Вручение 2015 г.

Премия вручена за 2014 год.

Состав жюри: William Fiennes, Rachel Cooke, Мохсин Хамид (Mohsin Hamid), Э. М. Хоумз (A. M. Homes), Дебора Леви (Deborah Levy).

Страна: Великобритания Место проведения: город Лондон Дата проведения: 2015 г.

Премия Фолио

Akhil Sharma 2.5
Ajay, eight years old, spends his afternoons playing cricket in the streets of Delhi with his brother Birju, four years older. They are about to leave for shiny new life in America. Ajay anticipates, breathlessly, a world of jet-packs and chewing-gum.

This promised land of impossible riches and dazzling new technology is also a land that views Ajay with suspicion and hostility; one where he must rely on his big brother to tackle classroom bullies. Birju, confident, popular, is the repository of the family's hopes, and he spends every waking minute studying for the exams that will mean entry to the Bronx High School of Science, and reflected glory for them all.

When a terrible accident makes a mockery of that dream, the family splinters. The boys' mother restlessly seeks the help of pundits from the temple, while their father retreats into silent despair - and the bottle. Now Ajay must find the strength of character to navigate this brave new American world, and the sorrows at home, on his own terms.

By turns blackly funny, touching, raw and devastating, Family Life is a vivid and wrenching portrait of sibling relationships and the impact of tragedy on one family from a boy's eye view.
Колм Тойбин 3.6
1960-е. Ирландия, городок Эннискорти – тот самый, откуда уехала в Америку Эйлиш, героиня предыдущего романа Колма Тойбина «Бруклин». Тихая, размеренная, старомодная жизнь на фоне назревающей в соседней Северной Ирландии междоусобицы. Нора Вебстер недавно овдовела, ей надо привыкать к новой жизни, справляться с финансовыми и бытовыми трудностями, в одиночку растить сыновей. Обычная жизнь обычной женщины, давно растерявшей в тени мужа свою индивидуальность, забывшей, что такое мечты. В этом тихом, тонком романе, как и в «Бруклине», на первый взгляд мало что происходит, и в то же время он полон напряжения, даже страсти. Как полна их и Нора, которая учится быть одна, учится быть собой, порой раздражая и даже шокируя консервативную ирландскую глубинку. «Нора Вебстер» – виртуозно детализированная, тонкая, камерная история жизни ирландской семьи. Тойбин сплел затейливый гобелен, изобразив маленькую Ирландию, городок, где каждый знает каждого, где благожелательность может обернуться драмой. Нора Вебстер – один из самых запоминающихся женских образов современной литературы, вызывающий в памяти героинь Генрика Ибсена.

Один из самых известных романов Тойбина, "Бруклин", вырос как раз из "Норы Вебстер". В 2006-м году Колм Тойбин начал работать над "Норой", перечитывая первую главу, он зацепился в ней за небольшой эпизод, который показался ему достойным отдельной истории. Он подумывал написать рассказ, но в результате получился роман. Тойбин настолько увлекся, что отложил в сторону "Нору Вебстер", и сосредоточился над новым сюжетом. Так получилось, что хотя "Нору Вебстер" Колм Тойбин начал писать раньше "Бруклина", "Нора" появилась лишь через несколько лет.
Ben Lerner 2.9
In the last year, the narrator of 10:04 has enjoyed unlikely literary success, has been diagnosed with a potentially fatal medical condition, and has been asked by his best friend to help her conceive a child. In a New York of increasingly frequent superstorms and social unrest, he must reckon with his own mortality and the prospect of fatherhood in a city that might soon be underwater.

