Питер Ловси

Peter (Harmer) Lovesey

  • 57 книг
  • 3 подписчика
  • 421 читатель
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5 170
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2 13
1 4

Новинки Питера Ловси

  • Последнее дело Даймонда Питер Ловси
    ISBN: 978-5-17-135143-4
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: АСТ
    Язык: Русский

    В озере неподалеку от знаменитого курортного города Бат находят труп Джеральдин Джекман, в прошлом — звезды популярного телесериала, впоследствии — просто супруги респектабельного ученого. Но кто же убил Джеральдин? Муж, уставший от ее истерик и нервных срывов? Влюбленная в ее мужа одинокая женщина, мечтающая о браке с ним? Наркодилер, которому жертва крупно задолжала? Или кто-то, кого невозможно даже заподозрить в столь жестоком преступлении?.. Суперинтенданту Питеру Даймонду предстоит расследовать одно из самых непростых дел в его карьере…

  • Beau Death Питер Ловси
    ISBN: B0722TJRBP
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Soho Crime
    Язык: Английский
    Peter Diamond, British detective extraordinaire, must dig deep into Bath history to ferret out the secrets of one of its most famous (and scandalous) icons: Richard “Beau” Nash, who might be the victim of a centuries old murder.

    Bath, England: A wrecking crew is demolishing a row of townhouses in order to build a grocery store when they uncover a skeleton in one of the attics. The dead man is wearing authentic 1760s garb and on the floor next to it is a white tricorn hat—the ostentatious signature accessory of Beau Nash, one of Bath’s most famous historical men-about-town, a fashion icon and incurable rake who, some say, ended up in a pauper’s grave. Or did the Beau actually end up in a townhouse attic? The Beau Nash Society will be all in a tizzy when the truth is revealed to them.

    Chief Inspector Peter Diamond, who has been assigned to identify the remains, begins to fantasize about turning Nash scholarship on its ear. But one of his constables is stubbornly insisting the corpse can’t be Nash’s—the non-believer threatens to spoil Diamond’s favorite theory, especially when he offers some pretty irrefutable evidence. Is Diamond on a historical goose chase? Should he actually be investigating a much more modern murder?
  • Ищейки Питер Лавси
    ISBN: 978-5-17-982459-6
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: АСТ, Neoclassic
    Язык: Русский

    Члены литературного детективного клуба "Ищейки" привыкли разгадывать книжные преступления. Но на этот раз им пришлось стать свидетелями настоящих преступлений! Сначала у эксцентричного пожилого Майло Моциона обнаруживается похищенная из музея накануне бесценная старинная марка. А потом происходит загадочное убийство... , Но кто и зачем избавился от самого тихого и неприметного из "литературных детективов" ночного сторожа Сида Тауэрса? Как его труп попал на яхту все того же Моциона? Почему таинственный анонимный осведомитель пытается обвинить в этом преступлении еще одного члена клуба — преуспевающуюю галеристку Джессику Шоу? Пока у…

  • Работа над ошибками Питер Лавси
    ISBN: 978-5-17-098003-1
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: АСТ, Neoclassic
    Язык: Русский

    Самое необычное дело суперинтенданта Питера Даймонда. Полиция Бата поднята по тревоге — из тюрьмы cбежал Джон Маунтджой, приговоренный к пожизненному заключению за убийство шведской журналистки. Более того, он ухитрился вернуться в Бат и взять в заложницы дочь местного крупного полицейского чиновника. Единственное требование Маунтджоя — повторное расследование его дела. Он утверждает, что убийства не совершал.... Неужели Даймонд, который вел дело, совершил ошибку? Неужели из-за него пострадал невиновный? Шаг за шагом детектив пытается понять, что же упустил много лет назад…

  • Последнее дело Даймонда Питер Лавси
    ISBN: 978-5-17-099941-5
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: АСТ, Neoclassic
    Язык: Русский

    В озере неподалеку от знаменитого курортного города Бат находят труп Джеральдин Джекман, в прошлом — звезды популярного телесериала, впоследствии — просто супруги респектабельного ученого. Но кто же убил Джеральдин? Муж, уставший от ее истерик и нервных срывов? Влюбленная в ее мужа одинокая женщина, мечтающая о браке с ним? Наркодилер, которому жертва крупно задолжала? Или кто-то, кого невозможно даже заподозрить в столь жестоком преступлении?.. Суперинтенданту Питеру Даймонду предстоит расследовать одно из самых непростых дел в его карьере…

  • Пасьянс Даймонда Питер Лавси
    ISBN: 978-5-17-097609-6
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: АСТ, Neoclassic
    Язык: Русский
    Японская девочка потерялась в знаменитом лондонского универмаге «Харродс» и была обнаружена охранниками только после закрытия, — казалось бы, что в этом криминального? Однако Питер Даймонд уверен: это не банальная случайность!

