Маргарет Штоль

Margaret Stohl

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Новинки Маргарет Штоль

  • Джо и Лори Мелисса де ла Круз
    ISBN: 978-5-17-145303-9
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: АСТ
    Язык: Русский

    1869, Конкорд, штат Массачусетс. После публикации своего первого романа Джо Марч была потрясена, обнаружив, что ее книга стала бестселлером, а издатель и поклонники требуют продолжения. Когда Джо просят придумать новую историю, она на неделю отправляется в Нью-Йорк со своим дорогим другом Лори за порцией вдохновения, наполняя дни музеями, операми и даже чтением самого Чарльза Диккенса, которое бывает раз в жизни! Но у Лори на уме романтика, и, несмотря на растущие чувства, желание Джо оставаться независимой приводит к отказу от его искреннего предложение руки, отправляя Лори в колледж с разбитым сердцем. Когда он возвращается в Конкорд с…

  • A Secret Princess Мелисса де ла Круз
    ISBN: 9781984812049
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: G.P. Putnam’s Sons Books for Young Readers
    Язык: Английский
    A surprising and romantic YA retelling-mashup of A Little Princess and The Secret Garden by bestselling authors Margaret Stohl and Melissa de la Cruz.

    Best friends Mary Lennox, Sara Crewe, and Cedric Erroll have each other, and they are the only reason boarding school isn’t completely insufferable.

    Tragically, Mary’s father passes away after he’s stripped of his fortune, leaving her orphaned and with just one possession: a ticket to a ship that will bring her to the home of her last living relative, in America. But Cedric can’t bear to say goodbye, and reveals that he’s the son of an earl with endless riches . . . and a huge estate that the three of them can run away to, leaving the boarding school–and thoughts of America–behind.

    That’s when Sara and Cedric discover that there’s more to them than friendship, and Mary begins spending time with a handsome local boy–a relationship that quickly blossoms into romance.

    It turns out that Maythem Estate is more than just a getaway–it’s a secret garden of budding romance.

    Filled with charm, romance, and swoon, and inspired by some of classic literature’s most beloved characters, The Secret Princess is the perfect blend of A Little Princess and The Secret Garden— and the perfect companion to Jo & Laurie.
  • Человек-Паук. Нуар. Сумерки в Вавилоне Маргарет Штоль
    ISBN: 978-5-04-155590-0
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Комильфо
    Язык: Русский
    Убийства и загадки в классическом стиле Marvel!

    На дворе 1939 год. Нуарный Человек-паук продолжает сражаться с преступностью, но война уже на пороге. Загадочное убийство в "Чёрной Кошке" приведёт Питера Паркера на другой конец света. Всё в лучших традициях жанра: его ждут древние города, загадочные красотки и вездесущие нацисты. На пути к месту раскопок, таящих в себе могучее зло, стенолаз побывает в нескольких странах, прокатится на корабле, самолёте, верблюде, встретит друзей и врагов - некоторых из которых вы, несомненно, узнаете!
  • Marvel-Verse. Captain Marvel Маргарет Штоль
    ISBN: 9781302926847
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Marvel
    As Captain Marvel, Carol Danvers flies higher, further, faster than anyone in the Marvel-Verse - and these are the stories that prove it! First, the world's greatest super hero teams up with the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man - but they're about to have their hands full with the attack of a 50-foot tall redheaded madwoman! Then, everyone loves Carol's adorable cat, Chewie - but is there more to this feisty feline than meets the eye? And just what is a Flerken anyway? In space, no one can hear you meow! And the modern day Captain Marvel shares an adventure through time with someone she never thought she would see again - her fallen friend and inspiration, the Kree legend named Mar-Vell!
  • Jo & Laurie Мелисса де ла Круз
    ISBN: 1984812017, ‎978-1984812018
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: G.P. Putnam's Sons Books for Young Readers
    Язык: Английский
    Bestselling authors Margaret Stohl and Melissa de la Cruz bring us a romantic retelling of Little Women starring Jo March and her best friend, the boy next door, Theodore "Laurie" Laurence.