A writer whose work Jonathan Franzen has called “hilarious . . . cracklingly intelligent . . . and original in every sentence,” Lerner captures what it’s like to be alive now, during the twilight of an empire, when the difficulty of imagining a future is changing our relationship to both the present and the past.
Miriam Toews 4.4
Elf and Yoli are two smart, loving sisters.
Elf is a world-renowned pianist, glamorous, wealthy, happily married: she wants to die.
Yoli is divorced, broke, sleeping with the wrong men: she desperately wants to keep her older sister alive.
When Elf's latest suicide attempt leaves her hospitalised weeks before her highly anticipated world tour, Yoli is forced to confront the impossible question of whether it is better to let a loved one go.
Jenny Offill 3.5
They used to send each other letters. The return address was always the same: Dept. of Speculation. They used to be young, brave, and giddy with hopes for their future. They got married, had a child, and skated through all the small calamities of family life. But then, slowly, quietly something changes. As the years rush by, fears creep in and doubts accumulate until finally their life as they know it cracks apart and they find themselves forced to reassess what they have lost, what is left, and what they want now. Written with the dazzling lucidity of poetry, Dept. of Speculation navigates the jagged edges of a modern marriage to tell a story that is darkly funny, surprising and wise.
Yvonne Adhiambo Owuor 5.0
When a young man is gunned down in the streets of Nairobi, his grief-stricken father and sister bring his body back to their crumbling home in the Kenyan drylands. But the murder has stirred up memories long since buried, precipitating a series of events no one could have foreseen. As the truth unfolds, we come to learn the secrets held by this parched landscape, hidden deep within the shared past of a family and their conflicted nation. Spanning Kenya’s turbulent 1950s and 1960s, Dust is spellbinding debut from a breathtaking new voice in literature.
Али Смит 3.9
Роман «Как быть двумя» — это две истории о любви и несправедливости, сплетенные в одну нить. Здесь время становится вечностью, знание — тайной, фантазия — правдой, а всему живому дается еще один шанс. Али Смит, один из самых блестящих мастеров британской прозы, исследует в своей книге любовь, одержимость, сексуальность и многоликий образ искусства. Ошеломляющее произведение, которое одновременно бросает вызов читателю — и вознаграждает его.
Rachel Cusk 3.9
A woman writer goes to Athens in the height of summer to teach a writing course. Though her own circumstances remain indistinct, she becomes the audience to a chain of narratives, as the people she meets tell her one after another the stories of their lives.

Beginning with the neighbouring passenger on the flight out and his tales of fast boats and failed marriages, the storytellers talk of their loves and ambitions and pains, their anxieties, their perceptions and daily lives. In the stifling heat and noise of the city the sequence of voice begins to weave a complex human tapestry. The more they talk the more elliptical their listener becomes, as she shapes and directs their accounts until certain themes begin to emerge: the experience of loss, the nature of family life, the difficulty of intimacy and the mystery of creativity itself.

Outline is a novel about writing and talking, about self-effacement and self-expression, about the desire to create and the human art of self-portraiture in which that desire finds its universal form.
Гермиона Айр 0.0
Venetia Stanley was the great beauty of her day, so dazzling she inspired Ben Jonson to poetry and Van Dyck to painting. But now she is married, the adoration to which she has become accustomed has curdled to scrutiny, and she fears her powers are waning. Her devoted husband, Sir Kenelm Digby—explorer, diplomat, philosopher, alchemist— refuses to prepare a beauty tonic for her, insisting on her continued perfection.

Venetia, growing desperate, secretly engages an apothecary to sell her “viper wine”—a strange potion said to bolster the blood and invigorate the skin. The results are instant, glorious, and addictive, and soon the ladies of the court of Charles I are looking unnaturally youthful. But there is a terrible price to be paid, as science clashes with magic, puritans rebel against the decadent monarchy, and England slides into civil war.

Based on real events and written with anachronistic verve, Viper Wine is an intoxicating brew of love, longing and vanity, where the 17th and 21st centuries mix and mingle in the most enchanting and mind-bending ways.
Joshua Ferris 3.3
Paul O'Rourke, 40 year-old slightly curmudgeonly dentist, runs a thriving practice in New York. Yet he is discovering he needs more in his life than a steady income and the perfect mochaccino. But what?

As Paul tries to work out the meaning of life, a Facebook page and Twitter account appear in his name. What's at first an outrageous violation of privacy soon becomes something more frightening: the possibility that the online "Paul" might be a better version of the man in the flesh. Who is doing this and will it cost Paul his sanity?
Elizabeth McCracken 0.0
From the author of the beloved novel The Giant’s House—finalist for the National Book Award—comes a beautiful new story collection, her first in twenty years. Laced through with the humor, the empathy, and the rare and magical descriptive powers that have led Elizabeth McCracken’s fiction to be hailed as “exquisite” (The New York Times Book Review), “funny and heartbreaking” (The Boston Globe), and “a true marvel” (San Francisco Chronicle), these nine vibrant stories navigate the fragile space between love and loneliness. In “Property,” selected by Geraldine Brooks for The Best American Short Stories, a young scholar, grieving the sudden death of his wife, decides to refurbish the Maine rental house they were to share together by removing his landlord’s possessions. In “Peter Elroy: A Documentary by Ian Casey,” the household of a successful filmmaker is visited years later by his famous first subject, whose trust he betrayed. In “The Lost & Found Department of Greater Boston,” the manager of a grocery store becomes fixated on the famous case of a missing local woman, and on the fate of the teenage son she left behind. And in the unforgettable title story, a family makes a quixotic decision to flee to Paris for a summer, only to find their lives altered in an unimaginable way by their teenage daughter’s risky behavior.