    Где родители малышки? Почему ее никто не ищет? И, что самое главное, почему она упорно молчит и не идет на контакт со взрослыми?

    Прежде, чем он успевает получить ответы на эти вопросы, девочка бесследно исчезает из приюта, и Даймонд пускается на поиски, в которых промедление может стоить ребенку жизни…
  • The Sinking Admiral Стелла Даффи
    ISBN: 978-0008100438
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Collins Crime Club
    The Floating Admiral was the first of the Detection Club’s collaborative novels, in which twelve of its members wrote a single novel. Eighty-five years later, fourteen members of the club have once again collaborated to produce The Sinking Admiral.

    ‘The Admiral’ is a pub in the Suffolk seaside village of Crabwell, The Admiral Byng. ‘The Admiral’ is also the nickname of its landlord, Geoffrey Horatio Fitzsimmons, as well as the name of the landlord’s dinghy. None of them are as buoyant as they should be, for the pub is threatened with closure due to falling takings.

    Tempers are already frayed due to the arrival of a television documentary team when Fitzsimmons is found dead in his tethered boat. The villagers assume a simple case of suicide and fear that their debt-ridden pub will now sink without trace. The journalists seem determined to finish the job by raking up old skeletons, but they weren’t banking on the fact that this story has been written by 14 extremely competitive crime writers – arch bamboozlers who will stop at nothing to save a good pub.

    The Sinking Admiral, edited by the Detection Club’s outgoing President – author and broadcaster Simon Brett, OBE – continues a tradition established by the Detection Club’s founders in 1931 when Dorothy L. Sayers, Agatha Christie, Freeman Wills Crofts and eleven other esteemed authors wrote The Floating Admiral, a ‘collaborative novel’ to challenge themselves, fox their readers and help to pay for the Club’s running costs. Now, 85 years later, 14 of today’s leading crime writers have repeated this unique game of literary consequences, producing an original, ebullient and archetypal whodunit that will keep readers guessing right up to what crime lovers insist on calling the dénouement…
  • Down Among the Dead Men Питер Ловси
    ISBN: 1616956267
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Soho Crime
    Язык: Английский
    In a Sussex town on the southeast coast of England, a widely disliked art teacher at a posh private girls’ school disappears without explanation. None of her students miss her boring lessons, especially since her replacement is a devilishly hunky male teacher with a fancy car. But then her name shows up on a police missing persons list. What happened to Miss Gibbon, and why does no one seem to care?

    Meanwhile, detective Peter Diamond finds himself in Sussex, much against his wishes. His irritating and often obtuse supervisor, Assistant Chief Constable Georgina Dallymore, has made Diamond accompany her on a Home Office internal investigation. A Sussex detective has been suspended for failing to follow up on DNA evidence that linked a relative to a seven-year-old murder case—a bad breach of ethics if the allegations are true. Diamond is less than thrilled to be heading out on a road trip with his boss to investigate a fellow officer, but he becomes much more interested in the case when he realizes who the suspended officer is—an old friend, and not a person he knows to make mistakes.

