Вручение 7 марта 2016 г.

Премия за 2015 год.

Финалисты Kitschies' 2015 были отобраны из числа 176 произведений, предоставленных более чем 40 издательствами.

Жюри в номинациях «Красное щупальце» и «Золотое щупальце»:
Сара Лотц (Sarah Lotz) — британская писательница, работающая в различных жанрах;
Джеймс Смайт (James Smythe) — британский писатель-фантаст;
Никеш Шукла (Nikesh Shukla) — британский прозаик и сценарист;
Назия Кхатун (Nazia Khatun) — книготорговец;
Глен Мен (Glen Mehn) — руководитель ассоциации The Kitschies.

Жюри в номинации «Чернильное щупальце»:
Сара Макинтайр (Sarah McIntyre) — художница, создательница комиксов;
Дапо Адеолоа (Dapo Adeoloa), он же Дапс (Daps), — художник визуальных эффектов, иллюстратор;
Риган Уорнер (Regan Warner) — арт-директор в рекламной кампании;
Лорен О'Фаррелл (Lauren O'Farrell) — писательница, художница, пионер в области городского искусства, известного как «вязанное граффити» (graffiti knitting).

Жюри в номинации «Невидимое щупальце»:
Джеймс Уоллис (James Wallis) — специалист в области компьютерных игр;
Ребекка Левин (Rebecca Levene) — британская писательница;
Эмили Шорт (Emily Short) — специалист в области компьютерных игр, известных как «interactive fiction».

Жюри в номинации «Чёрное щупальце»:
Хлоя Хили (Chloe Healy), Дженни Хилл (Jenni Hill), Глен Мен (Glen Mehn), Марк Чаран Ньютон (Mark Charan Newton), Энн Перри (Anne C. Perry) и Джаред Шурин (Jared Shurin) — организаторы премии.

Награда в номинации "Невидимое щупальце" (цифровая публикация):
Life is Strange (эпизодическая компьютерная игра)
Йен Пирс "Arcadia"
Daniel Barker’s Birthday (интерактивный проект)
The Last Hours of Laura K
Bloodborne (компьютерная игра)

Страна: Великобритания Место проведения: The Star of Kings, Лондон. Дата проведения: 7 марта 2016 г.

Красное щупальце (роман)

Margaret Atwood 3.5
Stan and Charmaine are a married couple trying to stay afloat in the midst of economic and social collapse. Living in their car, surviving on tips from Charmaine's job at a dive bar, they're increasingly vulnerable to roving gangs, and in a rather desperate state. So when they see an advertisement for the Positron Project in the town of Consilience – a 'social experiment' offering stable jobs and a home of their own – they sign up immediately. All they have to do in return for this suburban paradise is give up their freedom every second month, swapping their home for a prison cell.

At first, all is well. But slowly, unknown to the other, Stan and Charmaine develop a passionate obsession with their counterparts, the couple that occupy their home when they are in prison. Soon the pressures of conformity, mistrust, guilt and sexual desire take over, and Positron looks less like a prayer answered and more like a chilling prophecy fulfilled.
Dave Hutchinson 4.5
Europe is crumbling. The Xian Flu pandemic and ongoing economic crises have fractured the European Union, the borderless Continent of the Schengen Agreement is a distant memory, and new nations are springing up everywhere, some literally overnight. For an intelligence officer like Jim, it's a nightmare. Every week or so a friendly power spawns, a new and unknown national entity which may or may not be friendly to England's interests; it's hard to keep on top of it all. But things are about to get worse for Jim. A stabbing on a London bus pitches him into a world where his intelligence service is preparing for war with another universe, and a man has come who may hold the key to unlocking the mystery.
Хьюго Вилкен 0.0
Hugo Wilcken's first novel, The Execution—a taut, psychological mystery about an average person who commits an accidental murder—got the kind of rave reviews authors dream of: He was compared to Camus and Hitchcock.

Now, in his second novel, The Reflection, the comparisons seem even more appropriate: It's a smart, creepy, steadily absorbing mystery about an average law-abiding citizen who finds himself inexplicably caught up in a case of mistaken identities—with one of his own patients.

Written in relentlessly probing prose with a delicious plot complication seemingly on every page, this is one of the most thought-provoking, chilling, and suspenseful novels you'll ever read.
N.K. Jemisin 3.9
This is the way the world ends. Again.

Three terrible things happen in a single day. Essun, a woman living an ordinary life in a small town, comes home to find that her husband has brutally murdered their son and kidnapped their daughter. Meanwhile, mighty Sanze—the world-spanning empire whose innovations have been civilization's bedrock for a thousand years—collapses as most of its citizens are murdered to serve a madman's vengeance. And worst of all, across the heart of the vast continent known as the Stillness, a great red rift has been been torn into the heart of the earth, spewing ash enough to darken the sky for years. Or centuries.

