Стивен Коул

Stephen Cole

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Стивен Коул — новинки

  • Swarm Enemy Стивен Коул
    ISBN: 9781444960891
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Hodder & Stoughton
    Perfect for fans of Alex Rider, Young Bond and Cherub, this fast-paced action-adventure is the second thrilling story from astronaut Tim Peake and bestselling author Steve Cole. The alien Swarm is rising once more...
    When Danny's best friend Jamila goes missing, and no one remembers she exists, Danny knows the alien Swarm are back on Earth. They've tracked the digital energy signals Jamila has been unintentionally transmitting. Her alien-enhanced DNA can be used to clone super-strong beings with super-powers, and now it's not just the Swarm who are after her. Danny needs to find Jamila - and a new version of Adi, the friendly Swarm scout - and together they must stop both humans and aliens from destroying the human race.
  • Swarm Rising Стивен Коул
    ISBN: 9781444960860
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Hodder & Stoughton
    Best friends Danny & Jameela need all their science smarts - and some cool tech - when Danny is kidnapped by an alien! Adi says she's protecting the human race from the Swarm, a super advanced race of digital beings. Can they stop the Swarm Agents destroying the human race as we know it?
    For fans of Alex Rider, Young Bond and Cherub, this exciting action-adventure is the first children's book from astronaut Tim Peake and bestselling author Steve Cole, and is based on space-age science and technology.
    When Danny is kidnapped by Adi - who can run through brick walls and make cars drive on water - he realises that all humans are in danger. Adi is part of a super-advanced hive mind, the Swarm, which intends to protect the Earth from the environmental catastrophe caused by the human race.
    Adi - Alien Digital Intelligence in the form of a girl - can bend the laws of physics and control digital data, but as a digital being she wants to know what it's like to be human. Which is where Danny comes in.
    But what exactly is the 'help' the secretive Swarm is offering? Can Danny and his friend Jamila help Adi stop the Swarm Agents and give humanity a second chance?
  • Doctor Who: The Knight, The Fool and The Dead: Time Lord Victorious Стивен Коул
    ISBN: 9781785946325
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: BBC Books
    We live forever, barring accidents. Just like everyone else in the universe.

    The Doctor travels back to the Ancient Days, an era where life flourishes and death is barely known...

    Then come the Kotturuh – creatures who spread through the cosmos dispensing mortality. They judge each and every species and decree its allotted time to live. For the first time, living things know the fear of ending. And they will go to any lengths to escape this grim new spectre, death.

    The Doctor is an old hand at cheating death. Now, at last, he can stop it at source. He is coming for the Kotturuh, ready to change everything so that Life wins from the start.

