Лаура Липман

Laura Lippman

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Новинки Лауры Липман

  • Леди в озере Лора Липпман
    ISBN: 978-5-04-164937-1
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Inspiria
    Язык: Русский
    Смерть меняет людей. Видит Бог, моя собственная изменила меня.
    Меня звали Клео Шервуд. После смерти я стала Леди в озере, трупом, вытащенным из фонтана после нескольких месяцев в воде.
    И никому не было до меня дела, пока не явилась ты, не дала мне это дурацкое прозвище и не начала стучаться в двери, докучать людям и лезть туда, где тебе были не рады. Ожидалось, что на меня плюнут все, кроме моей семьи. На цветную, что пошла на свидание не с тем мужчиной, и после ее никто не видел.
    Но в дело вступила ты и превратила мой конец в свое начало.
    Зачем тебе это было нужно, Мэдлин Шварц? Почему ты не могла и дальше жить в красивом доме, состоять во вполне сносном браке? Не могла оставить меня на дне фонтана? Там я была надежно укрыта.
    И все были в безопасности, пока я была там…
  • Леди в озере Лаура Липман
    ISBN: 978-5-04-157002-6
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Эксмо, Inspiria
    Язык: Русский

    Балтимор, штат Мэриленд, 1966 год. 37-летняя Мэдди Шварц еще в прошлом году была обеспеченной и счастливой женой, матерью, домохозяйкой. В нынешнем она – одиночка на побегушках в газете "Стар". Мэдди решила отказаться от почти двадцатилетнего брака и реализовать свои мечты, наполнить жизнь смыслом. 26-летняя Клео Шервуд была убита полгода назад, а тело нашли только сейчас. Но судьба негритянки никого не волновала и не волнует, кроме ее семьи. И кроме Шварц. В этой трагической истории начинающая газетчица увидела возможность пробиться на новом поприще – и уцепилась за нее. Совершенно не подозревая, чем это может обернуться…

  • Dream Girl Лаура Липман
    ISBN: 978-0063115026
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: William Morrow
    Язык: Английский
    "With this tip of the hat to Stephen King's Misery, Dream Girl is funny and suspenseful, with a dread-worthy final twist." —People

    “My dream novel. I devoured this in three days. The sharpest, clearest-eyed take on our #MeToo reckoning yet. Plus: enthralling." —Megan Abbott, Edgar Award-winning author of Dare Me and The Fever

    Following up on her acclaimed and wildly successful New York Times bestseller Lady in the Lake, Laura Lippman returns with a dark, complex tale of psychological suspense with echoes of Misery involving a novelist, incapacitated by injury, who is plagued by mysterious phone calls.

    In the end, has anyone really led a blameless life?

    Injured in a freak fall, novelist Gerry Andersen is confined to a hospital bed in his glamorous high-rise apartment, dependent on two women he barely knows: his incurious young assistant, and a dull, slow-witted night nurse.

    Then late one night, the phone rings. The caller claims to be the “real” Aubrey, the alluring title character from his most successful novel, Dream Girl. But there is no real Aubrey. She’s a figment born of a writer’s imagination, despite what many believe or claim to know. Could the cryptic caller be one of his three ex-wives playing a vindictive trick after all these years? Or is she Margot, an ex-girlfriend who keeps trying to insinuate her way back into Gerry’s life?

    And why does no one believe that the call even happened?

    Isolated from the world, drowsy from medication, Gerry slips between reality and a dreamlike state in which he is haunted by his own past: his faithless father, his devoted mother; the women who loved him, the women he loved.

    And now here is Aubrey, threatening to visit him, suggesting that she is owed something. Is the threat real or is it a sign of dementia? Which scenario would he prefer? Gerry has never been so alone, so confused – and so terrified.