In Elizabeth McCracken’s universe, heartache is always interwoven with strange, charmed moments of joy—an unexpected conversation with small children, the gift of a parrot with a bad French accent—that remind us of the wonder and mystery of being alive. Thunderstruck & Other Stories shows this inimitable writer working at the full height of her powers.
Мартин Эмис 4.0
В Великобритании некоторые критики провозгласили роман «лучшей книгой за 25 лет от одного из великих английских писателей». Книга, которая рассказывается с точек зрения трёх начальников концлагеря и изобилует немецкой лексикой, была отвергнута всеми немецкими издательствами. Новый роман классика современной литературы Мартина Эмиса «Зона интересов» – это глубоко оригинальное, отчасти провокативное высказывание, вновь – и совсем по-новому – фиксирующее внимание читателя на теме Холокоста и Второй мировой войны. Эмис привносит в разговор об ужасах прошлого интонации и оттенки, никогда прежде не звучавшие в подобном контексте. «Зона интересов» – это одновременно и любовный роман (двое из трех героев-рассказчиков – комендант концлагеря и служащий в нем офицер - любят одну женщину, а третий – еврей-заключенный – готов на убийство или самоубийство ради спасения жены, попавшей в лапы нацистов), и антивоенная сатира в лучших традициях «Бравого солдата Швейка» (комендант лагеря выведен в откровенно комических и гротескных тонах), и классический пример литературной полифонии. Однако ключевая идея романа далеко выходит за рамки предсказуемых «всюду жизнь» и «банальность зла»: мелодраматизм и обманчивая легкость сюжета служат Эмису лишь средством, позволяющим ярче высветить абсурдность и трагизм ситуации и, на время усыпив бдительность читателя, в конечном счете высечь из него искру по-настоящему глубокого сопереживания.

В Британии «Зона интересов» была встречена с огромным вниманием и интересом – пресса назвала его лучшим романом Мартина Эмиса за последние двадцать лет и поставила в один ряд с такими значимыми и популярными произведениями о Второй мировой войне как «Благоволительницы» Джонатана Литтела, «Мальчик в полосатой пижаме» Джона Бойна и «Весь невидимый нам свет» Энтони Дорра. Можно не сомневаться, что публикация романа по-русски также вызовет широкий резонанс – тем более, что за перевод его взялся такой авторитетный и опытный мастер, как Сергей Ильин.

Лучшая книга года по версиям Time, NPR, The Village Voice, The Miami Herald, Financial Times, Minneapolis Star Tribune, BookRiot
Пол Кингснорт 0.0
Everyone knows the date of the Battle of Hastings. Far fewer people know what happened next...Set in the three years after the Norman invasion, The Wake tells the story of a fractured band of guerilla fighters who take up arms against the invaders. Carefully hung on the known historical facts about the almost forgotten war of resistance that spread across England in the decade after 1066, it is a story of the brutal shattering of lives, a tale of lost gods and haunted visions, narrated by a man of the Lincolnshire fens bearing witness to the end of his world. Written in what the author describes as 'a shadow tongue' - a version of Old English updated so as to be understandable for the modern reader - The Wake renders the inner life of an Anglo-Saxon man with an accuracy and immediacy rare in historical fiction. To enter Buccmaster's world is to feel powerfully the sheer strangeness of the past.
Sarah Waters 3.7
It is 1922, and London is tense. Ex-servicemen are disillusioned; the out-of-work and the hungry are demanding change. And in the south of the city, on genteel Champion Hill, in a quiet home now empty of servants, life is about to be transformed.

