
Лучшая история
Ханна Голд 4.6
In this instant literary classic about friendship, forging your own path, and doing what’s right, debut author Hannah Gold inspires fans of Pax and A Wolf Called Wander to make a difference in any way they can.

There are no polar bears left on Bear Island. At least, that’s what April’s father tells her when his scientific research takes them to a faraway Arctic outpost.

But one night, April catches a glimpse of something distinctly bear shaped loping across the horizon. A polar bear who shouldn’t be there—who is hungry, lonely and a long way from home.

Fusing environmental awareness with a touching story of kindness, The Last Bear will include full-page black-and-white illustrations as well as a note from the author with facts about the real Bear Island and the plight of the polar bears.
Лучшая книга с фактами
Кристиан Дорион 4.7
Often human scientists try and solve a problem or invent a new tool and they realise that animals have already invented it for them. In this book you will meet the animal inventors who have shared their super inventing powers to make amazing things for humans.

We have invented ways of solving problems, making unbelievable materials, ways of getting around and working out how to survive on our own for millions of years. Sometimes when a human inventor gets stuck, they come to the animal kingdom to see if we can help them out. In this book you will meet the crème de la crème of animal innovators who have created or are in the process of inventing things that people use every day.

Meet the shark who invented a pair of swimming shorts so fast, they were banned from the Olympic games. And meet the snail who has invented a house that stays cool inside even in the desert.
Лучшая история
Эль Макниколл 4.8
A KIND OF SPARK tells the story of 11-year-old Addie as she campaigns for a memorial in memory of the witch trials that took place in her Scottish hometown. Addie knows there's more to the story of these 'witches', just like there is more to hers. Can Addie challenge how the people in her town see her, and her autism, and make her voice heard? A story about friendship, courage and self-belief, perfect for fans of The Goldfish Boy.
Лучшая книга с фактами
Майк Барфилд, Джесс Брэдли 0.0
If you've ever wanted to know what a panda does all day long, how your heart manages to shift all that blood around your body or what makes a rainbow shine, you've come to the right book.

A Day in the Life of a Poo, a Gnu and You features the answers to all of these questions and many more, all told in a super-fun comic book format in three awesome sections: Human Body, Animal Kingdom and Earth and Science. A Day in the Life... is packed with facts, laughs and amazing illustrations you can dive into all day long.

Meet your grumpy liver that has to do practically EVERYTHING; your trusty hands that are very, well, handy; the spiky porcupines ready to charge; lonely Mars rovers abandoned on the Red Planet; raging tornadoes ready to rip through the pages of the book and bubbly volcanoes ready to blow.

All entries are told in the fun, friendly and informative style of Mike Barfield, and are brought to life by the colour-explosion of Jess Bradley's awesome illustrations.
Лучшая история
Вашти Харди 0.0
A year after the death of her older brother, Prue Haywood's family is still shattered by grief. But everything changes when a stranger arrives at the farm. A new, incredible technology has been discovered in the city of Medlock, where a secretive guild of inventors have developed a way to capture spirits of the dead in animal-like machines, bringing them back to life. Prue knows that the "Ghost Guild" might hold the key to bringing her brother back, so she seizes the stranger's offer to join as an apprentice. But to find her brother, she needs to find a way to get the ghost machines to remember the people they used to be. Yet if Prue succeeds, all of society could come apart...
Лучшая книга с фактами
Аманда Ли 0.0
"An inspirational book telling the tales of 29 amazing children. Children who have triumphed, overcome and persevered. Children who would put most grown ups to shame!" - Konnie Huq

This book tells the stories of girls and boys from around the world and the challenges they have faced and overcome.

It features over 29 tales of amazing young girls and boys who have achieved the unimaginable – from surviving a plane crash in the jungle to striking against climate change. There are tales of triumphing over illness and injury, and of overcoming bullying. Entries include Greta Thunberg, Boyan Slat and Phiona Mutesi, to name a few.

Each incredible story is narrated in an exciting and engaging style, and is combined with visually stunning illustrations by Amy Blackwell. Children can lose themselves in the remarkable true-life tales of ingenuity, courage and commitment.

Practical tips and skills accompany every entry, from how to deal with altitude sickness to how to be more green. They provide children with an exciting springboard and the confidence to apply the knowledge to their own life situations – now and in the future.

A perfect gift for every fearless child you know, these empowering stories show that no matter who you are, how old you are, and what you do, you can rise to the challenge.
Лучшая история
Онджали Ку Рауф 4.3
There used to be an empty chair at the back of my class, but now a new boy called Ahmet is sitting in it.

He's eight years old (just like me), but he's very strange. He never talks and never smiles and doesn't like sweets - not even lemon sherbets, which are my favourite!

