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Dominic Sheldrake has never forgotten his childhood in fifties Liverpool or the talk an old boy of his grammar school gave about the First World War. When his history teacher took the class on a field trip to France it promised to be an adventure, not the first of a series of glimpses of what lay in wait for the world. Soon Dominic would learn that a neighbour was involved in practices far older and darker than spiritualism, and stumble on a secret journal that hinted at the occult nature of the universe. How could he and his friends Roberta and Jim stop what was growing under a church in the midst of the results of the blitz? Dominic used…

Форма: роман

Первая публикация: 2016

Язык: Английский

Лауреат: 2017 г.Дети ночи
Номинант: 2017 г.Британская премия фэнтези (Лучший роман ужасов (Премия Августа Дерлета))

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