
Лучший роман
Kellye Garrett 0.0
A twisty, voice-driven thriller for fans of Megan Miranda and Jessica Knoll, in which no one bats an eye when a Black reality TV star is found dead in the Bronx—except her estranged half-sister, whose refusal to believe the official story leads her on a dangerous search for the truth.

When the body of disgraced reality TV star Desiree Pierce is found on a playground in the Bronx the morning after her 25th birthday party, the police and the media are quick to declare her death an overdose. It’s a tragedy, certainly, but not a crime.

But Desiree’s half-sister Lena Scott knows that can’t be the case. A graduate student at Columbia, Lena has spent the past decade forging her own path far from the spotlight, but some facts about Desiree just couldn’t have changed since their childhood. And Desiree would never travel above 125th Street. So why is no one listening to her?

Despite the bitter truth that the two haven’t spoken in two years, torn apart by Desiree’s partying and by their father, Mel, a wealthy and influential hip-hop mogul, Lena becomes determined to find justice for her sister, even if it means untangling her family’s darkest secrets—or ending up dead herself
Лучший дебютный роман
Нита Проуз 3.6
Молли Грей никогда в жизни не видела своих родителей. Воспитанная любящей и мудрой бабушкой, она работает горничной в отеле и считает это своим призванием, ведь наводить чистоту и порядок — ее подлинная страсть! А вот отношения с людьми у нее не слишком ладятся, поскольку Молли с детства была не такой, как все. Коллеги считают ее более чем странной, и у них есть на то основания. Так что в свои двадцать пять Молли одинока и в свободное от работы время то смотрит детективные сериалы, то собирает головоломки... Однако вскоре ее собственная жизнь превращается в детектив, в котором ей отведена роль главной подозреваемой, — убит постоялец отеля, богатый и могущественный мистер Блэк. Теперь Молли предстоит решить исключительно важную головоломку или закончить свои дни в тюрьме...
Лучший роман для детей и подростков
Нэнси Коннор Спрингер 0.0
Enola Holmes, the much younger sister of Sherlock, is now living independently in London and working as a scientific perditorian (a finder of persons and things). But that is not the normal lot of young women in Victorian England. They are under the near absolute control of their nearest male relative until adulthood. Such is the case of Enola's friend, Lady Cecily Alastair. Twice before Enola has rescued Lady Cecily from unpleasant designs of her caddish father, Sir Eustace Alastair, Baronet. And when Enola is brusquely turned away at the door of the Alastair home it soons becomes apparent that Lady Cecily once again needs her help.

Affecting a bold escape, Enola takes Lady Cecily to her secret office only to be quickly found by the person hired by Lady Cecily's mother to find the missing girl—Sherlock Holmes himself. But the girl has already disappeared again, now loose on her own in the unforgiving city of London.

Even worse, Lady Cecily has a secret that few know. She has dual personalities—one, which is left-handed, is independent and competent; the other, which is right-handed is meek and mild. Now Enola must find Lady Cecily again—before one of her personalities gets her into more trouble than she can handle and before Sherlock can find her and return her to her father. Once again, for Enola, the game is afoot.
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The newest anthology from Mystery Writers of America explores the theme of home and the crimes that endanger it, with stories by Ellen Hart, Naomi Hirahara, Walter Mosley, Sara Paretsky and more.

Everyone comes from someplace. Everyone has somewhere they feel safe. Some people have found their home and are content where they are. Others feel trapped and yearn to go somewhere else. Many are somewhere else and yearn to go back. But evenin these safest of places, sometimes…crime hits home. What happens then?

In this volume, MWA brings together some of today’s biggest crime writers—and some of our most exciting new talents—to consider this question. Each writer has defined home as they see a place, a group, a feeling. The crime can come from without or within. What happens when crime hits home?
Лучший исторический детектив
Ванда М. Моррис 0.0
From the award-winning author of All Her Little Secrets comes yet another gripping, suspenseful novel where, after the murder of a white man in Jim Crow Mississippi, two Black sisters run away to different parts of the country . . . but can they escape the secrets they left behind?

It's the summer of 1964 and three innocent men are brutally murdered for trying to help Black Mississippians secure the right to vote. Against this backdrop, twenty-two year old Violet Richards finds herself in more trouble than she's ever been in her life. Suffering a brutal attack of her own, she kills the man responsible. But with the color of Violet's skin, there is no way she can escape Jim Crow justice in Jackson, Mississippi. Before anyone can find the body or finger her as the killer, she decides to run. With the help of her white beau, Violet escapes. But desperation and fear leads her to hide out in the small rural town of Chillicothe, Georgia, unaware that danger may be closer than she thinks.

Back in Jackson, Marigold, Violet's older sister, has dreams of attending law school. Working for the Mississippi Summer Project, she has been trying to use her smarts to further the cause of the Black vote. But Marigold is in a different kind of trouble: she's pregnant and unmarried. After news of the murder brings the police to her door, Marigold sees no choice but to flee Jackson too. She heads North seeking the promise of a better life and no more segregation. But has she made a terrible choice that threatens her life and that of her unborn child?

Two sisters on the run--one from the law, the other from social shame. What they don't realize is that there's a man hot on their trail. This man has his own brand of dark secrets and a disturbing motive for finding the sisters that is unknown to everyone but him . . .
Лучшая документальная книга
Мартин Эдвардс 0.0
In the first major history of crime fiction in fifty years, The Life of Crime: Detecting the History of Mysteries and their Creators traces the evolution of the genre from the eighteenth century to the present, offering brand-new perspective on the world’s most popular form of fiction.

"The Life of Crime" is the result of a lifetime of reading and enjoying all types of crime fiction, old and new, from around the world. In what will surely be regarded as his magnum opus, Martin Edwards has thrown himself undaunted into the breadth and complexity of the genre to write an authoritative – and readable – study of its development and evolution. With crime fiction being read more widely than ever around the world, and with individual authors increasingly the subject of extensive academic study, his expert distillation of more than two centuries of extraordinary books and authors – from the tales of E.T.A. Hoffmann to the novels of Patricia Cornwell – into one coherent history is an extraordinary feat and makes for compelling reading.
Лучшая книга в мягкой обложке/ Э...
Jess Lourey 3.5
Killers hiding in plain sight. Small-town secrets. A girl who knows too much. From the Amazon Charts bestselling author of Unspeakable Things and Bloodline comes a nerve-twisting novel inspired by a shocking true crime.

Minnesota, 1977. For the teens of one close-knit community, summer means late-night swimming parties at the quarry, the county fair, and venturing into the tunnels beneath the city. But for two best friends, it’s not all fun and games.

Heather and Brenda have a secret. Something they saw in the dark. Something they can’t forget. They’ve decided to never tell a soul. But their vow is tested when their friend disappears―the second girl to vanish in a week. And yet the authorities are reluctant to investigate.

Heather is terrified that the missing girls are connected to what she and Brenda stumbled upon that night. Desperately searching for answers on her own, she learns that no one in her community is who they seem to be. Not the police, not the boys she met at the quarry, not even her parents. But she can’t stop digging because she knows those girls are in danger.

She also knows she’s next.
Лучший юмористический роман
Catriona McPherson 0.0
In this darkly funny mystery Lexy Campbell's first love turns up dead at the Last Ditch Motel on Thanksgiving . . . and she becomes the prime suspect!

A mysterious object the size of a suitcase, all wrapped in bacon and smelling of syrup, can mean only one Thanksgiving at the Last Ditch Motel. This year the motel residents are in extra-celebratory mood as the holiday brings a new arrival to the group - a bouncing baby girl.

But as one life enters the Ditch, another leaves it. Menzies Lassiter has only just checked in. When resident counsellor Lexy Campbell tries to deliver his breakfast the next day, she finds him checked out. Permanently. Shocking enough if he was a stranger, but Lexy recognises that face. Menzies was her first love until he broke her heart many years ago.

What's he doing at the Last Ditch? What's he doing dead ? And how can Lexy escape the fact that she alone had the means, the opportunity - and certainly the motive - to kill him?
Лучший роман
S.A. Cosby 3.2
Ike Randolph has been out of jail for fifteen years, with not so much as a speeding ticket in all that time. But a Black man with cops at the door knows to be afraid.

The last thing he expects to hear is that his son Isiah has been murdered, along with Isiah’s white husband, Derek. Ike had never fully accepted his son but is devastated by his loss.

Derek’s father Buddy Lee was almost as ashamed of Derek for being gay as Derek was ashamed of his father's criminal record. Buddy Lee still has contacts in the underworld, though, and he wants to know who killed his boy.

Ike and Buddy Lee, two ex-cons with little else in common other than a criminal past and a love for their dead sons, band together in their desperate desire for revenge. In their quest to do better for their sons in death than they did in life, hardened men Ike and Buddy Lee will confront their own prejudices about their sons and each other, as they rain down vengeance upon those who hurt their boys.

Provocative and fast-paced, S. A. Cosby's Razorblade Tears is a story of bloody retribution, heartfelt change - and maybe even redemption.

“A visceral full-body experience, a sharp jolt to the heart, and a treat for the senses…Cosby's moody southern thriller marries the skillful action and plotting of Lee Child with the atmosphere and insight of Attica Locke.” ―NPR
Лучший дебютный роман
Миа П. Манансала 3.7
The first book in a new culinary cozy series full of sharp humor and delectable dishes—one that might just be killer....

When Lila Macapagal moves back home to recover from a horrible breakup, her life seems to be following all the typical rom-com tropes. She's tasked with saving her Tita Rosie's failing restaurant, and she has to deal with a group of matchmaking aunties who shower her with love and judgment. But when a notoriously nasty food critic (who happens to be her ex-boyfriend) drops dead moments after a confrontation with Lila, her life quickly swerves from a Nora Ephron romp to an Agatha Christie case.

With the cops treating her like she's the one and only suspect, and the shady landlord looking to finally kick the Macapagal family out and resell the storefront, Lila's left with no choice but to conduct her own investigation. Armed with the nosy auntie network, her barista best bud, and her trusted Dachshund, Longanisa, Lila takes on this tasty, twisted case and soon finds her own neck on the chopping block…
Лучший роман в обложке
Джессика Лоури 3.5
Perfect town. Perfect homes. Perfect families. It’s enough to drive some women mad…

In a tale inspired by real events, pregnant journalist Joan Harken is cautiously excited to follow her fiancé back to his Minnesota hometown. After spending a childhood on the move and chasing the screams and swirls of news-rich city life, she’s eager to settle down. Lilydale’s motto, “Come Home Forever,” couldn’t be more inviting.

And yet, something is off in the picture-perfect village.

The friendliness borders on intrusive. Joan can’t shake the feeling that every move she makes is being tracked. An archaic organization still seems to hold the town in thrall. So does the sinister secret of a little boy who vanished decades ago. And unless Joan is imagining things, a frighteningly familiar figure from her past is on watch in the shadows.

Her fiancé tells her she’s being paranoid. He might be right. Then again, she might have moved to the deadliest small town on earth.
Лучший роман для детей и подростков
Алан Орлофф 0.0
All’s great for sixteen-year-old actor Dalton Black as he portrays a teen killer on a crime reenactment show. That is, until he realizes someone is stalking him. When that someone turns out to be Homer Lee Varney, the man convicted of the murder, things take a dark turn, and Dalton is afraid for his life. What does Varney want? Some sort of twisted revenge? Or something even worse?

Can Dalton and his drama friends discover the truth, before they become the killer’s next victims? Stay tuned to find out!
Лучшая антология или сборник
Райан Хенк Филиппи 0.0
What would you do if you had a second chance? A do-over? How far would you go to get back at the one who got away, the one who did you wrong, the one who tricked you, manipulated you, ignored you? The one who dumped you, cheated on you-or harmed a friend? What would you risk to have that one little chance to get back at them?

Twenty-two brilliant skilled authors now offer their journeys into revenge. Retribution. Redemption. Revealed how they would even the score, turn the tables, make things right. One used a map. One a tape recorder. A decoy. A disguise. A lie. One even used a banana.

And, fine. Because we are crime fiction authors, turns out there's a lot of murder involved. And because these are short stories-hang on for the ride. Twists, turns, surprises-and even some heartbreak.

Because there's nothing as delicious and tempting as a second chance. Oh, we promise ourselves. This time for sure.

With stories by Sharon Bader, Damyanti Biswas, Clark Boyd, Lucy Burdette, Karen Dionne, Elisabeth Elo, Elizabeth Elwood, Alexia Gordon, Heather Graham, G. Miki Hayden, Edwin Hill, Craig Johnson, Ellen Clair Lamb, Kristen Lepionka, Alan Orloff, Martha Reed, Alex Segura, Steve Shrott, Charles Todd, Gabriel Valjan, David Heska Wanbli Weiden, and Andrew Welsh-Huggins.

100% of net revenues received benefit the New Orleans Public Library.
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Ли Чайлд 0.0
From 70 of the most successful mystery writers in the business, an invaluable guide to crafting mysteries—from character development and plot to procedurals and thrillers—“this is a writing guide that readers and writers will turn to again and again” (Booklist, starred review).

Mystery Writers of America (MWA) is known for providing unparalleled resources on the craft, art, and business of storytelling, helping writers of all levels improve their skills for nearly a century. Now, this handbook helps authors navigate the ever-shifting publishing landscape—from pacing, plotting, the business side of publishing, to the current demand for diversity and inclusivity across all genres, and more.