But the truth is, Ahmet really isn't very strange at all. He's a refugee who's run away from a War. A real one. With bombs and fires and bullies that hurt people. And the more I find out about him, the more I want to be his friend.

That's where my best friends Josie, Michael and Tom come in. Because you see, together we've come up with a plan.
Лучшая книга с фактами
Клайв Гиффорд 5.0
Why did Roman emperors wear purple? Which color is made from crushed beetles? What green pigment might be used to build super-fast computers of the future? Find out the answers to these and many more questions in this vibrant exploration of the stories behind different colors, and the roles they've played throughout history. From black to white, and all the colors in between, every shade has a story to tell. Each color group is introduced with a stunning and interpretive double-page spread illustration, followed by illustrated entries exploring the ‘colorful’ history of particular shades. With vivid, thought-provoking illustrations and engaging bite-sized text, this book is a feast for the eyes and the mind, ready to enthral budding artists and historians alike.
Лучшая история
Крессида Коуэлл 4.5
Крессида Коуэлл, прославившаяся своим знаменитым руководством по приручению драконов и познакомившая нас с парочкой неразлучных друзей – юным викингом Иккингом и его драконом Беззубиком, – решила порадовать читателей новыми историями! Встречайте первую книгу ее нового цикла о волшебниках и воителях!
Впервые на русском языке!
Его зовут Зар, он из племени волшебников, но не владеет никакой магией. И готов на все, чтобы заполучить ее! Даже открыть охоту на ведьму, что очень опасно, ну, если верить легендам.
Ее зовут Виш, она из племени воителей и ни за что на свете не признается, что у нее есть волшебный артефакт и необычные способности.
Племена волшебников и воителей издавна враждовали друг с другом, но встреча Зара и Виш заставила по-новому взглянуть на эту традицию. Благодаря их совместному путешествию, пережитым вместе приключениям, смешным и страшным проделкам, страхам и надеждам в мире изменится очень многое.
Лучшая книга с фактами
Сьюзен Мартино 4.8
Have you ever wondered what exactly does go bump in the night? From mysteries like Shackleton’s ghostly companion to the Loch Ness Monster and friends, read the amazing evidence about these mysterious cases and make up your own mind. Things are not always what they seem - until they are, then you might wish you had never asked!
Лучшая история
Киран Ларвуд 4.4
Белоснежное одеяло покрывает широкие склоны холмов, известных как Острый хребет. Шурх-шорх. Шурх-шорх. Кто-то бредёт по глубокому снегу, и звук тяжелых шагов далеко разносится в ночной тиши. В канун Куманельника, праздника зимнего солнцестояния, в нору под названием Торнвуд пришел бард. У него на плечах была только истрепавшаяся в странствиях одежда, а в голове бессчетные сказания. И одно из них он приготовил для любопытных крольчат, которые притихли у очага в предвкушении рассказа. Это история о Подкине Одноухом - кролике, ставшем таким великим, что о храбрости его вот уже многие годы складывают легенды. Начинается она в заснеженном лесу, когда он, его сестра Паз и братишка Пик, оставшись без крова и родителей, бегут от самого жестокого врага в их землях. Избалованному и рассеянному Подкину предстоит собраться с духом, стать вождем и защитить свою семью...
Лучшая книга с фактами
Дэвид Лонг 0.0
Beautifully presented in a large, hardback format, and fully illustrated in colour throughout, this wonderful anthology is a treat for all the family. Be shocked and amazed by these incredible real-life stories of extreme survival, including...

The Man Who Sucked Blood from a Shark, a sailor who survived for 133 days on a raft in the Atlantic when his ship was torpedoed, using shark's blood in place of fresh water.
The Girl Who Fell From the Sky, a teenager who fell 2 miles from an aeroplane and trekked through the Amazon jungle to safety.
The Woman Who Froze to Death - Yet Lived, a woman who was trapped under freezing water for so long her heart stopped. Four hours later, medics managed to warm her blood enough to revive her.

