
Мифопоэтическая премия за произв...
Patricia A. McKillip 0.0
They have lived among us for centuries—distant, separate, just out of sight. They fill our myths, our legends, and the stories we tell our children in the dark of night. They come from the air, from water, from earth, and from fire. What are these creatures that enjoin out imagination? Faeries. Something Rich and Strange creates a faerie story that's not to be missed: Megan is an artist who draws seascapes. Jonah owns a shop devoted to treasures from the deep. Their lives, so strongly touched by the ocean, become forever intertwined when enchanting people of the sea lure them further into the underwater world—and away from each other.
Исследования творчества Инклингов
Дорис Т. Майерс 0.0
Although C. S. Lewis (1898-1963) achieved a level of popularity as a fiction writer, literary scholars have tended to view him as a minor figure working in an insignificant genre-science fiction-or have pigeonholed him as a Christian apologist and moralist. In C. S. Lewis in Context, Doris T. Myers places his work in the literary milieu of his times and the public context of language rather than in the private realm of personal habits or relationships. A central debate early in the 20th century concerned the nature of language: was it primarily objective and empirical, as Charles K. Ogden and Ivor A. Richards argued in The Meaning of Meaning, or essentially metaphorical and impressionistic, the approach of Owen Garfield in Poetic Diction? Lewis espoused the latter theory and integrated it into the purpose and style of his fiction. Myers therefore argues that he was not “out of touch with his time:’ as some critics claim, but a 20th-century literary figure engaged in the issues of his day. New readings of many of Lewis’s best known works reflect this linguistic approach. For example, Myers analyzes The Pilgrim’s Regress (1933) in terms of a distinction between archetypal and individual metaphor to highlight the work’s strengths and weaknesses. Instead of interpreting That Hideous Strength (1945) conventionally as a defense of Christianity, she reformulates the debate as that of language the facilitator of rule versus language the instrument of tyranny. She also draws a new parallel between the Chronicles of Narnia and Spenser’s Faerie Queen, showing that they are modeled on similar heroic ideals and narrative technique. Out of the Silent Planet (1938), Perelandra (1943), and Till We Have Faces (1956) are discussed in a new light as well. By approaching Lewis’s fiction through the linguistic controversies of his day, Myers not only develops a new framework within which to evaluate his works, but also clarifies his literary contributions. This valuable study will appeal to literary and linguistic scholars as well as to general enthusiasts of Lewis’s fiction.
Мифопоэтическая премия за исслед...
Джеймс Рой Кинг 0.0
This guidebook to the Bright-Shadow World develops three closely related issues. The first is the position that fairytales and folktales are of value today because they encourage the growth of capabilities important in our postmodern world. Each of us, like the fairytale hero, sets out on his/her own quests, seeks his/her own identity, faces his/her own dilemmas with few resources but wit, imagination, and a certain power of improvisation. King develops the implications of this situation for such common fairytale problems as learning to read the world productively; navigating various kinds of "edges;" exploiting power sources; developing highly personal moral commitments; problem solving; and data collecting.

The second concern of this book is with the development of a system for analyzing narrative structure. The formula offered here involves an examination of interactions among actors, physical settings, lines of force, and power sources as a narrative moves toward its denouement. This system facilitates the classifying, and contrasting of narratives, and illuminates the structure of both narrative and lived experience.