Featuring essays by a new generation of bestselling experts on various elements of the craft and shorter pieces of crowd-sourced wisdom from the MWA membership as a whole, the topics covered can be categorized as follows:
—Before Writing (rules; genres; setting; character; research; etc.)
—While Writing (outlining; the plot; dialogue; mood; etc.)
—After Writing (agents; editors; self-pub; etc.)
—Other than Novels (short stories; true crime; etc.)
—Other Considerations (diverse characters; legal questions; criticism)

Also included is a collection of essays from MWA published authors—including Jeffery Deaver, Tess Gerritsen, and Charlaine Harris—selected by bestselling authors Lee Child and Laurie King and arranged thematically answering, “What piece of writing advice do you wish you’d had at the beginning of your career?”

“Everything you wanted to know about how to plan, draft, write, revise, publish, and market a mystery” (Kirkus Reviews), this inclusive manual provides practical, current, easily digestible advice for new and established authors alike.
Лучший роман
S.A. Cosby 4.0
A husband, a father, a son, a business owner...And the best getaway driver east of the Mississippi.

Beauregard “Bug” Montage is an honest mechanic, a loving husband, and a hard-working dad. Bug knows there’s no future in the man he used to be: known from the hills of North Carolina to the beaches of Florida as the best wheelman on the East Coast.

He thought he'd left all that behind him, but as his carefully built new life begins to crumble, he finds himself drawn inexorably back into a world of blood and bullets. When a smooth-talking former associate comes calling with a can't-miss jewelry store heist, Bug feels he has no choice but to get back in the driver's seat. And Bug is at his best where the scent of gasoline mixes with the smell of fear.

Haunted by the ghost of who he used to be and the father who disappeared when he needed him most, Bug must find a way to navigate this blacktop wasteland...or die trying.

Like "Ocean’s Eleven" meets "Drive", with a Southern noir twist, S. A. Cosby’s "Blacktop Wasteland" is a searing, operatic story of a man pushed to his limits by poverty, race, and his own former life of crime.
Лучший дебютный роман
David Heska Wanbli Weiden 0.0
“Winter Counts is a marvel. It’s a thriller with a beating heart and jagged teeth. This book is a brilliant meditation on power and violence, and a testament to just how much a crime novel can achieve. Weiden is a powerful new voice. I couldn’t put it down.”
—Tommy Orange, author of There There

A Recommended Read from:
Buzzfeed * Electric Literature * Lit Hub * Shondaland * Publishers Weekly

A groundbreaking thriller about a vigilante on a Native American reservation who embarks on a dangerous mission to track down the source of a heroin influx.

Virgil Wounded Horse is the local enforcer on the Rosebud Indian Reservation in South Dakota. When justice is denied by the American legal system or the tribal council, Virgil is hired to deliver his own punishment, the kind that’s hard to forget. But when heroin makes its way into the reservation and finds Virgil’s nephew, his vigilantism suddenly becomes personal. He enlists the help of his ex-girlfriend and sets out to learn where the drugs are coming from, and how to make them stop.

They follow a lead to Denver and find that drug cartels are rapidly expanding and forming new and terrifying alliances. And back on the reservation, a new tribal council initiative raises uncomfortable questions about money and power. As Virgil starts to link the pieces together, he must face his own demons and reclaim his Native identity. He realizes that being a Native American in the twenty-first century comes at an incredible cost.

Winter Counts is a tour-de-force of crime fiction, a bracingly honest look at a long-ignored part of American life, and a twisting, turning story that’s as deeply rendered as it is thrilling
Лучший роман в обложке
Джессика Лоури 3.5
Cassie McDowell’s life in 1980s Minnesota seems perfectly wholesome. She lives on a farm, loves school, and has a crush on the nicest boy in class. Yes, there are her parents’ strange parties and their parade of deviant guests, but she’s grown accustomed to them.

All that changes when someone comes hunting in Lilydale.

One by one, local boys go missing. One by one, they return changed―violent, moody, and withdrawn. What happened to them becomes the stuff of shocking rumors. The accusations of who’s responsible grow just as wild, and dangerous town secrets start to surface. Then Cassie’s own sister undergoes the dark change. If she is to survive, Cassie must find her way in an adult world where every sin is justified, and only the truth is unforgivable.
Лучший роман для детей и подростков
Ричи Нарваез 0.0
This captivating whodunit for teens is set in New York City during the disco-dancing era!
Лучшая антология или сборник
Хизер Грэм, Валери Плейм Уилсон 0.0
Shattering Glass is the first in a series of remarkable anthologies published by a most unique publisher: Nasty Woman Press, a non-profit, 501(c)(4) founded to help fund other non-profits threatened by the rise of autocracy and the ongoing war against civil and human rights. A scintillating mixture of top-flight fiction from bestselling authors in multiple genres, fascinating articles and thought-provoking essays, conversations and interviews, Shattering Glass takes as its broad theme the empowerment of women, with all profits from the book donated to Planned Parenthood.

Nasty Woman Press is a 501(c)(4) non-profit publisher pledged to fight fascism, racism, misogyny, anti-Semitism, homophobia, Islamophobia, transphobia, and bigotry while promoting human rights and civil rights in the United States and around the globe. As writers, readers, editors, artists, librarians, designers, publishing professionals and creative, principled human beings, we cherish the planet and our fragile environment, support science and education and value health and social services. We believe in taking care of each other. We believe in a better, kinder, world.
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Сара Уайнман 0.0
A brilliant anthology of modern true-crime writing that illustrates the appeal of this powerful and popular genre, edited and curated by Sarah Weinman, the award-winning author of The Real Lolita.

The appeal of true-crime stories has never been higher. With podcasts like My Favorite Murder and In the Dark, bestsellers like I’ll Be Gone in the Dark and Furious Hours, and TV hits like American Crime Story and Wild Wild Country, the cultural appetite for stories of real people doing terrible things is insatiable.

Acclaimed author of The Real Lolita and editor of Women Crime Writers: Eight Suspense Novels of the 1940s & 50s (Library of America) and Troubled Daughters, Twisted Wives (Penguin), Sarah Weinman brings together an exemplary collection of recent true crime tales. She culls together some of the most refreshing and exciting contemporary journalists and chroniclers of crime working today. Michelle Dean’s “Dee Dee Wanted Her Daughter To Be Sick” went viral when it first published and is the basis for the TV show The Act and Pamela Colloff’s “The Reckoning,” is the gold standard for forensic journalism. There are 13 pieces in all and as a collection, they showcase writing about true crime across the broadest possible spectrum, while also reflecting what makes crime stories so transfixing and irresistible to the modern reader.
Лучший роман
Ryan Hank Phillippi 0.0
Law student Rachel North will tell you, without hesitation, what she knows to be true. She's smart, she’s a hard worker, she does the right thing, she’s successfully married to a faithful and devoted husband, a lion of Boston's defense bar, and her internship with the Boston DA's office is her ticket to a successful future.

Problem is--she’s wrong.

And in this cat and mouse game--the battle for justice becomes a battle for survival.
Лучший дебютный роман
Тара Ласковски 0.0
It was the perfect place to disappear...

One sultry summer, Maureen Haddaway arrives in the wealthy town of Opal Beach to start her life anew—to achieve her destiny. There, she finds herself lured by the promise of friendship, love, starry skies, and wild parties. But Maureen’s new life just might be too good to be true, and before the summer is up, she vanishes.

Decades later, when Allison Simpson is offered the opportunity to house-sit in Opal Beach during the off-season, it seems like the perfect chance to begin fresh after a messy divorce. But when she becomes drawn into the mysterious disappearance of a girl thirty years before, Allison realizes the gorgeous homes of Opal Beach hide dark secrets. And the truth of that long-ago summer is not even the most shocking part of all...
Лучший роман в обложке
Джиджи Пандиан 0.0
"Surprising plot twists, several cliffhangers, and vivid magical imagery will keep fans of paranormal cozies turning the pages."—Publishers Weekly

The latest alchemical adventure from Gigi Pandian, USA Today bestselling author and winner of the Agatha Award

Centuries-old alchemist Zoe Faust is tired of running from her past. She's finally got her life on track in Portland, Oregon, gardening and cooking in her fixer-upper house with her mischievous best friend, Dorian the gargoyle chef. It seems like the perfect life for Zoe, until she discovers that her old mentor Nicolas Flamel, who she thought had abandoned her, has been imprisoned.

A local artist holds the secret that could lead Zoe to her mentor, but the artist is murdered and the painting containing the hidden clue is stolen. To rescue Nicolas, Zoe and Dorian must explore art forgery, a transformative process that has much in common with alchemy and cooking—but one that proves far more dangerous.

Includes delicious vegan recipes!


"Sparkles most when it stays true to the wonder of its magical subject."—Foreword Reviews

"Pandian paints a lovely picture of relationships throughout the book's mystery of greed and violence."—New York Journal of Books
Лучший роман для детей и подростков
Джен Конли 0.0
Danny Zelko, 13 going on 14, needs to get rid of his mom’s boyfriend, Harry. The guy is a creep. Drinks too much, locks Danny out of the house, gets in Danny’s face and calls him Danielle.

Of course everyone blames Danny. It’s his fault he gets into fights at school. It’s his fault he can’t control his anger. It’s his fault Harry is such a jerk. Danny isn’t such a bad kid—he has his own lawn business, makes his own dinner, even takes out the garbage and closes up the house without being asked. All he wants is for his mom to be like she used to be—a real mother who acted like one. Because Harry makes her stupid. When she gets around him, she forgets about her kids. Disappears with him, doesn’t stick up for her own son. And the prospect of spending another day with this man makes Danny feel helpless and broken.

So when Danny’s sister, Lisa, reveals that Harry and their mom are getting married, Danny, never the one to cower, decides to do something. That’s right, one way or another, he will get rid of Harry.

Set in 1983, New Jersey, Seven Ways to Get Rid of Harry is packed with Danny’s friends and enemies, a few fist fights, heartbreak and fury, and a little humor too.
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Верена Роуз, Розмари Мак-Кракен 0.0
The Malice Domestic anthology series returns with a new take on mysteries in the Agatha Christie tradition -- 36 original tales with a culinary bent! Included are:

A Cup of Tea, by Parnell Hall
Brown Recluse, by Marcia Adair
A Slice of Heaven,, by Laura Brennan
The Extra Ingredient, by Joan Long
A Death in Yelapa, by Leslie Budewitz
The Pie Sisters, by Richard Cass
Too Many Cooks Almost Spoil the Murder, by Lynne Ewing
Pig Lickin’ Good, by Debra H. Goldstein
Quiche Alain, by Marni Graff
Diet of Death, by Ang Pompano
Death at the Willard Hotel, by Verena Rose
Dining Out, by Rosemary McCracken
Snowbirding, by Kristin Kisska
Up Day Down Day Deadly Day, by Ellen Larson
The Secret Blend, by Stacy Woodson
First of the Year, by Gabriel Valjan
Sticky Fingers, by LD Masterson
The Cremains of the Day, by Josh Pachter
Honor Thy Father, by Harriette Sackler
Killer Chocolate Chips, by Ruth McCarty
Sushi Lessons, by Edith Maxwell
The Missing Ingredient for Murderous Intent, by Elizabeth Perona
It’s Canning Season, by Adele Polomski
The Gourmand, by Nancy Cole Silverman
The Blue Ribbon, by Cynthia Kuhn
The Last Word, by Shawn Reilly Simmons
Murder Takes the Cupcake, by Kate Willett
Bull Dog Gravy, by Mark Thielman
Morsels of the Gods, by Victoria Thompson
Mrs. Beeton’s Sausage Stuffing, by Christine Trent
Bring It, by Terry Shames
Gutbombs ’n’ Guinness, by Lisa Preston
Deadly In-Flight Dining, by Sara Rosett
Carne Diem, by Sharon Lynn
Turn the Sage, by Stephen D. Rogers
Bad Ju-Ju, by M.A. Monnin
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Мо Молтон 0.0
A group biography of renowned crime novelist Dorothy L. Sayers and the Oxford women who stood at the vanguard of equal rights.

Dorothy L. Sayers is now famous for her Lord Peter Wimsey and Harriet Vane detective series, but she was equally well known during her life for an essay asking "Are Women Human?" Women's rights were expanding rapidly during Sayers's lifetime; she and her friends were some of the first women to receive degrees from Oxford. Yet, as historian Mo Moulton reveals, it was clear from the many professional and personal obstacles they faced that society was not ready to concede that women were indeed fully human.

Dubbing themselves the Mutual Admiration Society, Sayers and her classmates remained lifelong friends and collaborators as they fought for a truly democratic culture that acknowledged their equal humanity.
Лучший роман
Lou Berney 0.0
Set against the assassination of JFK, a poignant and evocative crime novel that centers on a desperate cat-and-mouse chase across 1960s America—a story of unexpected connections, daring possibilities, and the hope of second chances from the Edgar Award-winning author of The Long and Faraway Gone.

Frank Guidry’s luck has finally run out.

A loyal street lieutenant to New Orleans’ mob boss Carlos Marcello, Guidry has learned that everybody is expendable. But now it’s his turn—he knows too much about the crime of the century: the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

Within hours of JFK’s murder, everyone with ties to Marcello is turning up dead, and Guidry suspects he’s next: he was in Dallas on an errand for the boss less than two weeks before the president was shot. With few good options, Guidry hits the road to Las Vegas, to see an old associate—a dangerous man who hates Marcello enough to help Guidry vanish.

Guidry knows that the first rule of running is "don’t stop," but when he sees a beautiful housewife on the side of the road with a broken-down car, two little daughters and a dog in the back seat, he sees the perfect disguise to cover his tracks from the hit men on his tail. Posing as an insurance man, Guidry offers to help Charlotte reach her destination, California. If she accompanies him to Vegas, he can help her get a new car.