    1869, Concord, Massachusetts: After the publication of her first novel, Jo March is shocked to discover her book of scribbles has become a bestseller, and her publisher and fans demand a sequel. While pressured into coming up with a story, she goes to New York with her dear friend Laurie for a week of inspiration—museums, operas, and even a once-in-a-lifetime reading by Charles Dickens himself!

    But Laurie has romance on his mind, and despite her growing feelings, Jo's desire to remain independent leads her to turn down his heartfelt marriage proposal and sends the poor boy off to college heartbroken. When Laurie returns to Concord with a sophisticated new girlfriend, will Jo finally communicate her true heart's desire or lose the love of her life forever?
  • The Life of Captain Marvel Маргарет Штоль
    ISBN: 9781302917319
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Marvel
    Язык: Английский
    She's one of the mightiest heroes not just on Earth, but in the entire galaxy! Now learn exactly how Carol Danvers became the woman she is - the Avenger she is - in the definitive origin of Captain Marvel! When sudden, crippling anxiety attacks sideline Carol in the middle of a fight, she finds herself reliving memories of a life she thought was far behind her. You can't outrun where you're from - and sometimes, you have to go home again. But while the Captain takes a temporary leave from duty to unravel her past, trouble comes looking for her. A weapon has been unleashed. And Carol's sleepy coastal town is about to become the center of its world. But there are skeletons in Captain Marvel's closet - and what she discovers will change her entire life! Collects: The Life of Captain Marvel #1-5
  • Життя Капітана Марвел Маргарет Штоль
    ISBN: 978-966-97808-9-8
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Fireclaw
    Язык: Украинский

    Вона одна з наймогутніших героїнь не тільки на Землі, а й у всій Галактиці! Тепер дізнайтесь, як саме Керол Денверс стала жінкою, якою вона є, в коміксі про походження Капітана Марвел! Коли раптові, болісні панічні атаки вибивають її з колії посеред вируючого бою, у неї в свідомості з’являються спогади про життя, яке вона воліла б забути. Ви не можете втекти від свого коріння – і іноді вам доводиться повертатися додому. Але в той час, як Керол бере тимчасову відпустку, щоб розібратись у своєму минулому, неприємності самі приходять до неї. Зброю було приведено у бойову готовність, і тихе прибережне місто Керол ось-ось стане центром цього…

  • Marvel Tales: Black Widow Стэн Ли
    Год издания: 2019
    Relive exciting espionage adventures alongside the Black Widow and celebrate Marvel’s 80th anniversary with the return of MARVEL TALES! This anthology series shines a spotlight on fan-favorite characters, features timeless stories and highlights some of Marvel’s most impressive talent from the past eight decades. Featuring the debut of the Golden Age Black Widow from MYSTIC COMICS (1940) #4, the first appearance of the incomparable Natasha Romanoff as a femme fatale targeting Iron Man in TALES OF SUSPENSE (1959) #52 and the dazzling introduction of Natasha’s iconic modern look in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (1963) #86! Plus: Criminals everywhere will feel the Widow’s bite when she goes solo in AMAZING ADVENTURES (1970) #1, and Natasha undertakes a superspy mission in MARVEL FANFARE (1982) #10. And meet an all-new undercover agent in RED WIDOW: FIRST STRIKE #1!
  • The Mighty Captain Marvel, Vol. 3: Dark Origins Маргарет Штоль
    ISBN: 9781302906078
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Marvel
    Язык: Английский
    As Captain Marvel, Carol Danvers has traveled to almost every inch of the planet - and beyond! Now she's heading somewhere uncharted! Join Carol on her new cosmic journey through the past and future, as Captain Marvel takes flight in an adventure you won't want to miss! They say you can't go home again...but what about a creepy, twisted version of your childhood home? That's where Carol finds herself - and, as the earth-shattering secrets of her Dark Origin are finally revealed, the Marvel Universe will be forever changed! You'd think a familiar face would be comforting...but this Peter Quill doesn't seem in a friendly mood. And then there's the conundrum of Zeta Flight! Carol learns the hard way that this mysterious group may have given her a bad reputation...but how does it even exist?!
  • Черная Вдова: Возмездие Маргарет Штоль
    ISBN: 978-5-17-103584-6
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: АСТ, Mainstream
    Язык: Русский
    Эмоции опасны, вот почему выпускников знаменитой московской школы шпионов "Красный отдел" учат держать своих врагом рядом, а близких - в отдалении.