    Chilling and compulsively readable, touching on timely issues that include power, agency, appropriation, and creation, Dream Girl is a superb blend of psychological suspense and horror that reveals the mind and soul of a writer.
  • Lady in the Lake Лаура Липман
    ISBN: 978-0-571-33945-7
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Faber & Faber
    Язык: Русский
    From the New York Times bestselling author of Sunburn, and soon to be a major AppleTV series starring Natalie Portman and Lupita Nyongo
    Cleo Sherwood disappeared eight months ago. Aside from her parents and the two sons she left behind, no one seems to have noticed. It isnt hard to understand why: its 1964 and neither the police, the public nor the papers care much when Negro women go missing.
    Maddie Schwartz - recently separated from her husband, working her first job as an assistant at the Baltimore Sun - wants one thing: a byline. When she hears about an unidentified body thats been pulled out of the fountain in Druid Hill Park, Maddie thinks she is about to uncover a story that will finally get her name in print. What she cant imagine is how much trouble she will cause by chasing a story that no-one wants her to tell.
  • Lady in the Lake Лаура Липман
    ISBN: 0062390015, 978-0062390011
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: William Morrow
    Язык: Английский

    In 1966, Baltimore is a city of secrets that everyone seems to know—everyone, that is, except Madeline “Maddie” Schwartz. Last year, she was a happy, even pampered housewife. This year, she’s bolted from her marriage of almost twenty years, determined to make good on her youthful ambitions to live a passionate, meaningful life. Maddie wants to matter, to leave her mark on a swiftly changing world. Drawing on her own secrets, she helps Baltimore police find a murdered girl—assistance that leads to a job at the city’s afternoon newspaper, the Star. Working at the newspaper offers Maddie the opportunity to make her name, and she has found…

  • Lady in the Lake Лаура Липман
    ISBN: 978-0-0623-9014-1
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: HarperAudio
    Язык: Английский
    The revered New York Times bestselling author returns with a novel set in 1960s Baltimore that combines modern psychological insights with elements of classic noir, about a middle-aged housewife turned aspiring reporter who pursues the murder of a forgotten young woman.

    In 1966, Baltimore is a city of secrets that everyone seems to know—everyone, that is, except Madeline “Maddie” Schwartz. Last year, she was a happy, even pampered housewife. This year, she’s bolted from her marriage of almost twenty years, determined to make good on her youthful ambitions to live a passionate, meaningful life.

    Maddie wants to matter, to leave her mark on a swiftly changing world. Drawing on her own secrets, she helps Baltimore police find a murdered girl—assistance that leads to a job at the city’s afternoon newspaper, the Star. Working at the newspaper offers Maddie the opportunity to make her name, and she has found just the story to do it: a missing woman whose body was discovered in the fountain of a city park lake.

    Cleo Sherwood was a young African-American woman who liked to have a good time. No one seems to know or care why she was killed except Maddie—and the dead woman herself. Maddie’s going to find the truth about Cleo’s life and death. Cleo’s ghost, privy to Maddie’s poking and prying, wants to be left alone.

    Maddie’s investigation brings her into contact with people that used to be on the periphery of her life—a jewelery store clerk, a waitress, a rising star on the Baltimore Orioles, a patrol cop, a hardened female reporter, a lonely man in a movie theater. But for all her ambition and drive, Maddie often fails to see the people right in front of her. Her inability to look beyond her own needs will lead to tragedy and turmoil for all sorts of people—including the man who shares her bed, a black police officer who cares for Maddie more than she knows.
  • Во всем виновата книга (сборник) Микки Спиллейн
    ISBN: 978-5-389-14131-5
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Азбука-Аттикус
    Язык: Русский
    Книга и тайна, книга и преступление – истории, вошедшие в этот сборник, связывает книжная тема. Вы узнаете о незваном госте, явившемся к Зигмунду Фрейду, о том, как знаменитый Коломбо разоблачил убийцу из книжного магазина, как любовь к книге сгубила главу мексиканского наркокартеля и как Лондонская библиотека оказалась хранилищем смертельно опасных тайн…