Combining classic tales such as Ernest Shackleton's Antarctic voyage, as well as more modern exploits such as the adventurer who inspired the movie 127 Hours, these astonishing stories will be retold by young readers to all of their friends.
Лучшая история
Росс Маккензи 4.2
When the mysterious Nowhere Emporium arrives in Glasgow, orphan Daniel Holmes stumbles upon it quite by accident. Before long, the 'shop from nowhere' -- and its owner, Mr Silver -- draw Daniel into a breathtaking world of magic and enchantment. Recruited as Mr Silver's apprentice, Daniel learns the secrets of the Emporium's vast labyrinth of passageways and rooms -- rooms that contain wonders beyond anything Daniel has ever imagined. But when Mr Silver disappears, and a shadow from the past threatens everything, the Emporium and all its wonders begin to crumble. Can Daniel save his home, and his new friends, before the Nowhere Emporium is destroyed forever?
Лучшая книга с фактами
Адам Фрост 0.0
Pick up this book and see what you can find...Crikey! That's dead scary. If all the dead people on earth came back to life as zombies there would be 101 billion zombies in the world. Aagh! Run for your life! Check your worryometer! If you see a tiger shark be very afraid, it will eat you. On the other hand if it's a zebra shark - did you know they don't attack people? Safe! Is there anybody there? Messaging home from outer space can take forever! If you're on Venus, a message sent would reach home in 8 minutes and from Neptune it would take over 4 hours! Better check you're in range. Seeing RED! You'll have to travel all the way to Antarctica to see a red waterfall. It's called Blood Falls and the water is turned red by the element iron. WOW! Top trunks! Find out all the things an elephant does with its trunk. He would die without it. GAV! GAV! It's barking, literally, a dog bark in Russian. You'll find many of the noises animals make in different languages. WOOF! WOOF! How cool is that!
Лучшая история
Памела Бутчарт 5.0
Izzy is really pleased to have been put in charge of the new girl at school. Matilde is French, and Izzy and her friends can't wait to show her their den and its moth, and to help her avoid school dinners (also known as poison). But Matilde LOVES school dinners and even has seconds! And that's when they know. Matilde is a spy and she has come to find out their secrets. They must stop her before it's TOO LATE!!!
Лучшая книга с фактами
Энди Сид 0.0
A funny book full of silly facts, jokes, names, names and stories, plus the silliest things to do ever! With interactive content, it will keep kids entertained for hours.
Лучшая история
Кэтрин Ранделл 4.1
Все думают, что Софи сирота. Совсем малышкой ее спас эксцентричный ученый Чарльз - девочка плавала по Ла-Маншу в футляре для виолончели, завернутая в партитуру Бетховена. Жизнь в доме Чарльза оказалась по душе Софи, но строгий опекунский совет решил, что холостяцкая квартира не самое лучшее место для юной леди. Софи и Чарльз уезжают в Париж: возможно, там получится отыскать мать Софи. Спасаясь от французской полиции на крыше отеля, Софи знакомится с беспризорником Маттео - королем парижских крыш. Вместе они отправляются в опасное приключение, прочесывая город в поисках матери Софи, прежде чем девочку поймают и отправят обратно в Лондон и, самое главное, прежде чем она потеряет надежду.

Роман лауреата нескольких литературных премий Великобритании придется по вкусу поклонникам творчества Лемони Сникета и Корнелии Функе. И всем, кто верит в то, что невозможное возможно.
Лучшая книга с фактами
Тони Робинсон 0.0
Tony Robinson takes you on a headlong gallop through time, pointing out all the most important, funny, strange, amazing, entertaining, smelly and disgusting bits about World War II! It’s history, but not as we know it! Find out everything you need to know I this brilliant, action-packed, fact-filled book, including: - just how useful mashed potato is - how the Battle of Britain was won - what it takes to be a spy - how D-Day was kept a surprise
Лучшая история
Лиз Пичон 4.3
Seeing Delia without her sunglasses on is a BIG shock, but that's nothing compared with the surprise Dad has in store for me with his new found fitness regime. He says he's going to compete aty Sport's Day. Shame! Meanwhile Derek, Norman and I keep practicing in DOGZOMBIES so we're really ready for the school Talent Show.
Лучшая книга с фактами
Ник Арнольд 0.0
House of Horrors HOUSE OF HORRORS lifts the roof on the disgusting details of domestic life as only HORRIBLE SCIENCE. Who lives in a house like this? Just about everyone. This book will have the cleanest of neat freaks running for cover when they discover what they'll never be able to get out of the carpet. Full description
Книга года
Гэрет П. Джонс 3.0
14-year-old Mariel returns to England for her grandmother's funeral. It is the first time she has been back since she emigrated with her mother as a baby, and it is the beginning of the uncovering of some really extraordinary truths about the Considine family. Why did Mariel's mum argue with Grandma all those years ago?
Книга года
Lauren St John 0.0
Blue Peter award-winning mystery adventure from the author of THE WHITE GIRAFFE quartet.

'What I want,' Laura declared is to have a life packed with excitement like some of the characters in my books.' And Laura Marlin's favourite character is ace-detective Matt Walker. When she is sent to live with an uncle in St Ives, Cornwall, she's convinced that a life of adventure is hers at last. But everywhere she turns she's confronted with mysteries. Nothing is what it seems.

Is Tariq, the shopkeeper's silent son, a friend or an enemy? Why does her uncle seem so intent on erasing his own past? And why is everyone so afraid of Dead Man's Cove?

When Laura finds a message in a bottle, she embarks on a deadly quest, one that will test her detective skills to the limit and set her on a collision course with a gang of criminal masterminds who will stop at nothing to get their own way.
Книга года
Али Спаркс 0.0
Ben and Rachel Corder are sure they're in for the longest, dullest summer ever, until they discover an underground vault at the bottom of their garden with an amazing secret inside - two children from the 1950s who have been asleep for decades.