Finally, this book is concerned with myth-making or world-making processes. It is shown that traditional narrative actually points to and delineates another dimension of existence (here called "the Bright-Shadow World") that operates by rules of its own and may be penetrated by individuals from our ordinary world. Inferences about the Bright-Shadow World drawn from traditional narrative are described and evaluated.
Мифопоэтическая премия за произв...
Delia Sherman 0.0
Narrated by the family's chatterbox chambermaid, it is a rich, sinister, and funny novel of romance, sorcery, and aristocracy.
Мифопоэтическая премия за произв...
Suzy McKee Charnas 0.0
To escape the abuse of his now-dead father, Kevin Malone has created his own magical world, the Fayre Farre, and he is Prince Kavian. Amy, a former classmate, arrives in the final days before the epic battle between Prince Kavian and his nemesis. “A sure winner which will be enjoyed by readers who may be overwhelmed by high fantasy.”--Children’s Book Review Service
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Вэйн Г. Хаммонд, Douglas A. Anderson 0.0
Winchester Bibliographies of 20th Century Writers.
Мифопоэтическая премия за исслед...
Кэт Филмер 0.0
Twentieth-Century Fantasists is a collection of essays which examine the way in which fantasy literature functions as cultural and social criticism. Essays on Tolkien, Le Guin, Angela Carter, H.G. Wells and C.S. Lewis are included: and also works by William Burroughs, Ford Madox Ford, and Salman Rushdie are discussed. The book surveys the social and cultural changes of the twentieth century as reflected in the works of fantasy writers.
Мифопоэтическая премия за произв...
Jane Yolen 3.8
Ever since she was a child, Rebecca has been enchanted by her grandmother Gemma's stories about Briar Rose. But a promise Rebecca makes to her dying grandmother will lead her on a remarkable journey to uncover the truth of Gemma's astonishing claim: I am Briar Rose. A journey that will lead her to unspeakable brutality and horror. But also to redemption and hope.
Мифопоэтическая премия за произв...
Дебра Дойл, Джеймс Д. Макдоналд 0.0
On the evening before he is knighted, young Will Odosson is told his wyrd-his fate: He will not inherit his father’s barony; he will meet Death before the year is out. “Strong main characters and a smoothly written plot make this a hard book to put down. Like many fantasies this one is full of magic which keeps the characters and plot moving.”-VOYA
Дэвид С. Даунинг
Исследования творчества Инклингов
Дэвид С. Даунинг / David C. Downing
1 книга
1 в избранном

За книгу ""Planets in Peril: A Critical Study of C.S. Lewis's Ransom Trilogy"