    Not just the last of the Time Lords. The Time Lord Victorious.
  • Секрет лисёнка Стивен Коул
    ISBN: 978-5-04-110671-3
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Эксмо
    Язык: Русский
    Мистеру Псу никогда не сидится на месте — он обожает познавать мир! А ещё он первый помощник и верный друг всех животных. И когда в доме на соседней улице пропадает черепашка, а по ночам кто-то стал воровать еду из мусорных баков, Мистер Пёс решает вычислить хулигана. Как же он удивится, узнав, кто безобразничает на городских улицах!
  • Mr Dog and a Hedge Called Hog Стивен Коул
    ISBN: 9780008306427
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: HarperCollins
    A brand new young fiction series by TV broadcaster and intrepid explorer Ben Fogle, inspired by his real-life animal experiences…
    Co-written with best-selling children’s author Steve Cole and illustrated throughout with beautiful black and white illustrations by Nikolas Ilic.
    You can always count on Mr Dog to help an animal in trouble…
    Mr Dog has travelled north for an island escapade. But when a local hedgehog problem seems set to threaten his new friend, Hog, he knows he’ll have to act quickly to save his prickly companion…
  • Mr Dog and the Seal Deal Стивен Коул
    ISBN: 9780008306397
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: HarperCollins
    A brand new young fiction series by TV broadcaster and intrepid explorer Ben Fogle, inspired by his real-life animal experiences…
    Co-written with best-selling children’s author Steve Cole and illustrated throughout with beautiful black and white illustrations by Nikolas Ilic.
    You can always count on Mr Dog to help an animal in trouble…
    Mr Dog is spending some time out at sea, riding the waves with the fishermen. But when a local seal goes missing, he has to spring into action – fast… Anchors aweigh!
  • Mr Dog and the Rabbit Habit Стивен Коул
    ISBN: 9780008306366
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: HarperCollins
    A brand new young fiction series by TV broadcaster and intrepid explorer Ben Fogle, inspired by his real-life animal experiences…
    Co-written with best-selling children’s author Steve Cole and illustrated throughout with beautiful black and white illustrations by Nikolas Ilic.
    You can always count on Mr Dog to help an animal in trouble…
    When a mother rabbit is captured in a trap, he ends up playing bunnysitter…
    But someone wants rid of All the rabbits, not just this one, and time is running out for Mr Dog to save them…
  • Christmas Crisis! Стивен Коул
    ISBN: 9781782957737
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Penguin
    Язык: Английский
    Young Teggs Stegosaur is a pupil at ASTROSAURS ACADEMY- where dinosaurs train to be ASTROSAURS. With his best friends Blink and Dutch beside him, amazing adventures are never far away!
    The cadets are set a Christmas challenge - to make the brightest, biggest festive decorations the Academy's ever seen. But when Damona takes giant tree from the Land of Secrets, it's the beginning of an icy disaster . . . one tha
  • Astrosaurs 13: Revenge of the FANG Стивен Коул
    ISBN: 9781782958321
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Penguin
    Язык: Английский
    Meet Captain Teggs Stegosaur and the crew of the amazing spaceship DSS Sauropod as the ASTROSAURS fight evil across the galaxy!
    Teggs's old friends Blink and Dutch from Astrosaurs Academy have been dino-napped! To save his schoolfriends he must turn against the DSS and deliver top astrosaur secrets into their claws . . . But when Admiral Rosso finds out, Arx, Iggy and Gipsy are ordered to stop him by any means necessary!
  • Astrosaurs 17: The Twist of Time Стивен Коул
    ISBN: 9781782957911
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Penguin
    Язык: Английский
    The 17th title in the brilliantly funny and exciting ASTROSAURS series.
    Meet Captain Teggs Stegosaur and the crew of the amazing spaceship DSS Sauropod as the Astrosaurs fight evil across the galaxy!
    Killer carnivores have discovered a strange liquid with the power to turn back time . . . and plan to change plant-eating dinos everywhere into helpless babies! Can the astrosaurs stop them before time runs out - for
  • Astrosaurs Academy 4: Jungle Horror! Стивен Коул
    ISBN: 9781782958338
    Год издания: 2018
    Язык: Английский
    Another hilarious, action-packed adventure from the Astro-nomically popular Steve Cole.
    Young Teggs Stegosaur is a pupil at ASTROSAURS ACADEMY - where dinosaurs train to be ASTROSAURS. With his best friends Blink and Dutch beside him, amazing adventures are never far away!
    When the Academy's teachers retire without warning - and are replaced by sinister newcomers with a very odd line in lessons - Teggs and his friends sense that things are badly wrong. The search for answers leads t
  • Doctor Who: Combat Magicks Steve Cole
    ISBN: 9781785943690
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: BBC Books
    Язык: Английский
    The TARDIS arrives in Gaul in 451AD, on the eve of battle between the forces of Attila the Hun and those of the crumbling Roman Empire. But the Doctor soon finds that both sides are being helped by sinister, supernatural creatures.

    While Graham makes allies in the Roman camp and Ryan is pursued by the enigmatic Legion of Smoke, the Doctor and Yasmin are pressed into service as Attila’s personal sorcerers.

    But the Doctor knows there is science behind the combat magicks- and that the true war will pit all humanity against a ruthless alien threat.
  • Kleopatra total von der Rolle / Spezial-Agent Mumie Bd.2 Стивен Коул
    ISBN: 9783570159835
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: cbj
    Altes Ägypten trifft 007:
    Ein Junge. Eine Mumie. Eine verwickelte Mission

    Neil staunt nicht schlecht, als im Fernsehen vom Fund der Grabkammer der legendären Königin Kleopatra berichtet wird. Noch weniger hat er damit gerechnet, dass er einige Augenblicke später im Schlafanzug über jenen ägyptischen Markt rennen muss, den er eben noch als Zuschauer betrachtet hat. Natürlich ist der Spezial-Agent Mumie nicht ganz unschuldig daran. Als auch noch Königin Kleopatra quicklebendig in Neils Küche erscheint, ist das Chaos vorprogrammiert.
  • Schief gewickelt / Spezial-Agent Mumie Bd.1 Стивен Коул
    ISBN: 9783570159828
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: cbj
    Altes Ägypten trifft 007:
    Ein Junge. Eine Mumie. Eine verwickelte Mission

