Издания и произведения

  • A Midsummer Tempest Poul Anderson
    ISBN: 0812530799, 978-0812530797
    Год издания: 1984
    Издательство: Tor Books
    Язык: Английский

    The setting is in a parallel world where William Shakespeare was not the Bard but the Great Historian. In this world, all the events depicted within Shakespeare's plays were accounts of historical fact, not fiction. As some of the plays depicted anachronistic technology, Anderson extrapolated that this world was more technologically advanced than "our" alternate history. The novel takes place in the era of Cromwell and Charles I, but the characters deal with the English Civil War which is coeval with an Industrial Revolution.

  • Произведения

  • Буря в летнюю ночь Пол Андерсон
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: A Midsummer Tempest
    Дата написания: 1974
    Первая публикация: 1996
    Перевод: Т. Голубевой
    Язык: Русский

    Молодой рыцарь Руперт упрямо хранит верность королю Карлу в недобрый час поднятого Кромвелем мятежа. Но в мире, где живы Оберон и Титания, где сама земля готова подняться против тех, кто готов сковать ее железом и камнем — история может пойти по-иному, если у тех, кто творит ее, достанет сил.

  • A Midsummer Tempest Poul Anderson
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: A Midsummer Tempest
    Дата написания: 1974
    Первая публикация: 1974
    Язык: Английский

    The setting is in a parallel world where William Shakespeare was not the Bard but the Great Historian. In this world, all the events depicted within Shakespeare's plays were accounts of historical fact, not fiction. As some of the plays depicted anachronistic technology, Anderson extrapolated that this world was more technologically advanced than "our" alternate history. The novel takes place in the era of Cromwell and Charles I, but the characters deal with the English Civil War which is coeval with an Industrial Revolution.