Now Essun must pursue the wreckage of her family through a deadly, dying land. Without sunlight, clean water, or arable land, and with limited stockpiles of supplies, there will be war all across the Stillness: a battle royale of nations not for power or territory, but simply for the basic resources necessary to get through the long dark night. Essun does not care if the world falls apart around her. She'll break it herself, if she must, to save her daughter.
Adam Roberts 0.0
Adam Roberts turns his attention to answering the Fermi Paradox with a taut and claustrophobic tale that echoes John Carpenters’ The Thing.

Two men while away the days in an Antarctic research station. Tensions between them build as they argue over a love-letter one of them has received. One is practical and open. The other surly, superior and obsessed with reading one book – by the philosopher Kant.

As a storm brews and they lose contact with the outside world they debate Kant, reality and the emptiness of the universe. The come to hate each other, and they learn that they are not alone.

Золотое щупальце (дебют)

Tade Thompson 0.0
Meet Weston Kogi, a London supermarket security guard. He returns to his West African home country for his aunt’s funeral. He sees his family, his ex-girlfriend, Nana, his old school mate, Church. Food is good, beer is plentiful, and telling people he works as a big-time London homicide detective seems like harmless hyperbole, until he wakes up in hell.

He is kidnapped and forced by two separate rebel factions to investigate the murder of a local hero, Papa Busi. The solution may set the country ablaze in civil war. Making Wolf is an outrageous, frightening, violent, and sometimes surreal experience of a lifetime. They say you can never go home again. Weston Kogi and the country of his birth may very well pay the ultimate price for his doing exactly that.
Сара Тейлор 0.0
The Shore: a group of small islands in the Chesapeake Bay, just off the coast of Virginia. The Shore is clumps of evergreens, wild ponies, oyster-shell roads, tumble-down houses, unwanted pregnancies, murder, and dark magic in the marshes. Sanctuary to some but nightmare to others, it's a place that generations of families both wealthy and destitute have inhabited, fled, and returned to for hundreds of years. From a half-Shawnee Indian's bold choice to escape an abusive home only to find herself with a man who will one day try to kill her, to a brave young girl's determination to protect her younger sister as methamphetamine ravages their family, the characters in this remarkable novel have deep connections to the land, and a resilience that only the place they call home could create.

Through a series of interconnecting narratives that recalls the work of David Mitchell and Jennifer Egan, Sara Taylor brings to life the small miracles and miseries of a community of outsiders, and the bonds of blood and fate that connect them all.

Spanning over a century, dreamlike and yet impossibly real, profound and playful, THE SHORE is a breathtakingly ambitious and accomplished work of fiction by a young writer of remarkable promise.
Адриан Игонибо Барретт 0.0
Furo Wariboko – born and bred in Lagos – wakes up on the morning of his job interview to discover he has turned into a white man. As he hits the city streets running, still reeling from his new-found condition, Furo finds the dead ends of his life open out before him. As a white man in Nigeria, the world is seemingly his oyster – except for one thing: despite his radical transformation, Furo's ass remains robustly black . . .

Funny, fierce, inventive and daringly provocative – this is a very modern satire, with a sting in the tail.
Кирсти Логан 2.5
The magical story of a floating circus and two young women in search of a home.
The sea has flooded the earth. North lives on a circus boat, floating between the scattered islands that remain. She dances with her beloved bear, while the rest of the crew trade dazzling and death-defying feats for food from the islanders. However, North has a secret that could capsize her life with the circus.
Callanish lives alone in her house in the middle of the ocean, with only the birds and the fish for company. As penance for a terrible mistake, she works as a gracekeeper, tending the graves of those who die at sea. What drove her from home is also what pulls her towards North.
When a storm creates a chance meeting between the two girls, their worlds change. They are magnetically drawn to one another, and the promise of a new life. But the waters are treacherous, and the tide is against them.
Пол Мелой 0.0
An incredible debut novel that will move and terrify you, as reality itself is threatened by a world just beyond our own.

And still the Night Clock ticks...

Phil Trevena’s boss is an idiot, his daughter is running wild, and his patients are killing themselves. There is something terrible growing in Phil that even his years as a mental health worker can’t explain - until he meets the enigmatic Daniel, and learns of the war for the minds of humanity that rages in Dark Time, the space between reality and nightmares measured by the Night Clock.

Drawn into the conflict, Phil and Daniel encounter the Firmament Surgeons, a brave and strange band that are all that prevents the nightmarish ranks of the Autoscopes overrunning us. The enemy is fuelled by a limitless hatred that could rip our reality apart. To end the war the darkness that dwells in the shadow of the Night Clock must be defeated...

Paul Meloy’s extraordinarily rich debut novel introduces us to a world just beyond our own, shattering our preconceptions about creativity and the human mind, and presenting us with a novel like no other.

Чернильное щупальце (иллюстрация на обложке)

Sally Gardner 0.0

Джет Парди за дизайн обложки к книге Салли Гарднер "The Door That Led to Where".