Мифопоэтическая премия за исслед...
Брайан Аттебери 0.0
Brian Attebery's "strategy of fantasy" include not only the writer's strategies for inventing believable impossibiltes, but also the reader's strategies for enjoying, challenging, and conspiring with the text. Drawing on a number of current literary theories (but avoiding most of their jargon), Attebery makes a case for fantasy as a significant movement within postmodern literature rather than as a simple exercise of nostalgia. Attebury examines recent and classic fantasies by Ursula K. Le Guin, John Crowley, J.R.R. Tolkien, Diana Wynne Jones, and Gene Wolfe, among others. In both its popular and postmodern incarnations, fantasic fiction exhibits a remarkable capacity for reinventing narrative concentions. Attebery shows how plots, characters, settings, storytelling frameworks, gender divisions, and references to cultural texts such as history and science are all called into question the moment the marvelous is admited into a story.
Мифопоэтическая премия за произв...
Eleanor Arnason 3.5
Lixia and the members of her human crew are determined not to disturb the life on the planet circling the Star Sigma Draconis which they have begun exploring. But the factions on the mother ship hovering above the planet may create an unintended chaos for both the life on the planet and the humans exploring it. As the anger increases on the ship, the ground crew becomes more and more affected by the conflict and begins to rely on their instincts to keep the project moving forward. Unexpected danger plagues the mission as Lixia is determined to expand her knowledge.
Мифопоэтическая премия за произв...
Салман Рушди 3.9
«Гарун и Море Историй» — тонкая и умная вещь, вобравшая в себя пряный колорит «Тысячи и одной ночи», нежность «Маленького принца» и парадоксальный юмор «Алисы в стране чудес». Роман уже завоевал сердца больших и маленьких читателей по всему миру — за него автор получил награду американской Гильдии Писателей, а в Лондоне и Нью-Йорке с сенсационным успехом идут постановки театральной версии — «Гаруна…». Вы еще не летали с мудрым мальчиком Гаруном на незримую Луну, оседлав сказочную птицу? Спешите — миллионы читателей во всем мире уже совершили это захватывающее путешествие!
Исследования творчества Инклингов
Питер Шакел 0.0
This compilation of 16 essays, most of them published here for time, demonstrates how an awareness of Lewis's ideas about language and narrative is essential to a full understanding and appreciation of his thought and works. The contributors examine Lewis's poetry, The Dark Tower, Studies in Words, and other works that have so far received little attention, in addition to more familiar parts of the Lewis canon, such as the Narnia stories, the Ransom trilogy (Out of the Silent Planet, Perelandra, That Hideous Strength), Surprised by Joy, and The Allegory of Love.
Мифопоэтическая премия за исслед...
Кэт Филмер 0.0
Мифопоэтическая премия фэнтези
Эллен Кашнер 4.1
«Глянул я окрест и душа моя уязвлена стала. Любимая фантастика утопает в крови, некое несуществующее Добро с невероятной жестокостью мочит столь же небывалое Зло… И за этими разборками авторы напрочь забывают о существовании обычной доброты», — говорил Святослав Логинов на седьмом «Росконе». В этой книге кровь тоже льется — несколько капель, чтобы напоить неприкаянную душу в Эльфийской стране. Герои книги не носят мечей, они просто живут настоящей жизнью в своем XII веке по соседству с Дивным народом. Здесь все настоящее: грязь по весне на холмах, в которой тонут овцы, любовь и верность, страсть и страдание. Даже Королева Эльфийской страны — и та настоящая. Кашнер удалось невозможное — рассказать древнюю легенду о Томасе Лермонте так, что дух захватывает от красоты и правдивости повествования.
Исследования творчества Инклингов
Джордж Сейер 0.0
Jack sheds new light on Lewis's academic career, discusses his religious experience, and deals frankly with his romantic relationships.
Мифопоэтическая премия фэнтези
Тим Пауэрс 4.1
Еще одна книга как и Врата Анубиса написанная в жанре альтернативной или крипто истории, истории, где события хорошо нам известные тесным образом переплетаются с вещами, ускользающими от нашего взгляда. Где величайшие поэты всех времен занимают свое вдохновение у вампиров и ламий, иссушающих их и взимающих за свою заботу кровавую плату. Где хирург Майкл Кроуфорд едет на свою свадьбу и еще не знает о той роли, которую ему суждено сыграть в жизни великих поэтов. Где над всем старым светом огромной мрачной тенью реет австрийская империя Габсбургов. А с высоты на всю эту мышиную возню молчаливо взирают вечные горы.
Мифопоэтическая премия фэнтези
Michael Bishop 0.0
Unicorns roam the uplands of Libby Quarrels' mountain ranch. When Libby takes the AIDS-afflicted Bo Gavin out of exile in Atlanta to live with her in Colorado, she sees no connection between his disease and the fantastic secret she guards. But it so happens the unicorns suffer from a plague of their own, and the alternate world that touches the high country has unleashed magic sinister as well as marvelous. While Libby's Indian ranch hand Sam is stalked by his wife's headless ghost, his estranged daughter has visions that propel her toward the grueling Sun Dance ritual, where an encounter with the spirit world may decide the fate of both the unicorns and the people whose lives they've touched.
Исследования творчества Инклингов
J.R.R. Tolkien, Christopher Tolkien 4.6
In this sixth volume of The History of Middle-earth the story reaches The Lord of the Rings. In The Return of the Shadow (an abandoned title for the first volume) Christopher Tolkien describes, with full citation of the earliest notes, outline plans, and narrative drafts, the intricate evolution of The Fellowship of the Ring and the gradual emergence of the conceptions that transformed what J.R.R. Tolkien for long believed would be a far shorter book, 'a sequel to The Hobbit'. The enlargement of Bilbo's 'magic ring' into the supremely potent and dangerous Ruling Ring of the Dark Lord is traced and the precise moment is seen when, in an astonishing and unforeseen leap in the earliest narrative, a Black Rider first rode into the Shire, his significance still unknown. The character of the hobbit called Trotter (afterwards Strider or Aragorn) is developed while his indentity remains an absolute puzzle, and the suspicion only very slowly becomes certainty that he must after all be a Man. The hobbits, Frodo's companions, undergo intricate permutations of name and personality, and other major figures appear in strange modes: a sinister Treebeard, in league with the Enemy, a ferocious and malevolent Farmer Maggot.

