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Kemi Ashing-Giwa 0.0

A “breathtaking space opera” ( Publishers Weekly , starred review) about a young tea expert who is taken as a political prisoner and recruited to spy on government officials—a role that may empower her to win back her nation’s independence—perfect for fans of N.K. Jemisin and Nnedi Okorafor.

The dust may have just settled in the failed war of conquest between the Holy Vaalbaran Empire and the Ominirish Republic, but the last Emperor’s surrender means little to a lowly scribe like Enitan. All she wants is to quit her day job and expand her fledgling tea business. But when her lover is assassinated and her sibling is abducted by Imperial soldiers, Enitan abandons her idyllic plans and weaves her tea tray up through the heart of the Vaalbaran capital. There, she learns just how far she is willing to go to exact vengeance, free her sibling, and perhaps even secure her homeland’s freedom
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Алекс Дженнингс 0.0
Music is magic in this novel set in a fantastical version of New Orleans where a battle for the city's soul brews between two young mages, a vengeful wraith, and one powerful song.

Nola is a city full of wonders. A place of sky trolleys and dead cabs, where haints dance the night away and Wise Women help keep the order. To those from Away, Nola might seem strange. To Perilous Graves, it’s simply home.

In a world of everyday miracles, Perry might not have a talent for magic, but he does know Nola’s rhythm as intimately as his own heartbeat. So when the city’s Great Magician starts appearing in odd places and essential songs are forgotten, Perry realizes trouble is afoot.

Nine songs of power have escaped from the piano that maintains the city’s beat, and without them, Nola will fail. Unwilling to watch his home be destroyed, Perry will sacrifice everything to save it. But a storm is brewing, and the Haint of All Haints is awake. Nola’s time might be coming to an end.
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Ф. Джели Кларк 3.5
Каир, 1912 год. Фатима эль-Шаарави — самая молодая женщина, работающая в Министерстве алхимии, заклинаний и сверхъестественных сущностей. Впрочем, новичком в своем деле ее назвать трудно, особенно после того, как прошлым летом агент Фатима предотвратила разрушение Вселенной. Поэтому, когда кто-то убивает всех членов тайного общества, посвященное одному из самых известных людей в истории — аль-Джахизу, к делу привлекают именно ее.

Аль-Джахиз изменил мир сорок лет назад, когда приоткрыл завесу между царством магии и царством людей и исчез в неизвестности. Убийца утверждает, что он и есть аль-Джахиз, вернувшийся, чтобы осудить современный мир. Его опасные магические способности провоцируют беспорядки на улицах Каира, которые угрожают выйти на мировую арену.

Роман и повести Ф. Джели Кларка о магическом альтернативном Каире, полном ангелов, джиннов, духов и нераскрытых тайн.
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Микайя Джонсон 4.2
An outsider who can travel between worlds discovers a secret that threatens her new home and her fragile place in it, in a stunning sci-fi debut that’s both a cross-dimensional adventure and a powerful examination of identity, privilege, and belonging.

Multiverse travel is finally possible, but there’s just one catch: No one can visit a world where their counterpart is still alive. Enter Cara, whose parallel selves happen to be exceptionally good at dying—from disease, turf wars, or vendettas they couldn’t outrun. Cara’s life has been cut short on 372 worlds in total.

On this Earth, however, Cara has survived. Identified as an outlier and therefore a perfect candidate for multiverse travel, Cara is plucked from the dirt of the wastelands. Now she has a nice apartment on the lower levels of the wealthy and walled-off Wiley City. She works—and shamelessly flirts—with her enticing yet aloof handler, Dell, as the two women collect off-world data for the Eldridge Institute. She even occasionally leaves the city to visit her family in the wastes, though she struggles to feel at home in either place. So long as she can keep her head down and avoid trouble, Cara is on a sure path to citizenship and security.

But trouble finds Cara when one of her eight remaining doppelgängers dies under mysterious circumstances, plunging her into a new world with an old secret. What she discovers will connect her past and her future in ways she could have never imagined—and reveal her own role in a plot that endangers not just her world, but the entire multiverse.
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Аркади Мартин 3.9
Жители космических станций много поколений держат дистанцию с захватнической империей Тейкскалаан. Внезапный запрос выслать в столицу нового посла поднимает много вопросов.

Махит Дзмаре прибывает на планету-город, где все буквально пронизано поэзией, что драпирует интриги и соперничество. Имаго – вживленная в мозг Махит память прежнего посла, должен помочь ей распутать клубок связей, договоренностей и афер предшественника, но сбой имаго-аппарата ставит все под угрозу. Теперь Махит придется во всем разбираться самостоятельно.
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Ребекка Куанг 4.1
Когда Рин блестяще сдала Кэцзюй, общеимперский экзамен по отбору талантливой молодежи для учёбы в Академиях, это стало шоком для всех: для экзаменаторов, которые не могли поверить, что сирота из Петушиной провинции смогла пройти без обмана ; опекунов Рин, которые верили, что наконец-то смогут отдать её замуж с выгодой для своего преступного бизнеса; и для самой Рин, которая внезапно освободилась от рабского труда и отчаяния, составлявшего её повседневное существование. То, что она попала в Сайнгард, самую элитную военную школу в Никане, стало ещё большим сюрпризом. Но сюрпризы бывают не только добрыми. Потому что темнокожей крестьянке-южанке в Сайнгарде приходится нелегко. Преследуемая с самого начала одноклассниками за цвет своей кожи, бедность и пол, Рин обнаруживает, что обладает смертоносной, неземной силой - способностью к почти мифическому искусству шаманизма.

