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In this shattering and iconic American novel, PEN prize-winning writer, Smith Henderson explores the complexities of freedom, community, grace, suspicion and anarchy, brilliantly depicting our…
Издательство: William Heinemann

After trying to help Benjamin Pearl, an undernourished, nearly feral eleven-year-old boy living in the Montana wilderness, social worker Pete Snow comes face to face with the boy's profoundly disturbed father, Jeremiah. With courage and caution, Pete slowly earns a measure of trust from this paranoid survivalist itching for a final conflict that will signal the coming End Times.

But as Pete's own family spins out of control, Pearl's activities spark the full-blown interest of the F.B.I., putting Pete at the center of a massive manhunt from which no one will emerge unscathed.

ISBN: 978-0434022779

Год издания: 2014

Язык: Английский

480 страниц, Твердый переплет
Формат: 16.2 x 4.1 x 24 cm
Язык: English

Лауреат: 2015 г.Кинжалы (Кинжал Джона Кризи - Новая кровь)
Номинант: 2015 г.Фолио (Премия Фолио)
2014 г.Мемориальная премия Джеймса Тейта Блэка (Художественное произведение)

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