Мэтт Ридли

Matthew White Ridley

  • 32 книги
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Лучшие произведения Мэтью Уайт Ридли

  • Геном М. Ридли
    Форма: документальное произведение
    Оригинальное название: Genome: The Autobiography of a Species in 23 Chapters
    Дата написания: 2004
    Первая публикация: 2008
    Перевод: О. Рева
    Язык: Русский

    Стремительное развитие генетики в последние два десятилетия называют не иначе, как революцией. Начиная с 1990-х годов, когда в практику вошли принципиально новые методы исследований ДНК, каждый год приносит больше открытий, чем было сделано за все предыдущие годы, начиная со старины Менделя. Генетика развивается столь стремительно, что уследить за тем, как изменяются наши представления о фундаментальных основах жизни и наследственности, не успевает не только широкая публика, но и специалисты. Это порождает массу слухов и домыслов о страшных мутантах, которых коварные ученые штампуют в своих лабораториях, тогда как поразительные открытия…

  • Секс и эволюция человеческой природы Мэтт Ридли
    Оригинальное название: The Red Queen: Sex and the Evolution of Human Nature
    Дата написания: 1993
    Язык: Русский
  • The Evolution of Everything: How Small Changes Transform Our World Мэтт Ридли
    Дата написания: 2016
    ‘If there is one dominant myth about the world, one huge mistake we all make … it is that we all go around assuming the world is much more of a planned place than it is.’From the industrial revolution and the rise of China, to urbanisation and the birth of bitcoin, Matt Ridley demolishes conventional assumptions that the great events and trends of our day are dictated by those on high. On the contrary, our most important achievements develop from the ground up. In this wide-ranging and erudite book, Matt Ridley brilliantly makes the case for evolution as the force that has shaped much of our culture, our minds, and that even now is shaping our future.As compelling as it is controversial, as authoritative as it is ambitious, Ridley’s deeply thought-provoking book will change the way we think about the world and how it works.
  • Nature via Nurture: Genes, experience and what makes us human Мэтт Ридли
    Acclaimed author Matt Ridley's thrilling follow-up to his bestseller Genome. Armed with the extraordinary new discoveries about our genes, Ridley turns his attention to the nature versus nurture debate to bring the first popular account of the roots of human behaviour.What makes us who we are?In February 2001 it was announced that the genome contains not 100,000 genes as originally expected but only 30,000. This startling revision led some scientists to conclude that there are simply not enough human genes to account for all the different ways people behave: we must be made by nurture, not nature.Matt Ridley argues that the emerging truth is far more interesting than this myth. Nurture depends on genes, too, and genes need nurture. Genes not only predetermine the broad structure of the brain; they also absorb formative experiences, react to social cues and even run memory. They are consequences as well as causes of the will.Published fifty years after the discovery of the double helix of DNA, Nature via Nurture chronicles a new revolution in our understanding of genes. Ridley recounts the hundred years' war between the partisans of nature and nurture to explain how this paradoxical creature, the human being, can be simultaneously free-willed and motivated by instinct and culture. Nature via Nurture is an enthralling, up-to-the-minute account of how genes build brains to absorb experience.Note that it has not been possible to include the same picture content that appeared in the original print version.