Maps of Our Spectacular Bodies

Мэдди Мортимер - Maps of Our Spectacular Bodies

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This lyrical debut novel is at once a passionate coming-of-age story, a meditation on illness and death, and a…
Издательство: Scribner

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Эксперт Лайвлиба

20 декабря 2023 г. 17:37


5 То, о чем молчат наши тела

“Карты наших восхитительных тел” дебютантки-романистки Мэдди Мортимер была номинирована на Букеровскую премию, и я понимаю почему. Это не обычный роман о том, как рак влияет на семью — здесь рак является одним из главных героев…


ISBN: 198218177X

Год издания: 2022

Язык: Английский

Paperback, 448 pages


"... bracing ... The book is inspired by the experience of Mortimer's mother, who died of cancer in 2010, and the dynamics of this family under unthinkable strain are carefully rendered ... Though the plot occasionally borders on the melodramatic, Mortimer has produced a contemplative reflection on what it is to be perceived from behind 'walls of skin', whether actions have embodied consequences, and the incomprehensibility of suffering ... It may move between different styles and moods, but underpinning it all is the book's bursting energy and, in the face of death, its verve for life."


"... playful and surreal prose ... Using word placement, font, and shape to create images on the page, Mortimer deepens the reader's engagement with the story and characters ... Through breathtaking attention to detail, Mortimer crafts a stunning novel that touches on the expanses one life can contain."

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