But waking up Freddy and Polly Emerson means unearthing the secrets that were buried with them. Why would their father leave them frozen? How is cryonic suspension even possible? Why doesn't the world know about the process fifty years later? How will the Emersons ever fit into the 21st century world of cell phones and microwave dinners? And why does it feel like they're all suddenly being followed?

Winner of Blue Peter's Book That I Couldn't Put Down and Book of the Year Award 2010 .
Книга года
Мэтт Хейг 4.1
Знакомьтесь, это наш герой Сэмюэль Блинк. Только он об этом не знает. О том, что он – герой и самый притом настоящий. Сэмюэль спас свою сестричку Марту из плена ужасно-ужасной злющей ведьмы, которая охотится за тенями и живет — а вы думали где? — в Тенистом лесу, где водятся одноглазые добрые тролли, правдивые пикси и опасные хульдры, которые потом передумали быть опасными и стали петь гимны солнцу.
Однако для того, чтобы выручить Марту, Сэмюэлю пришлось ненадолго стать белым кроликом, а преданному псу Ибсену удалось вернуть свой прежний – человеческий – облик.
Книга года
С. Ф. Саид 0.0
Having saved the city cats from a fate worse than death, Varjak Paw finds himself the elected and popular leader of a new gang - a gang that supports freedom and kindness for all. But will the pressure take its toll on this brave yet sometimes naive cat?

Soon the city erupts in an all-out gang war as the evil Sally Bones attempts to control the lives of all cats. Horrified and outnumbered, Varjak and the others must fight for their freedom or die trying; can Jalal's Way really be the best way?

This is another thrilling adventure, eagerly awaited by all Varjak fans, both young and old.
Лучшая книга с фактами
Тони Робинсон 0.0
The Worst Children's Jobs in History takes you back to the days when being a kid was no excuse for getting out of hard labor. This book tells the stories of all the children whose work fed the nation, kept trains running, and put clothes on everyone’s backs over the last few hundred years of Britain’s history. From a jigger-turner to a turnip-picker, from an orderly boy to a matchbox maker, this book will tell you things you probably didn’t want to know about the back-breaking realities of being a child in the past.
Самая забавная история с картинками
Энди Стэнтон 4.0
The beginning of a weird, wacky, one in a million series about the plight of the truly nasty Mr Gum and a crazy cast of characters—a cross between Roald Dahl and Monty Python

Mr Gum is a truly nasty old man. He's a complete horror who hates children, animals, fun, and corn on the cob. This book's all about him. And an angry fairy who lives in his bathtub. And Jake the dog, and a little girl named Polly, and an evil, stinky butcher all covered in guts. And there are heroes and sweets and adventures and everything.
Книга, которую я не мог отложить
С. Ф. Саид 0.0
Having saved the city cats from a fate worse than death, Varjak Paw finds himself the elected and popular leader of a new gang - a gang that supports freedom and kindness for all. But will the pressure take its toll on this brave yet sometimes naive cat?

Soon the city erupts in an all-out gang war as the evil Sally Bones attempts to control the lives of all cats. Horrified and outnumbered, Varjak and the others must fight for their freedom or die trying; can Jalal's Way really be the best way?

This is another thrilling adventure, eagerly awaited by all Varjak fans, both young and old.
Книга года
Оливер Джефферс 4.6
Жил-был мальчик. Однажды он открыл дверь своего дома и увидел на пороге Пингвина.
… Пингвин был очень грустный, и мальчик подумал, что он, должно быть, потерялся. Тогда мальчик решил помочь Пингвину найти дорогу домой.
Лучшая книга с фактами
Джайлс Такстон 0.0
He's not Superman, but he wants to save the planet! Spud is an easy going chap who's taken on a tricky New Year resolution: he’s decided to go green for a year. And this is his diary to prove it! At first Spud thinks the best way to go green is to stay in bed so that he doesn't waste any energy. But soon he learns to grow food, recycle rubbish, look after wildlife, and more. Over the year, he has a few little upsets, but with the help of Adi, his best mate, Spud is determined to give it all he’s got—no matter what goes wrong!
Лучшая иллюстрированная книга дл...
Оливер Джефферс 4.6
Жил-был мальчик. Однажды он открыл дверь своего дома и увидел на пороге Пингвина.
… Пингвин был очень грустный, и мальчик подумал, что он, должно быть, потерялся. Тогда мальчик решил помочь Пингвину найти дорогу домой.
Книга, которую я не мог отложить
Charlie Higson 0.0

Following his adventures in the Scottish Highlands, James Bond is back at Eton, where he has joined the risk-taking Danger Society. Summer vacation is on the horizon and James is looking forward to the school trip to the beautiful Italian island of Sardinia, and the opportunity to spend some time with his reclusive cousin Victor.