    В эту антологию, составленную по инициативе Отто Пенцлера, лауреата премий «Эдгар», «Эллери Куин» и «Ворон» за вклад в развитие и пропаганду детективного направления в литературе, вошли оригинальные работы известных мастеров остросюжетного жанра. Среди авторов и такие «крутые» авторы, как Кен Брюен, Рид Фаррел Коулмен, Лорен Эстлеман, Микки Спиллейн, Макс Аллан Коллинз, и создатели книг-бестселлеров Нельсон Демилль, Энн Перри, Джеффри Дивер, и лауреаты премии «Эдгар» Чарльз Дж. Бокс, Томас Кук, Лора Липпман.
  • Sunburn Laura Lippman
    ISBN: 978-0062389923
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: William Morrow
    Язык: Английский
    One is playing a long game. But which one?

    They meet at a local tavern in the small town of Belleville, Delaware. Polly is set on heading west. Adam says he's also passing through. Yet she stays and he stays - drawn to this mysterious redhead whose quiet stillness both unnerves and excites him. Over the course of a punishing summer, Polly and Adam abandon themselves to a steamy, inexorable affair. Still, each holds something back from the other - dangerous, even lethal, secrets.

    Then someone dies. Was it an accident, or part of a plan? By now, Adam and Polly are so ensnared in each other's lives and lies that neither one knows how to get away - or even if they want to. Is their love strong enough to withstand the truth, or will it ultimately destroy them?

    Something - or someone - has to give.

    Which one will it be?
  • О чем молчат мертвые Лора Липпман
    ISBN: 978-5-04-004117-6
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Эксмо
    Язык: Русский
    Однажды две сестры-подростка, Санни и Хизер, не вернулись домой. Исчезли без следа. Долгие годы их безуспешно разыскивала полиция, и даже родители девочек уже перестали надеяться вновь увидеть своих дочерей… И вот, спустя тридцать лет, в полицию попала женщина, сделавшая сенсационное признание: она – Хизер, одна из пропавших много лет назад сестер. В участок на опознание срочно приехала ее мать. И тут начались странности. Арестованная рассказала о таких деталях детства двух сестер, которые, казалось, давно должна была забыть, а вот действительно важные вещи не помнила напрочь… Хизер ли это? А если нет – то кто она и зачем выдает себя за нее?..
  • Ворон и Голландка Лора Липпман
    ISBN: 978-5-699-97110-7
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Эксмо
    Язык: Русский
    Тесс Монаган наконец определилась со своим призванием в жизни и обрела столь желанную стабильность. Хотя как сказать: работает она частным детективом, а это занятие подразумевает постоянный риск и множество неприятных сюрпризов. Вот и очередной из них – странное письмо из Техаса, сообщающее, что ее давний возлюбленный, эксцентричный музыкант по прозвищу Ворон, ""в большой беде"". Очень похоже на злую шутку, но куда в таком случае он исчез? И что значит его послание, похожее на те, что писали когда-то на своих дверях люди, бежавшие от закона?.. Особенности «DETECTED. Тайна, покорившая мир» - это современные триллеры и детективы, иногда с небольшой долей мистики. Преимущества Книги серии входят в ТОП-листы самых серьезных рейтингов, продаются миллионными тиражами и всегда производят сенсацию на рынке. Серия является преемницей серии Millennium (Misterium). Авторы В серии представлены ведущие современные создатели остросюжетной литературы (Стиг Ларссон, Ю Несбё, Элизабет Джордж, Камилла Лэкберг, Брайан Макгиллоуэй, Роберт Дугони, Йон Колфер и др.), а также абсолютная классика зарубежного детектива и культовые романы от Томаса Харриса, Марио Пьюзо и Агаты Кристи.
  • Wilde Lake Laura Lippman
    ISBN: 978-0062083456
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: William Morrow
    Язык: Английский
    An African-American man accused of rape by a humiliated girl. A vengeful father. A courageous attorney. A worshipful daughter. Think you know this story? Think again.