For her, it’s more than a car— it’s an escape. She’s on the run too, from a stifling existence in small-town Oklahoma and a kindly husband who’s a hopeless drunk.

It’s an American story: two strangers meet to share the open road west, a dream, a hope—and find each other on the way.

Charlotte sees that he’s strong and kind; Guidry discovers that she’s smart and funny. He learns that’s she determined to give herself and her kids a new life; she can’t know that he’s desperate to leave his old one behind.

Another rule—fugitives shouldn’t fall in love, especially with each other. A road isn’t just a road, it’s a trail, and Guidry’s ruthless and relentless hunters are closing in on him. But now Guidry doesn’t want to just survive, he wants to really live, maybe for the first time.

Everyone’s expendable, or they should be, but now Guidry just can’t throw away the woman he’s come to love.

And it might get them both killed.
Лучший дебютный роман
Ойинкан Брейтуэйт, Braithwaite Oyikan 3.4
Когда ужин Кореде прерывает очередной звонок ее сестры Айюлы, она уже знает, что от нее потребуется: хлорка, резиновые перчатки, железные нервы и пустой желудок. Ей предстоит спасать нерадивую сестрицу, которая убила уже третьего бойфренда. Кореде стоило бы отправится прямиком в полицию, но она любит сестру и всегда ее защищает. По крайней мере до тех пор, пока Айюла не начинает встречаться с коллегой Кореде, в которого та безнадежно влюблена...
Лучший роман в обложке
Лори Радер-Дэй 0.0
Only in the dark can she find the truth . . .

Since her husband died, Eden Wallace's life has diminished down to a tiny pinprick, like a far-off star in the night sky. She doesn't work, has given up on her love of photography, and is so plagued by night terrors that she can't sleep without the lights on. Everyone, including her family, has grown weary of her grief. So when she finds paperwork in her husband's effects indicating that he reserved a week at a dark sky park, she goes. She's ready to shed her fear and return to the living, even if it means facing her paralyzing phobia of the dark.

But when she arrives at the park, the guest suite she thought was a private retreat is teeming with a group of twenty-somethings, all stuck in the orbit of their old college friendships. Horrified that her get-away has been taken over, Eden decides to head home the next day. But then a scream wakes the house in the middle of the night. One of the friends has been murdered. Now everyone—including Eden—is a suspect.

Everyone is keeping secrets, but only one is a murderer. As mishaps continue to befall the group, Eden must make sense of the chaos and lies to evade a ruthless killer—and she'll have to do it before dark falls…
Лучшая критическая или научно-по...
Мишель Макнамара 3.6
На протяжении более чем десяти лет Калифорнию терроризировал жестокий серийный убийца. На него охотились десятки полицейских. Но Мишель Макнамара стала той, кто посвятил этому расследованию свою жизнь. Год за годом она интервьюировала уцелевших жертв маньяка. Задавала вопросы детективам, ведущим его дело. Снова и снова рассматривала фотографии с мест преступлений. Упорно просеивала в поисках крупиц истины множество версий на бесчисленных форумах любителей интернет-расследований… И внезапная смерть Мишель стала для многих потрясением... Спустя почти два года ее близкие и друзья все же завершили начатое Мишель дело — издали книгу "Я исчезну во тьме". Книгу, которая помогла воплотить в жизнь главную мечту писательницы — разоблачить "Убийцу из Золотого штата".
Лучший роман
Attica Locke 4.5
*Coming soon to FX as a TV series*

"In Bluebird, Bluebird Attica Locke had both mastered the thriller and exceeded it." --Ann Patchett
"A heartbreakingly resonant new novel about race and justice in America" --USA Today

When it comes to law and order, East Texas plays by its own rules--a fact that Darren Mathews, a black Texas Ranger, knows all too well. Deeply ambivalent about growing up black in the lone star state, he was the first in his family to get as far away from Texas as he could. Until duty called him home.

When his allegiance to his roots puts his job in jeopardy, he travels up Highway 59 to the small town of Lark, where two murders--a black lawyer from Chicago and a local white woman--have stirred up a hornet's nest of resentment. Darren must solve the crimes--and save himself in the process--before Lark's long-simmering racial fault lines erupt. From a writer and producer of the Emmy winning Fox TV show "Empire", "Bluebird, Bluebird" is a rural noir suffused with the unique music, color, and nuance of East Texas.
Лучший дебютный роман
Kellye Garrett 0.0
Dayna Anderson doesn’t set out to solve a murder. All the semi-famous, mega-broke black actress wants is to help her parents keep their house. After witnessing a deadly hit-and-run, she figures pursuing the fifteen-grand reward isn’t the craziest thing a Hollywood actress has done for some cash.

But what starts as simply trying to remember a speeding car soon blossoms into a full-on investigation. As Dayna digs deeper into the victim’s life, she wants more than just reward money. She’s determined to find the poor woman’s killer too. When she connects the accident to a notorious Hollywood crime spree, Dayna chases down leads at paparazzi hot spots, celeb homes and movie premieres. She loves every second—until someone tries to kill her.

And there are no second takes in real life.
Лучший роман в обложке
Lori Rader-Day 0.0
Anna Winger can know people better than they know themselves with only a glance—at their handwriting. Hired out by companies wanting to land trustworthy employees and by the lovelorn hoping to find happiness, Anna likes to keep the real-life mess of other people at arm’s length and on paper. But when she is called to use her expertise on a note left behind at a murder scene in the small town she and her son have recently moved to, the crime gets under Anna’s skin and rips open her narrow life for all to see. To save her son—and herself—once and for all, Anna will face her every fear, her every mistake, and the past she thought she'd rewritten.
Лучшая антология или сборник
Noir meets diversity and transforms the genre into an over-the-top, transcendental psychedelic thriller ride of pulpy goodness in Three Rooms Press' upcoming THE OBAMA INHERITANCE, a collection of fifteen stories of conspiracy noir curated by editor and award-winning African-American crime novelist Gary Phillips.
In the tradition of satirical works of Swift and Twain, with nods to the likes of Asimov and Philip K. Dick, these tales contain time traveling secret agents, Supreme Court judges who can clone themselves, kung fu'ing androids out for justice, and a race of ancient lizard people and their true master plan ...and these are just the tame ones mashed up in the blender of fake news bots, climate change is but a hoax by the Chinese and humans roamed with dinosaurs.
In an era where the outlandish and fantastic has permeated our media 24/7, where mind-bending conspiracy theories shape our views, THE OBAMA INHERITANCE writers riff on the numerous fictions spun about the 44th president of the U.S. Although Obama himself does not appear in most of these stories, contributors spin deliberately outlandish and fantastic twists on many of the dozens of screwball, bizarro conspiracy theories floated about the president during his years in office and turn them on their heads.
THE OBAMA INHERITANCE editor Gary Phillips is a critically acclaimed author of mystery and graphic novels (The Darker Mask, Bangers, Violent Spring). Raised in South Central Los Angeles, Phillips draws on his experiences from anti-police abuse community organizing and anti-apartheid activism in his work. He was the chair of the Eleanor Taylor Bland Crime Fiction Writers of Color committee, and was president of the Private Eye Writers of America.
Contributors include famed African-American crime/detective author Walter Mosley, former author and Department of Justice attorney Christopher Chambers (Sympathy for the Devil), noir author and screenwriter Johnny Shaw (Dove Season), actor and novelist Danny Gardner (A Negro and an Ofay), former Maine assistant attorney general Kate Flora (Death in Paradise), and award-winning Latina playwright and novelist Desiree Zamorano.
Лучшая критическая или научно-по...
David Grann 4.2
In the 1920s, the richest people per capita in the world were members of the Osage Indian Nation in Oklahoma. After oil was discovered beneath their land, the Osage rode in chauffeured automobiles, built mansions, and sent their children to study in Europe.

Then, one by one, they began to be killed off. One Osage woman, Mollie Burkhart, watched as her family was murdered. Her older sister was shot. Her mother was then slowly poisoned. And it was just the beginning, as more Osage began to die under mysterious circumstances.
     In this last remnant of the Wild West—where oilmen like J. P. Getty made their fortunes and where desperadoes such as Al Spencer, “the Phantom Terror,” roamed – virtually anyone who dared to investigate the killings were themselves murdered. As the death toll surpassed more than twenty-four Osage, the newly created F.B.I. took up the case, in what became one of the organization’s first major homicide investigations. But the bureau was then notoriously corrupt and initially bungled the case. Eventually the young director, J. Edgar Hoover, turned to a former Texas Ranger named Tom White to try unravel the mystery. White put together an undercover team, including one of the only Native American agents in the bureau. They infiltrated the region, struggling to adopt the latest modern techniques of detection. Together with the Osage they began to expose one of the most sinister conspiracies in American history.

In Killers of the Flower Moon, David Grann revisits a shocking series of crimes in which dozens of people were murdered in cold blood. The book is a masterpiece of narrative nonfiction, as each step in the investigation reveals a series of sinister secrets and reversals. But more than that, it is a searing indictment of the callousness and prejudice toward Native Americans that allowed the murderers to operate with impunity for so long. Killers of the Flower Moon is utterly riveting, but also emotionally devastating.
Лучшая документальная книга
David Grann 4.2
In the 1920s, the richest people per capita in the world were members of the Osage Indian Nation in Oklahoma. After oil was discovered beneath their land, the Osage rode in chauffeured automobiles, built mansions, and sent their children to study in Europe.

Then, one by one, they began to be killed off. One Osage woman, Mollie Burkhart, watched as her family was murdered. Her older sister was shot. Her mother was then slowly poisoned. And it was just the beginning, as more Osage began to die under mysterious circumstances.
     In this last remnant of the Wild West—where oilmen like J. P. Getty made their fortunes and where desperadoes such as Al Spencer, “the Phantom Terror,” roamed – virtually anyone who dared to investigate the killings were themselves murdered. As the death toll surpassed more than twenty-four Osage, the newly created F.B.I. took up the case, in what became one of the organization’s first major homicide investigations. But the bureau was then notoriously corrupt and initially bungled the case. Eventually the young director, J. Edgar Hoover, turned to a former Texas Ranger named Tom White to try unravel the mystery. White put together an undercover team, including one of the only Native American agents in the bureau. They infiltrated the region, struggling to adopt the latest modern techniques of detection. Together with the Osage they began to expose one of the most sinister conspiracies in American history.

In Killers of the Flower Moon, David Grann revisits a shocking series of crimes in which dozens of people were murdered in cold blood. The book is a masterpiece of narrative nonfiction, as each step in the investigation reveals a series of sinister secrets and reversals. But more than that, it is a searing indictment of the callousness and prejudice toward Native Americans that allowed the murderers to operate with impunity for so long. Killers of the Flower Moon is utterly riveting, but also emotionally devastating.
Серийный роман / Премия Билла Кр...
Sue Grafton 3.2
The darkest and most disturbing case report from the files of Kinsey Millhone, Y is for Yesterday begins in 1979, when four teenage boys from an elite private school sexually assault a fourteen-year-old classmate--and film the attack. Not long after, the tape goes missing and the suspected thief, a fellow classmate, is murdered. In the investigation that follows, one boy turns state's evidence and two of his peers are convicted. But the ringleader escapes without a trace.
Now, it's 1989 and one of the perpetrators, Fritz McCabe, has been released from prison. Moody, unrepentant, and angry, he is a virtual prisoner of his ever-watchful parents--until a copy of the missing tape arrives with a ransom demand. That's when the McCabes call Kinsey Millhone for help. As she is drawn into their family drama, she keeps a watchful eye on Fritz. But he's not the only one being haunted by the past. A vicious sociopath with a grudge against Millhone may be leaving traces of himself for her to find...
Лучший роман
Луиза Пенни 4.5
Роман «Час расплаты» продолжает серию расследований старшего инспектора Армана Гамаша. Этот обаятельный персонаж создан пером Луизы Пенни, единственного в мире пятикратного лауреата премии Агаты Кристи.

Устав от затянувшегося бездействия после отставки, Арман Гамаш принимает предложение возглавить Полицейскую академию Квебека. Ему предстоит титаническая работа по реформированию этого крайне неблагополучного учебного заведения. Где лучше всего готовиться к новым сражениям, как не в тишине и уюте собственного дома — в деревне Три Сосны? Тем временем в деревенском бистро во время ремонта обнаруживается загадочная рукописная карта Трех Сосен, пролежавшая в стене около ста лет. Кто нарисовал эту странную карту и с какой целью? Гамаш поручает четырем кадетам академии разгадать эту загадку. Но их исследования внезапно прерывает ужасное событие: у себя в квартире в здании академии убит один из преподавателей, и в его спальне найдена копия карты. Неужели убийца — один из этих четверых?

