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A deeply involving new novel of young men and women at a crossroads

In the shared and private spaces of Iowa City, a loose circle of lovers and friends encounter, confront, and provoke one…
Издательство: Riverhead Books

ISBN: 9780593332337

Год издания: 2023

320 pages, Hardcover

First published May 23, 2023


"Bruising, brilliant ... Campus novels and starving-artist stories aren't uncommon. But Taylor...observes this milieu with fresh eyes, exploring how the social, sexual and creative threads in his characters' lives interweave or snag ... He writes about sex beautifully, how it fuels everyone's egos and reveals their anxieties ... Taylor's considerations of all this occasionally lapse into easy tropes or cliché ... Taylor has at once deepened and moved beyond the traditional campus novels."


"Brandon Taylor's best book so far. More mature than his Booker-nominated debut, Real Life, more polished than Filthy Animals, his third is a novel about the anxieties and pieties of millennial grad students as they grapple with the art life and, more literally, each other. Taylor asks the big questions ... Taylor's characters, with their highly attuned political-structural constitutions, can be exhilarating or exhausting, depending on taste ... Elegiac ... Beautiful and wrenching."

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