The story in this book ends at the point where J.R.R. Tolkien halted in the story for a long time, as the Company of the Ring, still lacking Legolas and Gimli, stood before the tomb of Balin in the Mines of Moria. The Return of the Shadow is illustrated with reproductions of the first maps and notable pages from the earliest manuscripts.
Мифопоэтическая премия фэнтези
Орсон Скотт Кард 3.9
Чтобы нарушить хрупкий ход истории, вовсе не обязательно быть волшебником. Одна роковая случайность и... И знаменитый полководец Наполеон плывет в Америку, чтобы усмирить восставшие Штаты, Бенджамин Франклин становится великим магом, Джордж Вашингтон слагает голову на плахе, а по дорогам Северной Америки странствует поэт-провидец Уильям Блейк...
Мифопоэтическая премия фэнтези
Питер Бигл 4.2
Приключения Джо Фаррелла и его старенького фольксвагена, мадам Шуман-Хейнк, продолжаются. Все далеко не так, как кажется на первый взгляд, в местном клубе Возрождения средневековья на западном побережье. Или наоборот, все именно так, как выглядит? Женщины, наряжающиеся в ведьм, вдруг начинают читать заклятия и призывать что-то уж точно недоброе не понять откуда. Зубы у мужчин, облачающихся в доспехи, становятся гнилыми, а их выговор приобретает средневековый акцент. Что же делать рядовому бездельнику? Если этот бездельник — Джо Фаррелл — найти подружку, приготовить кучу всяких вкусностей и оказаться в самом центре Действительно Великих Событий!
Ричард Л. Партилл
Исследования творчества Инклингов
Ричард Л. Партилл / Richard L. Purtill
1 книга
1 в избранном

За книгу "J.R.R. Tolkien: Myth, Morality, and Religion"

Мифопоэтическая премия фэнтези
Барри Хьюарт 4.2
Дети деревни Ку-Фу от восьми до тринадцати лет отравились ядом "ку". Десятый Бык находит в Пекине Ли Као — мудреца "с лёгким изъяном в характере", и они отправляются за противоядием. Для этого им нужно добыть Великий Корень Силы, но это не так-то просто. В дело впутаны могущественные силы, и обычное путешествие превращается в большую головоломку с множеством тайн. Героям придётся очень тяжело, и с каждым шагом к истине испытания становятся только труднее...
Исследования творчества Инклингов
Глен Кавальеро 0.0
Charles Williams (1886-1945), the friend of T. S. Eliot, C. S. Lewis, and J. R. R. Tolkien, was both a writer with many gifts and a religious thinker of an unusual kind. Poet, playwright, novelist, biographer, critic, and theologian, in each capacity he displayed a distinctive and highly imaginative cast of mind. Here, in the first full-length study to appear for over twenty years, Glen Cavaliero discusses Williams's work in its entirety and pays particular attention to the manner in which his theological ideas were shaped and furthered by his various literary achievements. Following a brief account of Williams's life, the author examines the early poems, the criticism, biographies and plays, the novels, the Arthurian poems, and the assessment of Charles Williams's literary and theological importance. The book also illuminates the relationship between religious belief and the scope and working of the poetic mind. The discussion of Williams's place in twentieth-century literary history as a writer of ""fantasy literature, and of his unique gifts as a Christian apologist in an age of skepticism, ensures that this book will be of immense interest to literary critics and theologians alike. Glen Cavaliero, poet and critic, is a member of the Faculty of English at the University of Cambridge. He is the author of three collections of poems and of 'John Cowper Powys: Novelist; The Rural Tradition in the English Novel, 1900-1939'; and 'A Reading of E. M. Forster.'
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