Впервые на русском языке!
Лучший дебютный роман
Joe Ide 2.0
East Long Beach. The LAPD is barely keeping up with the neighborhood's high crime rate. Murders go unsolved, lost children unrecovered. But someone from the neighborhood has taken it upon himself to help solve the cases the police can't or won't touch.
They call him IQ. He's a loner and a high school dropout, his unassuming nature disguising a relentless determination and a fierce intelligence. He charges his clients whatever they can afford, which might be a set of tires or a homemade casserole. To get by, he's forced to take on clients that can pay.
This time, it's a rap mogul whose life is in danger. As Isaiah investigates, he encounters a vengeful ex-wife, a crew of notorious cutthroats, a monstrous attack dog, and a hit man who even other hit men say is a lunatic. The deeper Isaiah digs, the more far reaching and dangerous the case becomes.
Лучший роман в обложке
James W. Ziskin 0.0
In the waning days of a lazy August holiday, Ellie Stone is enjoying a bright Adirondack-lake morning. Nearby, two men plummet to their deaths on the rocks below, just a few feet short of the water of a dangerous diving pool. A tragic accident, it seems. But the state police quickly establish that the two victims--one, a stranger to the lake and, the other, a teenaged boy from a nearby music camp--surely didn't know each other. That anomaly is strange enough, but what really perplexes Ellie is the out-of-place station wagon parked twenty yards from the edge of the cliff.
Wading into a slippery morass of fellow travelers, free-love intellectuals, rabid John Birchers, and charismatic evangelicals, Ellie must navigate old grudges and Cold War passions, lost ideals and betrayed loves. She sticks her nose where it's unwanted, rattling nerves and putting herself in jeopardy. But this time, it's her heart that's at risk.
Лучший роман для детей и подростков
Эйприл Хенри 0.0
When Olivia's mother was killed, everyone suspected her father of murder. But his whereabouts remained a mystery. Fast forward fourteen years. New evidence now proves Olivia's father was actually murdered on the same fateful day her mother died. That means there's a killer still at large. It's up to Olivia to uncover who that may be. But can she do that before the killer tracks her down first?
Лучшая антология или сборник
Bestselling novelists David Morrell, Alison Gaylin and Elaine Viets headline a new anthology of 22 tales exploring the unique an aura of mystery of New Orleans and the surrounding bayou country.

Blood on the Bayou is published in conjunction with Bouchercon, the World Mystery Convention, which is being held in New Orleans. As with the convention itself, the anthology spreads a broad canopy across a wide variety of crime writers from across the country and around the world—including both veteran writers and the brightest up-and-coming talents in the field. These stories range from the light-hearted and fun to the darker side of crime; just as New Orleans and the bayou country can show both to the unsuspecting.

All participants contributed their efforts to support our charity—the New Orleans Public Libraries—and by extension readers and writers everywhere.


Edited by Greg Herren
Introduction by Heather Graham
Stories by:
Kaye Wilkinson Barley
Eric Beetner
G. J. Brown
Sheila Connolly
O’Neil De Noux
Barbara Ferrer
John Floyd
Alison Gaylin
Greg Herren
BV Lawson
R. T. Lawton
Deborah Lacy
Edith Maxwell
Liz Milliron
Terrie Farley Moran
David Morrell
Dino Parenti
Michael Penn
Gary Phillips
Thomas Pluck
Paula Pumphrey
Elaine Viets
Лучшая критическая или научно-по...
Руфь Франклин 4.7
Still known to millions primarily as the author of the The Lottery, Shirley Jackson (1916–1965) has been curiously absent from the mainstream American literary canon. A genius of literary suspense and psychological horror, Jackson plumbed the cultural anxiety of postwar America more deeply than anyone. Now, biographer Ruth Franklin reveals the tumultuous life and inner darkness of the author of such classics as The Haunting of Hill House and We Have Always Lived in the Castle.

Placing Jackson within an American Gothic tradition that stretches back to Hawthorne and Poe, Franklin demonstrates how her unique contribution to this genre came from her focus on "domestic horror." Almost two decades before The Feminine Mystique ignited the women’s movement, Jackson’ stories and nonfiction chronicles were already exploring the exploitation and the desperate isolation of women, particularly married women, in American society. Franklin’s portrait of Jackson gives us “a way of reading Jackson and her work that threads her into the weave of the world of words, as a writer and as a woman, rather than excludes her as an anomaly” (Neil Gaiman).

The increasingly prescient Jackson emerges as a ferociously talented, determined, and prodigiously creative writer in a time when it was unusual for a woman to have both a family and a profession. A mother of four and the wife of the prominent New Yorker critic and academic Stanley Edgar Hyman, Jackson lived a seemingly bucolic life in the New England town of North Bennington, Vermont. Yet, much like her stories, which channeled the occult while exploring the claustrophobia of marriage and motherhood, Jackson’s creative ascent was haunted by a darker side. As her career progressed, her marriage became more tenuous, her anxiety mounted, and she became addicted to amphetamines and tranquilizers. In sobering detail, Franklin insightfully examines the effects of Jackson’s California upbringing, in the shadow of a hypercritical mother, on her relationship with her husband, juxtaposing Hyman’s infidelities, domineering behavior, and professional jealousy with his unerring admiration for Jackson’s fiction, which he was convinced was among the most brilliant he had ever encountered.

Based on a wealth of previously undiscovered correspondence and dozens of new interviews, Shirley Jackson—an exploration of astonishing talent shaped by a damaging childhood and turbulent marriage—becomes the definitive biography of a generational avatar and an American literary giant.
Лучший роман
Крис Холм 0.0
Michael Hendricks kills people for money. That aside, he's not so bad a guy.
Once a covert operative for a false-flag unit of the US military, Hendricks was presumed dead after a mission in Afghanistan went sideways. He left behind his old life--and beloved fiancée--and set out on a path of redemption...or perhaps one of willful self-destruction.

Now Hendricks makes his living as a hitman entrepreneur of sorts--he only hits other hitmen. For ten times the price on your head, he'll make sure whoever's coming to kill you winds up in the ground instead. Not a bad way for a guy with his skill-set to make a living--but a great way to make himself a target
Лучший дебютный роман
Глен Эрик Хэмилтон 0.0
Van Shaw was raised to be a thief, but at eighteen he suddenly broke all ties to that life and joined the military—abandoning his illicit past and the career-criminal grandfather who taught him the trade. Now, after ten years of silence, his grandfather has asked him to come home to Seattle. But when Van arrives, he discovers his grandfather bleeding out on the floor from a gunshot to the head. With a lifetime of tough history between him and the old man, Van knows he’s the main suspect.

The only way he can clear his name is to go back to the world he’d sworn to leave behind. Tapping into his criminal skills, he begins to hunt the shooter and uncover what drove his grandfather to reach out after so long. But in a violent, high-stakes world where right and wrong aren’t defined by the law, Van finds that the past is all too present . . . and that the secrets held by those closest to him are the deadliest of all.

Edgy and suspenseful, rich with emotional resonance, gritty action, and a deep-rooted sense of place, Past Crimes trumpets the arrival of a powerful talent in the mold of Dennis Lehane, Robert B. Parker, and John D. MacDonald.
Лучший роман в обложке
Lou Berney 5.0
With the compelling narrative tension and psychological complexity of the works of Laura Lippman, Dennis Lehane, Kate Atkinson, and Michael Connelly, Edgar Award-nominee Lou Berney’s "The Long and Faraway Gone" is a smart, fiercely compassionate crime story that explores the mysteries of memory and the impact of violence on survivors—and the lengths they will go to find the painful truth of the events that scarred their lives.

In the summer of 1986, two tragedies rocked Oklahoma City. Six movie-theater employees were killed in an armed robbery, while one inexplicably survived. Then, a teenage girl vanished from the annual State Fair. Neither crime was ever solved.

Twenty-five years later, the reverberations of those unsolved cases quietly echo through survivors’ lives. A private investigator in Vegas, Wyatt’s latest inquiry takes him back to a past he’s tried to escape—and drags him deeper into the harrowing mystery of the movie house robbery that left six of his friends dead.

Like Wyatt, Julianna struggles with the past—with the day her beautiful older sister Genevieve disappeared. When Julianna discovers that one of the original suspects has resurfaced, she’ll stop at nothing to find answers.

As Wyatt's case becomes more complicated and dangerous, and Julianna seeks answers from a ghost, their obsessive quests not only stir memories of youth and first love, but also begin to illuminate dark secrets of the past. But will their shared passion and obsession heal them, or push them closer to the edge? Even if they find the truth, will it help them understand what happened, that long and faraway gone summer? Will it set them free—or ultimately destroy them?
Лучший роман для детей и подростков
Joelle Charbonneau 5.0
What do you really need?

One by one, the teens in Nottawa, Wisconsin, join the newest, hottest networking site and answer one question: What do you need? A new iPhone? Backstage passes to a concert? In exchange for a seemingly minor task, the NEED site will fulfill your request. Everyone is doing it. So why shouldn’t you?

Kaylee Dunham knows what she needs—a kidney for her sick brother. She doesn’t believe a social networking site can help, but it couldn’t hurt to try.

Or could it?

After making her request, Kaylee starts to realize the price that will have to be paid for her need to be met. The demands the site makes on users in exchange for their desires are escalating, and so is the body count. Will Kaylee be able to unravel the mystery of who created the NEED network before it destroys them all?
Лучшая антология или сборник
MWA Grand Master Margaret Maron, Edgar Award winner Tom Franklin, and New York Times bestselling novelist Ron Rash headline a new anthology of 21 tales spanning from traditional detective stories to comic capers to darkest noir and more—something for all tastes.

Murder Under the Oaks is published in conjunction with Bouchercon, the World Mystery Convention, held in 2015 in Raleigh, North Carolina—the City of Oaks. As with the convention itself, the anthology spreads a broad canopy across a wide range of crime writers from across the country and around the world—including both veteran writers and the brightest up-and-coming talents in the field. Celebrating Bouchercon’s first-ever meeting in the American South, several of the stories in Murder Under the Oaks also draw on the region’s history and culture—including the birth of a secret society at the University of Virginia, a mystery from Edgar Allan Poe’s childhood days, and a series of less-than-welcome visits by everyone’s favorite hometown sheriff.

All participants contributed their efforts to support our charity—the Wake County Public Libraries—and by extension readers and writers everywhere.


Edited by Art Taylor
Including Stories By
J.L. Abramo
J.D. Allen
Lori Armstrong
Rob Brunet
P.A. De Voe
Sean Doolittle
Tom Franklin
Toni Goodyear
Kristin Kisska
Robert Lopresti
Robert Mangeot
Margaret Maron
Kathleen Mix
Britni Patterson
Karen Pullen
Ron Rash
Karen E. Salyer
Sarah Shaber
Zoë Sharp
B.K. Stevens
Graham Wynd
Лучшая критическая или научно-по...
Val McDermid 4.2
Val McDermid is one of the finest crime writers we have, whose novels have captivated millions of readers worldwide with their riveting narratives of characters who solve complex crimes and confront unimaginable evil. In the course of researching her bestselling novels McDermid has become familiar with every branch of forensics, and now she uncovers the history of this science, real-world murders and the people who must solve them.

The dead talk—to the right listener. They can tell us all about themselves: where they came from, how they lived, how they died, and, of course, who killed them. Forensic scientists can unlock the mysteries of the past and help serve justice using the messages left by a corpse, a crime scene, or the faintest of human traces. Forensics draws on interviews with some of these top-level professionals, ground-breaking research, and McDermid’s own original interviews and firsthand experience on scene with top forensic scientists.

Along the way, McDermid discovers how maggots collected from a corpse can help determine one’s time of death; how a DNA trace a millionth the size of a grain of salt can be used to convict a killer; and how a team of young Argentine scientists led by a maverick American anthropologist were able to uncover the victims of a genocide. It’s a journey that will take McDermid to war zones, fire scenes, and autopsy suites, and bring her into contact with both extraordinary bravery and wickedness, as she traces the history of forensics from its earliest beginnings to the cutting-edge science of the modern day.
Лучшая аудиокнига
Луиза Пенни 4.2

Robert Bathurst, narrator [Macmillan Audio]

Роман «Природа зверя» продолжает серию расследований старшего инспектора Армана Гамаша. Этот обаятельный персонаж создан пером Луизы Пенни, единственного в мире пятикратного лауреата премии Агаты Кристи.

Не проходит и дня, чтобы девятилетний Лоран Лепаж не сочинил какую-нибудь фантастическую историю — о вторжении марсиан, громадной пушке, крылатых монстрах, увиденных им в лесу. Конечно, никто из жителей деревушки Три Сосны не воспринимает всерьез его болтовню, в том числе бывший старший инспектор полиции Арман Гамаш, поселившийся здесь после выхода в отставку. Но мальчик исчезает, и вскоре поисковая группа глубоко в лесу натыкается на загадочную находку, доказывающую, что монстр все-таки побывал в здешних местах. Люди начинают подозревать, что далеко не все из рассказов Лорана чистая выдумка. Арман Гамаш понимает: возможно, он сам, не поверив мальчику, повлиял на роковой ход событий.

Впервые на русском языке!
Лучший роман
Laura Lippman 0.0
Laura Lippman, the acclaimed New York Times bestselling author of The Most Dangerous Thing, I’d Know You Anywhere, and What the Dead Know, returns with an addictive story that explores how one man’s disappearance echoes through the lives of the wife, mistress, and daughters he left behind.

When Felix Brewer meets Bernadette “Bambi” Gottschalk at a Valentine’s Dance in 1959, he charms her with wild promises, some of which he actually keeps. Thanks to his lucrative—if not all legal—businesses, she and their three little girls live in luxury. But on the Fourth of July, 1976, Bambi’s comfortable world implodes when Felix, newly convicted and facing prison, mysteriously vanishes.

Though Bambi has no idea where her husband—or his money—might be, she suspects one woman does: his mistress, Julie. When Julie disappears ten years to the day that Felix went on the lam, everyone assumes she’s left to join her old lover—until her remains are eventually found.

Now, twenty-six years after Julie went missing, Roberto “Sandy” Sanchez, a retired Baltimore detective working cold cases for some extra cash, is investigating her murder. What he discovers is a tangled web stretching over three decades that connects five intriguing women. And at the center is the missing man Felix Brewer.

Somewhere between the secrets and lies connecting past and present, Sandy will find the truth. And when he does, no one will ever be the same.
Лучший дебютный роман
Lori Rader-Day 0.0
For Chicago sociology professor Amelia Emmet, violence was a research topic--until a student she'd never met shot her.

