Юджин О'Нил

Eugene O'Neill

  • 39 книг
  • 21 подписчик
  • 578 читателей
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1 9

Юджин О'Нил — последние издания книг

  • Анна Кристи Юджин О'Нил
    ISBN: 9785446723904
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: ФТМ
    Язык: Русский

    Анна приезжает в портовый город к своему отцу, моряку. Они вместе выходят на барже в море, которое Крис ненавидит и считает губительным, а жившая на суше Анна – привлекательным. Вскоре у девушки появляется жених – тоже моряк. Однако старый Крис не собирается отдавать дочь за непутёвого матроса, желая найти Анне хорошего мужа с ненавистной ей стабильной и скучной суши. Да и в прошлой жизни Анны есть немало секретов, мешающих принять предложение полюбившегося человека.

  • Во­ло­са­тая обе­зья­на Юджин О'Нил
    ISBN: 978-5-4467-3104-6
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: ФТМ
    Язык: Русский
    Одно из ранних произведений американского классика драматургии Юджина О’Нила, относящаяся к его экспрессионистскому периоду. Центром сюжета становится столкновение классов в капиталистической Америке начала XX века. Пьеса повествует об унизительной разнице между трудом и богатством, и людях, становящихся жертвами этого разрыва. Перевод Марка Волосова, сделанный через три года после выхода оригинального текста, до наших дней издавался единожды – в 1925 году.
  • Луна для бездольных Юджин О'Нил
    ISBN: 978-5-4467-2113-9
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: ФТМ
    Язык: Русский
    Действие разворачивается на ферме Фила Хогена. Трое его сыновей сбежали из дома, не выдержав деспотии и агрессивного поведения отца. Уживается с ним лишь тридцатилетняя дочь Джози – крупная и способная к работе, пользующаяся, однако, весьма сомнительной репутацией гулящей женщины. Последний из ее братьев, уходя из отцовского дома, советует ей окрутить кого-нибудь и остепениться. Лучше всего, по его разумению, подходит пьяница Джим Тайрон, у которого Хогены арендуют ферму. Ей претит даже мысль о подобном союзе, однако отец согласен с сыновьями.
  • Луна для пасынков судьбы Юджин О'Нил
    ISBN: 978-5-4467-2113-9
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: ФТМ
    Язык: Русский
    Действие разворачивается на ферме Фила Хогена. Трое его сыновей сбежали из дома, не выдержав деспотии и агрессивного поведения отца. Уживается с ним лишь тридцатилетняя дочь Джози – крупная и способная к работе, пользующаяся, однако, весьма сомнительной репутацией гулящей женщины. Последний из ее братьев, уходя из отцовского дома, советует ей окрутить кого-нибудь и остепениться. Лучше всего, по его разумению, подходит пьяница Джим Тайрон, у которого Хогены арендуют ферму. Ей претит даже мысль о подобном союзе, однако отец согласен с сыновьями.
  • Complete Plays 1932-1943 Eugene O'Neill
    ISBN: 978-0-940450-50-9
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Library of America
    Язык: Английский
    This third and final volume of the first complete collection of O'Neill's dramatic writing contains eight plays, including the crowning achievements of his career. From the warmly nos­talgic Ah, Wilderness!, an uncharacteristically affectionate evo­cation of the world of his childhood, and Days Without End, a stark portrayal of spiritual conflict, he moved on to the great culmination of his work for the theater: A Touch of the Poet and More Stately Mansions (included here in its entirety), parts of an ambitious, uncompleted cycle tracing a complex family drama; The Iceman Cometh, which brilliantly uses its skid-row tavern setting to pit escapist dreams against tragic realities; the two-character tour de force Hnjjhic; hong Day's Journey into Nijjht, the devastating portrait of the play­wright's own family widely viewed as his masterpiece; and his last play, A Moon for the Misbegotten. "At last, an edition of the complete theater works of Eugene O'Neill. It is hard to believe that this has never happened before."-Helen Hayes
  • Complete Plays 1920-1931 Eugene O'Neill
    ISBN: 978-0-940450-49-3
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Library of America
    Язык: Английский
    Eugene O'Neill, the only American dramatist awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature, wrote with poetic expressiveness, emotional intensity, and immense dramatic power. This is the second of three volumes comprising the Hist complete and authoritative edition of all 50 plays. Already a commercial success by 1920, O'Neill launched a period of bold experimentation, and the 13 plays collected here include some of his most celebrated. All God's Chillun Got Wings explores the tension and longing in a marriage between a black man and a white woman. The Foun­tain, Marco Millions, and Lazarus Laughed satirize American obsessions with youth, materialism, and death. 1Ъе Hairy Ape, The Great God Brown, and Dynamo are O'Neill's most radical innovations in dramatic form. Rounding out the volume are two of his greatest achievements, Desire Under the Elms and Mourning Becomes Electra. "No serious literature collection is complete without the full set of O'Neill."-Library Journal.
  • Desire Under the Elms: A Play in Three Parts Eugene O'Neill
    ISBN: 978-1502452290
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
    Язык: Английский

    Eugene O Neills tale of Ephraim Cabot, greedy and hard like the stone walls that surround his farm, the family patriarch brings home his new young bride, Abbie. His grown sons dissaprove; one leaves but the other stays to fight for the family fortune. What follows is a tragedy of epic proportions.