But all is not as it appears. James soon discovers that the seemingly peaceful island harbors some strange secrets. Before long, Victor’s house has been ransacked and important pieces of artwork have been stolen. James learns that the Millennaria—a ruthless Roman society long thought to be extinguished—is still active. He suspects the impetuous millionaire Count Ugo Carnifex may be behind it. But one of his teachers has been acting strangely as well….

As a young girl’s life hangs in the balance, it’s up to James to uncover an intricate conspiracy that will take him head-to-head with enemies more ruthless than he could have ever imagined.

The first five books and companion novel in the series are written by Charlie Higson, with the rest being written by Steve Cole.
Книга года
Michael Morpurgo 5.0
They've gone now, and I'm alone at last.
I have the whole night ahead of me, and I won't waste a single moment of it... I want tonight to be long, as long as my life...
From the battlefields of the First World War, Thomas Peaceful relives memories of his childhood and family life in the countryside.
But the clock ticks on, and every moment spent remembering the past brings Tommo closer to the one that will change his life forever.
Лучшая иллюстрированная книга дл...
Джулия Дональдсон 4.7
...Вот скала / Где над морем улитка жила / И вздыхала она то и дело: / - Как мне все надоело! / Мир огромен, а я тут сижу на скале, / А могла бы уплыть на большом корабле... / ...Или... или, может быть, на хвосте синего кита-великана?! Мир так широк, а улитка так мала - кто мог подумать, что именно крохотная улитка спасет своего большого друга, когда тот попадет в беду?
Сказка в стихах от авторов мировых бестселлеров "Груффало" и "Дочурка Груффало" с большими - на всю страницу - яркими картинками.
Книга года
Саймон Бартрам 4.2
Bob has a very important job on the Moon. But who's that in the
background making faces at him? Kids will laugh along at this strikingly illustrated tongue-in-cheek tale.
6:00 a.m. Wake up. Have two eggs for breakfast.
8:00 a.m. Arrive at launchpad. Change into special man-on-the-moon suit.
8:45 a.m. Blast off.
8:58 a.m. Arrive on Moon.
9:00 a.m. Start work.
This is how Bob, the Man on the Moon, begins his day. It's Bob's job to
entertain the tourists (handstands and high moon jumps are a hit), conduct Moon seminars (how long does it take to walk around the Moon on stilts?), sell souvenirs (pens, postcards - the usual), and keep the Moon clean and neat. Some people say that aliens are the ones who leave all the trash, but Bob tells them aliens don't exist, and he would know . . . wouldn't he?
Лучшая книга с фактами
Дэниел Хан 0.0
Stuck for something to read? Whether you're searching for a book to blow your mind and change your life, or just a light read for the beach, The Ultimate Teen Book Guide is the perfect place to start.

The book includes recommendations from teen reviewers and your favorite authors—over 700 books total—so prepare to be inspired! Whether you like fantasy, horror, chick lit, graphic novels, sci-fi, crime . . . From true classics to must-read cult fiction, from the top award-winners to up-to-the minute bestsellers, there's something for everyone.

You'll also find special genre features written by expert authors—like E. Lockhart on Love and Relationships, and Patrick Jones on Short and Gripping Books—plus Top Ten Lists by genre for the perfect place to start, and results of our Top Ten Surveys where you decided which books and authors were the best in their categories.

Each rave review comes with suggestions for what to read next, so with over 1,000 recommended books total, you'll never be without a good book again!
Лучшая иллюстрированная книга дл...
Саймон Бартрам 4.2
Bob has a very important job on the Moon. But who's that in the
background making faces at him? Kids will laugh along at this strikingly illustrated tongue-in-cheek tale.
6:00 a.m. Wake up. Have two eggs for breakfast.
8:00 a.m. Arrive at launchpad. Change into special man-on-the-moon suit.
8:45 a.m. Blast off.
8:58 a.m. Arrive on Moon.
9:00 a.m. Start work.
This is how Bob, the Man on the Moon, begins his day. It's Bob's job to
entertain the tourists (handstands and high moon jumps are a hit), conduct Moon seminars (how long does it take to walk around the Moon on stilts?), sell souvenirs (pens, postcards - the usual), and keep the Moon clean and neat. Some people say that aliens are the ones who leave all the trash, but Bob tells them aliens don't exist, and he would know . . . wouldn't he?
Книга, которую я не мог отложить
Элеанор Апдейл 0.0
1875: A small-time crook is rescued from death by an ambitious doctor. Released from prison, he uses the new London sewage system as a highway for crime. Above ground he creates a respectable image for himself, at the heart of high society. But which is the real Montmorency? Can he fight off the dangers that threaten both his lives?
Книга года
Филип Рив 3.8
В новом переводе — первый роман эпопеи «Хроники хищных городов». Действие этой фантастической саги происходит в будущем, после Шестидесятиминутной войны, когда экологические и техногенные катастрофы заставили города встать на колеса. Оторвавшись от земли, Лондон, Архангельск и прочие мегаполисы принялись путешествовать через постапокалиптический ландшафт, разыскивая артефакты Древних — и пожирая друг друга. Том Нэтсуорти, ученик в лондонской Гильдии Историков, и представить себе не мог, чем обернется для него случайная встреча с Эстер Шоу из только что проглоченного Лондоном шахтерского городка: Тому и Эстер становится известна тайна, способная изменить мировой порядок…