He also shot himself. Now he's dead and she's back on campus, trying to keep up with her class schedule, a growing problem with painkillers, and a question she can't let go: Why?

All she wants is for life to get back to normal, but normal is looking hard to come by. She's thirty-eight and hobbles with a cane. Her first student interaction ends in tears (hers). Her fellow faculty members seem uncomfortable with her, and her ex--whom she may or may not still love--has moved on.

Enter Nathaniel Barber, a graduate student obsessed with Chicago's violent history. Nath is a serious scholar, but also a serious mess about his first heartbreak, his mother's death, and his father's disapproval. Assigned as Amelia's teaching assistant, Nath also takes on the investigative legwork that Amelia can't do. And meanwhile, he's hoping she'll approve his dissertation topic, the reason he came to grad school in the first place: the student attack on Amelia Emmet.

Together and at cross-purposes, Amelia and Nathaniel stumble toward a truth that will explain the attack and take them both through the darkest hours of their lives.
Лучший роман в обложке
Catriona McPherson 0.0
That was the day I met Gus, the day I grew a family as if from magic beans, the day she died. That's the point, see? It was the very same day...

Jessie Constable has learned the hard way to always keep herself safe. But meeting Gus King changes everything. Before she knows it, Jessie is sleeping at Gus's house, babysitting his kids, becoming a part of his family. And yet, she can't ignore the unsettling questions. Who does she keep seeing from the corner of her eye? Why are strange men threatening her? Most importantly, what really happened to Gus's wife?

Creating a brilliant, foreboding mystery where nothing is as it seems, master storyteller Catriona McPherson weaves an ominous tale that will keep you guessing until the very end.
Лучшая антология или сборник
The Sherlock Holmes stories by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle were recently voted as the top mystery series of all time, and they have enthralled generations of readers and writers! Now, Laurie R. King, author of the New York Times-bestselling Mary Russell series (in which Holmes plays a co-starring role), and Leslie S. Klinger, editor of the New Annotated Sherlock Holmes, have assembled a stellar group of contemporary authors from a variety of genres and asked them to create new stories inspired by that canon. Inside you ll find Holmes in times and places previously unimagined, as well as characters who have themselves been affected by the tales of Sherlock Holmes. The game is afoot again!
Лучшая антология или сборник
Приключения Шерлока Холмса продолжаются! И на этот раз в компании таких звезд современного триллера, как Джеффри Дивер, Сара Парецки и Майкл Коннелли, а также Харлана Эллисона, Корнелии Функе и многих других.
Новые подробности из жизни Шерлока Холмса, новые расследования и знакомые истории под совершенно неожиданным углом... Непредсказуемые сюжеты, объединенные искренней любовью к наследию сэра Артура Конан Дойла.
Лучшая критическая или научно-по...
Hank Phillippi Ryan 0.0
The path of a writing career can be rocky and twisty and full of dead ends. But it’s also well-traveled-and in Writes of Passage, fifty-nine mystery authors offer the secrets that helped them navigate their success.

When you’re in need of an author’s roadmap, “pick up this book,” as Hank Phillippi Ryan says in the introduction. “Open it to any page. The sisters of SinC have shared their personal journeys-and they have many tales to tell.”

These tales reveal the “Writes of Passage” every author encounters, and Sisters in Crime hopes these beautifully told experiences will guide you along your way.
Contributing Authors:

Susan M. Boyer, Leslie Budewitz, Luisa Buehler, Lucy Burdette/Roberta Isleib, JoAnna Carl/Eve K. Sandstrom, Joelle Charbonneau, Judy Clemens, Meredith Cole, Sheila Connolly, Deborah Coonts, Barbara D’Amato, Maddi Davidson, Krista Davis, Laura DiSilverio, Hallie Ephron, Kim Fay, Kate Flora, Kaye George, Daryl Wood Gerber/Avery Aames, Barb Goffman, Patricia Gussin, J.A. Hennrikus, Naomi Hirahara, Norma Huss, Polly Iyer, Tammy Kaehler, Laurie R. King, Harley Jane Kozak, Deborah J Ledford, Kylie Logan, Alice Loweecey, Gail Lukasik, Nancy Martin, Sujata Massey, Edith Maxwell, Catriona McPherson, Jenny Milchman, Liz Mugavero, Carla Neggers, Clare O’Donohue, Susan Oleksi, Gigi Pandian, Sandra Parshall, Cathy Pickens, Linda Rodriguez, Chris Roerden, Barbara Ross, Lori Roy, Terry Shames. June Shaw, Clea Simon, Patricia Smiley, Patricia Sprinkle, Rochelle Staab, Kelli Stanley, Diane Vallere, Elaine Viets, Sharon Wildwind
Лучший роман
Уильям Кент Крюгер 4.2
Летом 1961 года небольшой американский городок Нью-Бремен захлестнула волна смертей. Одной из погибших стала восемнадцатилетняя красавица Ариэль, тело которой нашли в реке. Младшие браться девушки, подростки Фрэнк и Джейк, не верят в несчастный случай и тем более в то, что сестра покончила с собой. Они пытаются найти убийцу и понять мотивы его преступления.
"Простая милость" - психологический роман Уильяма Кента Крюгера, написанный в лучших традициях жанра "южной прозы".
Лучший дебютный роман
Мэтт Койл 0.0
Rick Cahill was never convicted of his wife's murder, but he was never exonerated either. Not by the police. Not by the media. Not even by himself. Eight years later, police suspicion and his own guilt remain over his responsibility in his wife's death. When he meets Melody Malana, a beautiful yet secretive TV reporter, he sees a chance to love again. When she is arrested for murder and asks Rick for help, the former cop says no, but the rest of him says yes and he grasps at a chance for redemption. But Rick's attempt to help turns terribly wrong, and he becomes a suspect in the murder and the target of a police manhunt. On the run, Rick encounters desperate people who'll kill to keep their pasts buried. Before Rick can save himself and bring down a murderer, he must confront the truth about his own past and untangle his feeling for a woman he can never fully trust.
Лучший роман в обложке
Catriona McPherson 0.0
A 2014 Anthony Award Winner When she was twelve years old, Opal Jones escaped her mother's endless drinking. Now, returning to their small Leeds cottage after her mum's death, Opal feels like she's gone back in time. Nosey Mrs. Pickess is still polishing her windows to a sparkle. Fishbo, Opal's ancient music teacher, still plays trumpet with his band. And much to Opal's delight, her favorite neighbor, Margaret Reid, still keeps an eye on things from the walk in front of her house.

But a tragedy has struck Mote Street. Margaret's grandson, Craig, disappeared some ten years ago, and every day he's not found, shame and sorrow settle deeper into the neighborhood's forgotten corners. As the door she closed on her own dark past begins to open, Opal uncovers more secrets than she can bear about the people who were once her friends.


Winner of the 2014 Anthony Award for Best Paperback Original

Winner of the 2013 Gold ForeWord IndieFab Award for Mystery

Named one of KIRKUS REVIEWS' "Best Books of 2013"

"The creator of Dandy Gilver . . . has produced a stand-alone that is worlds apart, a fascinating, mysterious ramble you can't put down."--KIRKUS REVIEWS (STARRED REVIEW)

..".dark, absorbing, contemporary stand-alone..."--PUBLISHERS WEEKLY

"[A] captivating stand-alone from the author of the Dandy Gilver mystery series." --BOOKLIST

"McPherson has crafted a tale that is both suspenseful and poignant. I wanted to cheer for Opal one second and hug her the next."--EILEEN RENDAHL, AUTHOR OF THE MESSENGER NOVELS
Лучший роман для детей и подростков
Joelle Charbonneau 0.0
It's an honor to be chosen for The Testing. But it's not enough to pass The Testing. Cia will have to survive it.

The Testing Guide is the short story prequel to The Testing, the first novel in the stunning and epic Testing Trilogy.
Лучший рассказ
Джон Коннолли 4.2
В маленький городок Глоссом переезжает одиночка мистер Бергер. Прогуливаясь возле ж/д дороги, он встречает Анну Каренину, которая бросается под поезд. По ее следам, Мистер Бергер находит библиотеку, и знакомится с ее хранителем Мистером Гедеоном. В библиотеке собраны первые издания большинства книг, а вместе с ними там живут и созданные великими авторами персонажи.
Лучшая критическая или научно-по...
Дэниел Сташовер 5.0
“It's history that reads like a race-against-the-clock thriller.” —Harlan Coben

Daniel Stashower, the two-time Edgar award–winning author of The Beautiful Cigar Girl, uncovers the riveting true story of the “Baltimore Plot,” an audacious conspiracy to assassinate Abraham Lincoln on the eve of the Civil War in THE HOUR OF PERIL.

In February of 1861, just days before he assumed the presidency, Abraham Lincoln faced a “clear and fully-matured” threat of assassination as he traveled by train from Springfield to Washington for his inauguration. Over a period of thirteen days the legendary detective Allan Pinkerton worked feverishly to detect and thwart the plot, assisted by a captivating young widow named Kate Warne, America’s first female private eye.

As Lincoln’s train rolled inexorably toward “the seat of danger,” Pinkerton struggled to unravel the ever-changing details of the murder plot, even as he contended with the intractability of Lincoln and his advisors, who refused to believe that the danger was real. With time running out Pinkerton took a desperate gamble, staking Lincoln’s life—and the future of the nation—on a “perilous feint” that seemed to offer the only chance that Lincoln would survive to become president. Shrouded in secrecy—and, later, mired in controversy—the story of the “Baltimore Plot” is one of the great untold tales of the Civil War era, and Stashower has crafted this spellbinding historical narrative with the pace and urgency of a race-against-the-clock thriller.

A Washington Post Notable Nonfiction Book of 2013

Winner of the 2014 Edgar Award for Best Fact Crime
Лучшая аудиокнига
Роберт Гэлбрейт 4.1
Когда скандально известная топ-модель, упав с заснеженного балкона своего пентхауса, разбивается насмерть, все решают, что это самоубийство. Но брат девушки не может смириться с таким выводом и обращается к услугам частного сыщика по имени Корморан Страйк.

Страйк прошел войну, пострадал физически и душевно; жизнь его несется под откос. Теперь он рассчитывает закрыть хотя бы финансовую брешь, однако расследование оборачивается коварной ловушкой. Углубляясь в запутанную историю юной звезды, Страйк приоткрывает тайную изнанку событий — и сам движется навстречу смертельной опасности... Захватывающий, отточенный сюжет разворачивается на фоне Лондона, от тихих улиц благопристойного Мэйфера до обшарпанных пабов Ист-Энда и круглосуточно бурлящего Сохо.

«Зов Кукушки» — незаурядный и заслуженно популярный роман, в котором впервые появляется Корморан Страйк. Это также первое произведение Дж. К. Роулинг, созданное в детективном жанре и подписанное именем Роберта Гэлбрейта. Приключения Корморана Страйка продолжились в романах «Шелкопряд» и «На службе зла».

В 2017 году на телеэкраны вышел первый сезон сериала «Страйк», основанного на книгах «Зов Кукушки» и «Шелкопряд»; в 2018 году выходит второй сезон — экранизация «На службе зла». Главные роли — Корморана и его помощницы Робин Эллакотт — исполнили Том Бёрк и Холлидей Грейнджер.
Лучший роман
Луиза Пенни 4.2
Роман «Эта прекрасная тайна» продолжает серию расследований блистательного старшего инспектора Армана Гамаша — нового персонажа, созданного пером Луизы Пенни, единственного в мире пятикратного лауреата премии Агаты Кристи.

В этом уединенном монастыре, затерянном в дебрях Квебека, почти всегда царит тишина, прерываемая лишь старинными песнопениями. Прекрасные голоса монахов зачаровывают всех, кому посчастливится их услышать, и кажется, что рядом с этой красотой нет места злу. Однако в монастыре происходит убийство, и старший инспектор Арман Гамаш начинает расследование, не подозревая, что и сам вскоре станет жертвой, — жертвой предательства, совершенного самым преданным его помощником...

Впервые на русском языке.
Лучший дебютный роман
Крис Павон 3.2
Когда-то Кейт была одним из лучших оперативников ЦРУ, "звездой" среди бойцов невидимого фронта.
Теперь она - жена крупного специалиста в области компьютерной безопасности Декстера Мура, работающего в люксембургском банке.
Пора отдохнуть и насладиться семейной жизнью?
Однако знакомство с другой парой эмигрантов, Джулией и Биллом, заставляет Кейт вспомнить о своем истинном призвании. Она чувствует: эти двое не те, за кого себя выдают. Кейт начинает следить за ними - и внезапно оказывается в самом центре международной криминальной интриги, которая может уничтожить ее семью, ее брак и ее саму...
Лучший роман в обложке
Джонни Шоу 0.0
2013 Anthony Award Winner
There’s gold in them thar hills—or more precisely, in Arizona’s Chocolate Mountains, where one hundred years ago a miner stashed a king’s ransom of the stuff. But times have changed. The world has changed. And now the Chocolate Mountains are the home of the largest military artillery range in the world.

Harry’s living on disability and getting liquored up and beaten down. Frank’s a feisty old-timer battling cancer and a domineering daughter. And Ricky’s a good kid in a bad spot, doing everything for family. Together they’re staking what little they have left on a dangerous quest to the Big Maria Mine—and the gold that can offer them a new beginning.

Unfortunately a meth-dealing biker wants a piece, a trigger-happy AWOL soldier wants to play chicken in a live minefield, two stubborn burros want to go home, a starving mountain lion wants his dinner, and the US Army wants to rain on our heroes’ parade with real bombs.