    Чёрная и Красная Вдовы, Наташа Романова и Ава Орлова, однажды забыли этот урок. Больше такого не повторится. Но у Вдов есть кое-что общее - московское прошлое и неумолимая жажда мести. Иван Сомородов мёртв, но его террористическая сеть всё ещё действует.

    Пока Вдовы ищут склад контрабандистов в Южной Америке (связь с их прежней Немезидой), "Красный отдел" не только пытается убить их обеих, но и взламывает защищённую сеть ЩИТ. Ава и Наташа оказываются в центре опасной игры - мирового заговора, что приведёт их на край света и обратно в Нью-Йорк, где их друзья Данте и Сана станут мишенями "Красного отдела". Вновь всё не так, как кажется: никому нельзя доверять, всем угрожает опасность. Разве что Вдовы остановят заговор: справятся с украденными ядерными боеголовками, химическим оружием и с предательством старых врагов и друзей.
  • The Mighty Captain Marvel, Vol. 2: Band of Sisters Маргарет Штоль
    ISBN: 9781302906061
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Marvel
    Язык: Английский
    As Secret Empire begins, Captain Marvel faces the Chitauri! The savage alien fleet has nearly reached Earth space - and it's up to Carol Danvers to stop it. But taking on an entire armada is a tall order even for our mighty hero and the crew of the Alpha Flight Space Station. Can Carol find a way to inspire her ranks - including her battalion of young cadets - to rise to the challenge of protecting the planet? As Alpha Flight puts their plan into action, an enemy from Carol's past rears its head, threatening to ruin everything!

  • Черная Вдова: Красная метка Маргарет Штоль
    ISBN: 978-5-17-103582-2
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: АСТ, Mainstream
    Язык: Русский
    Это началось снова. По всей Восточной Европе дети пропадают без вести, а слухи о возможной причастности к этому ""Красного отдела"" расползаются по тёмной стороне интернета. Наташа Романофф не без оснований полагает, что к исчезновениям причастен её бывший наставник, Иван Сомодоров. Однако, возможно, что единственной, кому окажется по силам остановить его, будет не Чёрная Вдова, а Ава Орлова, девочка, которую Наташа когда-то спасла. Чтобы победить сумасшедшего, который угрожает их будущему, Наташа и Ава должны разгадать тайны своего прошлого, выяснить всю правду друг о друге и о некоем темноглазом мальчике с татуировкой в виде песочных часов, который всю жизнь преследует Аву во снах.
  • Royce Rolls Margaret Stohl
    ISBN: 1484732332
    Год издания: 2017
    Язык: Английский
    Sixteen-year-old Bentley Royce seems to have it all: an actual Bentley, tuition to a fancy private school, lavish vacations, and everything else that comes along with being an LA starlet. But after five seasons on her family's reality show, Rolling with the Royces, and a lifetime of dealing with her narcissistic sister, Porsche, media-obsessed mother, Mercedes, and somewhat clueless brother, Maybach, Bentley wants out. Luckily for her, without a hook for season six, cancellation is looming and freedom is nigh. With their lifestyle on the brink, however, Bentley's family starts to crumble, and one thing becomes startlingly clear--without the show, there is no family. And since Bentley loves her family, she has to do the unthinkable--save the show. But when her future brother-in-law's car goes over a cliff with both Bentley and her sister's fianc inside-on the day of the big made-for-TV wedding, no less-things get real.
    Really real. Like, not reality show real.