Возможно, самая ожидаемая премьера 2018 года — это экранизация «Хищных машин», выходящая на экраны в декабре 2018 года под названием «Хроники хищных городов». Исполнительным продюсером картины выступает Питер Джексон, постановщиком — Кристиан Риверс (мастер спецэффектов, работавший с Джексоном на съемках «Властелина колец», «Хоббита» и «Кинг-Конга»), в ролях Стивен Лэнг из «Аватара» и Хью Уивинг («Матрица», «Властелин колец»).
Лучшая книга с фактами
Richard Platt 4.6
The twenty-third of September, 1716. I write this on my last day at home. Tomorrow I am to join my Uncle Will aboard his ship and become A SAILOR. Will has told me of sea monsters and mermaids and has sailed through a hurricane. Maybe I shall see these things FOR MYSELF! Nine-year-old Jake Carpenter does indeed see all this – and more, when his ship, the Greyhound, is captured by pirates and he discovers the thrills and perils of life at sea as he embarks on an exciting new life on the wrong side of the law.
Лучшая иллюстрированная книга дл...
Джулия Дональдсон 4.6
Сказка в стихах для чтения взрослыми детям. «У ведьмы был кот, / полосатый толстяк, / рыжая коса / и высокий колпак...» Ведьма мчит по небу на помеле и роняет на землю колпак, волшебную палочку и бантик с рыжей косы. Все это по очереди находят пёс, птичка и лягушонок и просят в награду за службу прокатить их на помеле, что ведьма охотно и делает. Но метла ломается: кот, пёс, и лягушонок падают в болото, а ведьма попадает в лапы дракона; тот уже собирается съесть колдунью на ужин, как вдруг появляется жуткий, грозный зверь - чудище болот - и требует отдать ведьму ему... Куда пропали кот, пёс и лягушонок? Что случилось с птичкой и что теперь станет с ведьмой? - читайте еще одну полную сюрпризов, красочную и обаятельную книжку от авторов «Груффало».
Книга, которую я не мог отложить
Филип Рив 3.8
В новом переводе — первый роман эпопеи «Хроники хищных городов». Действие этой фантастической саги происходит в будущем, после Шестидесятиминутной войны, когда экологические и техногенные катастрофы заставили города встать на колеса. Оторвавшись от земли, Лондон, Архангельск и прочие мегаполисы принялись путешествовать через постапокалиптический ландшафт, разыскивая артефакты Древних — и пожирая друг друга. Том Нэтсуорти, ученик в лондонской Гильдии Историков, и представить себе не мог, чем обернется для него случайная встреча с Эстер Шоу из только что проглоченного Лондоном шахтерского городка: Тому и Эстер становится известна тайна, способная изменить мировой порядок…

Возможно, самая ожидаемая премьера 2018 года — это экранизация «Хищных машин», выходящая на экраны в декабре 2018 года под названием «Хроники хищных городов». Исполнительным продюсером картины выступает Питер Джексон, постановщиком — Кристиан Риверс (мастер спецэффектов, работавший с Джексоном на съемках «Властелина колец», «Хоббита» и «Кинг-Конга»), в ролях Стивен Лэнг из «Аватара» и Хью Уивинг («Матрица», «Властелин колец»).
Книга года
Ники Сингер 0.0
Robert is the class victim, the guy who's never picked for the team. So no one is more surprised than Robert himself when a strange old lady sends him on a quest to solve the mystery of derelict Chance House. Legend has it that a boy once fell to his death from an upper window. But what has this past to do with Robert's future?
Лучшая книга с фактами
Терри Диэри 3.9
Хотите знать, почему Генрих VIII считал, что женился на лошади? Все подробности об ужасных развлечениях Тюдоров (главным образом пытках)?
Какие шокирующие ругательства использовали Тюдоры?
Откройте для себя все грандиозные подробности жизни Ужасных Тюдоров! Гарантируем море крови и многое другое!
Лучшая иллюстрированная книга дл...
Тед Деван 0.0
One Christmas Crispin receives a box, which contains absolutely nothing. He thinks it's the worst Christmas ever until with the help of his friends he finds out the power of imagination and play is far more important than material things.
Лучшая новая информационная книга
Люси Летбридж 0.0
Daughter of the famous romantic poet Lord Byron, Ada Lovelace was a child prodigy. Brilliant at maths she read numbers like most people read words.

