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This is no ordinary storm ... Ben and his family move in to a French house cloaked by storm clouds. The walls fail to keep out intruders. Warnings appear. There is an accident. There is death. There is rain. Much rain. This is Conrad Williams' new novella. Remember to breathe. Conrad Williams was born in 1969 and has been in print since 1988. He has sold around 80 short stories to a diverse range of publications and anthologies. He is the author of three novels, 'Head Injuries', 'London Revenant' and 'The Unblemished'; three novellas, 'Nearly People', 'Game' and 'The 'Scalding Rooms'; and a collection of short stories, 'Use Once then…

Форма: повесть

Первая публикация: 2007

Язык: Английский

Номинант: 2008 г.Британская премия фэнтези (Лучшая повесть)

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