Вручение 1989 г.

Страна: США Место проведения: Balticon 23, Балтимор, штат Мэриленд (24 - 26 марта 1989 года) Дата проведения: 1989 г.

Мемориальная премия Комптона Крука

Элизабет Мун 4.1
Черное облако нависло над свободными землями... Вместе со своим отрядом девушка по имени Паке, предпочитающая мирной деревенской жизни судьбу наемного воина, полную лишений и страданий, пробивается на юг, чтобы сразиться с Повелителем боли, темным властителем.
Мелани Роун 4.2
Величественная сага, сложенная Мелани Роун, повествует о любви и войне, о солнечной магии, борьбе могущественных принцев за власть и о драконах - смертельно опасных, но хранящих тайну, значение которой превосходит всякое воображение…
Мэри Стентон 0.0
The Heavenly Horse is the Dancer, a shining Appaloosa stallion, first of all horses in the Army of One Hundred and Five and guardian of the Courts of the Outermost West.

Anor the Executioner, monstrous and fanged, is the servant of the Dark Horse. He comes from the Gates of Death—and if he can, he will destroy the Dancer.

Between them stands Duchess, last true mare of the Appaloosa line. With the Dancer, she runs away from the barns of men—but is stalked by Anor and his Harrier Hounds. If they can kill her and her foal, the Appaloosa breed will be ended.
Дон Сэйкерс 0.0
The Hlutr: immensely old, terribly wise.and utterly alien. Long before life crawled from the oceans of Earth, the forests of the Hlutr stood on a million worlds. Their soundless songs filled space, and their mastery of evolution had brought peace to countless planets. When Mankind went out into the stars, he found the Hlutr waiting for him. Waiting to observe, to converse, to help. Waiting to judge.and, if necessary, to destroy. Humans were savage, uncontrolled, aggressive and unpredictable. Should the Hlutr encourage them - or exterminate them? Parts One and Two of this book, originally published as Analog novelettes, each appeared in The World's Best SF anthologies for their respective years. The novel was a finalist for the Compton Crook Award. Wavelengths Online calls it an underrated SF gem. Speed-of-C Productions is proud to bring The Leaves of October back into print with a brand-new epilogue written just for this edition.