In 1843 Ada came to the attention of Charles Babbage, a scientist and techno-whizz who had just built an amazing new "Thinking Machine". She and Mr Babbage started working together - a perfect partnership which led to the most important invention of the modern world: THE COMPUTER!
Книга, которую я не мог отложить
Ники Сингер 0.0
Robert is the class victim, the guy who's never picked for the team. So no one is more surprised than Robert himself when a strange old lady sends him on a quest to solve the mystery of derelict Chance House. Legend has it that a boy once fell to his death from an upper window. But what has this past to do with Robert's future?
Книга года
Уильям Николсон 4.2
Арамант - воистину чудесный город. Настоящее царство справедливости: здесь нет ни бедности, ни преступлений, ни войн... ни сострадания, ни доброты. Жизнь горожан зависит только от оценок, полученных на Великом Экзамене. Кто вызубрил назубок - тому честь и почет, а кто не нашелся с ответом - тому придется влачить жалкое существование. И не важно, как хорошо человек владеет своим ремеслом, главное - оценки. Но, если верить легендам, когда-то все было иначе. Поющая Башня на центральной площади города была не просто архитектурной достопримечательностью. В былые времена она пела на ветру и ее дивные песни наполняли сердца людей счастьем. И вот однажды их чистая радость разгневала властительницу духов, ужасную Морах...
Уильям Николсон известен как автор сценария к фильму "Гладиатор". Однако после выхода в свет трилогии "Огненный ветер" он заслужил славу одного из ведущих детских писателей нашего времени. Перед вами - первая книга трилогии. Читайте и наслаждайтесь!
Лучшая иллюстрированная книга дл...
Аллан Альберг 0.0
What is this book about? It's about a bear. The bravest ever bear. No, three bears. No, four and twenty black bears. Or maybe a penguin. No, no, it's about a sausage. A sausage? That can't be right. I'll start again. This book is about the perfectest ever princess, a wolf, a troll, a dragon and a sausage (again). Oh, I give up. The problem is everyone thinks this is a story about them and is determined to tell it their way. So, if you really want to know who there was and what they did, you'll just have to read these funny and ridiculous stories for yourself!
Книга, которую я не мог отложить
Уильям Николсон 4.2
Арамант - воистину чудесный город. Настоящее царство справедливости: здесь нет ни бедности, ни преступлений, ни войн... ни сострадания, ни доброты. Жизнь горожан зависит только от оценок, полученных на Великом Экзамене. Кто вызубрил назубок - тому честь и почет, а кто не нашелся с ответом - тому придется влачить жалкое существование. И не важно, как хорошо человек владеет своим ремеслом, главное - оценки. Но, если верить легендам, когда-то все было иначе. Поющая Башня на центральной площади города была не просто архитектурной достопримечательностью. В былые времена она пела на ветру и ее дивные песни наполняли сердца людей счастьем. И вот однажды их чистая радость разгневала властительницу духов, ужасную Морах...
Уильям Николсон известен как автор сценария к фильму "Гладиатор". Однако после выхода в свет трилогии "Огненный ветер" он заслужил славу одного из ведущих детских писателей нашего времени. Перед вами - первая книга трилогии. Читайте и наслаждайтесь!
Лучшая сказочная история
Джоан Роулинг 4.7
«Перевернув конверт трясущимися руками, Гарри увидел на обратной стороне лиловую сургучную печать с гербом: лев, орел, барсук и змея вокруг большой буквы "Х"».

Гарри Поттер ни разу даже не слышал о «Хогварце», но на дверной коврик дома номер четыре по Бирючинной улице начинают падать письма. Адрес написан зелеными чернилами на желтоватом пергаменте, а конверт скрепляет лиловая печать. Однако письма тут же конфисковывают тетя и дядя мальчика, имеющие на редкость скверный характер. Потом, на одиннадцатый день рождения Гарри, в дом врывается гигант по имени Рубеус Огрид с невероятными новостями: Гарри Поттер – волшебник, и его ждет место в школе колдовства и ведьминских искусств «Хогварц». Потрясающие приключения начинаются!
Лучшая книга на все времена
Джеральдин Маккорин 0.0
Up and up the wind drew him.Haoyou looked about him and saw the wholeworld beneath him. And it was his. He couldbreathe! Today Haoyou was a kite, awindhover riding on spread wings.The great Miao master of the Jade Circus, offers twelve-year-old Haoyou the amazing chance to change his life -- to escape from his family's poverty and the pain of his father's recent death -- by becoming a kite rider!

