Вручение 6 октября 1994 г.

Страна: США Место проведения: Сиэтл, Вашингтон, Bouchercon XXV Дата проведения: 6 октября 1994 г.

Лучший роман

Marcia Muller 0.0
Successful in her investigative work for All Souls Legal Cooperative, happy with her newly renovated house, and feeling somewhat more secure in her relationship with the mysterious environmental activist, Hy Ripinsky, Sharon is shocked to find herself suddenly faced with a wrenching ultimatum. No longer a small, informal co-op, All Souls has grown. New legal partners, exasperated with Sharon's free-wheeling ways, want to kick her upstairs with a raise, perks, and a "career opportunity" that will chain her to a desk forever. Offered a take-it-or-leave-it deal, Sharon is in turmoil. And to make matters worse, Hy has disappeared. His abandoned plane, wrecked rental car, and a road map point to RKI, a firm of international security consultants with a reputation for questionable, unorthodox tactics and clients engaged in controversial research. Sharon discovers that they hired Hy as a free-lance operative and that they, too, are looking for him. Determined to find out what has happened, Sharon pushes aside her career concerns at All Souls and plunges into a search that will force her to take unlikely sanctuary in her abandoned San Diego childhood home and find and unexpected ally in her wild, unpredictable brother John. From the drive-by hiring hall for illegal aliens in Imperial Beach to an opulent villa on the Mexican coast, she will track down every clue in a complex plot that builds to a breathtaking climax on the treacherous canyon trails that lead back across the border. There, in a no-man's-land where terrified pollos defy la migra in a desperate bid for freedom...and where decisions won't wait, Sharon must make the tough choices that put her own life, her own freedom, and everythingshe holds dear at deadly risk.
Майкл Коннелли 4.1
В рождественскую ночь в номере дешевого мотеля обнаружен труп сержанта Мура, возглавлявшего отдел по борьбе с наркотиками полицейского управления Лос-Анджелеса. Все улики, найденные на месте преступления, указывают на то, что произошло самоубийство. Но опытный детектив Гарри Босх, которому поручено расследование обстоятельств гибели Мура, уверен – сержант умер насильственной смертью. И его убийство – лишь звено в длинной цепи преступлений, тянущейся от Голливудского бульвара Лос-Анджелеса к бандам, контролирующим провоз наркотиков через мексиканскую границу...
Майнет Уолтерс 4.0
Обстоятельства дела казались простыми: Олив Мартин призналась в убийстве своей сестры и матери. В тюрьме она получила леденящее кровь прозвище "Скульпторша".
Вот и все, что было известно журналистке Розалинде Лей, когда она отправилась на первое свидание с Олив, отбывающей пожизненный срок в заключении. Могла ли Роз предвидеть, что эта встреча навсегда изменит ее жизнь?
Эрл Эмерсон 0.0
Third in the critically acclaimed and commercially successful Fontana series. When a suspicious fire leaves three firefighters dead, Chief Mac Fontana is called in to investigate nasty rumors that have begun to surface about the sole survivor. The Fontana series has been optioned for TV and film by Stephen J. Cannell.
Joan Hess 0.0
Chief of Police Arly (Ariel) Hanks is still hiding out in her hometown of Maggody, Arkansas (pop. 755), the land of moonshine and Ruby Bee's Bar & Grill, country roads and Nashville on the radio, cheatin' hearts and, well, maybe murder. It all starts when Matt Montana, country music's number one superstar of the year, decides it's a great PR move to come home to Maggody for the holidays. For a town in the grip of a recession, the news means Christmas is bringing a savior. Mrs. Jim Bob Buchanan, the mayor's wife, quickly sets up the Matt Montana Official Souvenir Shoppe, the amply endowed Dahlia Buchanan drives tourists around in the "Matt-mobile, " and beer costs two dollars a bottle at the Matt Montana Hometown Bar & Grill. Only one thing is missing: Aunt Adele, Matt Montana's one and only living relative. The elderly lady has mysteriously disappeared from the local nursing home, and Arly - even with the loan of the Fayetteville's PD's tracking dog - can find neither hide nor hair nor corpse of her. Now Arly gets to peek behind the scenes at a singing star's very private life to discover the manager who isn't above using blackmail, the wife who may be willing to kill to keep her man, and the pretty young singer who is giving Matt Montana an achy breaky heart. Is one of them a killer? Why has Dahlia Buchanan confessed to murder? What did happen to Aunt Adele? And what does moonshiner Raz Buchanan's pig Marjorie have to do with it all? Since Arly is the smartest, spunkiest, most off-beat sleuth in the Ozarks, it's up to her to save Christmas and restore order to the wacky, delightful community of Maggody, where anything can happen - and usually does.
Tony Hillerman 5.0