  • Exorcism Eugene O'Neill
    ISBN: 9780300181319, 978-0-300-18131-9
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Yale University Press
    Язык: Английский
    Shortly after the debut of "Exorcism" in 1920, Eugene O'Neill suddenly canceled production and ordered all extant copies of the drama destroyed. For over ninety years, it was believed that the play was irrevocably lost, until it was recently discovered that O'Neill's second wife had in fact retained a copy, which she later gave to the prolific screenwriter and producer Philip Yordan. In early 2011, Yordan's widow discovered the typescript of "Exorcism" - complete with edits in O'Neill's own hand - in her late husband's vast trove of papers. The discovery and publication of "Exorcism", a relatively early play in the O'Neill corpus, furthers our knowledge of O'Neill's dramatic development and reveals a pivotal point in the career of this great American playwright.
    Revolving around a suicide attempt, "Exorcism" draws on a dark incident in O'Neill's own life. This defining event led to his first serious efforts to write. Exorcism displays early examples of O'Neill's unparalleled skills of capturing deeply personal human drama, and it explores major themes - mourning and melancholia, addiction and sobriety, tensions between fathers and sons - that would permeate his later work. According to Yale University's Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library curator Louise Bernard, who acquired the play from a New York bookseller, "'Exorcism' might be read as a preparatory sketch that resonates powerfully with Long Day's Journey into Night, one that brings the O'Neill family drama full circle in ways at once intimate and grandly conceived".
  • The Emperor Jones Eugene O'Neill
    ISBN: 0486292681, 9780486292687
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Dover Publications
    Язык: Английский
    Brutus Jones, a former Pullman car porter wanted in the United States on two murder charges, has established himself as the self-proclaimed ruler of a West Indian island. Warned that his subjects are about to rebel, he flees to the jungle — sick with fright — where he is plagued by ghosts of the men he has murdered and haunted by visions of injustices done to his race. Powerful scenes, punctuated by beating tom-toms, suggest Jones's panic as he flees his angry countrymen and his own personal demons.
    First produced in 1920, The Emperor Jones helped establish O'Neill's reputation as one of America's most important dramatists. Bold and expressionistic, the play was an instant success on the stage and has remained one of the staples of the dramatic repertoire. It is now available to a wide audience in this attractive, inexpensive Dover Thrift Edition.
  • Four Plays by Eugene O'Neill Юджин О'Нил
    ISBN: 1420933477, 9781420933475
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: Digireads.com
    Язык: Английский
    Contained within this volume are some of the best of O'Neill's early one-act plays, which foreshadowed the longer plays that have given this dramatist his most enduring fame. "Beyond the Horizon" was the first of O'Neill's three Pulitzer Prize-winning plays. It follows the disappointed dreams of two brothers on their family farm. "The Emperor Jones" is an expressionistic transformation of a black man named Brutus Jones. In fleeing from his rebelling subjects in the West Indies, Jones is taken back to his racial past and undergoes a night of personal destruction. In "Anna Christie," we find a drama focusing on the relationship of a young woman and her sailor father, who has not seen her for twenty years. As their story unfolds, Anna's troubled romantic past comes to light, and the hardships of women during that time period become as apparent as the power of forgiveness and love. In the final play in this collection, "The Hairy Ape," a ship's fireman becomes disillusioned concerning the work he performs in a society that is quickly industrializing and taking a heavy human toll.
  • The Hairy Ape Eugene O'Neill
    ISBN: 978-1420933499
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: Digireads.com
    Язык: Английский
  • Продавец льда грядет Юджин О'Нил
    ISBN: 978-5-903368-32-7
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: Балтийские сезоны
    Язык: Русский

    В книгу вошло одно из программных произведений известного американского драматурга, лауреата Нобелевской премии Ю.О'Нила. Отчетливые реминисценции с пьесой М.Горького "На дне" не буквальны, автор в свойственной только ему манере развивает идеи и размышления русского классика. Апокалиптические мотивы у него связаны с историческим моментом (пьеса написана в 1939 г.) и поддержаны условно-метафорическим характером повествования. Предчувствие гибели современного Вавилона сосредоточено в многозначном образе Продавца льда, который ассоциируется и с закатом цивилизации, и с финалом жизни каждого из персонажей пьесы.

