Democratic Ideals and Reality: A Study in the Politics of Reconstruction

Halford Mackinder


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This book, whatever its value, is the outcome of more than the merely feverous thought of War time; the ideas upon which it is based were published in outline a good dozen years ago. In 1904, in a paper on 'The Geographical Pivot of History,' read before the Royal Geographical Society, I sketched the World-Island and the Heartland; and in 1905 I wrote in the National Review on the subject of 'Man-power as a Measure of National and Imperial Strength,' an article which I believe first gave vogue to the term Man-power. In that term is implicit not only the idea of fighting strength but also that of productivity, rather than wealth, as the focus…

Форма: эссе

Оригинальное название: Democratic Ideals and Reality: A Study in the Politics of Reconstruction

Дата написания: 1919

Первая публикация: 1919

Язык: Английский

Жанры:  Всемирная история


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