Исследуя глубины своего дара с помощью безумного, на первый взгляд, учителя и психоактивных веществ, Рин узнает, что боги, почитаемые давно умершими, очень даже живы, и что овладение этими силами значит намного больше, чем просто выживание в школе. Ибо, пока империя Никара почиет в мире, Федерация Муген за узким морем готовится к прыжку. Военизированная Федерация на десятилетия оккупировала Никан после Первой маковой войны, и с большим трудом была изгнана с континента во время Второй. И пока большинство благодушно дрейфуют по течению жизни, немногие знают, что Третья маковая война вот-вот вспыхнет...

Шаманские силы Рин, возможно, единственный шанс спасти её народ. Но когда она узнает больше о боге, избравшем её, о мстительном Фениксе, она начинает бояться, что победа может стоить ей человеческой сущности... и, может быть, уже слишком поздно.
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Ники Дрэйден 0.0
In South Africa, the future looks promising. Personal robots are making life easier for the working class. The government is harnessing renewable energy to provide infrastructure for the poor. And in the bustling coastal town of Port Elizabeth, the economy is booming thanks to the genetic engineering industry which has found a welcome home there. Yes—the days to come are looking very good for South Africans. That is, if they can survive the present challenges:

A new hallucinogenic drug sweeping the country . . .

An emerging AI uprising . . .

And an ancient demigoddess hellbent on regaining her former status by preying on the blood and sweat (but mostly blood) of every human she encounters.

It’s up to a young Zulu girl powerful enough to destroy her entire township, a queer teen plagued with the ability to control minds, a pop diva with serious daddy issues, and a politician with even more serious mommy issues to band together to ensure there’s a future left to worry about.
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Ada Palmer 3.2
Tor Books is proud to launch the first novel in a new political science fiction series, Too Like The Lightning by debut novelist Ada Palmer. Palmer’s unique vision mixes Enlightenment-era philosophy with traditional science fiction speculation to bring to life the year 2454, not a perfect future, but a utopian one, described by a narrator writing in an antiquated form to catalog the birth of a revolution. The result is The Iliad meets I, Claudius mixed with the enthusiasm of The Stars My Destination and Gene Wolfe style world building.

Mycroft Canner is a convict. For his crimes he is required, as is the custom of the 25th century, to wander the world being as useful as he can to all he meets. Carlyle Foster is a sensayer–a spiritual counselor in a world that has outlawed the public practice of religion, but which also knows that the inner lives of humans cannot be wished away.

The world into which Mycroft and Carlyle have been born is as strange to our 21st-century eyes as ours would be to a native of the 1500s. It is a hard-won utopia built on technologically-generated abundance, and also on complex and mandatory systems of labeling all public writing and speech. What seem to us normal gender distinctions are now distinctly taboo in most social situations. And most of the world’s population is affiliated with globe-girdling clans of the like-minded, whose endless economic and cultural competition is carefully managed by central planners of inestimable subtlety. To us it seems like a mad combination of heaven and hell. To them, it seems like normal life.

And in this world, Mycroft and Carlyle have stumbled on the wild card that may destabilize the system: the boy Bridger, who can effortlessly make his wishes come true. Who can, it would seem, bring inanimate objects to life…
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Fran Wilde 2.8
In a city of living bone rising high above the clouds, where danger hides in the wind and the ground is lost to legend, a young woman must expose a dangerous secret to save everyone she loves.

Welcome to a world of wind and bone, songs and silence, betrayal and courage.

Kirit Densira cannot wait to pass her wingtest and begin flying as a trader by her mother's side, being in service to her beloved home tower and exploring the skies beyond. When Kirit inadvertently breaks Tower Law, the city's secretive governing body, the Singers, demand that she become one of them instead. In an attempt to save her family from greater censure, Kirit must give up her dreams to throw herself into the dangerous training at the Spire, the tallest, most forbidding tower, deep at the heart of the City.

As she grows in knowledge and power, she starts to uncover the depths of Spire secrets. Kirit begins to doubt her world and its unassailable Laws, setting in motion a chain of events that will lead to a haunting choice, and may well change the city forever—if it isn't destroyed outright.
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Александра Дункан 0.0
Ava, a teenage girl living aboard the male-dominated, conservative deep space merchant ship Parastrata, faces betrayal, banishment, and death. Taking her fate into her own hands, she flees to the Gyre, a floating continent of garbage and scrap in the Pacific Ocean.
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