
Моя оценка

A young poet tells the unforgettable story of his harrowing migration from El Salvador to the United States at the age of nine in this moving, page-turning memoir hailed as the mythic journey of our…
Издательство: Hogarth Press

Лучшая рецензия на книгу

ISBN: 9780593498064

Год издания: 2022

Язык: Английский

384 pages, Hardcover


"The magic of this book lies not only in the beguiling voice of young Javier, or the harrowing journey and immense bravery of the migrants, or in the built-in hero's journey of this narrative...The magic comes from the deep humanity with which Zamora tells the story...It is not romantic; no one is an angel or a superhero...No one is pure evil...These are flawed and complicated people caught in a flawed and complicated system that compels them to leave their countries and then punishes them for doing so...And while 'Solito' has nothing overtly political to say about this deeply politicized subject, it feels like the beating heart at the very center of all the noise."

Лауреат: 2023 г.Алекс
Номинант: 2023 г.Медаль Эндрю Карнеги (Публицистика)
2022 г.Выбор сайта Goodreads (Лучшие мемуары и автобиография)


Всего 1

9 декабря 2022 г. 05:15


4.5 хорошие мемуары

Непростой путь из Мексики в США через пустыню, продажную полицию, человеческие чувства и эмоции. 


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