When you’re all out of crazy ideas, you’ve got to try the stupid ones.

Imagine Chuck Palahniuk and Don Winslow’s love child – and that would be ribald author Johnny Shaw. His novel Big Maria is a unfiltered, wild romp in which three men get one chance to find a lost gold mine; the only problem is the Big Maria Mine is right in the middle of a US Army artillery range. Click here to read an excerpt.
Лучшая критическая или научно-по...
The world’s greatest mystery writers on the world’s greatest mystery novels:

Michael Connelly on The Little Sister . . .

Kathy Reichs on The Silence of the Lambs . . .

Mark Billingham on The Maltese Falcon . . .

Ian Rankin on I Was Dora Suarez . . .

With so many mystery novels to choose among, and so many new titles appearing each year, where should a reader start? What are the classics of the genre? Which are the hidden gems?

In the most ambitious anthology of its kind yet attempted, the world’s leading mystery writers have come together to champion the greatest mystery novels ever written. In a series of personal essays that often reveal as much about the authors and their own work as they do about the books that they love, 119 authors from 20 countries have created a guide that will be indispensable for generations of readers and writers. From Agatha Christie to Lee Child, from Edgar Allan Poe to P. D. James, from Sherlock Holmes to Hannibal Lecter and Philip Marlowe to Lord Peter Wimsey, Books to Die For brings together the cream of the mystery world for a feast of reading pleasure, a treasure trove for those new to the genre and for those who believe that there is nothing new left to discover. This is the one essential book for every reader who has ever finished a mystery novel and thought . . .
Лучший роман
Луиза Пенни 4.4
Роман «Разные оттенки смерти» продолжает серию расследований блистательного старшего инспектора Армана Гамаша — нового персонажа, созданного пером Луизы Пенни, единственного в мире пятикратного лауреата премии Агаты Кристи.

Только вчера художница Клара Морроу пережила мгновения величайшего триумфа: в престижном монреальском музее с огромным успехом состоялось открытие ее персональной выставки. И вот сегодня все пошло прахом, словно в дурном сне. Возле дома Клары в деревне Три Сосны найдена убитая женщина, причем выясняется, что это старая знакомая Клары, с которой ее когда-то связывали непростые отношения. На художницу падает тень подозрения в убийстве. Казалось бы, все факты против нее. Однако интуиция подсказывает старшему инспектору Арману Гамашу, что в этом деле факты не главное. Чтобы докопаться до истины, ему придется с головой окунуться в мир искусства, в котором так много полутонов и оттенков, а игра света подчас полностью меняет картину...
Лучший дебютный роман
Сара Генри 0.0
"If I'd blinked, I would have missed it. But I didn't, and I saw something fall from the rear deck of the opposite ferry: a small, wide-eyed human face, in one tiny frozen moment, as it plummeted toward the water."

When she witnesses a small child tumbling from a ferry into Lake Champlain, Troy Chance dives in without thinking. Harrowing moments later, she bobs to the surface, pulling a terrified little boy with her. As the ferry disappears into the distance, she begins a bone-chilling swim nearly a mile to shore towing a tiny passenger.
Surprisingly, he speaks only French. He'll acknowledge that his name is Paul; otherwise, he's resolutely mute.
Troy assumes that Paul's frantic parents will be in touch with the police or the press. But what follows is a shocking and deafening silence. And Troy, a freelance writer, finds herself as fiercely determined to protect Paul as she is to find out what happened to him. She'll need skill and courage to survive and protect her charge and herself.
Sara J. Henry's powerful and compelling Learning to Swim will move and disturb readers right up to its shattering conclusion.
Лучший роман в обложке
Julie Hyzy 0.0
Buffalo West Wing
Лучшая критическая или научно-по...
Charlaine Harris 0.0
THE SOOKIE STACKHOUSE COMPANION is a unique guide to Sookie Stackhouse and her dark fantasy southern-Gothic world, as well as an in-depth look at the award-winning HBO series TRUE BLOOD.
The book will feature a brand-new Sookie story and Charlaine's own map of Bon Temps, never before published, with every place of interest in the town, including Merlotte's bar and Sookie's home. Other treats include:
* An introduction by Charlaine about the impact Sookie Stackhouse has had on her writing career, and the influence on the genre at large
* A large section on the award-winning HBO series TRUE BLOOD
* Detailed summaries of each novel and entries on every important character, event and setting in the series, in Sookie's voice.
* An overview of Sookie's world, including information on the vampires, shapeshifter/wereanimal, and fairie factions
* Interviews with Charlaine Harris and Alan Ball
* A selection of favourite Bon Temps recipes
Лучший роман
Луиза Пенни 4.3
Шестая книга канадской писательницы из цикла о старшем инспекторе Армане Гамаше, принесшая Луизе Пенни четвертую из пяти премий Агаты Кристи!
Зима сковала Квебек морозом, укутала его в искрящийся снег, а старший инспектор Арман Гамаш берется за, пожалуй, самое необычное дело за всю свою блестящую карьеру – жестокое убийство, совершенное в одном из старейших зданий Квебека, библиотеке, хранящей историю англоязычной части городского населения. Это преступление открывает дверь в прошлое, где веками покоилась тайна… Гамашу предстоит сперва разгадать древнюю загадку, если он хочет найти библиотечного убийцу.
Лучший дебютный роман
Хилари Дэвидсон 0.0
Winner of the Anthony Award for Best First Novel

Lily Moore, a successful travel writer, fled to Spain to get away from her troubled, drug-addicted younger sister, Claudia. But when Claudia is found dead in a bathtub on the anniversary of their mother’s suicide, Lily must return to New York to deal with the aftermath.

The situation shifts from tragic to baffling when the body at the morgue turns out to be a stranger’s. The dead woman had been using Claudia’s identity for months. The real Claudia had vanished, reappearing briefly on the day her impostor died. As Claudia transforms from victim to suspect in the eyes of the police, Lily becomes determined to find her before they do.

Is Claudia actually missing, or is she playing an elaborate con game? And who’s responsible for the body that was found in the bathtub? An obsessive ex-lover? An emotionally disturbed young man with a rich and powerful father? Or Lily’s own former fiancé, who turns out to be more deeply involved with Claudia than he admits?

As Lily searches for answers, a shadowy figure stalks her and the danger to her grows. Determined to learn the truth at any cost, she is unprepared for the terrible toll it will take on her and those she loves.
Лучший роман в обложке
Duane Swierczynski 0.0
In this neighborhood, make a wrong turn and you're history. Mickey Wade is a recently-unemployed journalist who lucked into a rent-free apartment – his sick grandfather's place. The only problem: it's in a lousy neighborhood. The one where Mickey grew up, in fact. The one he was so desperate to escape.

But now he's back. Dead broke. And just when he thinks he's reached rock bottom, Mickey wakes up in the past. Literally.

At first he thinks it's a dream. All of the stores he remembered from his childhood, the cars, the rumble of the elevated train. But as he digs deeper into the past, searching for answers about the grandfather he hardly knows, Mickey meets the twelve-year-old kid who lives in the apartment below. The kid who will grow up to someday murder Mickey's father.
Лучшая критическая или научно-по...
Агата Кристи, Джон Карран 3.7
"Секретный архив" стал книгой-сенсацией и наделал много шума в кругах поклонников детектива. Автор устроил расследование в духе самой Агаты Кристи - изучив "творческую кухню" великой писательницы по записям, сделанным в блокнотах и на полях рукописей.

Таким образом, мы узнаем, что, например, в "Десяти негритятах" на роль убийцы пробовались совершенно иные персонажи, а сам сюжет неоднократно трансформировался; что расследование "Смерти на Ниле" изначально должна была вести мисс Марпл, но в итоге была заменена на Пуаро; почему леди Агата нарушила шутливый запрет Детективного клуба на использование в текстах редких ядов; что писательница обожала детские английские считалки про негритят, поросят, мышат, хикори-дикори, дроздов - и почему не всем им нашлось достойное применение в книгах.

А в конце книги читателя ждет бонус - два никогда не публиковавшихся рассказа об Эркюле Пуаро...
Лучший графический роман
Jason Starr, Mick Bertilorenzi 4.6
A modern thriller set in New York City, THE CHILL is steeped in Irish mythology. A broken-down cop tracks a seductive killer who possesses the supernatural - and very deadly - power known as "The Chill." It's a power that provides her eternal life by absorbing the sexual energy of her victims. And he may be the next victim!
Лучший роман
Луиза Пенни 4.2
Роман "Жестокие слова" продолжает серию расследований блистательного старшего инспектора Армана Гамаша — нового персонажа, созданного пером Луизы Пенни, единственного в мире пятикратного лауреата премии Агаты Кристи.

Ночью в уединенной хижине в глуши леса сидят и разговаривают двое людей. Спустя короткое время один из них умирает, унося в могилу все свои тайны. Его убийство — очередная загадка, которую предстоит разгадать старшему инспектору Арману Гамашу и его команде. Поначалу у них нет ни орудия убийства, ни мотива, одни лишь подозрения. Очевидно одно: этот человек предательски убит кем-то, кого хорошо знал. И даже после его смерти паутина предательства продолжает плестись...
Лучший дебютный роман
Sophie Littlefield 0.0
Stella Hardesty, our salty, unlikely heroine, runs a sewing shop in rural Missouri. She also has a side business helping battered women with their abusive boyfriends and husbands. When Chrissy Shaw asks Stella for help, it seems like a straightforward case, until Chrissy’s no-good husband disappears with her two-year-old son. Now Stella finds herself in a battle against a more formidable enemy as she risks her own life to recover the boy.
Лучший роман в обложке
Брайан Грули 0.0
In the dead of a Michigan winter, pieces of a snowmobile wash up near the crumbling, small town of Starvation Lake -- the same snowmobile that went down with Starvation's legendary hockey coach years earlier. But everybody knows Coach Blackburn's accident happened five miles away on a different lake. As rumors buzz about mysterious underground tunnels, the evidence from the snowmobile says one thing: murder.
Gus Carpenter, editor of the local newspaper, has recently returned to Starvation after a failed attempt to make it big at the Detroit Times. In his youth, Gus was the goalie who let a state championship get away, crushing Coach's dreams and earning the town's enmity. Now he's investigating the murder of his former coach. But even more unsettling to Gus are the holes in the town's past and the gnawing suspicion that those holes may conceal some dark and disturbing secrets secrets that some of the people closest to him may have killed to keep.
Лучший рассказ
Hank Phillippi Ryan 0.0
When true love goes wrong, a woman's best friend may be her dog. Or—not.

A twisty, diabolical, and unpredictable look at love, power, and revenge, On the House is the Agatha, Anthony, and Macavity Award-Winning short story by Hank Phillippi Ryan.

BONUS: An exclusive excerpt from Hank Phillippi Ryan's much anticipated novel of suspense, The Other Woman.
Лучшая критическая или научно-по...
Филлис Дороти Джеймс 3.8
Королева современного английского детектива Ф.Д. Джеймс расска-зывает об истории и развитии жанра… С чего начинался классический детектив? Кто был основателем жанра – Артур Конан Дойл, Уилки Коллинз или даже Чарлз Диккенс? Кем была Агата Кристи – автором, создавшим правила детективной прозы, или, напротив — их дерзкой разрушительницей? Почему знаменитая Джозефина Тэй была незаслуженно забыта на многие десятилетия и лишь теперь вернулась к читателю, а Найо Марш неизменно пользуется успехом? И почему Дэшилла Хэммета считают реформатором детективного стиля ХХ века? Все, что вы хотели узнать о детективах, но не знали, у кого спросить, - в яркой, блестящей книге Ф.Д. Джеймс!
Лучший роман
Майкл Коннелли 4.4
Еще недавно офисом Микки Холлера был салон автомобиля, а клиентами уличные бандиты и хулиганы, байкеры и мелкие наркодилеры.
Но теперь дела Микки пошли в гору.
Ему крупно повезло - после загадочной гибели коллеги, Джерри Винсента, к нему перешло громкое дело киномагната Уолтера Элиота, которого обвиняют в убийстве жены и ее любовника.
Микки изучает материалы - и невольно задает себе вопрос: а что, если Джерри и жену Элиота убил один и тот же человек?
Слишком много фактов свидетельствуют в пользу этой версии.
Но поддерживает Микки лишь один человек - легендарный детектив Гарри Босх, расследующий гибель Винсента...
Лучший дебютный роман
Стиг Ларссон 4.4
Сорок лет загадка исчезновения юной родственницы не дает покоя стареющему промышленному магнату, и вот он предпринимает последнюю в своей жизни попытку — поручает розыск журналисту Микаэлю Блумквисту. Тот берется за безнадежное дело больше для того, чтобы отвлечься от собственных неприятностей, но вскоре понимает: проблема даже сложнее, чем кажется на первый взгляд.
Как связано давнее происшествие на острове с несколькими убийствами женщин, случившимися в разные годы в разных уголках Швеции? При чем здесь цитаты из Третьей Книги Моисея? И кто, в конце концов, покушался на жизнь самого Микаэля, когда он подошел к разгадке слишком близко? И уж тем более он не мог предположить, что расследование приведет его в сущий ад среди идиллически мирного городка.
Лучший роман для детей и подростков
Chris Grabenstein 0.0
ZACK, HIS DAD, and new stepmother have just moved back to his father’s hometown, not knowing that their new house has a dark history. Fifty years ago, a crazed killer caused an accident at the nearby crossroads that took 40 innocent lives. He died when his car hit a tree in a fiery crash, and his malevolent spirit has inhabited the tree ever since. During a huge storm, lightning hits the tree, releasing the spirit, who decides his evil spree isn’t over . . . and Zack is directly in his sights.

