Моя оценка

Dois homens - um deles na ficção, o outro na vida real - tiveram oportunidade de assassinar Hitler antes que ele desencadeasse a Segunda Guerra Mundial. Um mal menor teria impedido um mal maior. Se é legítimo pensar que aqueles dois homens deveriam ter disparado sobre o Führer para evitar a morte de milhões, até que ponto podemos decidir quem merece viver ou morrer?

Tomás Nevinson, marido de Berta Isla, cai na tentação de regressar aos Serviços Secretos após uma temporada de ausência. Estamos no ano de 1997. Tomás é incumbido de se deslocar a uma cidade no Noroeste de Espanha para identificar uma pessoa que dez anos antes participara em…
Цикл: Невинсон, книга №2


"Exhaustive and self-contradictory while suggesting some core of consistent purpose ... He's...interested in the tropes of the genre, like a writer of westerns using the frontier as the setting for a morality tale ... A tension you can feel throughout Marías's work: between the need to fictionalize the world so you can bear it, and the need to realize what's going on so you can act."


"Central to all Marías's effects is his style. This is an interior novel, less about deeds than the guilty turmoil of thought, portrayed in long fluid sentences ...Seductively conversational and glinting with slantwise humour...as well as contradictory and grandiose, the torrent of reflection sweeps away the thought that even a closely printed novel of more than 600 pages might start taking care of itself when the writer gets into this kind of groove. And as the tale at last reaches its action-packed denouement, there's something inescapably poignant about all these drawn-out deferrals, the never-ending clauses and caveats. Keep them coming, you think, knowing there's no more left."

Форма: роман

Оригинальное название: Tomás Nevinson

Дата написания: 2021

Первая публикация: 2021

Язык: Испанский

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