Робин Карр

Robyn Carr

  • 27 книг
  • 6 подписчиков
  • 256 читателей
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Робин Карр – лучшие книги

  • Спасение в любви Робин Карр
    ISBN: 978-5-227-02805-1
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Центрполиграф
    Язык: Русский

    В дождливый вечер, когда единственный в Вирджин-Ривер бар уже опустел, на его пороге появилась молодая женщина с трехлетним мальчиком на руках. Под глазом у нее был огромный синяк, а губа разбита. Повар Джон Мидлтон по прозвищу Причер приютил ее в комнатке над кухней и узнал, что Пейдж сбежала от мужа, состоятельного бизнесмена Уэса Лэсситера, который жестоко избивал ее. Причер, устрашающе большой и сильный человек, обладал необыкновенно добрым сердцем, шаг за шагом он пытался помочь Пейдж вернуться к нормальной жизни. Джону нравилась эта красивая искренняя женщина, к тому же он привязался к ее сынишке. Но Пейдж было нелегко снова…

  • Чистая река Робин Карр
    ISBN: 978-5-17-137658-1
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: АСТ
    Язык: Русский

    Ищем практикующую акушерку/медсестру в Вирджин-Ривер (население – шестьсот человек). Работа на природе: вы остановитесь на свежем воздухе среди калифорнийских секвой и кристально чистых рек. Жилье предоставляется бесплатно. ________________________________________ Когда недавно овдовевшая Мелинда Монро видит это объявление, она без колебаний принимает решение о переезде. Городок Вирджин-Ривер, расположенный в горах вдали от шумной суеты, может стать идеальным местом, чтобы начать новую жизнь и возобновить карьеру медсестры. Но ее надежды разбиваются сразу по прибытии. "Бесплатное жилье" оказывается старой полуразвалившейся хижиной,…

  • Нечаянная радость Робин Карр
    ISBN: 978-5-227-03574-5
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Центрполиграф
    Язык: Русский
    Касси - молодая и очень привлекательная медицинская сестра экстренной помощи - давно мечтает о семье, но ни один из ее кратковременных романов не стал счастливым. Вот и на этот раз свидание едва не закончилось драматично: от изнасилования ее спас Уолт Арнесон - лохматый байкер, настоящий великан с наколкой на руке. Уолт оказался на редкость милым человеком: щедрым, умным, добрым, умеющим понимать и слушать. Касси и дня не может провести без него. Одна беда: он совершенно не похож на мужчину ее мечты - надежного обеспеченного парня в элегантном костюме, который будет достойно выглядеть в компании ее добропорядочных друзей.
  • Сбежавшая невеста Робин Карр
    ISBN: 978-5-227-02559-3
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Центрполиграф
    Язык: Русский
    Дженифер была профессиональной любовницей. Большого труда ей стоило вырваться из нищеты, но уж теперь она имела все: драгоценности, роскошные автомобили, чудесный домик на берегу океана. Однажды Дженифер стала свидетельницей преступления: ее благодетель Ник Ноубл в порыве гнева убил жену. В страхе за свою жизнь девушка убежала в захолустный городок. Рассталась с внешностью холеной красавицы, устроилась работать в закусочную. Дженифер нашла свою любовь, настоящих друзей и стала наслаждаться простой жизнью. Пока ее не нашел Ник.
  • Осознанный риск Робин Карр
    ISBN: 978-5-227-02370-4
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: Центрполиграф
    Язык: Русский
    Неисправный камин в съемном доме становится причиной пожара... Все, что остается у Крис и ее маленьких детей, - незаконченная книга и... Майк - пожарный, который вынес ее из огня... Когда-то он сам потерял в автокатастрофе жену и дочь. Возможно, Крис послана ему, чтобы он смог снова стать счастливым? Несмотря на тайны, которые скрывает Крис о своей прошлой жизни, он не хочет потерять эту женщину...
  • Свидание с умыслом Робин Карр
    ISBN: 5-86773-032-8
    Год издания: 1995
    Издательство: Полина-М
    Язык: Русский
    Главная героиня нового романа Робин Карр «Свидание с умыслом» Джеквелин после большого несчастья решает начать жизнь заново. Она переезжает в другой город, устраивается на работу, у нее появляется близкий друг. Но многое настораживает ее в новом знакомом. Необъяснимые вещи начинают происходить и в ее доме. Джеквелин решает раскрыть тайну. По ходу своего расследования она натыкается на след маньяка-убийцы, который держал в страхе весь город уже много лет.
  • That Christmas Feeling Робин Карр
    ISBN: 978 0 263 89359 5
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Mills & Boon
    Язык: Английский
    Mistletoe kisses & Christmas wishes! Silver Bells Phillip Larks daughter has hatched a plot to find her father a wife and lovely Carrie Weston fits the bill. Will the magic of the holiday season and Carries wonderful charms see the single dad finally saying I do ? The Perfect Holiday Could bachelor Trace Franklin become a groom-to-be by Christmas time? If Savannah Holidays aunt Mae has anything to do with it, he will! Fingers crossed for marriage under the mistletoe! Under the Christmas Tree When a box of puppies is found under the town Christmas tree the community call on vet Nathaniel Jensen for help. But its his budding romance with Annie McCarty that really has tongues and tails wagging! Celebrate Christmas with three stories from your favourite authors
  • The House on Olive Street Робин Карр
    ISBN: 978-0-7783-0895-9
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Mira
    Язык: Английский
    When a group of writers loses a member, a summer spent sorting through her things offers the perfect escape for the friends who loved and miss her.