Award-winning thriller author Chris Grabenstein fills his first book for younger readers with the same humorous and spine-tingling storytelling that has made him a fast favorite with adults.
Лучшая критическая или научно-по...
Jeff Marks 0.0
American author, editor, and critic William Parker White, better known to most as Anthony Boucher, made countless contributions to the fields of mystery and science fiction. After beginning his career as a mystery writer at 16, Boucher went on to become a New York Times mystery critic, a host for several radio programs, and the founding editor of The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction. This comprehensive biobibliography places particular emphasis on the writings and edited publications that established his reputation among readers of science fiction. Several appendices include complete bibliographic citations for Boucher's novels, articles, short stories, unpublished works, reviews, radio plays, anthologies, translations, and other written works.
Аллен Дж. Хубин
За заслуги перед жанром
Аллен Дж. Хубин / Allen J. Hubin
1 книга
0 в избранном
Лучший роман
Лора Липпман 3.3
Однажды две сестры-подростка, Санни и Хизер, не вернулись домой. Исчезли без следа. Долгие годы их безуспешно разыскивала полиция, и даже родители девочек уже перестали надеяться вновь увидеть своих дочерей… И вот, спустя тридцать лет, в полицию попала женщина, сделавшая сенсационное признание: она – Хизер, одна из пропавших много лет назад сестер. В участок на опознание срочно приехала ее мать. И тут начались странности. Арестованная рассказала о таких деталях детства двух сестер, которые, казалось, давно должна была забыть, а вот действительно важные вещи не помнила напрочь… Хизер ли это? А если нет – то кто она и зачем выдает себя за нее?..
Лучший дебютный роман
Тана Френч 3.9
Детектив Роб Райан никогда и никому не рассказывал о самом страш­ном дне своего детства, когда двое его друзей бесследно исчезли в лесу, а самого его нашли лишь чудом. Он был весь забрызган кровью и не пом­нил абсолютно ничего. И вот теперь прошлое возвращается...
В том же лесу обнаружено тело жестоко убитой двенадцатилетней Кэти Девлин - и Робу вместе с напарницей Кэсси Мэддокс поручено расследовать это преступление. У Роба нет никаких зацепок - только смутные воспоминания и слухи, окружающие загадочную гибель девочки.
Но интуиция подсказывает: раскрыть тайну смерти Кэти он сможет, если восстановит в памяти то, что случилось с ним много лет назад в лес­ной чаще...
Лучший роман в обложке
Пи Джей Пэрриш 0.0
A woman cop.

A haunting memory....

The only female detective in the Miami PD's Homicide division, Joe Frye has memories that haunt her, and a past that not even her lover, detective Louis Kincaid, truly knows. It began when Joe was an ambitious rookie cop in a small Michigan town called Echo Bay....

The bones found in the woods were the first clue in a string of unimaginably brutal murders of young women. Plunged into a heated investigation -- and caught between the dictates of a reluctant local sheriff and the state police -- Joe soon uncovers the chilling truth: In the dead of winter in the Michigan woods, she must face down a predator who has chosen her as a worthy opponent -- or become his next victim.
Лучшая критическая или научно-по...
Артур Конан Дойл, Дэниел Сташовер, Jon Lellenberg, Charles Foley 0.0
An annotated collection of the esteemed author's private correspondence includes letters shared with his mother that offers insight into his endless search for fulfillment and success outside of the Sherlock Holmes tales, his decision to leave his medical profession to write full time, and his forays into spiritualism. 50,000 first printing.
Barbara G. Peters
За заслуги перед жанром
Barbara G. Peters
1 книга
0 в избранном
Лучший роман
Laura Lippman 4.0
After finishing a shift volunteering at an inner-city soup kitchen, Ransome finds one of his car tires slashed and meets smooth-talking con man Lloyd Jupiter, who offers to help fix the flat for a nominal fee. Instead of calling the police on the 16-year-old scam artist, Ransome does the unthinkable and brings Jupiter back to his home, where he feeds him and offers him a bed for the night. When Tess returns home, she and Ransome discover that Jupiter may have information concerning an unsolved case involving the brutal murder of a federal prosecutor months earlier. After vowing not to reveal Jupiter's identity, Tess gives the local newspaper the story and almost immediately becomes Public Enemy No. 1 to a trio of ruthless law enforcement agents for refusing to reveal her source. With Ransome and Jupiter on the run and Tess trying hard to stay out of jail, the motives behind the mysterious murder are slowly uncovered
Лучший дебютный роман
Луиза Пенни 3.9
Блестящий дебют в жанре детективного романа! Премии «John Creasy New Bloody Dagger», «Arthur Ellis Award», «Anthony Award», «Dilys Award», «Barry Award»! Роман «Убийственно тихая жизнь» открывает серию расследований блистательного старшего инспектора Армана Гамаша - нового персонажа, созданного пером Луизы Пенни, ставшей единственным в мире пятикратным лауреатом премии Агаты Кристи. Старший инспектор Арман Гамаш из полиции Квебека приступает к расследованию подозрительной смерти в деревне Три Сосны, что к югу от Монреаля. Тело Джейн Нил, бывшей учительницы, которая пользовалась всеобщей любовью и уважением, найдено в лесу на окраине деревни. Смерть наступила в результате выстрела из лука. Местные жители уверены, что это несчастный случай на охоте, но у Гамаша возникает смутное предчувствие, что не все здесь так очевидно. И искать нужно не незадачливого стрелка, а безжалостного убийцу...
Лучший дебютный роман
Джон Харт 3.7
Через полтора года после загадочного исчезновения Эзры Пикенса, главы юридической империи, найдено его тело. На сына, адвоката Джексона Воркмэна, известного больше как Ворк, падает подозрение, как, впрочем, и на его сестру Джин. Поток лжи прорывает эмоциональную защиту Ворка. Он всегда находился в тени могущественного, властного отца, но жизнь Джин была полностью разрушена Эзрой. И все же - способна ли она стать убийцей? Опасаясь за жизнь сестры, Ворк начинает собственное расследование. Он сражается за спасение Джин, за свое доброе имя и любовь женщины, которой отдал сердце много лет назад.
Лучший роман в обложке
Дана Кэмерон 0.0
Just when everything is going beautifully for archaeologist Emma Fielding-- a position at a respected university, a beautiful home in New England, and the warm love of a devoted husband-- her world starts to crumble. What begins as a series of seemingly innocent gestures-- the anonymous delivery of gifts and flowers to Emma's family and friends-- soon progresses to secret, sadistic acts designed to destroy her reputation, her character, and her career.
Someone has instituted a brilliantly insidious campaign of personal terror against Emma Fielding, and she is certain she knows who it is: a cunning and dangerous enemy whom everyone but she believes is dead. But with no proof, no clues, and no allies, Emma will have to fight alone in the dark to rescue a life being rapidly reduced to ashes... if she can survive long enough to do so.
Лучший роман
William Kent Krueger 2.0
Back in the saddle as sheriff of Tamarack County, Cork O'Connor is lured to the nearby Ojibwe reservation on what appears to be a routine call -- only to become the target of sniper fire. Soon after, he's called to investigate a mutilated body found perched above the raging waters of Mercy Falls. The victim is Eddie Jacoby, a Chicago businessman negotiating an unpopular contract between his management firm and the local Indian casino. Sparks fly when the wealthy Jacoby family hires a beautiful private investigator to consult on the case. But once Cork discovers an old and passionate tie between one of the Jacoby sons and his own wife, Jo, he begins to suspect that dark, personal motives lurk behind recent events. Murder, greed, sex, and jealousy hide around every corner in this maze of danger. But somewhere beneath the turbulent Mercy Falls lies the truth -- and Cork is determined to find it....
Лучший дебютный роман
Chris Grabenstein 0.0
Just back from the horrors of the Iraq War, ex-MP John Ceepak has recently accepted a job on the Sea Haven police department. But any thoughts of enjoying some fun in the sun are put on hold when the body of a real estate tycoon is found on the Tilt-A-Whirl at a seedy local amusement park.
Лучший роман в обложке
Reed Farrel Coleman 0.0
It’s 1983 and Reaganomics is in full swing. But beneath the facade of junk bonds and easy money, New York remains a gritty metropolis offering Nirvana with one hand and desolation with the other. Moe Prager, ex-NYPD cop turned reluctant P.I. is too busy reeling from a family tragedy to see what’s coming. He’s about to be sucked into a case that might deliver him what he’s always wanted or plunge him into purgatory.
Two years earlier, Moira Heaton, a young intern for an up-and-coming politico, vanished without a trace. Although there is no evidence supporting her boss’s involvement, rumors and whispers have conspired to stall his once-promising career. Now, in a last- ditch effort to clear his name, state senator Steven Brightman, with the clout of a wealthy backer, enlists Moe’s help. With twists and turns galore and Moe’s inimitable voice, The James Deans is an absorbing page- turner that will add to the burgeoning reputation of one of today’s most promising writers.
Лучший роман
William Kent Krueger 2.0
When the corpse of a beautiful high school student is discovered on a hillside four months after her disappearance on New Year's Eve, all evidence points to her boyfriend, local bad boy Solemn Winter Moon. Despite Solemn's self-incriminating decision to go into hiding, Cork O'Connor, Aurora's former sheriff, isn't about to hang the crime on the kid, whom O'Connor is convinced is innocent. In an uphill battle to clear Solemn's name, Cork encounters no shortage of adversity. Some he knows all too well -- small-town bigotry and bureaucracy foremost among them. What Cork isn't prepared for is the emergence of a long-held resentment hailing from his own childhood. And when Solemn reappears, claiming to have seen a vision of Jesus Christ in Blood Hollow, the mystery becomes thornier than Cork could ever have anticipated. And that's when the miracles start happening....
Лучший дебютный роман
Harley Jane Kozak 0.0
Los Angeles greeting-card artist Wollie Shelley is dating forty men in sixty days as research for a radio talk show host’s upcoming book, How to Avoid Getting Dumped All the Time. Wollie is meeting plenty of eligible bachelors but not falling in love, not until she stumbles over a dead body en route to Rio Pescado—a state-run mental hospital—and is momentarily taken hostage by a charismatic “doctor” who is on the run from the Mob. Wollie fears that her beloved brother, a paranoid schizophrenic living at Rio Pescado, is involved in the murder, so rather than go to the authorities, she decides to solve the crime on her own. As she meets up with an array of small-time crooks and swaggering mobsters only slightly more sinister than the men she’s been dating, Wollie realizes that “getting dumped” is the least of her problems. Finding true love, she discovers, sometimes means learning how to avoid getting killed . . .

Dating Dead Men will keep readers guessing until the final bullet is shot—and cheering for the irresistible Wollie as she makes her way out of confusion and into the welcoming embrace of Mr. Right.
Лучший роман в обложке
Jason Starr 0.0
Times are tough for David Miller, a journalist for a second-rate financial magazine who hates his boss, is tired of supporting his girlfriend’s partying lifestyle, and recently lost his sister to cancer. But things are about to get much worse. When he loses his wallet in a midtown bar, he is launched into a world where he finds himself being blackmailed by junkies, lying to his friends and family, and stumbling into a crime that may cost him his life.
Лучшая критическая или научно-по...
Max Allan Collins 0.0
Hefty comprehensive guide to postwar American men's adventure magazines; includes descriptions of history, culture and artistry of the magazines of the 1950s-1970s.
Билл Пронзини
За заслуги перед жанром
Билл Пронзини / Bill Pronzini
42 книги
1 в избранном
Марсия Мюллер
За заслуги перед жанром
Марсия Мюллер / Marcia Muller
14 книг
1 в избранном
Лучший роман
Laura Lippman 5.0

It is early evening, summer time and hot. Two eleven year old girls, Alice and Ronnie, are on their way home from a swimming party when they happen to see a baby's stroller, with baby girl sleeping inside, left unattended on the top step of a house. Ronnie says to Alice: 'We have to take care of this baby.' But what exactly does she mean? Four days later the body of little Olivia Barnes is discovered in a hut in Baltimore's rambling Leakin Park by a young rookie detective, Nancy Porter. What can have happened in those four days to bring about this appalling crime? The girls are arrested and found guilty. Seven years later Ronnie and Alice, now eighteen, are released from their separate prisons, back into their old neighbourhood where the mother of baby Olivia still lives. Another child goes missing, and Nancy Porter and her partner get the case ...
Лучший дебютный роман
Пи Джей Трейси 3.8
Как только к новой компьютерной игре под названием "найди маньяка-убийцу" был открыт доступ, в реальной жизни произошли убийства, в точности повторившие два первых сценария. Разработчик игры Грейс Макбрайд и ее друзья-интеллектуалы попали в тиски. Если сообщить полиции о связи между игрой и убийствами, это привлечет внимание к их прошлому, которое они хотели бы навсегда стереть из памяти. Если не сообщить, то погибнет еще восемнадцать человек
Лучший роман в обложке
Робин Бёрселл 0.0
San Francisco P.D. Homicide Inspector Kate Gillespie's investigation into a bizarre apparent murder/suicide is threatening to careen out of control. A dead man might not be dead. The families of the deceased are hiding something. And there are blood-soaked threads reaching into some very lofty places. But most perplexing of all are the shocking revelations of one of the "victims" dark and dangerous history -- the more Kate learns, the less she knows. It's a case that has placed Kate Gillespie on the hot seat as her investigation gets bigger by the moment -- and puts her perilously high on a rabid killer's hit list.
Лучший роман для детей и подростков
Джоан Роулинг 4.7
Самое интересное только начинается!
Книга, покорившая мир, эталон литературы для читателей всех возрастов, синоним успеха. Книга, сделавшая Дж.К.Роулинг самым читаемым писателем современности. Книга, ставшая культовой уже для нескольких поколений.
ГАРРИ ПОТТЕР И ОРДЕН ФЕНИКСА - история продолжается.
Лучшая критическая или научно-по...
Гари Уоррен Нибур 0.0
This unique book describes and organizes nearly 2,500 mystery titles. Divided into sections-amateur, public, and private detective-titles are then categorized as traditional classic, eccentric, lone wolf, and so on. Niebuhr even notes whether each detective is of the hardboiled, softboiled (cozy), or traditional type. Author, title, subject, character, and location indexes offer further access. With more than 2,500 titles and more than 200 authors, this book provides an excellent understanding of the genre. An indispensable resource for librarians and mystery fans.