    Laura Lippman, the “extravagantly gifted” (Chicago Tribune) New York Times bestselling author, delivers “one of her best novels ” (Washington Post)—a modern twist on To Kill a Mockingbird. Scott Turow writes in the New York Times, “Wilde Lake is a real success.”

    Luisa “Lu” Brant is the newly elected state’s attorney representing suburban Maryland—including the famous planned community of Columbia, created to be a utopia of racial and economic equality. Prosecuting a controversial case involving a disturbed drifter accused of beating a woman to death, the fiercely ambitious Lu is determined to avoid the traps that have destroyed other competitive, successful women. She’s going to play it smart to win this case—and win big—cementing her political future.

    But her intensive preparation for trial unexpectedly dredges up painful recollections of another crime—the night when her brother, AJ, saved his best friend at the cost of another man’s life. Only eighteen, AJ was cleared by a grand jury. Justice was done. Or was it? Did the events of 1980 happen as she remembers them? She was only a child then. What details didn’t she know?

    As she plunges deeper into the past, Lu is forced to face a troubling reality. The legal system, the bedrock of her entire life, does not have all the answers. But what happens when she realizes that, for the first time, she doesn’t want to know the whole truth?
  • Hush Hush Лаура Липман
    ISBN: 0062083422
    Год издания: 2015
    Язык: Английский
    Tess Monaghan has encountered almost every possible criminal motive throughout her career: greed, revenge, jealousy, rage. But there are crimes that defy all attempts at understanding, where a search for motive seems pointless.

    Melisandre Harris Dawes committed such a crime. Found not guilty by reason of insanity, she fled the country, leaving her two daughters with their father. Twelve years later, she’s back in Baltimore, and Tess is asked to provide security detail while Melisandre films a documentary about her attempts to reconcile with her now teenaged children.

    Tess, juggling work with caring for her demanding toddler, is uneasy about the case. Still, Melisandre’s lawyer is family. And there is something about the woman herself—confident, beautiful, shrewdly intelligent—that draws Tess in. Is she a master manipulator or someone who was driven to temporary madness? Cold and calculating, or a mother concerned for her daughters’ well being? Someone is leaving Melisandre enigmatic, threatening notes. Soon Tess, insecure about her parenting abilities and receiving cryptic messages of her own, isn’t sure whether she should be protecting Melisandre from harm—or protecting everyone else from Melisandre.

    When Melisandre becomes the prime suspect in a murder, Tess must uncover the truth. Doing so will mean confronting her deepest beliefs about what separates good parents from bad, madness from sanity, and what lengths even the most rational person will go to, to protect what they cherish most.
  • Charm City: A Tess Monaghan Novel Laura Lippman
    ISBN: 978-0062400611
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: William Morrow & Company

    In New York Times bestselling author Laura Lippman’s electrifying thriller, PI Tess Monaghan discovers she might’ve gotten herself into a dangerous situation for which there’s no way out. . . . PI Tess Monaghan is ecstatic to hear the news that business tycoon Gerard “Wink” Wynkowski wants to bring pro-basketball back to Baltimore. But when Wink’s checkered past—which runs the gamut from domestic abuse and compulsive gambling to armed robberies and even manslaughter—makes the front page of the Baltimore Beacon-Light, aka the “Blight” his project is jeopardized. No one is more surprised at the exposé than the editors of the paper who were…

  • After I'm Gone Laura Lippman
    ISBN: 978-0062083395
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: William Morrow

    Laura Lippman, the acclaimed New York Times bestselling author of The Most Dangerous Thing, I’d Know You Anywhere, and What the Dead Know, returns with an addictive story that explores how one man’s disappearance echoes through the lives of the wife, mistress, and daughters he left behind. When Felix Brewer meets Bernadette “Bambi” Gottschalk at a Valentine’s Dance in 1959, he charms her with wild promises, some of which he actually keeps. Thanks to his lucrative—if not all legal—businesses, she and their three little girls live in luxury. But on the Fourth of July, 1976, Bambi’s comfortable world implodes when Felix, newly convicted and…