Strapped onto a beautiful scarlet -- and-gold kite, Haoyou is sent into the sky to soar perilously among the clouds and entertain the awestruck crowds below. Traveling the Empire as part of the Jade Circus, Haoyou earns freedom, money, and unexpected fame -- as he skillfully performs for local villagers who believe he can bring back messages from lost loved ones whose spirits haunt the sky. Miao even plans for Haoyou to perform before the Mongol conqueror Kublai Khan himself!

But what about the duties that bind Haoyou to the ground -- his duties to his family, especially to his widowed mother? And is the Great Miao all that he seems, or could he be using Haoyou in a treacherous plot?

From incredibly versatile Carnegie Medalist Geraldine McCaughrean, author of The Stones Are Hatching, comes this dazzling story of adventure, betrayal, family, and sacrifice set in the dramatic, dangerous world of thirteenth-century China.
Лучшая книга знаний
Терри Диэри 4.2
Go back into the really rotten times of the Romans, where there were beastly battles, deadly doctors and marvellous myths. Discover what Roman soldiers wore under their kilts, how ancient Britons got their hair nice and spikey and why rich Romans needed a vomtorium. History with the nasty bits left in! 2013 is HORRIBLE HISTORIES twentieth anniversary.
Книга года
Джеральдин Маккорин 0.0
John Bunyan's A Pilgrim's Progress is a quest story filled with drama, excitement, and adventure. On his journey of a lifetime to the City of Gold, a young man named Christian meets an extraordinary cast of characters, including the terrible giant, Despair, and the monster, Apollyon. Together with Hopeful, his steadfast companion, Christian survives snipers and mantraps, the Great Bog, Vanity Fair, Lucre Hill, and Castle Doubting. But will he find the courage to cross the final river to the City of Gold and his salvation?
This remarkable retelling of the classic novel, by the award-winning children's author Geraldine McCaughrean, brings Bunyan's story to life for a generation of young readers as McCaughrean neatly draws the drama out, gradually allowing the reader to conclude that Christian is not so different from latter day heroes after all. The engaging contemporary illustrations by Jason Cockcroft bring an added poignancy to the story of a youth with a mission in life. This volume is an ideal gift and a great introduction to the full work.
Лучшая иллюстрированная книга дл...
Джулия Дональдсон, Alex Sheffler 4.7
Сказка в стихах для чтения взрослыми детям. Маленький мышонок идет через дремучий лес и, чтобы спастись от лисы, совы и змеи, выдумывает страшного Груффало - зверя, который очень любит есть лис, сов и змей.
Но сможет ли находчивый мышонок перехитрить всех голодных хищников? Ведь он-то хорошо знает, что никаких Груффало не бывает... Или бывает'
Для детей до 6 лет.
Книга, которую я не мог отложить
Алан Гиббонс 0.0
This is a novel about a boy, Phoenix, the son of a computer geek who creates a virtual reality game that gets a bit too real. Phoenix becomes Theseus pursued by the Minotaur, becomes Perseus and confronts the Gorgon, and goes down into the underworld.
Лучшая книга на все времена
Джеральдин Маккорин 0.0
John Bunyan's A Pilgrim's Progress is a quest story filled with drama, excitement, and adventure. On his journey of a lifetime to the City of Gold, a young man named Christian meets an extraordinary cast of characters, including the terrible giant, Despair, and the monster, Apollyon. Together with Hopeful, his steadfast companion, Christian survives snipers and mantraps, the Great Bog, Vanity Fair, Lucre Hill, and Castle Doubting. But will he find the courage to cross the final river to the City of Gold and his salvation?
This remarkable retelling of the classic novel, by the award-winning children's author Geraldine McCaughrean, brings Bunyan's story to life for a generation of young readers as McCaughrean neatly draws the drama out, gradually allowing the reader to conclude that Christian is not so different from latter day heroes after all. The engaging contemporary illustrations by Jason Cockcroft bring an added poignancy to the story of a youth with a mission in life. This volume is an ideal gift and a great introduction to the full work.
Книга, заставившая смеяться
Роальд Даль 4.3
Матильда - маленький гений, однако родители считают ее "буквально болячкой", а школьная директриса постоянно над ней издевается. Но правда в том, что все они глупцы, и им нет дела ни до кого, кроме себя... И Матильда решает их проучить.
Благодаря замечательному уму и скромности Матильды в школе у нее очень скоро появляются друзья, в числе которых - ее учительница, милейшая мисс Ласкин, и одноклассники, и они не дадут друг друга в обиду!
Лучшая книга, чтобы ею поделиться
Джоан Роулинг 4.7
Книга, покорившая мир, эталон литературы для читателей всех возрастов, синоним успеха. Книга, ставшая культовой уже для нескольких поколений. "Гарри Поттер и Кубок Огня" - история продолжается.