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From the New York Times bestselling author of The Daughter of Doctor Moreau and Mexican Gothic comes a fabulous meld of Mexican horror movies and Nazi occultism: a dark thriller about the curse that…
Издательство: Del Rey

Silver Nitrate, роман

ISBN: 0593355369

Год издания: 2023

Язык: Английский

Твёрдый переплёт, 336 страниц.


"True to her method, she succeeds here by knowing when to follow the rules of genre storytelling and when to turn them upside down ... Several times in Silver Nitrate, a spirit commands, 'Follow me into the night.' While the better part of us hopes Montserrat and her compatriots will refuse, there is simply no resisting the dark spells cast by Moreno-Garcia's characters — nor those so expertly cast over readers by the author herself."


"If this sprawling tangle of mythic and literary references seems a little esoteric, fear not. Silvia-Moreno's soaring cosmic horror stays rooted in grit and feeling ... As always with Moreno-Garcia, the corporeal ends up meaning more to her characters than the spectral — and the heart is far from powerless against the horror. One recommendation: Read Silver Nitrate on paper. Moreno-Garcia imbues the tangible qualities of physical books with a palpable, talismanic power, just as she does with the vinyl records and silver nitrate film within those novels. And if any ink happens to come off on your fingers, take that as further proof of her magic."

Номинант: 2023 г.Выбор сайта Goodreads (Лучшие ужасы)

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