  • Вибрані твори Юджин О'Нил
    ISBN: 966-634-366-9
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: Мандрівець
    Язык: Украинский
  • Four Plays By Eugene O'Neill Eugene O'Neill
    ISBN: 0451530713, 9780451530714
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: Signet Classics
    Язык: Английский
    Winner of four Pulitzer Prizes and the first American dramatist to receive a Nobel Prize, Eugene O'Neill filled his plays with rich characterization and innovative language, taking the outcasts and renegades of society and depicting their Olympian struggles with themselves-and with destiny.
  • Thirst: And Other One Act Plays Eugene O'Neill
    ISBN: 0548366756, 9780548366752
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: Kessinger Publishing
    Язык: Английский
  • A Moon for the Misbegotten Eugene O'Neill
    ISBN: 0300118155, 9780300118155
    Год издания: 2006
    Издательство: Yale University Press
    Язык: Английский
    Eugene O’Neill’s last completed play, A Moon for the Misbegotten is a sequel to his autobiographical Long Day’s Journey Into Night. Moon picks up eleven years after the events described in Long Day’s Journey Into Night, asJim Tyrone (based on O’Neill’s older brother Jamie) grasps at a last chance at love under the full moonlight. This paperback edition features an insightful introduction by Stephen A. Black, helpful to anyone who desires a deeper understanding of O’Neill’s work.
  • Three Great Plays : The Emperor Jones, Anna Christie and The Hairy Ape Eugene O'Neill
    ISBN: 0486442187, 9780486442181
    Год издания: 2005
    Издательство: Dover Publications
    Язык: Английский
    Winner of the Nobel Prize for literature and four Pulitzer prizes, Eugene O'Neill is generally acknowledged as America's greatest playwright. This volume includes three of the writer’s early, influential works:
    The Emperor Jones presents a forceful powerful psychological portrayal of brute power, fear, and madness as it traces events in the life of the self-proclaimed ruler of a West Indian island, who attempts to flee both his angry countrymen and personal demons.
    The Hairy Ape combines elements of class struggle and surreal tragedy as it explores the dehumanization of a crew member on a transatlantic liner.
    Anna Christie displays O'Neill's skills of character development as he focuses on the relationship of a sailor and his long-lost daughter, who reveals an unsavory secret about her past.
    Essential reading for students of theater and literature, this collection will appeal to anyone interested in the seminal work of a writer who became one of the most vital forces in the American theater.
  • Anna Christie Eugene O'Neill
    ISBN: 1420925911, 9781420925913
    Год издания: 2005
    Издательство: Digireads.com
    Язык: Английский
    Eugene O'Neill's 1922 Pulitzer Prize-winning drama, "Anna Christie," is the story of a young woman who following an illness decides to visit and spend some time with her father, a coal barge captain who she hardly knows. During this time she meets a sailor, Mat, who is looking to settle down, and the two fall in love. "Anna Christie" is a gripping drama of a woman torn between the expectations of two men, her father and her lover, and the shocking confession of her past life that this conflict evokes.
  • Long Day's Journey into Night Eugene O'Neill
    ISBN: 978-0300093056
    Год издания: 2002
    Издательство: Yale University Press
    Язык: Английский
    Eugene O'Neill's autobiographical play Long Day's Journey into Night is regarded as his finest work.

    The action covers a fateful, heart-rending day from around 8:30 am to midnight, in August 1912 at the seaside Connecticut home of the Tyrones — the semi-autobiographical representations of O'Neill himself, his older brother, and their parents at their home, Monte Cristo Cottage.

    One theme of the play is addiction and the resulting dysfunction of the family. All three males are alcoholics and Mary is addicted to morphine. They all constantly conceal, blame, resent, regret, accuse and deny in an escalating cycle of conflict with occasional desperate and half-sincere attempts at affection, encouragement and consolation.
  • Пьесы (сборник) Юджин О'Нил
    ISBN: 5-8026-0023-3
    Год издания: 1999
    Издательство: Гудьял-Пресс
    Язык: Русский

    Юджин О'Нил (188 - 1953) всю свою творческую жизнь выступал в жанре высокой трагедии, истоки которой усматривал в творчестве Еврипида, Софокла, Эсхила. Пьесы О'Нила - это трагедии 'утраченных иллюзий'. попранных идеалов. Подчас ситуации, в которых оказывается герой его пьес, горький и безысходны, кажется, стремятся к счастью, отстраняясь от быта, от пошлости и скуки повседневного бытия. Ю. О'Нил наделяет своих героев способностью мечтать. 'Только мечта заставляет нас бороться, желать жить!' - писал он.

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