AJ Flynn has just failed all but one of his GCSEs, and his future is looking far from rosy. So when he is offered a junior position at a London law firm he hopes his life is about to change - but he could never have imagined by how much. Tidying up the archive one day, AJ finds an old key, mysteriously labelled with his name and date of birth - and he becomes determined to find the door that fits the key. And so begins an amazing journey to a very real and tangible past - 1830, to be precise - where the streets of modern Clerkenwell are replaced with cobbles and carts, and the law can be twisted to suit a villain's means. Although life in 1830 is cheap, AJ and his friends quickly find that their own lives have much more value. They've gone from sad youth statistics to young men with purpose - and at the heart of everything lies a crime that only they can solve. But with enemies all around, can they unravel the mysteries of the past, before it unravels them? A fast-paced mystery novel by one of the country's finest writers, THE DOOR THAT LED TO WHERE will delight, surprise and mesmerise all those who read it.
Брайан Кэтлинг 3.8

Пабло Деклан за обложку к книге Брайана Катлинга "The Vorrh".

Рядом с колониальным городом Эссенвальд раскинулся Ворр, огромный – возможно бесконечный – лес. Это место ангелов и демонов, воинов и священников. Разумный и магический, Ворр способен искажать время и стирать память. Легенды говорят, что в его сердце до сих пор существует Эдемский сад. И теперь бывший английский солдат хочет стать первым человеком, который перейдет Ворр из конца в конец. Вооруженный лишь странным луком, сделанным из костей и жил его умершей возлюбленной, он начинает свое путешествие, но кое-кто боится его последствий и нанимает стрелка из аборигенов, чтобы остановить странника. И на фоне этого столкновения разворачиваются истории циклопа, выращенного странными роботами, молодой девушки, чье любопытство фатальным образом изменило ей жизнь, а также исторических фигур, вроде французского писателя Реймона Русселя и фотографа Эдварда Мейбриджа. Факт и вымысел смешиваются воедино, охотники превращаются в жертв, и судьба каждого зависит лишь от таинственной воли Ворра.
Эмеральд Феннел 3.5

Патрик Леджер за обложку к книге Эмеральда Феннелла "Monsters".

A blackly comic tale about two children you would never want to meet.

Set in the Cornish town of Fowey, all is not as idyllic as the beautiful seaside town might seem. The body of a young woman is discovered in the nets of a fishing boat. It is established that the woman was murdered. Most are shocked and horrified. But there is somebody who is not - a twelve-year-old girl. She is delighted; she loves murders. Soon she is questioning the inhabitants of the town in her own personal investigation. But it is a bit boring on her own. Then Miles Giffard, a similarly odd twelve-year-old boy, arrives in Fowey with his mother, and they start investigating together. Oh, and also playing games that re-enact the murders. Just for fun, you understand...

A book about two twelve-year-olds that is definitely not for kids.
Тим Клэр 0.0

Питер Эдлингтон за обложку к книге Тим Клэр "The Honours".


1935. Norfolk.

War is looming in Great Britain and the sprawling country estate of Alderberen Hall is shadowed by suspicion and paranoia. Thirteen-year-old Delphine Venner is determined to uncover the secrets of the Hall's elite society, which has taken in her gullible mother and unstable father.

As she explores the house and discovers the secret network of hidden passages that thread through the estate, Delphine uncovers a world more dark and threatening than she ever imagined. With the help of head gamekeeper Mr Garforth, Delphine must learn the bloody lessons of war and find the soldier within herself in time to battle the deadly forces amassing in the woods . . .

The Honours is a dark, glittering and dangerously unputdownable novel which invites you to enter a thrilling and fantastical world unlike any other.
Kelly Link 3.5
NAMED ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR BY The Washington Post • Slate • Toronto Star • Kirkus Reviews

She has been hailed by Michael Chabon as “the most darkly playful voice in American fiction” and by Neil Gaiman as “a national treasure.” Now Kelly Link’s eagerly awaited new collection—her first for adult readers in a decade—proves indelibly that this bewitchingly original writer is among the finest we have.

Link has won an ardent following for her ability, with each new short story, to take readers deeply into an unforgettable, brilliantly constructed fictional universe. The nine exquisite examples in this collection show her in full command of her formidable powers. In “The Summer People,” a young girl in rural North Carolina serves as uneasy caretaker to the mysterious, never-quite-glimpsed visitors who inhabit the cottage behind her house. In “I Can See Right Through You,” a middle-aged movie star makes a disturbing trip to the Florida swamp where his former on- and off-screen love interest is shooting a ghost-hunting reality show. In “The New Boyfriend,” a suburban slumber party takes an unusual turn, and a teenage friendship is tested, when the spoiled birthday girl opens her big present: a life-size animated doll.

Hurricanes, astronauts, evil twins, bootleggers, Ouija boards, iguanas, The Wizard of Oz, superheroes, the Pyramids . . . These are just some of the talismans of an imagination as capacious and as full of wonder as that of any writer today. But as fantastical as these stories can be, they are always grounded by sly humor and an innate generosity of feeling for the frailty—and the hidden strengths—of human beings. In Get in Trouble, this one-of-a-kind talent expands the boundaries of what short fiction can do.

Чёрное щупальце (выбор судей)