    As Diamond asks questions, he begins to notice unsettling connections between the seven-year-old murder and the missing art teacher. Could the two cases be connected? How many other area disappearances have gone unnoticed and uninvestigated? Diamond and his hapless supervisor have stumbled into a complicated web of related crimes. Will Diamond be able to disentangle them?
  • Rough Cider Peter Lovesey
    ISBN: 9781569472286
    Год издания: 2015
    Язык: Английский
    Rough Cider
  • False Inspector Dew Peter Lovesey
    ISBN: 9781569472552
    Год издания: 2015
    Язык: Английский
    False Inspector Dew
  • Diamond Solitaire Peter Lovesey
    ISBN: 1569472920, 9781569472927
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Soho Crime
    Язык: Английский
    Fired from the police force for insubordination, Peter Diamond is reduced to working as a security guard at Harrod’s. Turns out he can’t even hold that job—he gets fired after finding an abandoned Japanese girl in the store after closing. “Naomi,” as he calls her, exhibits strong signs of autism, and he devotes himself to communicating with her in order to glean her identity and return her to her rightful home. Weeks later, a Japanese woman appears out of the blue to claim the little girl, and it appears as though Diamond’s job is done. If only that were true. Armed only with only Naomi’s drawings as clues, Diamond races to track down her kidnappers and save her life.
  • The Summons Peter Lovesey
    ISBN: 9781569473603
    Год издания: 2015
    Язык: Английский
    The Summons
  • Bloodhounds Peter Lovesey
    ISBN: 9781569473771
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Soho Crime
    Язык: Английский

    A rare stamp and a corpse are discovered in Bath within hours of each other. As he investigates, Inspector Peter Diamond discovers that both the person who found the stamp and the victim belong to the Bloodhounds, an elite group of mystery lovers, who now urge Diamond to bring the murderer to justice. But there’s a hitch: the body lies inside a padlocked houseboat and the only key is in the pocket of a man with an airtight alibi

  • The Circle Peter Lovesey
    ISBN: 9781569474327
    Год издания: 2015
    Язык: Английский
    The Circle
  • The Headhunters Peter Lovesey
    ISBN: 9781569475805
    Год издания: 2015
    Язык: Английский
    The Headhunters
  • The Tick of Death Peter Lovesey
    ISBN: 9781569475966
    Год издания: 2015
    Язык: Английский
    The Tick of Death
  • The Tooth Tattoo Peter Lovesey
    ISBN: 9781616953669
    Год издания: 2015
    Язык: Английский
    Peter Diamond, head of Bath CID, takes a break in Vienna, but gal Paloma calls quits on love. Jobbing musician Mel Farran joins once-famous string quartet in a residency at Bath Spa University - but their last violinist vanished without a trace. Can a body in a city canal be identified by a tattoo of a music note on one of her teeth?
  • The Last Detective Peter Lovesey
    ISBN: 9781616955304
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Soho Crime
    Язык: Английский
    A woman's body has been found floating in a large reservoir just south of Bristol. In order to solve the mystery of the "Lady in the Lake," Detective Superintendent Peter Diamond must locate two missing letters attributed to Jane Austen and defy his superiors on the force to save a woman unjustly accused of murder. This is the first of the Peter Diamond series; it won the 1992 Anthony Boucher Award for Best Mystery Novel.
  • The Stone Wife Peter Lovesey
    ISBN: 1616953934
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Soho Crime
    Язык: Английский
    Book 14 in the Detective Superintendent Peter Diamond series, one of Soho's bestselling and most critically acclaimed series, this time including a Chauceresque twist.

    At a Bath auction house, a large slab of carved stone is up for sale. At the height of very competitive bidding, there is a holdup attempt by three masked robbers. They shoot and kill the highest bidder, a professor who has recognized the female figure carved in the stone as Chaucer’s Wife of Bath. The masked would-be thieves flee, leaving the stone behind.

    Peter Diamond and his team are assigned to investigate, and the stone is moved into Diamond’s office so he can research its origins. The carving causes such difficulties that he starts to think it has jinxed him. Meanwhile, as Diamond’s leads take him to Chaucer’s house in Somerset, his intrepid colleague Ingeborg goes undercover to try to track down the source of the handgun used in the murder.
  • Rough Cider Peter Lovesey
    ISBN: 978-0751553550
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Sphere
    Язык: Английский
    It is World War II and American soldiers stationed in rural England have made friends, especially with the local girls. After a dance to celebrate the pressing of the apples into cider, the resentment of the local men leads to violence and a murder. Later, a baby girl is born. Years later, Theo, a university lecturer, is approached by an American girl called Alice. She wants to be told about her father, a GI hanged for murder in Somerset during World War II. As a boy, Theo had been a principal witness for the prosecution. Alice persuades him to revisit the farm where Theo was evacuated, staunchly determined to discover the facts. The horrors of the past take on a frightening immediacy when long-forgotten jealousies come to the surface and another murder is committed.
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