First there was the trouble at Saint Boneventure boarding school. A teacher is dead, a boy is missing, and a council woman has put a lot of pressure on Lieutenant Joe Leaphorn and Officer Jim Chee to find her grandson. Sitting on a rooftop watching sacred clowns perform their antics in a Pueblo ceremony, Chee spots the boy. Then, suddenly, the crowd is in commotion. One of the clowns has been savagely murdered. Without a single clue, Chee and Leaphorn must follow a serpentine trail through the Indian clans and nations, seeking the thread that links two brutal murders, a missing teenager, a band of lobbyists trying to put a toxic dump site on Pueblo land, and an invaluable memento given to the tribes by Abraham Lincoln in a fast-paced, flawless mystery that is Hillerman at his lyrical, evocative, spellbinding best.
Джанет Лапьер 0.0
In the very northeastern corner of California - high desert country where cows outnumber people by about six to one and where the same families have been ranching for more than a hundred years - an important anniversary is at hand. Soon it will be ten years since Bobby Macrae, twenty-one-year-old scion of one of Modoc County's pioneer families, disappeared. He was there, and then he was gone. For ten years, nobody has seen Bobby or heard from him. But there's a rumor that after a decade away, he might come home. Forty-something Meg Halloran, on the summer-vacation road in search of a change of scene and a renewed connection with her teenaged daughter, Katy, has heard vaguely of Bobby's strange, unexplained disappearance, but not of its almost mythic importance to the citizens of Stony Creek and the surrounding countryside. Schoolteacher Meg has kept in sporadic touch with her former student, Bobby's sister Lauren Macrae Cavalier; but only when Meg and Katy reach the Macrae ranch for a visit does Meg discover how Bobby's loss has eroded the lives of Lauren and of Frances Macrae, the aunt who had raised the brother and sister. Katy thinks a vanished relative is exciting, but her current passion is Canis lupus, the gray wolf, and she knows a lot more about wolf pack hierarchy than about the human version. When old feuds erupt and another disappearance is followed by murder, both Meg and Katy find that survival depends on learning to distinguish the misfit - the omega animal - from the true outlaw. Meg and her daughter learn painful and poignant lessons of family, friendship, and love in this superb new novel from a critically acclaimed author.
Margaret Maron 0.0
Deborah Knott may have lost the district election, but a bigoted judge's sudden death - and some old-fashioned political horse trading - have won her a governor's appointment. True to Southern form, her swearing-in is followed by a raucous reception that brings out every elderly aunt and cousin in the county. Unfortunately, Lu Bingham, the force behind WomanAid, is at the reception, too. Not only has she come to collect the leftovers for her daycare center, but she's also there to collect on one of Deborah's more extravagant campaign promises. Before Deborah can say, "If elected..." she is committed to putting her muscle where her mouth was, spending weekends with an all-woman crew as the group attempts to build its first house for a needy single mom. Old stereotypes die hard. Herman Knott, one of Deborah's numerous brothers, has to be hectored and cajoled before he'll give reluctant permission for his daughter and novice electrician Annie Sue to wire the house. Nor does it help that the county building inspector is a swaggering chauvinist nit-picker who's more interested in scoring with the young women than scoring their work. Chaos erupts before the house is even half-finished. On the same rainy summer night that Herman collapses on the side of the road from an apparent heart attack, Annie Sue is found battered and half-naked in the deserted structure. Has she been raped? Who left her in that condition? And whose blood is that on Deborah's own hammer? Dwight Bryant, an old childhood friend (and a bit of a good ol' boy), is a modern and efficient police detective, but it is Deborah who must judge whether dark secrets in her own family have led to murder. And if so, reveal the darkermore troubling reasons why.
Кэти Хоган Трочек 0.0
From her time on the Atlanta police force, Callahan Garrity, house cleaner and private investigator extraordinaire, has excelled at mopping up messes -- of all kinds. But she has no idea what she's getting into when she agrees to work for infamous antiques dealer Elliot Littlefield.

The first day on the job she and her crew discover the bloodied body of a young woman in a bedroom -- and are soon on the trail of a priceless Civil War diary stolen by the killer. As if two crimes aren't enough, deadly serious collectors, right-wing radicals, and impulsive teenagers make the case even more difficult to tidy up ... and more dangerous.
Charlene Weir 0.0
During a murder investigation, a prominent citizen disappears, locals buy guns to protect themselves, and a killer strikes again. Investigations are hampered by bad weather, tangled lies, and small-town secrets, but eventually truth will out.
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