    Eigentlich möchte Neil Fisher nur friedlich in seinem Zimmer an nützlichen Maschinen basteln. Aber das Schicksal hat andere Pläne mit ihm: Das Alte Ägypten wird für Neil lebendig und klopft buchstäblich an die Tür. Der etwas tollpatschige Spezial-Agent Mumie braucht Neils Hilfe, um die Welt von ägyptischen Schurken zu befreien. Zumal einer von ihnen es besonders auf Neil abgesehen zu haben scheint ...
    ISBN: 9780385682121
    Год издания: 2015
    Язык: Английский
    "Lady Byng died in Boston" read a sign in the Garden arena in 1970, a cheery dismissal of the NHL trophy awarded the game's most gentlemanly player. A new age of hockey was dawning. For 30 years, hockey was an orderly and (relatively) well-behaved sport. There was one Commissioner, six teams and five colours--red, white, black, blue and yellow. Oh, and one nationality. Until 1967, every player, coach, referee and GM in the NHL had been a Canadian. And then came NHL expansion, the founding of the WHA, and garish new uniforms. The Seventies had arrived: the era that gave us not only disco, polyester suits, lava lamps and mullets but also the movie Slap Shot and the arrest of ten NHL players for on-ice mayhem. But it also gave us hockey's greatest encounter (the 1972 Canada-Russia Summit), its most splendid team, the 1976-77 Montreal Canadiens, and the most aesthetically satisfying game--the three-all tie on New Year's Eve, 1975, between the Canadiens and the Soviet Red Army.
    Modern hockey was born in the sport's wild, sensational, sometimes ugly Seventies growth spurt. The forces at play in the decade's battle for hockey supremacy--dazzling speed vs. brute force--are now, for better or worse, part of hockey's DNA. This book is a welcome reappraisal of the ten years that changed how the sport was played and experienced. Informed by first-hand interviews with players and game officials, and sprinkled with sidebars on the art and artifacts that defined Seventies hockey, the book brings dramatically alive hockey's most eventful, exciting decade.
  • Doctor Who: The Shadow In The Glass Джастин Ричардс
    ISBN: 9781849909051
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: BBC Books
    Язык: Английский
    When a squadron of RAF Hurricanes shoots down an unidentified aircraft over Turelhampton, the village is immediately evacuated. But why is the village still guarded by troops in 2001? When a television documentary crew break through the cordon looking for a story, they find they've recorded more than they'd bargained for.

    Caught up in both a deadly conspiracy and a historical mystery, retired Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart calls upon his old friend the Doctor. Half-glimpsed demons watch from the shadows as the Doctor and the Brigadier travel back in time to discover the last, and deadliest, secret of the Second World War.

    An adventure set partly in the Second World War, featuring the Sixth Doctor as played by Colin Baker and Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart.
  • The Wormery Стивен Коул
    ISBN: 9781844350339
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Big Finish Productions
    There's one place in creation where the truth really can be found in the bottom of a glass: Bianca's, a very special and very exclusive little club.

    The Doctor, careworn and seeking quiet distraction, gains admission. But his rest and relaxation is soon shattered by the wobbly arrival of louche trans-temporal adventuress Iris Wildthyme. She claims she's on a secret mission of vital importance, the success of which hinges on her getting paralytic. When she's drunk, she can hear the whispering voices in her head!

    The Doctor soon learns that Bianca's airs and graces cover not just one malevolent power lurking in the shadows, but several. And a wriggling, writhing presence has designs on the clientele ­ just as Bianca herself has designs on the Doctor. At last, after so many centuries, the weary Time Lord is dragged by the heels into that darkest of undiscovered countries - love.
  • Doctor Who The Feast Of The Drowned Cole, Stephen
    ISBN: 9781846070624
    Год издания: 2014
    Язык: Английский
  • Tripwire: Deathwing Стивен Коул
    ISBN: 9780552560993
    Год издания: 2014
    Язык: Английский
    The second title in the explosive new series by Steve Cole and Chris Hunter. This is Boy Soldier meets Alex Rider meets Cherub, it is exciting, authentic and adrenalin-fuelled. Each action-packed book is a ticking bomb . . .

    Boy soldier, Felix Smith, is undercover. Radical animal-rights activists have teamed up with the biggest terrorist organization in the world to create Deathwing - a project that takes Improvised Explosive Devices to a whole new kill-level. Felix has gone undercover to learn its secrets - and to defuse the threat before millions die.
  • Tripwire Стивен Коул
    ISBN: 9780552560832
    Год издания: 2014
    Язык: Английский
    Got you.
    The sight of the bomb hit Felix like a punch in the guts.
    Just twelve minutes remaining on the clock . . . He was going to have to move fast.

    Following a devastating terrorist bomb attack on Heathrow airport, Felix Smith is determined to avenge his father's death.
    He successfully becomes a member of the Minos Chapter, a secret service full of gifted under-age recruits. His speciality - Bomb Disposal.

    Felix and his fellow recruits are now the ultimate spooks - trained to fight terror with terror. The timer is ticking . . . .
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