Widowed Mrs. Wray and her daughter, Frances - an unmarried woman with an interesting past, now on her way to becoming a spinster - find themselves obliged to take in tenants. The arrival of Lilian and Leonard Barber, a modern young couple of the emerging middle class, brings unsettling things with it: lively music, colorful clothing, open doors, and fun. As Lilian and Frances are drawn into an unexpected friendship, loyalties begin to shift. Secrets are confessed, dangerous desires admitted; the most ordinary of lives, it seems, can explode into passion and drama. And in the house on Champion Hill, no one can foresee just how far the disturbances will reach.
Фиона Макфарлейн 3.4
In an isolated house on the New South Wales coast, Ruth - a widow whose sons work abroad - lives alone. Until one day a stranger bowls up, announcing that she's been sent by the authorities to be Ruth's carer.
At first, Ruth is happy to have the company. Frida is efficient and helpful, and willing to listen to Ruth's stories about her childhood in Fiji and the man she fell for there. But why does Ruth hear a tiger prowling through the house at night? How far can Ruth trust this enigmatic woman? And how far can she trust herself?
This hypnotic tale soars above its own suspense to tell us, with exceptional grace and beauty, about ageing, love, dependence, fear and power, and about the mysterious workings of the mind. Here is a dazzling new writer, reminding us how powerfully fiction can speak to our innermost secrets.
Ричард Флэнаган 4.0
В этом удивительном романе, который Э.С. Грейлинг, член жюри Букеровской премии 2014 года, назвал шедевром, Флэнаган расскажет о судьбе австралийских военнопленных, брошенных на строительство печально известной Дороги смерти. Дороги, забравшей жизни десятков тысяч людей, погибших в нечеловеческих условиях вдали от дома. Но это не просто рассказ о трагических временах – это история любви, смирения и отваги. Это книга о том, что может сделать человек, поверивший, что шанс на будущее все еще есть.
Neel Mukherjee 4.0

'Ma, I feel exhausted with consuming, with taking and grabbing and using. I am so bloated that I feel I cannot breathe any more. I am leaving to find some air, some place where I shall be able to purge myself, push back against the life given me and make my own. I feel I live in a borrowed house. It's time to find my own. Forgive me.' Calcutta, 1967. Unnoticed by his family, Supratik has become dangerously involved in extremist political activism. Compelled by an idealistic desire to change his life and the world around him, all he leaves behind before disappearing is this note. The ageing patriarch and matriarch of his family, the Ghoshes, preside over their large household, unaware that beneath the barely ruffled surface of their lives the sands are shifting. More than poisonous rivalries among sisters-in-law, destructive secrets, and the implosion of the family business, this is a family unravelling as the society around it fractures. For this is a moment of turbulence, of inevitable and unstoppable change: the chasm between the generations, and between those who have and those who have not, has never been wider. Ambitious, rich and compassionate The Lives of Others anatomises the soul of a nation as it unfolds a family history. A novel about many things, including the limits of empathy and the nature of political action, it asks: how do we imagine our place amongst others in the world? Can that be reimagined? And at what cost? This is a novel of unflinching power and emotional force.
Хелен Данмор 3.8
Закончилась Первая мировая война, и рядовой Дэниел Бранвелл вернулся в родной Корнуолл. Парню повезло - он остался в живых, в то время как его лучший друг Фредерик встретил свою смерть на изрытом снарядами поле.

Но Бранвел не чувствует себя счастливым. Пока он воевал, мать умерла, а их дом забрали за долги. До бывшего солдата никому нет дела, кроме больной старухи Мэри Паско, которая делится с ним едой и кровом. И каждую ночь призрак погибшего друга встает в ногах его постели, лишая покоя и усугубляя чувство вины.

А когда старушка Мэри тоже умирает, Дэниел остается один на один с враждебным ему миром, где легче солгать, чем открыться людям, не испытавшим ужасы войны.

"Тихая" трагедия знаменитой английской писательницы Хелен Данмор - это сага человеческой души, история, шокирующая своей беспощадной и искренней правдой.
Susan Barker 0.0
Who are you? You must be wondering. I am your soulmate, your old friend, and I have come back to this city of sixteen million in search of you.

So begins the first letter that falls into Wang’s lap as he flips down the visor in his taxi. The letters that follow are filled with the stories of Wang’s previous lives—from escaping a marriage to a spirit bride, to being a slave on the run from Genghis Khan, to living as a fisherman during the Opium Wars, and being a teenager on the Red Guard during the cultural revolution—bound to his mysterious “soulmate,” spanning one thousand years of betrayal and intrigue.

As the letters continue to appear seemingly out of thin air, Wang becomes convinced that someone is watching him—someone who claims to have known him for over one thousand years. And with each letter, Wang feels the watcher growing closer and closer…

Seamlessly weaving Chinese folklore, history, and literary classics, The Incarnations is a taut and gripping novel that sheds light on the cyclical nature of history as it hints that the past is never truly settled.
Луиза Янг 0.0
THE GREAT WAR HAS ENDED. In a flurry of spring blossom, childhood sweethearts Nadine Waverney and Rilery Purefoy are married. Those who have survived the war are, in a way, home. But Riley is wounded and disfigured; normality seems incomprehensible, and love unfathomable. Honeymooning in a battered, liberated Europe, they long for a marriage made of love and passion rather than dependence and pity. At Locke Hill in Kent, Riley’s former CO Major Peter Locke is obsessed by Homer. His hysterical wife, Julia, and the young son they barely know attempt to navigate family life, but are confounded by the ghosts and memories of Peter’s war. Despite all this, there is the glimmer of a real future in the distance: Rose Locke, Peter’s cousin and Riley’s former nurse, finds that independence might be hers for the taking, after all. For those who fought, those who healed and those who stayed behind, 1919 is a year of accepting realities, holding to hope and reaching after new beginnings. The Heroes’ Welcome is a brave and brilliant evocation of a time deeply wounded by the pain of war. It is as devastating as it is inspiring.
Megan Abbott 3.2
Her hands flying up, she grabbed her throat, her body jolting to one side.