    Told in a tongue-in-cheek voice that takes a swipe at all things Hollywood, Royce Rolls is a laugh-out-loud funny romp with an LA noir twist about what it means to grow up with the cameras rolling and what really happens behind the scenes.
  • Red Vengeance Margaret Stohl
    ISBN: 9781484773475
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Marvel Press
    Язык: Английский
    The Avengers’ iconic master spy is back, and she’s seeing red.

    Emotions are dangerous, which is why the graduates of Moscow’s famed spy school the Red Room are taught to keep their enemies close and their loved ones at a distance. Black Widow and Red Widow, also known as Natasha Romanov and Ava Orlova, forgot that lesson once, and they won’t forget it again.
    But the Widows have inherited something else from their shared Moscow past: a relentless need for vengeance—Ivan Somodorov is dead, but his network of terror remains.
    While the Widows search South America in order to extinguish a smuggling operation with ties to their old nemesis, their own Red Room not only attempts to assassinate them both but also hacks their secure S.H.I.E.L.D. network. As a result, Ava and Natasha find themselves thrust into a trying mission of international intrigue that takes them throughout the world and back to New York City, where their friends Dante and Sana become unlikely targets as well.
    Once again, nothing is as it seems, no one can be trusted, and no one is safe—not unless the Widows can stop a conspiracy involving stolen nuclear warheads, mind-altering chemical weapons, and ultimately, betrayal by old friends and enemies alike.
  • Black Widow: Forever Red Margaret Stohl
    ISBN: 9781484726433
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Marvel Press
    Язык: Английский
    Enter the world of the Avengers’ iconic master spy…
    Natasha Romanoff is one of the world’s most lethal assassins. Trained from a young age in the arts of death and deception, Natasha was given the title of Black Widow by Ivan Somodorov, her brutal teacher at the Red Room, Moscow’s infamous academy for operatives.
    Ava Orlova is just trying to fit in as an average Brooklyn teenager, but her life has been anything but average.The daughter of a missing Russian quantum physicist, Ava was once subjected to a series of ruthless military experiments—until she was rescued by Black Widow and placed under S.H.I.E.L.D. protection. Ava has always longed to reconnect with her mysterious savior, but Black Widow isn’t really the big sister type.
    Until now.
    When children all over Eastern Europe begin to go missing, and rumors of smuggled Red Room tech light up the dark net, Natasha suspects her old teacher has returned—and that Ava Orlova might be the only one who can stop him. To defeat the madman who threatens their future, Natasha and Ava must unravel their pasts. Only then will they discover the truth about the dark-eyed boy with an hourglass tattoo who haunts Ava’s dreams…
    Black Widow: Forever Red features all the heart-pounding adventure readers expect from Marvel, written by #1 New York Times best-selling author Margaret Stohl. Uncover a new side of the Marvel Universe that will thrill loyal fans and newcomers alike, as Stohl reveals the untold story of Black Widow for the very first time.
  • Dangerous Deception Ками Гарсия, Маргарет Штоль
    ISBN: 978-0-141-35412-5
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Penguin Books
    Язык: Английский
    Some loves are curse, others are dangerous...Especially the love between wannabe rocker and quarter Incubus, Wesley 'Link' Lincoln, and Dark Caster, Siren, and bonafide bad girl, Ridley Duchannes. But now Ridley is missing, and Link was with her right up until she vanished. Determined to find her, Link reunites with his New York bandmates and the mysterious Lennox Gates, who wants Rid for himself. Together they travel to the deep south, find the crossroads where blues guitarist Robert Johnson made his deal with the devil, discover a menagerie of Casters locked in cages, and uncover an evil in New Orleans that threatens to destroy them all. This time, love might not be enough.
  • Before the Claiming Kami Garcia, Margaret Stohl
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Little, Brown Books for Young Readers
    Язык: Английский
    You can't hide from fate...