If you've been searching for a comprehensive readers' advisory guide for mystery and detective fiction, look no further. With more than 2,500 titles and more than 200 authors, this book will provide you with an excellent overview and a thorough understanding of the genre, from topics of interest, a history of mystery fiction, and subgenres, to hints for advising readers, and a discussion of collection development and preservation techniques. Even with no prior knowledge about the genre, with this guide you will find it easy to answer questions raised by readers. And if you're an avid reader of mystery and detective fiction, you will love this book as you explore titles and gain an even deeper insight into the genre. Books can be searched by author, title, character, subject, and location. An indispensable resource for library professionals, educators, and mystery fans!
Лучший исторический детектив
Rhys Bowen 0.0
No job for a lady...Fashion can be murder for Molly Murphy! Having inherited the cases of her deceased mentor Paddy Reilly, private investigator Molly Murphy is following philandering husbands, tracking down runaway debutantes and working in a sweatshop to discover who is purloining dress designs. None of these jobs seem very dangerous. at first. But when a woman's body is fished out of the East River, Molly fears it is the missing society girl everyone is talking about. Then Molly's sometime beau, police captain Daniel Sullivan, reveals that another corpse may be the girl's cheating lover, Mike Kelly. And now, as the threads of passion and greed weave a vivid tapestry of violence, Molly must descend into the underworld of the gangs of New York - only to realise that she may need more than her street smart to get to the truth. and get out alive.
Лучший роман
Майкл Коннелли 4.2
Садистски жестокое убийство ребенка, совершенное двадцать лет назад.
Одно из самых трудных дел детектива Гарри Босха.
Дело о преступлении, раскрыть которое почти невозможно.
Не сразу удается Босху найти единственную зацепку, и лишь эта тоненькая нить способна привести его к истине, если он решится пройти сквозь ад...
Лучший дебютный роман
Julia Spencer-Fleming 0.0
Clare Fergusson, St. Alban's new priest, fits like a square peg in the conservative Episcopal parish at Millers Kill, New York. She is not just a "lady," she's a tough ex-Army chopper pilot, and nobody's fool. Then a newborn infant left at the church door brings her together with the town's police chief, Russ Van Alstyne, who's also ex-Army and a cynical good shepherd for the stray sheep of his hometown. Their search for the baby's mother quickly leads them into the secrets that shadow Millers Kill like the ever-present Adirondacks. What they discover is a world of trouble, an attraction to each other—and murder...

In the Bleak Midwinter was Julia Spencer-Fleming's first novel, and it won a Macavity Award, an Agatha Award, an Anthony Award, and a Dilys Award.
Лучший роман в обложке
Робин Бёрселл 0.0
A homicide inspector with the San Francisco Police Department, Kate Gillespie worked hard to get where she is. But a frantic phone call from a snitch threatens to destroy everything she is and everything she's earned. Pulled from the bright lights of the Homicide office onto the shadowy night streets, she arrives at a clandestine meet just in time to see the frightened informer shot dead ... by another cop. Now Kate is a target, on a trail of dirty deals, corruption, and escalating violence that reaches back into her own troubled family history and deep into a department riddled with dark secrets and truths that kill. Suddenly Kate Gillespie is teetering on a "blue wall of silence" and being set up to take a long, fatal fall -- by a relentless killer who's hiding in plain sight.
Лучшая критическая или научно-по...
Джим Хуан 0.0
If characters die in a mystery novel, and no one reads their story, have they died in vain? Mystery experts -- booksellers, reviewers, genre devotees -- introduce you to personal favorites: obscure classics, up-and-coming new writers, great books that unaccountably disappeared and lesser-known titles by bestselling authors. A companion volume to our Agatha and Anthony Award-winning 100 FAVORITE MYSTERIES OF THE CENTURY, this book takes you before the bestsellers, beyond the familiar, with essays recommending over 100 mystery novels -- buried treasures that will become new favorites.
Лучший роман
Деннис Лихэйн 4.1
Американец ирландского происхождения Деннис Лихэйн — признанный мастер “нуара”, лауреат множества американских и зарубежных премий. Триллер, поставленный Клинтом Иствудом по его роману “Таинственная река” с Шоном Пенном, Тимом Роббинсом и Кевином Бэйконом в главных ролях, завоевал всемирную известность и удостоился двух “Оскаров”,“Золотого глобуса” и премии Каннского фестиваля.
Лучший роман в обложке
Шарлин Харрис 3.8
Вампир и телепатка…
Весьма необычная парочка влюбленных даже для "готского рая" - Французского квартала Нью-Орлеана. Но, как известно, недостатки есть у каждого мужчины - даже у вампира.
Например, плохая компания, имеющая привычку убивать молодых женщин.
Этого и следовало ожидать…
Но как с этим разбираться?!
Лучший роман для детей и подростков
Пенни Уорнер 0.0
Thirteen-year-old Becca and her friends Sierra, CJ, and Jonnie are determined to win the gold medal for Troop 13 at the Gold Rush Jamboee. But they face stiff competition from the other troops -- especially Troop 7, whose members love to pull pranks on them. When a mysterious clue hints at treasure buried in Camp Miwok's Haunted Caves, Becca and her friends are determined to get their hands on that, too -- even if it means sneaking from camp, hanging out with bats, and being threatened by robbers...
Лучшая критическая или научно-по...
Tony Hillerman 0.0
In this affectionate and unvarnished recollection of his past, Tony Hillerman looks at seventy-six years spent getting from hard-times farm boy to bestselling author. Using the gifts of a talented novelist and reporter, Hillerman draws brilliant portrait not just of his life, but of the world around him.
Лучший роман
Val McDermid 4.5
Winter 1963: two children have disappeared in Manchester; the murderous careers of Myra Hindley and Ian Brady have begun. On a freezing day in December, another child goes missing: 13-year-old Alison Carter vanishes from the isolated Derbyshire hamlet of Scardale. For the young George Bennett it is the beginning of his most difficult and harrowing case: a murder with no body, an investigation with more dead ends and closed faces than he'd have found in the inner city; an outcome that reverberates down the years. Decades later he tells his story to journalist Catherine Heathcote, but just when her book is poised for publication, Bennett tries to pull the plug. He has new information that he will not divulge, and that threatens the very foundation of his existence. Catherine is forced to reinvestigate the past, with results that turn the world upside down. A taut psychological thriller that explores, exposes and explodes the border between reality and illusion in a multilayered narrative that turns expectations on their head and reminds us that what we know is what we do not know...
Лучший дебютный роман
Qiu Xiaolong 4.0
Shanghai in 1990. An ancient city in a country that despite the massacre of Tiananmen Square is still in the tight grip of communist control. Chief Inspector Chen, a poet with a sound instinct for self-preservation, knows the city like few others.

When the body of a prominent Communist Party member is found, Chen is told to keep the party authorities informed about every lead. Also, he must keep the young woman's murder out of the papers at all costs. When his investigation leads him to the decadent offspring of high-ranking officials, he finds himself instantly removed from the case and reassigned to another area.

Chen has a choice: bend to the party's wishes and sacrifice his morals, or continue his investigation and risk dismissal from his job and from the party. Or worse . . .
Лучший роман в обложке
Кейт Грилли 0.0
Kelly Ryan has her hands full when a hurricane hits her tropical island home, leaving damaged houses, broken windows -- and a dead body.
Лучшая критическая или научно-по...
Джим Хуан 0.0
The Independent Mystery Booksellers Association list of 100 favorite mysteries of the 20th century represents the accumulated wisdom of the most knowledgeable people in the business. These are the books we most enjoy, the books we present to our customers over and over again, and the books that we return to when we want to visit with cherished friends.In this book, we journey through our list of 100, with reviews contributed by booksellers across the US and Canada. The book also features booksellers' lists of titles that did not make the list of 100 but should have, insights about mysteries and what our favorites mean to us, a directory of independent mystery booksellers and, finally, a 100 favorites shopping list.
Лучший роман
Peter Robinson 4.0
When a drought drains the local Thornfield Reservoir, uncovering a long-drowned small village and the skeleton of a murder victim from the 1940s, Detective Alan Banks and Detective Sergeant Annie Cabot must investigate the decades-old crime and unmask an evil secret from the past.
Лучший дебютный роман
Донна Эндрюс 3.0
Three Weddings...And a Murder

So far Meg Langslow's summer is not going swimmingly. Down in her small Virginia hometown, she's maid of honor at the nuptials of three loved ones--each of whom has dumped the planning in her capable hands. One bride is set on including a Native American herbal purification ceremony, while another wants live peacocks on the lawn. Only help from the town's drop-dead gorgeous hunk, disappointingly rumored to be gay, keeps Meg afloat in a sea of dotty relatives and outrageous neighbors.

And, in whirl of summer parties and picnics, Southern hospitality is strained to the limit by an offensive newcomer who hints at skeletons in the guests' closets. But it seems this lady has offended one too many when she's found dead in suspicious circumstances, followed by a string of accidents--some fatal. Soon, level-headed Meg's to-do list extends from flower arrangements and bridal registries to catching a killer--before the next catered event is her own funeral...
Лучший роман в обложке
Лора Липпман 2.9
Тесс Монаган наконец определилась со своим призванием в жизни и обрела столь желанную стабильность. Хотя как сказать: работает она частным детективом, а это занятие подразумевает постоянный риск и множество неприятных сюрпризов. Вот и очередной из них – странное письмо из Техаса, сообщающее, что ее давний возлюбленный, эксцентричный музыкант по прозвищу Ворон, ""в большой беде"". Очень похоже на злую шутку, но куда в таком случае он исчез? И что значит его послание, похожее на те, что писали когда-то на своих дверях люди, бежавшие от закона?.. Особенности «DETECTED. Тайна, покорившая мир» - это современные триллеры и детективы, иногда с небольшой долей мистики. Преимущества Книги серии входят в ТОП-листы самых серьезных рейтингов, продаются миллионными тиражами и всегда производят сенсацию на рынке. Серия является преемницей серии Millennium (Misterium). Авторы В серии представлены ведущие современные создатели остросюжетной литературы (Стиг Ларссон, Ю Несбё, Элизабет Джордж, Камилла Лэкберг, Брайан Макгиллоуэй, Роберт Дугони, Йон Колфер и др.), а также абсолютная классика зарубежного детектива и культовые романы от Томаса Харриса, Марио Пьюзо и Агаты Кристи.
Лучший роман века
Дафна дю Морье 4.3
"Ребекка" - не просто самый известный роман Дафны Дю Морье.
Не просто книга, по которой снят культовый фильм А.Хичкока.
Не просто произведение, заложившее стилистические основы всех "интеллектуальных триллеров" наших дней.
"Ребекка" - это роман уникальный, страшный - и прозрачный, простой - и элитный. Роман, без которого не существовало бы ни "Степного волка" Гессе, ни "Кэрри" Кинга.
Джейн Лэнгтон
За заслуги перед жанром
Джейн Лэнгтон / Jane Gillson Langton
4 книги
0 в избранном
Лучший роман
Майкл Коннелли 4.2
Бывший агент ФБР Терри Маккалеб живет размеренной жизнью на шхуне, пришвартованной в порту Лос-Анджелеса, и старается избегать стрессов: после операции по пересадке сердца врачи рекомендуют ему полный покой. Но когда к нему за помощью обращается Грасиэла Риверс, сестра которой погибла при ограблении магазина, Маккалеб не может отказать. Ведь в его груди теперь бьется сердце покойной Глории Торрес. Дело, которым занимается Маккалеб, крайне запутанное, и вскоре охоту на него начинают и ФБР и полиция. И теперь Маккейлеб должен успеть поймать хитроумного и опасного маньяка, который пойдет на все, чтобы обыграть знаменитого в прошлом охотника на серийных убийц...
Лучший дебютный роман
Уильям Кент Крюгер 3.6
Наполовину ирландец, наполовину индеец из анишинаабе, Корк О'Коннор, бывший шериф города Авроры штата Миннесота, с трудом справляется с семейным кризисом, который разлучил его с детьми.

До переезда в Аврору, где постоянно живет не больше четырех тысяч жителей, Корк работал полицейским в Чикаго, так что его мало чем может шокировать. Но когда жестоко убит городской судья, подросток-скаут объявлен пропавшим – и сам Корк оказывается втянут в это запутанное и сбивающее с толку дело о заговоре и коррупции – то даже он приходит в ужас от тайны маленького городка.
Лучший роман в обложке
Лаура Липман 2.5
Частный детектив Тесс Монаган вновь принимается за дело. Ее клиентом становится бывший заключенный Лютер Бил, прозванный журналистами Мясником из Батчерз-Хиллз. Он был осужден за убийство одиннадцатилетнего мальчика.
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