, formerly known as Cartier Évariste, is adjusting to the stark contrast between his pre-rebellion life in Valenia as a master of knowledge and his current one as the lord of a fallen house. During his castle’s restoration, he discovers a ten-year-old boy named Tomas, whose past and parentage are a complete mystery. So when Cartier’s former pupil Brienna is as taken with Tomas as he is, he lets his mind wander—what if he doesn’t have to raise him or his house alone?

    As the Lannon trial rapidly approaches, Brienna and Cartier must put their feelings aside to concentrate on forging alliances, executing justice, and ensuring that no one interferes with the queen’s coronation. But resistance is rumbling among the old regime’s supporters, who are desperate to find a weakness in the rebels’ forces. And nothing makes a person more vulnerable than deep-seated love.
  • The Queen's Rising Ребекка Росс
    ISBN: 9780008245986
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: HarperCollins
    A passionate story of intrigue, deception, truth and survival.
    Born out of wedlock, Brienna is cast off by her noble family and sent to Magnolia House – a boarding house for those looking to study the passions: art, music, dramatics, wit and knowledge. Brienna must discover her passion and train hard to perfect her skill, in the hope that she will one day graduate and be chosen by a wealthy patron, looking to support one of the ‘impassioned’.
    As Brienna gets closer to the eve of her graduation, she also grows closer to her smart (and handsome) tutor, Cartier. He can sense that she is hiding a secret, but Brienna chooses not to reveal that she is experiencing memories of her ancestors – memories uncovering the mysteries of the past that may have dangerous consequences in the present.
    A daring plot is brewing – to overthrow the usurper king and restore the rightful monarchy – and Brienna’s memories hold the key to its success. Cartier desperately wants to help Brienna, but she must chose her friends wisely, keep her enemies close and trust no one if she is to save herself and her people.
  • The Queen's Rising Ребекка Росс
    ISBN: 0008246009, 9780008246006
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: HarperCollins
    Язык: Английский

    A passionate story of intrigue, deception, truth and survival. A dazzling debut from an extraordinary new talent. Perfect for fans of SIX OF CROWS and Sarah J. Maas. Born out of wedlock, Brienna is cast off by her noble family and sent to Magnolia House - a boarding house for those looking to study the passions: art, music, dramatics, wit and knowledge. Brienna must discover her passion and train hard to perfect her skill, in the hope that she will one day graduate and be chosen by a wealthy patron, looking to support one of the 'impassioned'. As Brienna gets closer to the eve of her graduation, she also grows closer to her smart (and…

  • The Queen's Rising Ребекка Росс
    ISBN: 9780062471345
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: HarperTeen
    Язык: Английский

    When her seventeenth summer solstice arrives, Brienna desires only two things: to master her passion and to be chosen by a patron. Growing up in the southern Kingdom of Valenia at the renowned Magnalia House should have prepared her for such a life. While some are born with an innate talent for one of the five passions—art, music, dramatics, wit, and knowledge—Brienna struggled to find hers until she belatedly chose to study knowledge. However, despite all her preparations, Brienna’s greatest fear comes true—the solstice does not go according to plan and she is left without a patron. Months later, her life takes an unexpected turn…

  • Narodziny kr?lowej Ребекка Росс
    ISBN: 978-83-66134-50-8
    Издательство: OSDW Azymut