Янь Гэлин


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Новинки Янь Гэлин

  • Маленький журавль из мертвой деревни Янь Гэлин
    Год издания: 2022
    Язык: Русский
    Последние дни Второй мировой войны. Маньчжурия. Японские захватчики уходят под натиском китайских войск.
    Переселенцев из Японии ждет страшная смерть. Шестнадцатилетней Тацуру чудом удается выжить, но жизнь ее горька: торговцы людьми продают девушку в бездетную китайскую семью. Утратив даже собственное имя, Тацуру становится наложницей главы семейства и тайной матерью его детей.
    История "маленького журавля", разворачивающаяся в бурные годы правления Мао Цзэдуна, - роман о мужестве, любви и о том, что люди могут оставаться людьми в тяжелейших условиях.
  • The Secret Talker Geling Yan
    ISBN: 9780063004054
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: HarperVia
    Combining the dark twists of The Silent Patient with the unsettling beauty of The Vegetarian, a tense, gripping, and wholly original psychological tale of a woman with a secret admirer—who is hiding secrets of her own.

    Beautiful, diligent, and passive, Hongmei is the perfect wife to Glen, an intelligent and caring college professor. But her quiet life in Northern California fractures when a mysterious person begins e-mailing her, pulling her into an enthralling and frightening game of cat-and-mouse. Who is stalking her? And how does this mysterious stranger know her deepest, darkest secrets?

    As Hongmei is forced to confront her own dark past in China, the façade of her idyllic life is laid bare. Increasingly desperate and self-destructive, her one hope is to turn the tables on her tormentor. Investigating the stalker’s own secret history may irrevocably tear her marriage and her world apart—a risk she must take to regain control of her life.
  • 白蛇 / Baishe Янь Гэлин
    ISBN: 9787201138602
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Tianjin People's Pub. House
    Язык: Китайский


  • Маленький журавль из мертвой деревни Янь Гэлин
    ISBN: 978-5-906986-51-1
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Аркадия
    Язык: Русский

    Последние дни Второй мировой войны. Манчжурия. Японские захватчики уходят под натиском китайских войск. Переселенцев из Японии ждет страшная смерть. Шестнадцатилетней Тацуру чудом удается выжить, но жизнь ее горька: торговцы людьми продают девушку в бездетную китайскую семью. Утратив даже собственное имя, Тацуру становится наложницей главы семейства и тайной матерью его детей. История «маленького журавля», разворачивающаяся в бурные годы правления Мао Цзедуна, — роман о мужестве, любви, и о том, что люди могут оставаться людьми в тяжелейших условиях.

  • 芳华 严歌苓
    ISBN: 9787020123728
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: 人民文学出版社
    Язык: Китайский

    上世纪七十年代,一些有文艺才能的少年男女从大江南北挑选出来,进入某部队文工团,担负军队文艺宣传的特殊使命。 郝淑雯、林丁丁、何小曼、萧穗子在这个团队里朝夕相处,她们才艺不同、性情各异,碰撞出不乏黑色幽默的情境。严格的军纪和单调的训练中,青春以独有的姿态绽放芳华。 小说用四十余年的跨度,展开她们命运的流转变迁,是为了讲述男兵刘峰的谦卑、平凡及背后值得永远探究的意义。

  • 老师好美 严歌苓
    ISBN: 9787201105239
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: 天津人民出版社
    Язык: Китайский


  • Little Aunt Crane Geling Yan
    ISBN: 1846555906, 9781846555909
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Random House UK
    Язык: Английский
    In the last days of World War II, the Japanese occupation of Manchuria has collapsed. As the Chinese move in, the elders of the Japanese settler village of Sakito decide to preserve their honour by killing all the villagers in an act of mass suicide. Only 16-year-old Tatsuru escapes.

    But Tatsuru's trials have just begun. As she flees, she falls into the hands of human traffickers. She is sold to a wealthy Chinese family, where she becomes Duohe - the clandestine second wife to the only son, and the secret bearer of his children. Against all odds, Duohe forms an unlikely friendship with the first wife Xiaohuan, united by the unshakeable bonds of motherhood and family.