    While looking through her grandmother Emmaline's keepsakes, Lena Duchannes comes across a little blue book with a big history--a book that changed Macon Ravenwood's life and saved Lena's.

    When Lena was a baby, Seer and gifted card reader Amma Treaudeau saw a terrifying future in the cards that sent her to Emmaline's door. When a powerful Dark Caster sets fire to Lena's house with baby Lena and her father trapped inside, Amma, Emmaline, and Macon vow to protect the child. Lena's grandmother and her Uncle Macon whisk Lena away, protecting her and moving her to a new place at the first sign of trouble. But a Caster can only hide for so long, and Macon must rely on the teachings in an ancient book to control his Dark nature. Ultimately, it will be his job to protect Lena--and keep her from surrendering to a Dark fate.

    #1 New York Times bestselling authors Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl revisit the events that would define Lena's future in the third installment of Beautiful Creatures: The Untold Stories.
  • The Seer's Spread Kami Garcia, Margaret Stohl
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Little, Brown Books for Young Readers
    Язык: Английский
    Fate is a powerful thing...

    Ethan Wate is still grieving the loss of his beloved Amma when he receives an unexpected gift--the old, yellow Whitman's Sampler box that held Amma's most closely guarded secrets. "One day I might let you have a look under that lid, Ethan Wate," Amma used to say. "But today isn't the day."

    Now it's time for one of her greatest secrets to be revealed. In a long-lost letter, Amma tells Ethan the story of growing up as a young Seer with a remarkable gift for reading cards. But with a power that far-reaching comes responsibility, and Amma has been honoring her mission since before Ethan was born--to protect the Wate family at any cost. So when Lila Jane Evers enters Mitchell Wate's life, bringing the whole Caster world with her, Amma turns to her cards. This time, it's a the reading that will define the rest of her life--and Ethan's.

    In this second installment of Beautiful Creatures: The Untold Stories, #1 New York Times bestselling authors Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl bring you even deeper into the Caster world.
  • Идолы Маргарет Штоль
    ISBN: 978-5-389-08738-5
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Азбука, Азбука-Аттикус
    Язык: Русский
    Большая поклонница научной фантастики, Маргарет Штоль ранее была дизайнером видеоигр. В соавторстве с Ками Гарсия она написала роман «Прекрасные создания», который по версии «Нью-Йорк таймс» признан бестселлером № 1, переведен на 37 языков и издан в 48 странах.
    Иконы спустились с небес. Они принадлежат врагам человечества. Они отбирают жизнь у людей. Почти у всех.
    Дол, Ро, Тима и Лукас – Дети Икон – единственные, кто может противостоять способности Икон останавливать человеческое сердце. В своих снах Дол видит девочку, обладающую такими же возможностями.
    Четверо подростков должны сложить вместе загадочные детали своего прошлого, чтобы спасти будущее всего человечества. И вот четверка отправляется в долгое и опасное путешествие в Юго-Восточную Азию на поиски этой девочки. Их встреча изменит не только жизни Детей Икон…
    Впервые на русском языке.
  • The Mortal Heart Kami Garcia, Margaret Stohl
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Little, Brown Books for Young Readers
    Язык: Английский
    Everyone in Gatlin has a story...

    Before she met and married Mitchell Wate, the beautiful and brilliant Lila Jane Evers was an honors student at Duke University. Studying late into the night in the rare books library, she is captivated by a single line of text on an old piece of parchment: "In the Light there is Dark, and in the Dark there is Light."

    What can it mean?

    Then one night, Lila Jane meets a mysterious young man who may have the answer. His name is Macon Ravenwood, and for every secret he reveals, he is hiding another. With Macon's help, Lila Jane uncovers the wonders of the Caster world--the Light and the Dark. But a romance between the Incubus who is fighting his own dark side and this fiercely independent Mortal is doomed from the start. The closer Lila Jane and Macon become, the more her life is in danger.

    Discover the unforgettable and untold story of how Lila and Macon fell in love in this all-new Beautiful Creatures novella from #1 New York Times bestselling authors Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl.
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