    Sable has everything and her bestselling novels have made her a star. But she has a past she is desperate to hide.

    Elly is an intellectual who has hidden herself within the walls of academia, afraid to admit she is tired of being alone.

    Barbara Ann is the talent behind twenty-six romance novels, but she’s lost control of her career and her family.

    Beth’s popular mysteries have become the only way she can fight against the secret tyranny of an abusive husband.

    Gathering in Gabby’s house on Olive Street, away from their troubles, the four women discover something wonderful: themselves. And together they realize a dream. For, in telling the story of a remarkable woman, their own stories begin to change.
  • A Family Affair Робин Карр
    ISBN: 978-0778331742
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Mira
    Язык: Английский
    Anna McNichol knows how to take charge. Raised by a single mother, she’s worked to ensure her three children have every advantage she didn’t. And while her marriage has its problems, she values commitment and believes in "till death do us part." Now an empty nester, she’s at the peak of her career and ready to seize the opportunity to focus on her future.

    But life can change in an instant, and when her husband dies suddenly, Anna’s carefully constructed world falls apart. The mysterious young woman at the memorial service confirms her husband had been keeping secrets, and Anna is determined to get to the truth.

    For once, she doesn’t have the answers. Her kids are struggling with their grief, her mother’s health is in decline and Anna needs closure. Faced with one challenge after another, she finds support from an unexpected source. And as she puts her life back together, Anna realizes the McNichols may not be perfect but they’ll always be family, and family is forever.
  • A New Hope Robyn Carr
    ISBN: 9781848456990
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Mira
    Язык: Английский
    Starting over is never easy, but in Thunder Point, where newcomers are welcome and friends become family, it's possible to find yourself again. #1 New York Times bestselling author Robyn Carr takes us on a moving and rewarding journey as a young woman finds new hope.

    After losing her child, Ginger Dysart was lost in grief. But since moving to Thunder Point, a small town on the Oregon coast, Ginger is finally moving forward. Her job at the flower shop is peaceful and fulfilling, and she's excited to be assisting with the Lacoumette wedding.

    In spite of her lasting heartache, Ginger is swept up in the pleasure of the occasion. But the beauty of the Lacoumette farm and the joy of the gregarious family are ruined by an unfortunate encounter with the bride's brother, Matt. Struggling with painful memories of his own, Matt makes a drunken spectacle of himself when he tries to make a pass at Ginger, forcing her to flee the scene in embarrassment.

    But when Matt shows up at the flower shop determined to make amends, what started out as a humiliating first meeting blossoms into something much deeper than either of them expected. Everyone around them worries that Ginger will end up with a broken heart yet again. But if Ginger has the courage to embrace the future, and if Matt can finally learn to let go of the past, there may still be hope for a happy ending.

    Look for What We Find by Robyn Carr, a powerful story of healing, new beginnings and one woman's journey to finding the happiness she's long been missing. Order your copy today!
  • What We Find Робин Карр
    ISBN: 9780778318859
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Mira
    Язык: Английский
    The #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Virgin River and Thunder Point series explores the healing powers of rural Colorado in a story of one woman's journey to finding the happiness she's long been missing.

    Under extreme pressure, neurosurgeon Maggie Sullivan knows she needs to slow down before she burns out completely, and the best place she can do that is Sullivan's Crossing.

    Named for Maggie's great-grandfather, the land and charming general store at the crossroads of the Colorado and the Continental Divide trails now belong to Maggie's eccentric father, Sully. She relishes the opportunity to indulge in his simple way of life.