    Spanning several tumultuous decades of Mao’s rule, Little Aunt Crane is a novel about love, bravery and survival, and how humanity endures in the most unlikely of circumstances.
  • The Flowers of War Янь Гэлин
    ISBN: 9781473512757
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Vintage Digital
    Язык: Английский
    December 1937. The Japanese have taken Nanking. A group of terrified schoolgirls hides in the compound of an American church. Among them is Shujuan, through whose thirteen-year-old eyes we witness the shocking events that follow.

    Run by Father Engelmann, an American priest who has been in China for many years, the church is supposedly neutral ground in the war between China and Japan. But it becomes clear the Japanese are not obeying international rules of engagement. As they pour through the streets of Nanking, raping and pillaging the civilian population, the girls are in increasing danger. And their safety is further compromised when prostitutes from the nearby brothel climb over the wall into the compound seeking refuge.

    Short, powerful, vivid, this beautiful novel transports the reader to 1930s China. Full of wonderful characters, from the austere priest to the irreverent prostitutes, it is a story about how war upsets all prejudices and how love can flourish amidst death.
  • The Flowers of War Geling Yan
    ISBN: 978-1846555893
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Harvill Secker
    Язык: Английский

    December 1937. The Japanese have taken Nanking. A group of terrified schoolgirls hides in the compound of an American church. Among them is Shujuan, through whose thirteen-year-old eyes we witness the shocking events that follow. Run by Father Engelmann, an American priest who has been in China for many years, the church is supposedly neutral ground in the war between China and Japan. But it becomes clear the Japanese are not obeying international rules of engagement. As they pour through the streets of Nanking, raping and pillaging the civilian population, the girls are in increasing danger. And their safety is further compromised…

  • 白蛇 / Baishe Янь Гэлин
    ISBN: 9787536043930
    Год издания: 2005
    Издательство: Huacheng
    Язык: Китайский
    《白蛇》通过细腻、戏剧性很强的笔法,描写了上世纪70年代的两个女人:徐群山、孙丽坤在社会大环境下内心世界的压力和变化,以及在巨大社会压力下对生活的态度和选择。“跨区域华文女作家精品文库”第一辑所选十位作家,均为台湾或北美、东南精致等地华文女作家中的佼佼者,是然他 们的作品表现侧重各有不同,艺术形态资质各异,但在表现女性的内心感受、心理流程、情感世界、生存处境方面,却有着某种一致性。需要特别强调的是,虽然这些作家在营造自己文学世界的时候具有或隐或显的女性意识和女性立场,但她们并不以此自限,而是立足女性世界,向外生发和延展,思考的面向和涉及的领域,常常超出女性范畴,而针对人类共同面临的问题。于是,她们作品的意义和价值,也就不仅仅止于女性层面,而有着更为深广的涵盖和包容。
  • White Snake and Other Stories Янь Гэлин
    ISBN: 1879960559, 978-1879960558
    Год издания: 1999
    Издательство: Aunt Lute Books
    Язык: Английский
    Short Fiction. Asian Studies. Translated from the Chinese by Lawrence A. Walker. In this collection of five short stories and one novella, set mostly in China during and after the Cultural Revolution, Geling Yan presents us with the unforgettable characters who have all, in one way or another, left home. Taking as her territory the disorienting space between home and away, Yan charts the unexpected and illuminating transformation of her characters hearts and minds as they find themselves thrust into unlikely intimacy with strangers. [Yan's] stories are very sensuous. One experiences and becomes immersed in her works instead of simply reading them. In my opinion, Geling Yan is the most exquisite fiction writer in the Chinese language today-- Joan Chen. Includes Celestial Bath, the basis for Joan Chen's film Xiu Xiu, The Sent Down Girl. Geling was awarded a Golden Horse in 1998 for her screen adaption.