  • The Book Thing Лаура Липман
    ISBN: 9781613160442
    Год издания: 2012
    Язык: Английский
    A thief targets a local bookstore and it will take a bibliophile PI to save the shop

    Tess Monaghan wants to like the Children’s Bookstore. It’s bright, cozy, and packed with the kinds of books that she is dying for her daughter to fall in love with. But no matter how badly she wants to support this adorable local business, the owner’s attitude stops her in her tracks. What kind of children’s bookseller hates children?

    What’s eating Octavia, the grouchy owner, is more than the pressures of running a small business. Each Saturday, someone steals a stack of her priciest, most beautiful children’s books, and the expense threatens to force her fledgling store out of business. Luckily, Tess is more than a book lover—she’s a private investigator who doesn’t mind working pro bono to help out an independent bookshop. Her simple act of kindness will make Octavia smile for the first time in months—and uncover a crime more suitable for the mystery aisle than the children’s section.
  • The Girl in the Green Raincoat: A Tess Monaghan Novel Laura Lippman
    ISBN: 978-0061938368
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: William Morrow Paperbacks

    Originally serialized in the New York Times, The Girl in the Green Raincoat is now in book form for the very first time—a masterful thriller in the Alfred Hitchcock mode that places a very pregnant, homebound Tess in the center of a murderous puzzle that could cost her her life and the life of her unborn child.

  • Every Secret Thing Laura Lippman
    ISBN: 978-0062074898
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: William Morrow & Company

    It is early evening, summer time and hot. Two eleven year old girls, Alice and Ronnie, are on their way home from a swimming party when they happen to see a baby's stroller, with baby girl sleeping inside, left unattended on the top step of a house. Ronnie says to Alice: 'We have to take care of this baby.' But what exactly does she mean? Four days later the body of little Olivia Barnes is discovered in a hut in Baltimore's rambling Leakin Park by a young rookie detective, Nancy Porter. What can have happened in those four days to bring about this appalling crime? The girls are arrested and found guilty. Seven years later…

  • Don't look back Laura Lippman
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: HarperCollins Publishers
    Язык: Английский
  • I’d Know You Anywhere Laura Lippman
    ISBN: 978-0061706554
    Год издания: 2010

    Near the start of this outstanding novel of psychological suspense from Edgar-winner Lippman (Life Sentences), Eliza Benedict, a 38-year-old married mother of two living in suburban Maryland, receives a letter from Walter Bowman, the man who kidnapped her the summer she was 15 and is now on death row. The narrative shifts between the present and that long ago summer, when Eliza involuntarily became a part of Walter's endless road trip, including the fateful night when he picked up another teenage girl, Holly Tackett. Soon after Walter killed Holly, Eliza was rescued and taken home. Eliza must now balance a need for closure with a desire to…

  • Shelf Discovery: The Teen Classics We Never Stopped Reading Дженнифер Уайнер
    ISBN: 9780061756351
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: Avon Books
    Some people are baffled by re-reading. What's the point? There's so much else to read. With these essays, Lizzie Skurnick has answered those questions. It's as if a kindly psychiatrist suddenly appeared with a sheaf of missing brain scans. Does the mere mention of a mink-trimmed coat make you secretly swoon, even though you are rabidly anti-fur? You have 'A Little Princess' complex. Do you long to cover your enemies with leeches? You're having a 'Little House' flashback... So stretch out on Dr. Lizzie's couch and find out why you think it would be kind of cozy to be locked up in an attic with your brother. Or learn to dissect the subtle class consciousness of Judy Blume's New Jersey. Ponder the way that Lois Duncan's characters come into unexpected powers, natural and supernatural alike, as they enter adolesence.

    And most of all, enjoy.
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