    But Maggie's world is rocked and she must take responsibility for the Crossing. When a quiet and serious-looking hiker, Cal Jones, offers to lend a hand, Maggie is suspicious of his motives—until she finds out the true reason for his deliberate isolation.

    Though Cal and Maggie each struggle with loss and loneliness, the time they spend together gives Maggie hope for something brighter just on the horizon…if only they can learn to find peace and healing—and perhaps love—with each other.
  • The Chance Robyn Carr
    ISBN: 978-1410466785
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Mira
    Язык: Английский
    With its breathtaking vistas and down-to-earth people, Thunder Point is the perfect place for FBI agent Laine Carrington to recuperate from a gunshot wound and contemplate her future. The locals embraced Laine as one of their own after she risked her life to save a young girl from a dangerous cult. Knowing her wounds go beyond the physical, Laine hopes she'll fit in for a while and find her true self in a town that feels safe. She may even learn to open her heart to others, something an undercover agent has little time to indulge.
  • By Right of Arms Робин Карр
    ISBN: 0316129690
    Год издания: 1986
    Издательство: Little Brown and Company
    Язык: Английский

    Edward, the Black Prince, eager to reward his friend Sir Hyatt Laidley, as well as to use his talents to claim and subdue land in France, sends him to conquer De la Noye. In the battle, Giles, lord of De la Noye, dies, and Hyatt claims Giles's widow, Aurelie, by right of conquest. She resists him and bitterly resents him, thinking him responsible for Giles's death, and lamenting her own loss of power. But both her own strong sexual attraction to him and her growing awareness that he is an excellent landowner who promotes the welfare of his subordinates change her attitude. As she grows to love him, he comes to acknowledge at last his love…

  • That Christmas Feeling: Silver Bells / The Perfect Holiday / Under the Christmas Tree Робин Карр
    Perfect for fans of Maeve Binchy' – CandisMistletoe kisses & Christmas wishes!Silver Bells Phillip Lark’s daughter has hatched a plot to find her father a wife and lovely Carrie Weston fits the bill. Will the magic of the holiday season – and Carrie’s wonderful charms – see the single dad finally saying “I do”? The Perfect HolidayCould bachelor Trace Franklin become a groom-to-be by Christmas time? If Savannah Holiday’s aunt Mae has anything to do with it, he will! Fingers crossed for marriage under the mistletoe! Under the Christmas Tree When a box of puppies is found under the town Christmas tree the community call on vet Nathaniel Jensen for help. But it’s his budding romance with Annie McCarty that really has tongues – and tails – wagging!Celebrate Christmas with three stories from your favourite authors
  • A Virgin River Christmas Робин Карр
    The Virgin River seriesA Virgin River Christmas – Book 4Last Christmas Marcie Sullivan said a final goodbye to her husband, Bobby. This Christmas she's come to Virgin River to find the man who saved his life and gave her three more years to love him.Fellow marine Ian Buchanan dragged Bobby's shattered body onto a medical transport in Fallujah four years ago, then disappeared as soon as their unit arrived stateside. Since then, Marcie's letters to Ian have gone unanswered.Marcie tracks Ian to the tiny mountain town of Virgin River and finds a man as wounded emotionally as Bobby was physically. But she is not easily scared off. As Marcie pushes her way into his rugged and reclusive life, she discovers a sweet but damaged soul beneath a rough exterior.Ian doesn't know what to make of the determined young widow who forces him to look into the painful past and, what's worse, the uncertain future. But it is, after all, a season of miracles and maybe, just maybe, it's time to banish the ghosts and open his heart.Praise for Robyn Carr ‘A touch of danger and suspense make the latest in Carr's Thunder Point series a powerful read.’ –RT Book Reviews on The Hero‘With her trademark mixture of humor, realistic conflict, and razor-sharp insights, Carr brings Thunder Point to vivid life.’ –Library Journal on The Newcomer‘No one can do small-town life like Carr.' –RT Book Reviews on The Wanderer‘Strong conflict, humor and well-written characters are Carr's calling cards, and they're all present here… You won't want to put this one down.’ –RT Book Reviews on Angel's Peak‘This story has everything: a courageous, outspoken heroine, a to-die-for hero and a plot that will touch readers' hearts on several different levels. Truly excellent.’ –RT Book Reviews on Forbidden Falls‘An intensely satisfying read. By turns humorous and gut-wrenchingly emotional, it won't soon be forgotten.’ –RT Book Reviews on Paradise Valley‘Carr has hit her stride with this captivating series.’ –Library Journal on the Virgin River series‘The Virgin River books are so compelling – I connected instantly with the characters and just wanted more and more and more.’ –#1 New York Times bestselling author Debbie Macomber