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The Stars Are Also Fire begins in the early days of the next century—at the dawn of a new era of space exploration and colonization. Dagney Beynac, descendant of the legendary Anson Guthrie, becomes a heroine of a new Lunarian civilization that, over the course of a lifetime, struggles to break free of the influence of Earth.

Centuries later, the entire solar system is dominated by the cybercosm, a vast network of machine intelligences. On Earth and Luna, splintered fragments of humanity search desperately for some way to survive in a system that no longer seems to hold a place for flesh and blood. The only solution lies in the distant…

Форма: роман

Оригинальное название: The Stars Are Also Fire

Дата написания: 1994

Первая публикация: 1994

Язык: Английский

Лауреат: 1995 г.Прометей (Роман)

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