C.S. Lewis in Context

Дорис Т. Майерс - C.S. Lewis in Context

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Although C. S. Lewis (1898-1963) achieved a level of popularity as a fiction writer, literary scholars have tended to view him as a minor figure working in an insignificant genre-science fiction-or have pigeonholed him as a Christian apologist and moralist. In C. S. Lewis in Context, Doris T. Myers places his work in the literary milieu of his times and the public…

Форма: монография

Первая публикация: 1994

Язык: Английский

Жанры:  Литературоведение, Критика


Лауреат: 1995 г.Мифопоэтическая премия (Исследования творчества Инклингов)
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