Then, in one swoop, her desk overturned, clattering to the floor.

And with it Lise. Her head twisting, slamming into the tiles, her bright red face turned up, mouth teeming with froth.

“Lise,” sighed Mrs. Chalmers, too far in front to see. “What is your problem?”

The Nashes are a close-knit family. Tom, a popular teacher, is father to the handsome, roguish Eli and his younger sister Deenie, serious and sweet. But their seeming stability is thrown into chaos when two of Deenie’s friends become violently ill, and rumours of a dangerous outbreak sweep through the whole community.

As hysteria swells and as more girls succumb, tightly held secrets emerge that threaten to unravel the world Tom has built for his kids, and destroy friendships, families, and the town’s fragile idea of security.

The Fever is a chilling story about guilt, family secrets, and the lethal power of desire.
Joseph O'Neill 4.0

The author of the best-selling and award-winning Netherland now gives us his eagerly awaited, stunningly different new novel: a tale of alienation and heartbreak in Dubai.

Distraught by a breakup with his long-term girlfriend, our unnamed hero leaves New York to take an unusual job in a strange desert metropolis. In Dubai at the height of its self-invention as a futuristic Shangri-la, he struggles with his new position as the “family officer” of the capricious and very rich Batros family. And he struggles, even more helplessly, with the “doghouse,” a seemingly inescapable condition of culpability in which he feels himself constantly trapped—even if he’s just going to the bathroom, or reading e-mail, or scuba diving. A comic and philosophically profound exploration of what has become of humankind’s moral progress, The Dog is told with Joseph O’Neill’s hallmark eloquence, empathy, and storytelling mastery. It is a brilliantly original, achingly funny fable for our globalized times.
Мишель Фейбер 3.8
Впервые на русском - новейший роман от автора таких международных бестселлеров, как "Багровый лепесток и белый" и "Побудь в моей шкуре" (книга экранизирована в 2014 г. со Скарлет Йохансон в главной роли). На "Книгу Странных Новых Вещей" у Фейбера ушло более десяти лет, и, по словам прославленного шотландца, это будет его последний роман.

Священник Питер Ли получает предложение, от которого не в силах отказаться, - и отправляется миссионером в невероятную даль, оставив дома самое дорогое, что у него есть: любимую жену Беатрис и кота Джошуа. Путь его лежит в неведомую землю, аборигены которой жаждут приобщиться к учению Библии - "Книги Странных Новых Вещей". Этот удивительный, и удивительно оригинальный роман повествует о приключениях тела и духа, о вере и неверии перед лицом величайших катастроф, о силе и слабости тех невидимых нитей, что связывают двух любящих людей, разделенных целой вселенной.
Мирза Вахид 0.0
Mirza Waheed's extraordinary new novel THE BOOK OF GOLD LEAVES is a heartbreaking love story set in war-torn Kashmir. In an ancient house in the city of Srinagar, Faiz paints exquisite Papier Mache pencil boxes for tourists. Evening is beginning to slip into night when he sets off for the shrine. There he finds the woman with the long black hair. Roohi is prostrate before her God. She begs for the boy of her dreams to come and take her away. Roohi wants a love story. An age-old tale of love, war, temptation, duty and choice, The Book of Gold Leaves is a heartbreaking tale of a what might have been, what could have been, if only.
Дэвид Митчелл 4.0
"Простые смертные" – роман-лабиринт, погрузившись в который читатель точно не будет скучать. Вас ждут и неожиданные открытия, и непредсказуемые сюжетные повороты, и знакомство с колоритнейшими героями, многих из которых поклонники Митчелла знают по предыдущим романам.

Завязка истории такова: 1984 год, главная героиня, Холли Сайкс, больше не может мириться с недостатками собственной матери. Девушка решается на крайний шаг – сбегает из дома. На этом реалистическая составляющая истории исчерпывается. Дальше с Холли произойдут события, которых с простыми смертными произойти не может.
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