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National Book Award-winning author Colum McCann channels Diane Foley’s voice as she tells her story, as the mother of American journalist Jim Foley – in search of answers, beyond justice, found…
Издательство: Etruscan Press

ISBN: 9798985882452

Год издания: 2024

Язык: Английский

256 pages, Hardcover


"The picture Diane paints of the incompetence and fearful mishandling of the American hostages is horrifying ... The book is compact and well-told, although I wish McCann had been a little less writerly in the jarring opening and final chapters, written in the third person with flourishes I found distracting. The rest of it flows fine and true. Diane Foley's faith and empathy — she worries about Kotey's daughters, living in a camp in Syria — is nothing short of miraculous."

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